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 Combo Treatments - and one that works
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Posted - 07/04/2007 :  10:34:36  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
A couple of quick observations before I get to my combo that works.

1) There are a lot of reports along the lines of "this seems to work", and then we never hear more about that attempt. Was it a failure, was it given up on too early or something else? I still am of the opinion that most topical treatments (except bloodroot and PDQ) take time - a long time - to show if they are really effective. Even some of the doctor prescribed topicals are applied for many months to be effective. Are we giving up too quickly on some things?

2) Combo therapies for topicals. It dawned on me after reading the link under the "Chopping Broccoli" topic that a combination of topicals may indeed be more effective than just trying "this herb" or "that lotion" on its on. In that link it mentions that periodically they used fresh garlic in their mixture because the cancer became "hard" or "resistant". It has been my experience that you get times of progress and then long spans of time with no progress at it because of a new resistance against whatever topical is being tried?

I see that forest was using orange oil, then switched to the eggplant mixture and made rapid progress. Was it the combo approach? Would we all be better integrating several topicals in a attempt to outfox whatever mechanism causes the resistance? In the world of dermatology I have seen research indicating that imiquimod 5% (Aldara) works, and that flouroracil works, but together they work better...synergy that gets the tough jobs done.

OK, so I have noticed that combos may be what? I have reported a time or two that I have been trying to treat a tough spot on my nose. It was a raised "pearly" BCC. I first noticed its presence while I was undergoing a couple of Moh's surgeries last year....and wanted no part of anymore Moh's doctors, or dermatolgists slash/burn/poison treatments. The Moh's surgeon that I was seeing noticed it and told me it needed to be looked after.."Uh-uh", I thought to myself.

After doing a little research, and thanks to Dan and his website, I decided to give cymilium a try. Cymilium does work, unequivically it works. But this spot was stubborn due to its thickness. Oh, and while I was treating this spot a second one came up just a bit lower on the side of my nose.

After a couple of weeks I got the redness and swelling of "it gets worse before it gets better". I was thrilled that it seemed to be working. But then, very little change, if any, for week after week.

In the course of all the research and reading about what topicals were being used I decided to put together my own concoction for use along with the cymilium. It consists of

-IP6 + inositol
-vitamin c (the acidic kind, not esterified)
-ginger root extract
-green tea extract

All mixed together in 50% DMSO

For brevities sake since this post is getting lengthy, I am not going to go into the details of why I selected those particular items for my concoction, or name names - but if anyone is interested I would be happy to post more details.

I applied this mixture BEFORE the cymilium and allowed it to work for 10 minutes to a half hour or so. It really sped up the progress.

I have applied this combo to three spots now. All three are well on their way to healing. The original spot is all but gone. I can still feel a bit of a bump under the skin and will continue to treat it for another month or so, but looking in the mirror it is almost impossible to distinguish from surrouding skin. The other two aren't far behind. But patience is key. It has taken months, not weeks or days to get the results....and the best part.... surgery scars, no $1000+ medical bill, and it is something anyone of us can accomplish.

Now disclaimer time - the above has not been evaluated by anyone but me, and I ain't a doctor. Home remedies are tried at our own and soul risk.

Edited by - anivoc on 10/26/2008 10:12:26


611 Posts

Posted - 07/07/2007 :  01:07:02  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
rocco, this is an awesome post. It looks like as a group we are on a roll even doing very different things. I think you are right on the money with the combo approach. Cancer has dozens of pathways to attack. In fact I saved this from an old Grouppe Kurosawa protocol:

Inhibit the activity or synthesis of the glucocorticoid receptor within the cancer cells.
Inhibit the activity of the PI3K/AKT cell activation/survival- pathway.
Inhibit the activity of the RAS/MEK/ERK cell activation pathway.
Inhibit the activity or synthesis of HIF-1, hypoxia inducible factor, within the cancer cells.
Deplete NAD in the cancer cells.
Inhibit the activity or synthesis of 5-lipoxygenase within the cancer cells.
Inhibit the activity of the proteasome complex. (Actually better to dramatically enhance it!)
Inhibit the activity or synthesis of fatty acid synthase.
Increase the leakage of cytochrome C and SMAC/DIABLO from the mitochondria.
Decrease the synthesis of peroxynitrite.
Increase the synthesis of TRAIL.
Decrease the activity or synthesis of Nuclear Factor-KappaBeta
Block egress of metastatic cells out of the bloodstream.
Block histamine synthesis in cancer cells.
Block the activity or synthesis of Cox-2.
Inhibit telomerase enzyme induction.
Decrease the activity or synthesis of ETS transcription proteins.
Increase the synthesis of EGR1 transcription proteins.
Increase the synthesis of ceramide in cancer cells.
Decrease the activity or synthesis of the enzyme CK2 (casein kinase 2).
Decrease tyrosine kinase activity (inhibit HER2, EGF and VEGF growth related hormones.
Inhibit the activity of NADH oxidase over expressed on the membranes of cancer cells.

This is an old list, I'm sure there are more now. And we know there are other mechanisms like pH control.

The point of this is you don't have to be a biology expert to make a lot of progress, as we have seen. (Maybe it is more helpful if you are not an expert!) Also, it makes sense to throw the kitchen sink at the problem. Every little bit helps provided the different treatments don't interfere with each other. I think you have a good attack plan. I like including either DMSO or orange oil in topical treatments.
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77 Posts

Posted - 09/12/2007 :  16:21:07  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
I just wanted to put in a quick update. The three spots I had reported on in the original post are goners. I haven't treated the original area now in a couple of weeks, and the other two areas are getting their last few days of treatment. I did have one other spot pop up and am agressively getting after it with a combination treatment.

I have adjusted my combo now to:

Cymilium twice daily
Orange oil once or twice daily
Mixture* twice daily

I still apply the cymilium after the mixture feeling that works the best.

*In the mixture now I am pretty much just using IP6 + inositol in DMSO. I think the ginger and Vitamin C are good in the beginning of treatment but maybe are not needed as things progress.

IP6 possesses a unique characteristic of promoting cellular other words makes a malignant (undifferentited) cell revert to its normal (differentiated) characteristics. Here are a few snips from some interesting articles on IP6.

"""In addition to reducing cell proliferation, IP6 increases differentiation of malignant cells, often resulting in a reversion to normal phenotype. """" from pubmed 'Cancer inhibition by inositol hexaphosphate (IP6) and inositol: from laboratory to clinic.'

"""The results of this study show that IP6 is a strong inducer of differentiation (cytostatic effect)""" from pubmed 'Molecular mechanisms for the antitumor activity of inositol hexakisphosphate (IP6).'

...and IP6 has been shown to be effectively absorbed through transdermal application...

"""Some studies also seem to demonstrate a capacity of InsP(6) to inhibit skin cancer. In this paper, a first study of the absorption of InsP(6) through the skin is developed...[snip] can be deduced that by topical administration InsP(6) can achieve important concentrations in tissues and biological fluids""" from pubmed 'Study of the absorption of myo-inositol hexakisphosphate (InsP6) through the skin'.

...I think this is all potentially important for a topical application for skin cancers. If the cells can be "told" to revert back to normal cells what better way is there to treat a lesion. The spots I have treated basically are unscarred and look as if they have never been affected by BCC's.

My two cents, even if you use other topicals as your primary choice (and it sounds like favorable results are coming from more than one), you might want to try an application of IP6 + inositol in DMSO. It may offer another good mechanism to finally push the lesion over the edge and get rid of it.

For anyone interested I use Cell Forte IP6 & Inositol (I get it through vitacost - this is the patented formula that the MD that has done much of the research on IP6 recommends). I crush one tablet and add to maybe 1/2 tablespoon of 50% DMSO and apply to the spot with a cotton swab. I repeat a few times over a minute or two to soak the area well. I usually do this in the morning and again in early evening. I store the mixture in the 'fridge and use it for maybe two or three days before mixing a new batch. It seems to work best when fresh.

Edited by - rocco on 09/26/2007 09:43:47
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36 Posts

Posted - 09/19/2007 :  16:03:49  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Combos i've been using:

DMSO (90%) with the following (ginger, IP6, liquid glucosamine chondratin, liquid Vit C, liquid MSM, sodium bicarbonate)
Ammonia & orange oil

DMSO (90%) with liquid iodine
Liquid Iodine (no DMSO)
Liquid Fungal Treatment (Undecylenic Acid 25%)
Wart Remover (Sylilic Acid)
Eggplant Mixture

Also have been using lots of H202 with either combo.

Just some thoughts/ideas along the combo lines. About 4 weeks ago, I started alternating the above "high" and "low" PH category combos every 2 - 3 days. I've had a bandaid for 4 weeks as well (ugh). I wouldn't combine the high and low PH groups. The low PH group was geared at the fungal theory of cancer. I have a nodular BCC that has been really tough to break, but the above certainly has it screaming. Like rocco, i would use the DMSO part first, get it soaked, then add the other stuff. I think it has been a bit escharic in that the center pit grew 1/8" deep by maybe 1/4" wide within a few days. You could clearly see the underlying (sub-epidermis) layer of the skin in this spot. I just kept repeating all the treatments for the last few weeks, keeping low PH treatments separate from high PH type treatments. Several times, i'd have outer layers of skin peel off, but the size of the pit has remained the same for a couple of weeks now. At first I was thinking its a stalemate because nothing else was happening. And what I was really looking for was to see the outer circular ridge of the "crater" to shrink. Its raised slightly compared to the normal skin around it. I've been worried that there are cancer cells in this ridge. But now after seeing some picture of people that have used bloodroot, the eschar falls off and there is always a ridge. So maybe i've got it all and thats why it seems to be a stalemate? I don't want to quit treatments before its done. At the same time the ridge may just be swollen/irritated good cells. So the dilema is this: If I keep treating, it may never heal even if all the cancer cells are dead. If I let it heal for a few days, it may "seal" in some cancer cells rendering subsequent treatments less effective. Has anyone else been to this point wondering if they are done? I think i'm going to continue for another 2 weeks or so and then let it heal for a few days. Thoughts?
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Posted - 09/20/2007 :  08:57:46  Show Profile  Reply with Quote

A nodular BCC is one that is deeper within the skin, as compared with a superficial BCC, so can be harder to get at for treating and take longer to heal. I had the Moh's doctor diagram one for me last go-'round with him.

It sounds like you have done some good on getting at it though. I am thinking the raised area around the rim that you are seeing is just inflammation. It sounds like you are treating it pretty hard and that could, for sure, leave surrounding areas a little roughed up and inflamed. If you give it a few days of lighter treatment or no treatment you may get your answer.

When to quit treating is a tough call. Cymilium says to continue with their treatment for two weeks after the situation clears up...but when is it officially gone to start two weeks from? Is remaining redness just inflammation or scarring, or is it still bad cells that need more treatment. It is hard to interpret sometimes and each lesion is different, so you are the one that knows best. Best of luck to you though.
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Posted - 09/28/2007 :  00:05:25  Show Profile  Reply with Quote

I agree Rocco. This seems to be very deep and quite different than what most people describe on this board. I let it go for a couple of days, and sure enough there is still a "lump" under about 1/4 of the rim. Good news is its only 1/4 of the rim. Its not over till its over. For anyone else thinking of attempting this, realize its been 3 months for me now and i've made small, but measurable progress. And it was barely bigger than a pencil eraser to start with. Most of the things on this forum probably work very well with superficial BCC, but when its deep its difficult to get to. Seems like DMSO, cymilium, vinager/eggplant are still the major players. Im even experimenting with a little bloodroot tincture. Scars are of no issue at this point. I just want to find a way to get rid of it without cutting. The bloodroot has not done much compared with the testimonies i've read. In fact, seems to help quite nicely without the pain. I experience FAR more pain with cymilium. Combo treatments continue.....Will keep posting.
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103 Posts

Posted - 09/28/2007 :  13:23:42  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Mark you might try using sunspot es and dmso for deep penetration
if you have not already...Bloodroot does not do to much to heathy skin but once it comes in contact with a problem look out....

Edited by - fforest on 09/28/2007 13:51:55
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19 Posts

Posted - 10/07/2007 :  08:33:08  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
I thought I had read somewhere on this forum where someone had mixed either the Efudex and DMSO or the Carac and DMSO.

I have a new rx for the Carac and I was wondering if I could do this mixture. If so, how do I mix it (ratio)?
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Posted - 10/18/2007 :  11:50:48  Show Profile  Reply with Quote is another vote of confidence, so to speak, for combo therapies. Though it isn't written in the context of skin cancer, this was written by a couple of oncologists/researchers and certainly has validity to our cause:

""Eventually, over time, the immunologists began to appreciate the enormous adaptability that cancer cells possess; the cells are much more than passive receptacles of antigens simply waiting to be destroyed by antibodies......Clearly, however, there are not "magic bullets" for most cancers. The effects of gene manipulation on patient outcome, if any, are likely to be found only in the setting of combined modality therapy. The most promising clinical research from the last decade or so reinforces the utility of a combined approach in treating cancers""

from pub med: "Beware the Medical-Industrial Complex" Stevens CW, Glatstein E., Department of Radiation Oncology, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, 19104, USA.

Edited by - rocco on 10/18/2007 11:52:47
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Posted - 01/09/2008 :  04:12:07  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
I was diagnosed with a BCC back in October. Just a small, unobtrusive, but persistent flaky spot just above my lip.

I went at it with the eggplant vinegar solution and orange oil for about a month and didn't see much difference.

I added hydrogen peroxide to the routine and after a few days started to see a bit of an open wound appear, especially after shaving.

I then switched to just applying iodine 30 times a day for 5 or 6 days. Big ugly crust formed. Shaved it off once in that period to reveal bigger raw crater which I continued to apply iodine to. After stopping application, the last of the crust fell off after about a week and it looked a little dark but pretty good. But then I noticed that the telltale scaling appeared on the spot when I didn't shave for a few days so I figured it's still active, although it seemed much subdued.

I'm in India, so I went to an Ayurvedic doctor (one who practices half the year in New Mexico, US) in Pune who prescribes this for all types of skin cancer: Apply 1/2 coconut oil and 1/2 neem oil to affected area a few times a day. I've been doing this for almost 3 or 4 weeks now and it looks really good. Haven't noticed any scaling/sloughing for a long time and the darkness is almost undetectable.
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Posted - 01/11/2008 :  01:15:09  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Bawarchi, thanks very much for the post! It is good to have feedback even if some of the topical ideas did not turn out to work very well for you.

I am hopeful about the coconut oil and neem oil combination. Neem oil is pressed from the fruits and seeds of the tropical Neem evergreen plant (tree). Neem oil is traditionally used for scabies, hives, eczema, psoriasis and all types of dry, red, skin rashes. As a natural antibacterial and antifungal, it is also commonly used for a variety of skin imbalances like athlete’s foot, toe fungi, and ringworm. I think there is a likely link between skin cancer and the incidence of skin fungus infections. Fungus infections can provide an area of constant inflammation that become a fertile environment for skin cancers. Coconut oil contains lauric acid that greatly potentiates Tumor Necrosis Factor. It seems like a nice combo and I'm glad it is working and that you shared it.
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Posted - 01/12/2008 :  04:22:34  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
My pleasure, Dan. The neem/coconut oil does seem to be winning me over, but I must say that I feel like the iodine "cauterization" intensive application period I did for 5 days gave the most dramatic results. The neem/coconut application didn't start until it looked like most of the bcc had been knocked out by that. I'd be curious to know how anyone fares with the neem/coconut oil from the beginning.
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Posted - 01/16/2008 :  10:50:11  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
""" I'd be curious to know how anyone fares with the neem/coconut oil from the beginning."""


I have never used the combo of neem and coconut oil, but I have used coconut oil alone on what I thought might be the earliest expressions of a skin cancer development. Basically, I have had enough of the little buggers that I get highly suspicious of any red area that persists for more than a few days.

I have applied coconut oil to these spots several times a day and knocked pretty much all of them out within days - maybe they were nothing to begin with, maybe they were early stage and I took care of them....but it got rid of them. Like Dan said, I think the possible antifungal link may be a key.
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36 Posts

Posted - 01/16/2008 :  20:32:18  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Do you heat up the oil then put it on? Coconut oil is hard at room temp. Or does it melt on the skin? I may try it for what little bit of my BCC thats left.

I have my extremely deep BCC about 95% GONE (I can barely tell there is any left). For those that havn't seen me post, i've had a nickel sized DEEP BCC since about July. I plan to post more info in the next month or two, but i've added many things to the bucket for the combo approach. If you havn't seen a holistic doctor yet, I highly reccomend it as everyone is a little different. In short here is my list. Maybe its not so short....

DMSO, Cymilium, Apple Cider Vinager, Undecylenic acid, Orange oil, Iodine, Baking Soda, Turmeric, Garlic, eggplant & vinegar, and many combinations of each

Internal Supplements:
Vitamin C (over 6000mg per day), Enzyme Therapy, Mushroom Extracts (several kinds), Iodine (100+ mg/day), Potassium Iodide, Liquid Herbal mix (something my holistic doctor got from overseas herbs), Energy Water (basically 2 different types of homeopathic arsenic), Liquid organic multivitamins, Colon Cleanse, Parasite cleanse, Total Body Cleanse

Major changes here. I'll elaborate in a report later. Basically, organic raw veggies, lots of hemp protein, flax seed, etc. Very little red meats, chicken.

Meditation, imagery, reading books on people who have spontaneous remission, etc. BTW, A book called "Remarkable Recovery" is something everyone on this board should read. If you need some encouragment to get you mentally believing this can work, this is your book to start with.

Anyway, as I said, i'll have to elaborate more in a future post with more details, or possible create a blog (its pretty long) with a link from this post. I'm 100% convinced you CAN get rid of these things without drugs or surgery. I'm also 100% convinced its the holistic (and COMBO) approach that works. I hate to say it, but I doubt there is a silver bullet, and I think everyone is different. But bottom line is approach it with a holistic view. Not just one item at a time. Topically, internally, and mentally. Good luck to all, and i'll post my success story in the very near future with pics and all. Thanks to everyone on this forum!!
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77 Posts

Posted - 01/17/2008 :  11:44:43  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
""Do you heat up the oil then put it on? Coconut oil is hard at room temp. Or does it melt on the skin?""

Mark, coconut oil is a good thermometer. It hardens at 76-77 degrees by my calculation. So, in the summer it stays liquid in my house and I use it straight from the jar. In the winter I place a small dab into a smaller container that I won't use for internal consumption and just place my finger into it and get a dab to rub'll melt on your skin very quickly.

"" I hate to say it, but I doubt there is a silver bullet, and I think everyone is different. ""

I agree. We all have different nutritional needs, we all have different skin care needs. And, each skin cancer seems to behave just a bit differently from the last one in my experience.

One other comment I would like to make regarding nutrition is to not be too quick to dismiss certain elements from your diet. Because we are all so different anyone one of us may actually be worse off eliminating say, red meat, from our diet. An interesting read regarding this concept is a book called "The Metabolic Typing Diet" by Wm Wolcott. Let your body and its feedback mechanisms tell you what is best for your unique needs.

I really don't like to get preachy regarding anything to do with diet because I can only speak for myself, but I think for anyone to adopt a diet because "it worked" for someone else may be a wrong approach. The one 100% truth, in my opinion, is to avoid/eliminate processed sugar, HFCS and white flour from your diet....these are no good for anyone.

Best of luck to you...sounds like you are on a great path to taking care of yourself.
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36 Posts

Posted - 01/17/2008 :  12:43:48  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
I don’t want to steer anyone down the wrong path, so maybe I should clarify. The main reason for limiting red meats and chicken for me was more for fear of adding toxins to my system. Mainly, hormones, pesticides, etc. To make up for it, I added much B12 in the form of organic supplements. If you know you are getting true organic meats, I don’t know that they would be bad (and I agree sugars and processed foods cannot be good for anyone). Its worth restating that we all have different needs. I’ll also restate that going to a holistic doctor could really help. They can help determine what you might be deficient with using very simple non-evasive tests.

As an example, my doctor noticed my temperature was only 97.8 the day I was in the office. I would not have thought that to be a big deal, but he explained it might be a sign my thyroid is not working properly because of iodine deficiency. I began recording my temperature several times a day and found I averaged about 97.7. For the first 2 weeks I monitored it, I was usually never above 98, but as low as 96.8. Pee tests confirmed I was very low on iodine, which the thyroid needs to regulate metabolism and a whole host of other jobs. Anyway, long story short, after two months of iodine supplementation, my temp slowly worked back up to normal. I graph it several times a day, so its easy to see the obvious progress. For the last two weeks, I’ve been right on 98.6. Never lower than 98.3, never higher than 99. Is this a big deal? I say yes! In my research, I’ve found that enzymes are as much as 20% less effective even ONE degree below normal. Maybe my body could not use enzymes properly to help destroy the protein shells around the cancer cells? Not to mention the host of other jobs the thyroid cannot do without proper iodine. The temp was just one obvious symptom.

Bottom line is I think everyone needs to find out what they are deficient in. Iodine was only 1 for me. There were several others. After fixing the deficiencies, my BCC rapidly started to clear up. So the question is… what are you deficient in? Do you know?
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Posted - 01/18/2008 :  15:58:26  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Mark, excellent points. I can see you can fully appreciate the concept of homeostasis.

While I haven't been to a ND or holistic doctor I have tried different supplements for differing reasons based on my own research. I can say that the ones that I was most able to detect a definite quick physical and/or mental difference were magnesium and a healthy daily dose of omega 3 fatty acids (ALA, EPA and DHA)and reduction of polyunsaturated omega-6's. In just weeks I could tell a difference, as could others, in skin tones and appearance.

BTW, most of the red meat that we eat comes from a ranch/butchery about 30 miles from where we live. They raise their own herd, all pasture fed, no grain supplemented to them, and no antibiotics used. It costs a little more, and not being grain fed the steaks are not as tender, but otherwise taste the same as feedlot beef and contain a whole lot more vitamin e, omega-3's and CLA.

Good luck to you.
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Posted - 01/24/2008 :  00:39:52  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Mark, can you tell us about the other deficiencies your doctor found? Also, what dose of iodine normalized your thyroid function? I think there is a good case for iodine deficiency being a precursor to other diseases including cancer. An interesting article "Iodine is Vital for Good Health" at suggests that an optimal iodine daily dose is 13mg or 100 times the RDA. However, because some people react poorly to iodine, it is often excluded in multivitamins, and iodine can be difficult to obtain from food sources.
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36 Posts

Posted - 01/24/2008 :  18:49:51  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Dan – Good question. I’ll start with the iodine. The initial dose I was taking was 12mg twice per day (total of 24mg per day) of Idoral which contains iodine and potassium iodide. At that level I saw a slow but steady increase in my average temperature. Over about 25 days I saw it increase about .8 of a degree (pretty significant). Then I backed it down to 6mg total per day and in 10 days I was almost right back to where I started. Then I was advised to take 24mg twice daily (total of 48mg). I saw my temp rise to the very narrow range right at 98.2-99.0 within a week or two where it still is today. He wants me to continue at this level for about 8-12 months. Then drop it back to 12mg per day for maintenance.

It sounds like your thyroid is only part of the equation in this though. The way my doctor describes it, every cell in your body uses iodine and/or potassium iodide as well as your thyroid. Some cells die and reproduce often (like intestine walls) while others die and reproduce much more slowly (like say your pancreas). Eventually, every cell in your body is replaced by new ones. Until you have a “new set” of cells, its best to make sure plenty of iodine is available for the replication process (hence 48mg for now) to get healthy cells with regular metabolic rates. Once there is a new set of cells throughout the body replicated with sufficient iodine storage, 12mg is supposed to be plenty for maintenance.

I don’t know if its true, but I’ve heard certain cancer rates are much lower in places like Japan where they eat lots of seaweed and seafood. I also read their average daily intake is around the 10mg because of the diet. Like I said, I don’t know if that true though.

I’ll talk about some other deficiencies in another post when I get the chance. Basically, sounds like Vitamin C, B12, and protein were the others for starters. Seems you can’t get enough Vitamin C into your system with weak cells and the fruit we buy today being depleted of many nutrients. I wasn’t getting enough B12 because I ate very little meat. It also sounds like I have an over abundance of Aluminum and Mercury as a suspect. This is yet to proven, but I did work in a place where I breathed in MUCH aluminum powder in my teen years so it wouldn’t surprise me.

Anyway, the iodine is the best story I have for now. Its definitely been convincing because I have been able to measure the result (in the form of body temp), so I know for sure it was dead on to say I was deficient in iodine.
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36 Posts

Posted - 03/18/2008 :  18:59:04  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Just thought i'd throw up an update. I completely stoked to say the cancer is GONE! Basically, i kept doing what my natural medicine doctor told me to do. I was on many supplements, some of which I do not know exactly what they were other than liquid herbs. Along with that, I was eating mainly a raw diet of vegetables and fruits and nuts. My last appointment I had with the doctor I told him I was experimenting with an all raw diet and that it seemed to be helping (it was obviously shrinking slightly). He said that 90% of his patients would not necessarily see that kind of benefit, but that everyone is different. I was also taking several different kinds of mushroom extracts, MUCH enzymes, 8000mg of Vitamin C per day, taking homeopathic energy water (mostly forms of diluted arsenic), performing multiple body cleanses, etc. Anyway, it was over the course of 3 days that I had extreme progress. It literally dissappeared within that time (went from a small bump to nothing). I was totally amazed. One other thing is that I had a slight cold at the time. Maybe my body's response to the cold helped add white blood cells? I also added a bit of black walnut tincture a week preceding it (from Krissy's post!) and a bit of liquid Vitamin C. I had stopped doing this however, and then it was 2 weeks later it just POOF vanished! I plan to write a blog for all of this as all the details would be too long to post here. But I just wanted to put this up there for hope for others. For me, the only way to loose was to give up, and there was NO way i was giving up. I had the BCC for about 15 months before I wiped it out. From the time I went to my natural doctor and added his advice, it was about 3 months. There is a small scar left behind, so Im thinking if I had it to do again, i'd do more of the natural doctors advice and a little less topical, but nonetheless its GONE! So I really dont care too much that I have a scar. Probably would have had one anyway if I had done surgery, but now I know for a fact my body is capable of getting rid of cancer on its own! And that knowledge is priceless and worth the scar. Thanks to everyone on this site, this is a terrific site!! Dan - it has to feel good knowing you've helped so many people by having this site! Take care, and look for my blog soon!
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611 Posts

Posted - 03/19/2008 :  23:42:57  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Mark, thanks for the update, this is terrific news! It's always good to hear about someone proving that the body can heal itself from cancer. You noted there were a lot of factors in addition to your daily regimen that could have helped you turn the corner in those 3 days such as vitamin C and black walnut tincture. Your fighting a cold is interesting, it could have stimulated your immune system I suppose. But in the end it probably took a good diet and trying a lot of combinations along with a big dose of patience. I guess we'll find out more if other people can give these things you mentioned a try and also share their results. Thanks again, this certainly should give hope to others.
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2 Posts

Posted - 05/27/2008 :  22:56:58  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
You mentioned PDQ in your post. I am using PDQ at the moment on a BCC and wonder if others have tried it and what was their experience?
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611 Posts

Posted - 05/28/2008 :  01:21:22  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
JCW, in case no one else answers here, there have been several posts in the past about PDQ such as The best way to find them all is to use the search feature of the forum found at the top of each page.
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77 Posts

Posted - 10/28/2008 :  14:58:38  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Final update from me for this topic....

It has been over a year since I wiped out a couple of BCC's with the combo of cymilium (thanks Stan) and my other mixture. No recurrence at all.

Chalk up a successful treatment!
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Posted - 04/01/2009 :  13:04:01  Show Profile  Reply with Quote

My name is Deb, my mom just got back from the dermatologist and they did 4 biopsies of spots on her face.
She was a big baby oil tanner in the 70's. Our natural family doctor retired after 17 years and I am looking for help!!!

I see here that you have topical formulas or combinations that have worked...can you please tell me exactly what they are and how to dose them?

I know this stuff works, my retired family doctor helped me heal 3rd degree cervical cancer...

thanks for your consideration~

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24 Posts

Posted - 04/11/2009 :  12:38:46  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Hi Deb,

I'm fairly new to this forum as well, about 1 month. I was diagnosed with a BBC on my nose and I was facing a radical nose Mohs surgery, with
a "flap" reconstruction. very ugly, with a year to look normal ago.

My first post (in March of 2009) is at the end of this very helpful thread:

So, I'm gonna give alternative topical treatments a chance. Frankly, I read through about 1/2 of ALL the posts, and have been forming my own treatment plans.

MY TREATMENT PLAN so far: I've started Cymilium about a week ago, 2-3 times/day, rubbing it in and then some over that. So far, I can't say I see any positive (or negative) results yet, but I'm hopeful.

Also I've completely changed my diet (almost 80% fresh vegetables, supplements include by not limited to Pancreatin, Astaxanthin, Turmeric, Vit E, Selenium and CoQ10. Also Flax Seed Oil and a calcium/Magnesium liquid)

I'm gonna try applying a mixture of IP6+inositol in DMSO before my Cymilium soon and I've got some Orange Oil ready to go as step 2.

I hope this helps you.

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611 Posts

Posted - 04/12/2009 :  01:40:51  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
I was hoping there would be a better consensus about what works and what doesn't by now, but were still finding our way as a group. Orange oil and Cymilium worked well for me, along with a whole bunch of prevention measures including the Budwig diet breakfast (yogurt mixed with ground flax seeds). I think homestrong has a good approach based on what I have seen so far.
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patty fowler

2 Posts

Posted - 04/22/2009 :  20:08:35  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
I had a biopsy done on a eraser-size growth several years ago. It was diagonisied as BCC. I used the PDQ in it and it worked. No problems. There is a small scar, but I'm pretty sure this is due to the biopsy cut. I would recommend it.

Originally posted by patty fowler

Originally posted by JCW

You mentioned PDQ in your post. I am using PDQ at the moment on a BCC and wonder if others have tried it and what was their experience?

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1 Posts

Posted - 02/02/2010 :  00:53:42  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
The main difference between usual for example contact-dermatitis, a very common type of eczema that occurs due to an allergic reaction of an individual to a certain chemical) is that of its topographic disposition throughout the body. If all common eczemas tend to be located on flexor sides of the limbs and body (that is, on the same part with the cutaneous folds - between thigh and groin, axillar fold, the fold between the arm and the forearm and so on), psoriatic eczema, in almost all cases is located on extensor sides of the limbs and body. T
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Posted - 07/31/2010 :  12:57:03  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by rocco

A couple of quick observations before I get to my combo that works.

I so appreciate the time you took to share this with peeps. I am going to go for it now. I have been reading about it and found this forum. Thank you much and I will share my "findings" as well.

Denise, Charleston harbor, Oregon
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5 Posts

Posted - 10/19/2010 :  01:40:58  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
where do u get the ingredients Ip6 + inositol and dmso?
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Posted - 10/24/2010 :  00:47:34  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Hi lonewolf1218, Ip6 and inositol are sold at most vitamin stores and web sites such a vitacost, gnc, vitaminworld, and vitaminshoppe. You should not have trouble finding them. DMSO is harder to find. I would be a little careful choosing a source for DMSO because it penetrates skin so well. If it is not pure then it may carry those impurities with it into the skin. A good source for quality DMSO is the life extension foundation
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31 Posts

Posted - 12/30/2010 :  22:03:31  Show Profile  Reply with Quote

this sounds really good, and it does make some sense to me.

when i was taking bloodroot capsules and the five bccs all opened up at once, it seemed like they got so far( they were visable and the cancers in them separated from the healthy tissue,each one of them) but then refused to come any further.

I was flat out trying to keep them moist all the time. Now, im not sure if i was just expecting too much too quickly but the drying out was definatley becoming a problem.

so i started using spurge on the ischars, which, as i said, were visible. this in turn took a couple of weeks, with the 'ulcers' getting very moist and sloppy, but eventually they all dried up with no sign of ischar.

im really interested in the combination.i think you are onto something here. if you could keep us posted as much as possible it would be great..

ive got a couple of questions about one or two of the products that youve named, i will send another post for that.

.cheers. keep up the good work . judych

Originally posted by rocco

A couple of quick observations before I get to my combo that works.

1) There are a lot of reports along the lines of "this seems to work", and then we never hear more about that attempt. Was it a failure, was it given up on too early or something else? I still am of the opinion that most topical treatments (except bloodroot and PDQ) take time - a long time - to show if they are really effective. Even some of the doctor prescribed topicals are applied for many months to be effective. Are we giving up too quickly on some things?

2) Combo therapies for topicals. It dawned on me after reading the link under the "Chopping Broccoli" topic that a combination of topicals may indeed be more effective than just trying "this herb" or "that lotion" on its on. In that link it mentions that periodically they used fresh garlic in their mixture because the cancer became "hard" or "resistant". It has been my experience that you get times of progress and then long spans of time with no progress at it because of a new resistance against whatever topical is being tried?

I see that forest was using orange oil, then switched to the eggplant mixture and made rapid progress. Was it the combo approach? Would we all be better integrating several topicals in a attempt to outfox whatever mechanism causes the resistance? In the world of dermatology I have seen research indicating that imiquimod 5% (Aldara) works, and that flouroracil works, but together they work better...synergy that gets the tough jobs done.

OK, so I have noticed that combos may be what? I have reported a time or two that I have been trying to treat a tough spot on my nose. It was a raised "pearly" BCC. I first noticed its presence while I was undergoing a couple of Moh's surgeries last year....and wanted no part of anymore Moh's doctors, or dermatolgists slash/burn/poison treatments. The Moh's surgeon that I was seeing noticed it and told me it needed to be looked after.."Uh-uh", I thought to myself.

After doing a little research, and thanks to Dan and his website, I decided to give cymilium a try. Cymilium does work, unequivically it works. But this spot was stubborn due to its thickness. Oh, and while I was treating this spot a second one came up just a bit lower on the side of my nose.

After a couple of weeks I got the redness and swelling of "it gets worse before it gets better". I was thrilled that it seemed to be working. But then, very little change, if any, for week after week.

In the course of all the research and reading about what topicals were being used I decided to put together my own concoction for use along with the cymilium. It consists of

-IP6 + inositol
-vitamin c (the acidic kind, not esterified)
-ginger root extract
-green tea extract

All mixed together in 50% DMSO

For brevities sake since this post is getting lengthy, I am not going to go into the details of why I selected those particular items for my concoction, or name names - but if anyone is interested I would be happy to post more details.

I applied this mixture BEFORE the cymilium and allowed it to work for 10 minutes to a half hour or so. It really sped up the progress.

I have applied this combo to three spots now. All three are well on their way to healing. The original spot is all but gone. I can still feel a bit of a bump under the skin and will continue to treat it for another month or so, but looking in the mirror it is almost impossible to distinguish from surrouding skin. The other two aren't far behind. But patience is key. It has taken months, not weeks or days to get the results....and the best part.... surgery scars, no $1000+ medical bill, and it is something anyone of us can accomplish.

Now disclaimer time - the above has not been evaluated by anyone but me, and I ain't a doctor. Home remedies are tried at our own and soul risk.

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23 Posts

Posted - 10/25/2017 :  14:05:26  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
My testimony about a new combo that seems to work on a highly resistant carcinoma.
I have a 6 mm area near my eyebrow that I am trying to clear since 2 years. All the other carcinomas I had on my face were cleared successfully with orange oil, petty spurge and boswellia essential oil but this one is still there.

Since two weeks I am applying the following :
1/2 DMSO 100%
1/4 orange peel essential oil
1/4 boswellia carterii essential oil
and for the first time the result looks good after 3 weeks.

I am applying the combo 3 times a day for 3 days, then make a break for 4 days.

The first week the area became irritated, then a thick brown crust was covering 5 mm around the area. 4 days after the crust has fallen leaving a red bleeding skin. The following week the crust was less important and today after 3 weeks the area is barely irritated, the area is just pink.

The very interesting thing to note is that all the ingredients applied separately did not work but when mixed together with the DMSO they are producing a new effect.

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35 Posts

Posted - 10/30/2017 :  14:58:59  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Yes, thanks folks for these. This is why I mentioned DMSO in another thread.

My question is how deep do these remedies go? You see, my first two problems were huge, the size of
two dimes across, on each side of my forehead. The only thing that seemed to work and stop the deep
itching that gave me the screaming heebiejeebies was Black Salve. Yet, they both had to be treated more
than once. There was a horrible ugly root in the first one, I may still have the pics somewhere. I just kept
on hitting it until it stopped reacting to the Salve.

DMSO will pull anything deeper, that's its function as we know, but how deep? Did anyone manage to get the roots
of really deep ones? I don't want to put you off your dinners but my first was so deep it was in the muscle, it nearly
got to the bone.

Edited by - robbiethegood on 10/30/2017 15:00:10
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Posted - 02/06/2018 :  00:34:24  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Very interesting about the neem and coconut oil. I've ordered some neem and will add it to the mix I'm using on a BCC on left lower eyelid. To date, have used CBD paste, eggplant and apple cider vinegar, coconut oil with frankincense and myrrh, and orange oil. It's diminishing but still has the look of a crater with a small lesion at the centre.

Edited by - MinnieMinno on 02/06/2018 00:45:21
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23 Posts

Posted - 05/24/2018 :  07:47:25  Show Profile  Reply with Quote

I'm happy to finally got my skin cancer erased after 2 years of trials.

I tried several things described in this forum, the skin cancer was still there, it looks like a squamous cell but I already got a rare cancer type on another area that was chirurgically removed and the biopsy identified a metatypical carcinoma (agressive mixed basal and squamous type).

Coconut oil and baking soda did the job, just as simple as that. I applied it for 3 weeks, the visible cancer surface was 5 mm but a large area of 3 cm reacted around it.
It came very itchy and red during the first week, then progressively came insensitive.

Today the area looks clean, I hope this will last forever.

Thanks to all the contributor to this forum.
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Disclaimer: The three most common types of skin cancer are basal cell carcinoma, squamous cell carcinoma, and melanoma. While melanoma is the most dangerous type, keep in mind that any cancer and potentially some cancer treatments can cause injury or death. The various views expressed in these public forums should not be considered as medical advice. See your qualified health-care professional for medical attention, advice, diagnosis, and treatments.