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Posted - 02/22/2015 :  11:16:36  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
At this juncture I feel it is important to share what I have come to find experimenting with Zinc Chloride on it's own and mixed with other things.

As per Dan's warnings at the bottom of the page...This is not advice and I do not recommend anyone try what I have tried ...see a doctor..
This is just an outline of my journey and my experience..

Based upon my experimentation I suspect that it is the Zinc Chloride not the Bloodroot that is the truly "Active ingredient" in Bloodroot paste.. In fact when Dr. Mohs spoke of his paste he did not call it Bloodroot paste, he called it Zinc Chloride paste. It just happens to have Bloodroot powder in it. I suspect that when the first people / business’s started making the paste to sell for profit, in an effort to keep the active ingredient secret called it bloodroot paste to throw people who might try to copy them off..just a theory but it makes sense..Bloodroot on it’s own is useless ..zinc chloride on it’s own POWERFUL.

Mohs used Dichloroacetic acid ( a corrosive) to prepare the area where he would apply the Zinc paste. I’ll go deeper into that aspect later.

I purchased a pound of Zinc Chloride crystals a few years back and have been experimenting off and on since.

I have a ton of AK damage, lots of little bcc's, a few medium and a few VERY large nodular BCC's...this is all on my face, forehead, nose, ears, neck shoulders and scalp...ugh!

I have run the litany of topicals here..I would equate what I have been doing to acid peels over the last 10 years which has kept the AK's slowed down and or eradicated them in some cases. I’ve kept them slowed down and skin looking not too bad except where I have the big daddies..Those I keep covered with micropore tape and have hit with harsher acids, etched holes in them ...just a ton o fun...

Literally I have tried dozens of things mentioned here at

Most help a little..

I did use Efudex (Floracil) early on and a dermatologist later told me that he had come to believe, though it may knock out immediate AK's it may actually later be the cause of new ones...yikes!

I did the eggplant / vinegar ….what a mess and waste of time

the cymillium with ammonia and enzymes ….helped some small ones but the big BCC’s not a chance

Vitamin C…this stuff works …it’s an acid…It is chemically eating away your skin…this is why lots of spa’s use it in their facial skin washes / acid peels, it’s slow, it’s messy and painful ..the bigger the lesion the less likely you will win.
Same goes for Baking Soda…

I used acetylsalicylic acid ( Aspirin ) again an acid ..Also used by spa’s in acid peels

I tried flash...NOT A FAN

I tried Bloodroot paste.... It works but Holy Smokes is it powerful and painful...and when dealing with these darn lesions one really doesn't know how deep they go...i.e. Hoxey and her nose. : (

I have always used it carefully and sparingly and though I have removed biopsied BCC's I have also had them return :( not all of them but some of them and that stinks.

Understand that we are all different, with different levels of genetic susceptibility to getting these lesions , linked with different levels of skin / UV exposure when one person has 100% success it may be that they are just one of those lucky ones less prone to lesions

Me I'm 61 and had my first AK's diagnosed and burned off when I was @ 32..
It wasn't until my mid 40's that things started to get ugly with the BCC's

OK so... Zinc Chloride..I’ll refer to as ZC sometimes

I purchased a pound of the crystals and use it very carefully sparingly...The stuff is POWERFUL

I take a level teaspoon of the crystals and dilute with a level teaspoon of purified water..

That's it...I use an old Clear eyes bottle (LABELED CLEARLY “ACID! DO NOT USE IN EYES!”)

On any "bleeder" that I get, I drop a few drops on a q-tip and dab a little on it. It stings a bit, usually stops the bleeding and the area turns white. Depending on how deep the cancer is it might swell up scabs over and again depending on the size a few days to a week later the scab falls off and there is fresh new skin…the area may come back as a bleeder I just reapply

As I mentioned Mohs used Dichloroacetic acid, this burns layers of the skin off making it easier to get to / exposing the skin cancer.

If I were to put the ZC on the non-bleeding area it is not normally going to turn white. though it does happen rarely. Placed on an open wound BANG! It hurts / burns and the diseased tissue turns white.

I do not know this to be factual but I was told this by Dr. Larson who makes XXTERRA which is basically Zinc Chloride / Bloodroot paste that he sells to the veterinary sector for Horse sarcoma’s….why? Because it works…Sarcoma’s are a type of skin tumor and Dr. Larson decided to try Mohs recipe on them and found that it was effective in treating them.

He explained as such:

Tumors have a way of hiding from the immune system, he described it as a protective sac that lets the body think it belongs there. When you apply the paste it exposes the lesion as an invader and the white blood cells attack with a vengeance killing the invader..thus why it turns white.. Below is a picture of Dr. Mohs removing a lesion 24 hours after applying the paste.

I am not really sure where I am at with this but I believe I have come up with a way to get the suspect areas to ulcerate and once they are ulcerating / bleeding, I hit them with the zinc juice. They turn white and then die off / fall off over a period of a few days or weeks depending on the depth.

Though I have been hitting small lesions with the ZC juice and killing things for several months this new procedure seems to be more effective than anything before..

I will share my technique / procedure, results and pictures therein if successful later…

Edited by - anivoc on 04/11/2015 09:46:52


27 Posts

Posted - 03/31/2015 :  12:20:13  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Good work there Anivoc,

You are very consistent.You deserve cure.
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Posted - 05/07/2015 :  11:18:04  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
I have been using zinc chloride like this for about 8 to 9 months. black salve for about two years. Butter zinc [zinc chloride and distilled water] will start burning only bad tissue its mechanism of working seems to be removing bad oils which most viruses produce for their defense. Statistically 95% of all cancers can be traced back to virus. The way I have been using butter zinc to find all of the infection is to start the shower put it on and find out where the burning is and wash it off. If you leave it on for too long it will absorbed into the skin and start getting to internal organs as I have found out. I left it on my backside for about 45 minutes and washed it off no burning because I removed all the bad tissue close to the surface already less than a day later you feel the arteries throbbing with the heart there is muscle tissue in arteries not veins. About two days later it was hitting the prostate. I had a very difficult time having bowel movements for about eight days. So you must be very careful on leaving it on very long. I believe it did a lot of good but it was very painful.
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Posted - 06/25/2015 :  16:34:34  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
I am 55 have had bcc's since my 20's; actually the first one was diagnosed as squamous and so far all others bcc. Tired of the knife, about 8 yrs ago read about bloodroot paste probably on this forum and have enjoyed success up until the most recent one on my forehead which I am going to have it removed next week. Honestly, if I would have left it on longer (the paste) things may have been different. This is a nasty one and I have 2 others on my face that I will treat with blood root later. Just want to get the forehead one done (at least for now).
Very interested in the zinc chloride thread as I have thought also seemed to be the real worker of the two so if anivoc, dog or anyone else has info to share on this I am most thankful to this great forum. Also working to strengthen the immune system with healthy food and supplements. God Bless you - Bill
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Posted - 07/02/2015 :  23:17:07  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
bspratt it is my belief I am not a doctor that before putting any black salve or anything like that on your self from the neck up you should clean up where the viral infection started in the mouth. Herbal has excellent internal tonic and herbal toothpaste the toothpaste is about 10 bucks the internal tonic is about 60 it comes from Ecuador it works extremely good. At first you will notice all the canker sores that you ever had in your life will start to come out of your mouth. If you hold the internal tonic in your mouth too long the first time as my wife did it did a lot of good but too fast she was not able to talk or eat for two days. I have been having a lot of good side effects with very little bad the bad one is using zinc chloride and water made up into the consistency of oil. You are not able to sleep so much blood circulation. Usually the first thing that happens is the burning you wash it off extremely quick. Once you get through the burning. You will notice itching about four hours later extremely painful itching. The good side effects I have I am 50 years old I had knee surgery once before I was thinking of doing it again but I started using a.k.a. MMS2 which brought my stomach acids up along with my immune system and about a year later I ran into black salve that was over two years ago. My father has two metal knee joints I haven't been able to stand on one leg and touch my nose with my toe for over 30 years except for now because of using butter of zinc. My mother passed away from renal failure I had a rash like eczema coming out of my right kidney also my knees. The only spot I use black salve on is pinpointed places of infection which you can easily find by using butter of zinc and washing it off within a very short time you'll know where all the infection is from the burning. And the rashes starting to come out of your body. Taking high doses B3 will also help locate the joints that are sore or the spots that have troubles the flushing affect will be hitting those areas also besides the face.
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58 Posts

Posted - 07/03/2015 :  10:19:32  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Update - decided to push back the procedure for my forehead and attack one more time with first Black Super Draw Poultice (Dr. Schulze) which includes some bloodroot for 2 days then hit it with mostly bloodroot and small amount of poultice. 1st day of bloodroot my forehead or just below swelled to a small baseball. 2nd day it began to drop to eyes and nose which my kids were pretty freaked out or thought it was funny. Yesterday after 2 days of mostly bloodroot I applied healing poultice of just straight aloe from the plant. Today the same and I think the swelling in my eyes and nose has peaked and starting to shrink. Looking at the wound the hole is bigger and deeper than ever before but I am ok with this even with round the clock headache. Took 1 pain reliever during day and 2 ibuprofen nightly to sleep. Also juicing for breakfast and lunch. Working on long term lifestyle changes clean eating with supplements. Will update as we go along. Thanks dog for sharing your experience, we have ordered some natural toothpaste and also put a filter on the shower head. May look into the tonic - strong would be an understatement! Blessings - Bill
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668 Posts

Posted - 07/04/2015 :  07:24:30  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Hang in there Bspratt...been there done that and the worst is over for now...

Hopefully you took before and after pictures...

It is helpful for people that are scared and up against a wall with these darn things.

For your comfort here are pictures I took in December of 2001 when I did my first round of blood root paste that was a long time ago!

The encouraging part is I healed up well...the discouraging part is I keep on fighting the fight and more are popping up ..the nose one never came back but the forehead ones have and it's not fun...

Continuing on with the various alternatives...

All the best to you in you journey!


Edited by - anivoc on 07/04/2015 07:24:54
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Posted - 07/05/2015 :  10:58:44  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Thanks Tom - yes today face looks almost normal swelling wise; healing poultice continues. Still have mild headache, but nothing like before no more pain relievers! It truly is a journey - I apologize to anyone reading this, did not take pictures but will in the future. So much to take in (info, procedures, research, lifestyle habits/change) I neglected the document part that will help others. Also have used bloodroot enough times to be familiar with the cycle - however this is clearly the biggest challenge to date. Have 2 more smaller bcc's on face that I will document down the road. I do believe that clean eating, staying active, strengthening immune system for the rest of my life will cut down on the frequency of bcc's and possibly prevent cancer from manifesting in other areas.
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Posted - 07/06/2015 :  08:38:53  Show Profile  Reply with Quote

I do encourage to start taking pictures now while it is still in the healing process.

You can do this pretty anonymously and it is just really important that people out there understand that the "Quackwatch" horror story is not the normal result of using Bloodroot paste , though it can be severe sometimes, as is the case of our own Hoxsey here on this BBS. She was very brave and very open and honest about her journey.

You can do it like I did and host it elsewhere for those that want to see it... Google docs is free and sharable.

Good luck on your recovery!
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668 Posts

Posted - 07/08/2015 :  19:47:54  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Well as I continue my web searching I came across This today

It is an article written in the American Journal of Clinical Medicine in 1913 by Doctor Joseph W. Gregory..
Lo and behold he speaks of a recipe using Zinc Chloride to knock out skin 1913 and it already had been being used in another recipe called Bougard Paste which was a little different in my research but did use Zinc Chloride as the primary "Active " ingredient..

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Posted - 07/09/2015 :  02:53:05  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Ok I am taking pictures during the healing process will post and link this weekend. Question - when applying bloodroot paste on a previously untreated unscathed area on face, (a verified bcc patch that is not open) do you think its a good idea to sort of "prepare" the target area with either removing a layer of skin or just roughing up with a nail file or something for exposure to accelerate things? Or do you just apply on the area as is? I know the pain is greater...thoughts?
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Posted - 07/09/2015 :  05:29:08  Show Profile  Reply with Quote

It's just an educated assumption that yes "roughing it up" would allow the paste to do it's job more effectively get deeper quicker.

In one early 1900's article I read that doctor felt it was most efficient to cut out the tumor visually and then apply the paste to get the remaining roots...There was a lot of debate as to how to approach getting it all.

Mohs would apply dichloracetic acid to the area to burn a few layers of the dermis off before applying his paste.

This all said the articles I found yesterday were all when I was investigating a new herb that may be helpful to us..and you may want to wait a week for me to get the magic stuff and see if it really works..

Again because of IMO, the motivation to make money providing the magic potion, the people selling this herb are calling it various scientific and or non scientific regional names..

I started the hunt based upon a post by DRLARRYVON here at topical..

His post was a about Cebadilla and how it, mixed with vaseline knocks out tumors in 3 days with out the pain or swelling of Zinc Chloride based salves...Definitely got my attention and my "I call BS" meter going.

I googled what I could , wrote to the original guy Stephen Buhner who was touting this stuff and he replied back to an e-mail I sent him..

He's retired and not in it for the money anymore so I assume he is legit..He indicates indeed it does seem to work.. He referred me to a place that ended up being back ordered on the stuff...thus "where I can I find this stuff and try it ASAP!"

That's where it got screwy..

Stephen called it Swertia Radiata
The place he recommends calls it Cebadilla

When you look these up they are part of the Gentian family of plants..
So then I am looking up Gentian root powder...holy smokes..this stuff is amazing, it is a pesticide for head lice, it corrects digestive issues etc... This is what is used to make "Bitters"
The stuff has been used for 100's of years as a important herb..

It gets more convoluted..
In searching I found more names


Different herbs, different plants that all fall into the same category of bitters, lice killers..and yes sometimes cancer killers..

Well the journey through cyberspace will continue as I await my "official herb" the alleged "only one that works" to arrive.

In the mean time I purchased some Chinese Gentian root..) Oh yeah there are at least two kinds in China too...both bitter..I was able to buy a bottle of the one and they gave me a free sample of the other..

I have tried both.. on the big daddies I have had no real luck...the sure didn't die off on the 3 days.. but I also applied to my face on AK's... I broke out pretty bad..I'm on my 4th day and things may possibly be clearing up...that would be a good thing..

I have also drank the stuff in some small doses as it is supposed to help clean the liver and gall bladder...I've done the parasite cleanse before and this stuff also kills worms..

Jury is out until next week when I am supposed to get the actual herb that Stephen recommended..

When I spoke to John at Desert Tortoise Botanicals (The place Stephen recommended) I asked if he personally knew anyone who had cured a skin cancer with this stuff...he said no but he had heard many stories as such and has never had someone tell him it didn't work that bought it.

That makes me remain skeptical because I'd be personally thanking him and jumping up and down screaming happy if it worked for me like "they say" it does....

we'll see..

I'll be posting in the Cebadilla thread further on this as it evolves

Edited by - anivoc on 07/09/2015 05:30:07
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Posted - 07/09/2015 :  16:02:16  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Yes, I would also think someone would have provided feedback if it really did knock one out. Then again, some of the best kept secrets just sort of happen so it probably is worth the time to research and test. Did you ever try to purchase dichloracetic acid? There is probably something in our cupboards laying around that would do the same? Cebadilla sounds promising but like you have learned to temper the hope until the results are in. Curious to hear how the bitters perform. Since you mentioned the parasite and worm cleaning did you know diatomaceous earth is excellent for this - inexpensive, does not taste bad (put in smoothie)there is a food grade one available along with the typical pool filter usage. With all the various things that people have tried (bcc's) from household cleaners, mosquito bite remedy, herbs and such one gets the perception that doctors find something that is promising and just go with it. They probably have bigger concerns than bcc's its just another tool in their bag. People on this forum have the invested interest because they are walking it daily. Then there is the uniqueness of each person - pain tolerance, "perceived risk", dabble with alternatives; not using the "tried and true method" (traditional medicine) my own family are pretty much if the mayo clinic doesn't do it or its not published in some journal then I am acting irresponsible using blood root and such. I have been reading and viewing studies and interviews on late stage cancer healing with mostly raw organics, juicing and IV C etc and am more convinced than ever if I have to make that life choice between surgery/chemo/traditional I will choose the alternative path every time. Medical science does wonders with brain surgery, heart procedures, trauma restoration but in my humble opinion have blown it and sold out mostly in the cancer arena. Business is driving this for now but at some point something has to change. Anivoc, do you think our long term focus (alongside treating these thorns in our side) should be more on lifestyle changes building up our immune system and allowing it to do its thing? I am thankful for this forum and others who are taking on risk and educating the mainstream that we need to take responsibility for our medical needs and not entrust our lives to other "professionals". Blessings - Bill
Ok here is the link to see photos of the latest bcc I am treating on forehead starting Tues this week: (Tues was 5th day of healing)

Edited by - bspratt on 07/13/2015 15:31:49
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Posted - 07/10/2015 :  11:32:07  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Hey Bill,

Great that you took sure to try and take them every few days also if you can put a time stamp or describe the days it is always helpful.

In regards to your comments, we're on the same page.

A lot of my family is frustrated that I keep messing around with these rather than letting "the professionals" fix me..

For broken bones, parts that need fixing and or replaced, I am at their mercy..On these things ( like skin cancer) that are on the fringe and are a guessing informed guess is as good as theirs.

Not sure where you would buy dichloracetic acid. Acetic acid can be bought in different strengths and in higher concentrations will certainly burn skin.

Not sure if you read the this PDF I mentioned of the Doctor that used Zinc Chloride in 1913..but it illustrates how oblivious todays doctors are about the use of Zinc Chloride in knocking out skin tumors..most dermatologist have no clue that Doctor Mohs used it before he started doing the freezing thing..and only quit using it to save time and because it was less painful on the treatment part.

I found it interesting the Dr. Gregory (The 1913 guy) mixed his paste with cocaine before applying..which has a numbing effect his patients weren't complaining of pain.????
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Posted - 07/10/2015 :  15:44:37  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Great find! I almost question the credibility because its so depicts the whole skin cancer quackery :) that continues to thrive while peaking into the heart and soul of patients. Well done Dr. Gregory! "there's nothing new under the sun" is appropriate here. A journal article that anyone could read and understand - amazing! This pretty much validates these skin issues have been around for a long time and yes zinc chloride appears to be fundamental to what worked then and today. I want to be careful here about being negative towards dermatology practice; I am sure there are good ones; the one I go to is pretty much no frills, straight forward and works with my alternate ways, very much appreciate his skills and attitude. However, I have also seen places where "whack a mole" sort of fits the methods. With the resources our great country has I would love to see more research and available treatments. Oh yeah - according to Coke used to have trace amounts of cocaine so not surprising they used it in practice!

Edited by - bspratt on 07/10/2015 17:18:07
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Posted - 07/13/2015 :  07:09:18  Show Profile  Reply with Quote

For the record I have the same respect for a qualified dermatologist as I do a qualified mechanical engineer, a qualified plumber, a qualified hair dresser.

They all have chosen professions that hopefully interest them and for the most part they are all good at it and are honest people.

In any profession there are crooks and dermatology is not exempt from that.

I would venture a good 98% are pretty ethical..

The problems with our medical system today is multi faceted. It is not just the medical system but the vicious circle of evil that propagates inefficiency and mediocrity. The causes comes from the legal system (law suits) , the insurance system ( malpractice insurance ), the drug manufacturers ( self seeking agendas for profit ) and the FDA (making it incredibly difficult to innovate or experiment)..combined what we are getting today is a watered down, restricted effort to get solutions to many health issues and problems.

No Doctor would ever write to his fellow doctors today what Dr. Gregory wrote in 1913 in the Medical Journal..he'd get his licence revoked, sued and called a quack.

This was back in the day when doctors made house novel was the aforementioned qualified plumber. And he charged what he felt he should based on the situation.

Today it is all about the money...I have been so repulsed by doctors who play innocent..."Oh I don't know about the billing, you need to speak with the billing department about that". Trust me as each patient walks in and out..his cash register is going ka-ching! He knows exactly how much he just made on you as you walk out the door.

They are motivated to up sell you like a damn car salesman ...

I think we should run this test...ka-ching...
and send you over to this lab for these test ka-ching..
use this , XYZ product or that XYZ product ka-ching ka-ching!

How do they sleep at night? Very comfortably..they are all part of the new age in medicine and this is just part of the "business" of providing medical care. Hey...... it takes a lot of money to operate a medical practice...Do you know what I pay for malpractice insurance?

The lawyers sleep well too..
My poor client, those incompetent idiots deserve to pay millions out..and of course I deserve my 30% for getting it for them.

And the insurance companies sleep well..
What are we to do with all these frivolous law suits, these incredibly exorbitant unfair payouts we must increase our rates.

The FDA sleeps well..
We got those charlatans! Ignorantly pursuing and crushing people like Greg Catone (Cansema) and creating a overpriced quagmire of hoops to jump through and cracks to crawl through in order to get something approved.

Yep it's a vicious circle and we are limited by what we can do...

Thank God for the internet...but then again it is really hard to filter through all the different options...and so many people who truly believe what they are saying pass on and propagate bad information.

This is a great site but it suffers from the same problems of people posting that XYZ is the solution..then they leave never posting pictures, never following up that it "didn't work" or "did work".

I have been up and down and through the merry go round here..
Suffered from those misled eureka moments and "hopeium" delirium..

I have held off a long time now from sharing my experiments so as to avoid people coming here and wasting their time on things like broccolli / vinegar paste...OY VEY what a mess and waste of time that was..

I did learn that vinegar is a decent tool for some AK's..

Anyway I'll quit typing here..

I am hopeful on the Cebadilla but will refrain from any comments until I know for sure what I have found really works...

Edited by - anivoc on 09/23/2015 14:37:49
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Posted - 07/13/2015 :  16:37:58  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
LOL! No LOL!!! "Truth can be stranger (and funnier) than fiction." Wow! well said Anivoc - what a classic post that I hope people will take the time to get a hold of. Thank you for an excellent commentary on today's healthcare issues. Anyone that has been stuck with a bill in the thousands or more can identify and at times be completely overwhelmed with little hope. Its oppressive. Just don't get hurt or sick right?

The Healthcare (most of the time you get neither health nor care) machine has been on steroids for years with no end in sight. When my son blew out his knee I immediately purchased a book "the medical bill survival guide" Do not try to decrypt an explanation of benefits statement it may send you to the loon farm. Then when you find out you were billed at $1500 per 15 minute increments while your loved one slept in the recovery room yes sleeping - it makes your head spin.

Growing up, I never heard my parents sit around talking about healthcare plans or chit chatting about medical bills. We were blessed 4 siblings mostly injury free without tragedy thank God. The point is how is a young family TODAY when minimum monthly premiums are $400 - 1000/mth + going to ever purchase a home? The slice of the budget pie that healthcare eats up is off the charts - and is forcing people to make difficult choices. We may have the greatest medical skills and technology in the world but how we are paying for it! The young interns are burdened with crazy debt we are paying for the uninsured...

Yes, thankfully today's Dr. Gregorys are selling books on Amazon and communicating via blogs but its a war kind of like David vs Goliath. Thankful for all the healthcare people who do actually work to make a difference; the chiros, naturalpaths and holistic folks who provide a fighting chance for the working class. And the MD's who are affecting positive changes.

Anivoc, there will always be a bad apple here or there but this forum is refreshingly honest as a whole. You have been in the trenches for many years - its like your children when other folks say how great they are and you are shaking your head thinking "who stole my child" ? :) Keep up the good fight and stay encouraged Blessings - Bill

Edited by - bspratt on 07/13/2015 16:43:38
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1 Posts

Posted - 08/11/2015 :  18:50:54  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by anivoc


For the record I have the same respect for a qualified dermatologist as I do a qualified mechanical engineer, a qualified plumber, a qualified hair dresser.

They all have chosen professions that hopefully interest them and for the most part they are all good at it and are honest people.

In any profession there are crooks and dermatology is not exempt from that..

I would venture a good 98% are pretty ethical..

The problems with our medical system today is multi faceted. It is not just the medical system but the vicious circle of evil that propagates inefficiency and mediocrity. The causes comes from the legal system (law suits) , the insurance system ( malpractice insurance ), the drug manufacturers ( self seeking agendas for profit ) and the FDA (making it incredibly difficult to innovate or experiment)..combined what we are getting today is a watered down, restricted effort to get solutions to many health issues and problems.

No Doctor would ever write to his fellow doctors today what Dr. Gregory wrote in 1913 in the Medical Journal..he'd get his licence revoked, sued and called a quack.

This was back in the day when doctors made house novel was the aforementioned qualified plumber. And he charged what he felt he should based on the situation.

Today it is all about the money...I have been so repulsed by doctors who play innocent..."Oh I don't know about the billing, you need to speak with the billing department about that". Trust me as each patient walks in and out..his cash register is going ka-ching! He knows exactly how much he just made on you as you walk out the door.

They are motivated to up sell you like a damn car salesman ...

I think we should run this test...ka-ching...
and send you over to this lab for these test ka-ching..
use this , XYZ product or that XYZ product ka-ching ka-ching!

How do they sleep at night? Very comfortably..they are all part of the new age in medicine and this is just part of the "business" of providing medical care. Hey...... it takes a lot of money to operate a medical practice...Do you know what I pay for malpractice insurance?

The lawyers sleep well too..
My poor client, those incompetent idiots deserve to pay millions out..and of course I deserve my 30% for getting it for them.

And the insurance companies sleep well..
What are we to do with all these frivolous law suits, these incredibly exorbitant unfair payouts we must increase our rates.

The FDA sleeps well..
We got those charlatans! Ignorantly pursuing and crushing people like Greg Catone (Cansema) and creating a overpriced quagmire of hoops to jump through and cracks to crawl through in order to get something approved.

Yep it's a vicious circle and we are limited by what we can do...

Thank God for the internet...but then again it is really hard to filter through all the different options...and so many people who truly believe what they are saying pass on and propagate bad information.

This is a great site but it suffers from the same problems of people posting that XYZ is the solution..then they leave never posting pictures, never following up that it "didn't work" or "did work".

I have been up and down and through the merry go round here..
Suffered from those misled eureka moments and "hopeium" delirium..

I have held off a long time now from sharing my experiments so as to avoid people coming here and wasting their time on things like broccolli / vinegar paste...OY VEY what a mess and waste of time that was..

I did learn that vinegar is a decent tool for some AK's..

Anyway I'll quit typing here..

I am hopeful on the Cebadilla but will refrain from any comments until I know for sure what I have found really works..

You're too kind to these vultures in white shirts and neckties. They're in it for the bucks. Cancer is big business.
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3 Posts

Posted - 06/05/2017 :  10:16:20  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Does anyone in here still post? I loved this thread about Zinc Chloride and totally agree with it being the active ingredient in BS. I currently made my own batch of black salve which seems to work very well. However, I'm a little freaked out about a small spot that only required a small round bandaid to cover. The skin around the original salved area appeared pinker than normal. So, I salved that and had a reaction. Now the area I originally salved is almost the size of a quarter...
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58 Posts

Posted - 06/05/2017 :  20:26:52  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
thomas061 - I think most of us are still around just may not be active; honestly it does not matter to me a whole lot whether its the zinc chloride and/or bloodroot; bloodroot paste is cheap so not much of an issue here. I still have a remnant of work done prior on my forehead by the super black salve remedy mentioned above; it never completely healed but at the same time it really doesn't cause any trouble at all and does not change. Had a couple of other small pre cancer growths on my face that occasionally pop up and I knock them down with the paste and move on. This has worked for me to date. Also in the past few years I eat way more dark greens/some juicing and overall "cleaner" diet. Just sharing here I don't know how to comment on your reaction with the larger pinker area. Keep reading, be patient, willing to change things and try to see what helps. Also if you are a believer in Christ I will be glad to pray for you Blessings - Bill

Edited by - bspratt on 06/05/2017 20:28:02
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3 Posts

Posted - 06/06/2017 :  08:56:53  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Thanks...these forums are great!
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668 Posts

Posted - 08/13/2018 :  16:01:19  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
I noticed that I never actually came back here letting you all know Cebadilla was a no go...don't waste your time or money ;(
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58 Posts

Posted - 08/13/2018 :  16:27:18  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
thanks brother!
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3 Posts

Posted - 05/06/2020 :  14:37:35  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
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81 Posts

Posted - 09/24/2020 :  04:01:58  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Thanks man!
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41 Posts

Posted - 09/30/2020 :  01:18:05  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
A job well done. congrats.
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81 Posts

Posted - 03/12/2021 :  06:05:50  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Worth reading again and again thanks!
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Disclaimer: The three most common types of skin cancer are basal cell carcinoma, squamous cell carcinoma, and melanoma. While melanoma is the most dangerous type, keep in mind that any cancer and potentially some cancer treatments can cause injury or death. The various views expressed in these public forums should not be considered as medical advice. See your qualified health-care professional for medical attention, advice, diagnosis, and treatments.