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 Skin cancer treatment strategies
 Black Salve with DMSO VS. Curaderm BEC5
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Posted - 04/24/2016 :  15:04:07  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
While watching The Truth About Cancer series, these topicals are mentioned. What is the difference between these 2 treatments for skin cancers? Does anyone have experience with both methods?


92 Posts

Posted - 06/10/2016 :  13:05:26  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
I dont have BS experience and I dont want it either. My research indicated it is caustic and destructive. Curaderm is must less dangerous IMHO. I'm on my 5th tube of it now healing a large basal cell on my forehead. Almost closed up and the new skin forming looks great. I took the outer cancerous skin layer off with Sodium Ascorbate+DMSO.
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Posted - 06/10/2016 :  17:57:57  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
You can't help me if you don't have experience with both, but thanks. I'm looking for a comparison of the two.
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Posted - 07/10/2016 :  08:28:42  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Hi Reba,

Quite the opposite of Dougrun..

I have used both and can tell you from personal experience that you are comparing two completely different approaches of which neither is perfect or 100% "the answer / the perfect solution"

Curaderm IMO is a extremely overpriced, falsly promoted / misrepresented product that for sure can knock a smaller BCC's over a looooong painful and messy period of time. It is just one of many ways (albeit definitely the most expensive) to approach smaller , not very large or deep BCC's. In my case with larger nodular BCC's I tried it for a few months and got barely no where and IMO wasted a lot of money, time and pain on something that, if it had ever knocked them out at all, it would have taken years of time and pain and thousands of dollars on the overpriced goo.

Bloodroot paste / salve / Zinc Chloride paste / salve (hereon BRPS) on the other hand is almost instantaneous. Within 24 hours whatever you treated is most often on it's way out...

Probably the biggest "fly in the ointment" with BRPS is that unlike Curaderm which is made by one company...there are hundreds of products available out there of which you really don't know for sure which ones are properly manufactured. Though I have my opinion on the better ones to try, I hold back from recommending because the decision to go forward with it is a serious one... just how deep or far a skin cancer goes is unknown.

We have a member here who lost most of her nose and was awesome enough to share her horrific experience and journey with us. In that case I personally ( based upon my experience with BRPS) suspect it wasn't that the BRPS burned off her nose becuase it just burns all skin it touches but that the cancer was just that deep and that spread... I would venture a guess that had she had Mohs surgery instead, they would have had to remove MORE tissue than what she lost..

As far as being caustic the definition of caustic is as follows...
able to burn or corrode organic tissue by chemical action.
"a caustic cleaner"

That would describe both Curaderm and put it into perspective and a great disprover of of the idea that BRPS just burns both healthy and diseased skin is what I do every time I am trying out a new product to treat my lesions...I test it for 24 hours on known healthy skin first...

Inside of my thigh..I dab a small dab on , cover with tape and leave it on for 24 hours..pull it off ...and at least in my case, nothing has happened...put it on a skin cancer and in know it's working...BPRS is not for the faint of start to feel it pull..then it starts to hurt and swell...24 hours later you have a big white dead lesion that takes about two weeks to fall out...a few more weeks keeping it covered to heal over....every one is different and it affects different people differently.

Rather than go any further on my proactive feeling towards BPRS here I suggest you read the Truth about blood root paste thread.Here.....It will educate you to a point where you can make a better informed decision on your own...All the best to you whatever you decide...

Edited by - anivoc on 07/10/2016 08:39:27
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Posted - 10/30/2018 :  13:00:49  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
I just came across this and have to agree with Anivoc. I have used both - and Curaderm mixed with DMSO seems quite slow. I certainly would not use it if you need something that works fast. Like with a melanoma. But I do like it for my Actinic Keratosis spots combined with C+DMSO treatments. They are improving really nicely.

Bloodroot paste definitely works very fast. It is not for the faint of heart as said above. But I have some BCCs that I have treated effectively with BRPS (remain clear after 2 years). I have others that have a redness returning around the edges of my scar... maybe because I only put it on once, and not two days in a row? Or didn’t cover a big enough area? Not sure. At this point, I’m treating the returning spots with something more mild to see if it’s early enough to just get things to reverse without the “drama” of BRPS. But the Bloodroot salve is my final go-to if nothing else works.
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Disclaimer: The three most common types of skin cancer are basal cell carcinoma, squamous cell carcinoma, and melanoma. While melanoma is the most dangerous type, keep in mind that any cancer and potentially some cancer treatments can cause injury or death. The various views expressed in these public forums should not be considered as medical advice. See your qualified health-care professional for medical attention, advice, diagnosis, and treatments.