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 Hydrogen Peroxide 3%
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668 Posts

Posted - 09/10/2012 :  16:15:42  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Hi Bullmoose

Thanks for your input..I saw your post about your brother and Hp and decided to copy and paste here..

I have always used HP for wounds every since I was a little kid over 50 years ago..loved to watch it bubble up.

I am currently using a dilluted version of Vitamin C and a few other ingrdients.. I have noticed that when I first dab the lesions with HP 3% not 35% I get a better reaction than if I just apply vitamin C alone..

Curious now about the 35% and just burning the suckers out..I have a few big daddies I still can't eradicate just holding at bay..small ones I've knocked out a lot and it amazes me how much I still have ..but knowing what I did have I know I am making progress...ugh!

Just trying to hold off breaking out the big guns "Bloodroot paste" yikes! Been there, done that and hope I don't need to go that route definitely will before I leave it to a dermatologist to slice and dice.

OK Here's your post from the other area on this forum:

6 Posts

Posted - 09/10/2012 : 14:40:21
a cousin died of Pulmonary Fibrosis after just six months, then my young brother was diagnosed with Pulmonary Fibrosis, he couldn't work, get to his mail box or his apt with out help. I ordered a quart of 35% food grade HP, got him on the drops, four drops to 8 oz distilled water twice daily, then 5 drops , 6,7, up to 26 drops then back to 4 and then start over, that was over two years ago, he works full time, leads a good life, I don't know if he is cured, haven't asked, but he is still alive and normal, he says his Doctor says a miracle, I say it is the HP, he has never been treated by cut burn and poison, Pulmonary Fibrosis is a death sentence but he is alive, anyone with similar experiences should post it here, maybe save a life

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39 Posts

Posted - 09/10/2012 :  16:26:39  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
anivoc, there ia a charge for using my slice and dice expression LOL
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668 Posts

Posted - 09/10/2012 :  16:28:57  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by dolfan

anivoc, there ia a charge for using my slice and dice expression LOL

Royalty check is in the mail... ;-)
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39 Posts

Posted - 09/10/2012 :  17:09:02  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
this is going to be a great forum, for years to come, because of people like you.
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3 Posts

Posted - 10/31/2012 :  19:47:02  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Great Info in this forum , glad I found it last night.

I had a redish growth come in about 1.25 inch under my eye. At first I thought it might be acne, but after 2 weeks and no change in the redness decided to compare it to photos of basal cell carcinoma, and it became obvious what it was.
I already use 35% Hydrogen peroxide internally and on warts/acne/age spots. Since I thought it was acne I started treating it with 35% diluted about 1/2 with filtered water. Once I knew what it was (or at least I think I do) I applied 35% undiluted and let it sit and turn white (and burn of course) and then rub it with ice cubes to keep swelling down. I use a Q tip because it is too close to my eye and this stuff is very powerful
So far red growth has flattened out. I also am putting olive oil and coconut oil on to moisturize area after treatment. I will update progess in a week
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3 Posts

Posted - 11/14/2012 :  19:55:17  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
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Wanted to update my progress on my BCC. Started with 35% undiluted Hydrogen peroxide to flatten it out and take top layer off.
Then on a daily basis used diluted 35% ,,maybe 50% diluted with filtered water mixed with baking soda and let sit on BCC for about 20-40 minutes. Then sometimes using a cotton ball or Q tip I would hit it again with Hydrogen peroxide 35% diluted 50% w filtered water or sometimes not diluted but just lightly
I sometimes followed that up with fresh cut garlic and just put a piece right on the wound and let it sit for 5-10 minutes and sting real good. I would usually follow that up with Coconut oil or Aloe Vera or both and rub it in the wound. I posted some photos of what I hope is progress, but this is all new to me.
Also I take 7-10 drops of Hydrogen peroxide 35% diluted in 20oz of distilled water and drink 1 hour before breakfast , and another dose 1 hour before dinner. You are suppose to take at least 3 hours after you last ate. There are some better protocols on how to do this on some other websites.
Anything with alot of sugar like yogurt etc has been eliminated from my diet. After reading about all the benefits of garlic have been adding it to my shake and my rice/quinoa. Just ordered Astaxanthin and Pancreatin from Vitacost based on what people have said about it here.

Anivoc here..resized a few of these pictures as they were too wide and making the whole thread hard to navigate

Edited by - anivoc on 11/24/2012 09:57:45
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2 Posts

Posted - 11/23/2012 :  12:51:34  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
A couple of months ago, I read this post by John Malovich, who advised that 3% hydrogen peroxide seemed to cure BCC.
I'm no stranger to BCC, I'm fair skinned and have experienced numerous BCC surgeries, including one squamous cell carcinom surgery. If you have this problem, you know that more cancers will erupt at one time or another. Sure enough another one erupted on my upper abdomen. this one appeared to be another squamous cell.It was about the size of a dime and was red and itched. I made an appointment with my dermatologist, for a biopsy, and dreaded the idea of two procedures to get rid of it.
My wife found this forum and sent the site to me. I had a bottle of hydrogen perioxide 3% in the cabinet and decided I had nothing to lose by trying it. I had pretty much the same experience that John mentioned. I applied the peroxide with a q-tip to the affected area probably 4 or 5 times a day. I wanted to be aggressive. I didn't notice any reaction to the area ( no foaming, nothing) for the first two days. On the third day I could feel a deep burning sensation under the lesion. It wasn't on the surface, I could tell it was burning deeper, but not unbearable. I kept applying the peroxide 4 or five times a day. After the sixth day, the burning stopped and some small pustules appeared like white heads on the lesion surface. I gently rubbed them off and continued applying the peroxide as before. I felt no discomfort and the lesion began to heal. I cancelled my appointment with the dermatologist.I continued the peroxide for about two more days and stopped using it. The lesion had healed and the pink area where it had been shrunk to about 1/4 of it's original size.Note; I always applied the perioxide to only the affected area and I could see a small bleached out circle around the wound. This did not damage the healthy skin. I haven't responded to this forum until now to be sure that it was continuing to work. It has and the area where the lesion was has almost completely faded away. No scars, skin is smooth and no signs of a cancer exists.There is no indication that the cancer is still growing deeper. I am elated to think that something so simple and inexpensive could cure ny skin cancers. Thank you for the post John. You made my day!!! I hope others will benefit from this treatment!!! By the way, I didn't make any changes to my diet during this treatment.
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3 Posts

Posted - 11/26/2012 :  17:34:27  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Jacque10

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Wanted to update my progress on my BCC. Started with 35% undiluted Hydrogen peroxide to flatten it out and take top layer off.
Then on a daily basis used diluted 35% ,,maybe 50% diluted with filtered water mixed with baking soda and let sit on BCC for about 20-40 minutes. Then sometimes using a cotton ball or Q tip I would hit it again with Hydrogen peroxide 35% diluted 50% w filtered water or sometimes not diluted but just lightly
I sometimes followed that up with fresh cut garlic and just put a piece right on the wound and let it sit for 5-10 minutes and sting real good. I would usually follow that up with Coconut oil or Aloe Vera or both and rub it in the wound. I posted some photos of what I hope is progress, but this is all new to me.
Also I take 7-10 drops of Hydrogen peroxide 35% diluted in 20oz of distilled water and drink 1 hour before breakfast , and another dose 1 hour before dinner. You are suppose to take at least 3 hours after you last ate. There are some better protocols on how to do this on some other websites.
Anything with alot of sugar like yogurt etc has been eliminated from my diet. After reading about all the benefits of garlic have been adding it to my shake and my rice/quinoa. Just ordered Astaxanthin and Pancreatin from Vitacost based on what people have said about it here.

Anivoc here..resized a few of these pictures as they were too wide and making the whole thread hard to navigate

Thanks for posting these photos, they are inspiring, as is your entire post. My Mum, who is 92 yrs of age, has some lesions, one of which has got nasty, we have been using the same h202/aloe/coconut oil(with a small amount of thieves oil added sometimes), also using some poultices at night; clay/plantain, mung bean/plantain, many things can be used. We have been treating it for 2 weeks, it looks much better, and smaller, although smaller areas show signs of erupting sometimes, yet just as quickly look better again. We are also taking internal baking soda and lemons, and milk thistle for the liver, amongst other things.
I hope to continue posting, and return some inspiration, and information to others, Thank you once again. Peace and Health to us All, bactobasics
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49 Posts

Posted - 12/31/2012 :  10:33:05  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
I did post the following under coconut oil but I address H2O2 with this post and I wanted people interested in H2O2 to see it.

Hope that is ok.

Signed up to give back to the community that has helped me. I first want to thank all the long time posters and pioneers of this site for their work and detailed records of results. Without their efforts progress on my skin problems would not have been possible.

Over the last 35 years at least I have had all sorts of skin problems, all cancers except melanoma. MOHs surgery, floricil, freezing and more recently some kind of light therapy (basically a light giving me a sun burn that works quicker healing than the chemicals)

Anyway after I ran out of insurance, I have not been seeing a doctor about my problems.

Let me address what has worked for me from this site and what has somewhat worked.

Sorry I do not have pictures or detailed records but can give antedotal evidence only and moral support for others.

What has worked really well is Sunspot ES, H2O2, also coconut oil with and without melatonin and vitamin D.

Currently I am on the third week of taking the vitamins prescribed by envisage plus a multivitamin. While I believe that these supplements should be taken for general health, gut feeling says that they are not the solution to my skin problem.

I am also on the third week of using coconut oil. For 2 weeks I used it twice a day by itself. Incredible moisturizer and healer. Really shrunk my skin problem areas in height and size. I believe that I started to get an alergic reaction to it because I used it twice a day so I shifted down to once a day. That helped with the redness.

For at least 1 week started using powder melatonin from 12 3mg capsules emptied into a large empty baby food jar with 12 5000 iu softgels cut on the inside of the jar lid to allow them to bleed into the mixure when I put the lid on. Also I put a little water on them on the inside of the lid to allow them to start melting as they will not melt in oil.

I put 3 or 4 large tablespoons of solid Coconut Oil into the jar also and closed the lid. Why the baby food jar you ask? I take a coffee cup with 1 inch of water in it and microwave the cup and water for 30 seconds. That heats up the water warm enough to melt the CO in the baby food jar. Just drop the closed jar in the warm coffee cup for a couple of minutes and the Coconut Oil goes from hard to soft and allows you to mix the ingrediants by shaking the jar. You then apply the ingredients from the jar and have more to use for the next several days, heating the coffee cup each time.

Applying 1 time per day and using powdered melatonin with vitamin D3 seems to be really helping.

Yesterday used Coconut oil with sugar to softly scrub off some dead skin on my face and it did a great job. BTW I add coconut oil to my coffee each day and dip my chocolate in it. Also use it for cooking.

Previously, I used H202 3% for about 2 weeks twice a day after about 2 weeks twice a day of Sunspot ES on a diagnosed SCC that I was suppose to have MOHS on but ran out of insurance. The mixture did make the SCC disappear.

Here is something I am working on. I bought some 12% H2O2 because I could not afford the 35%. Not sure that there is that big a difference between 12 and 3 but I would probably buy the 12% again. I put H2O2 in a Tequila Shooter glass (for effect) then pour in somewhat less CO with Melatonin and D3. The liquid oil mixture does float on the H2O2 so I stir it with a Q-Tip and apply to selected BCCs or whatever they are, twice a day. I repeat with the Q-Tip until each BCC hurts and has a white area of skin appear.

Now the interesting part is that the oil holds the H2O2 on the skin longer because air cannot get readily to it. Also the oil may allow for better penetration of the H2O2, but does act as a healant after the H2O2 dries up. I am finding shrinking BCCs and not as much damage as using H2O2 alone. If this works what I want to do is use this mixture on my entire chest area with a cotton pad twice a day to get rid of lots of sun damage that I have never addressed.

Yes I have used Apple Cider Vinegar by itself and with eggplant it did reduce the size of some of my problem facial Keratosis and BCC but could not finish the job. Sunspot ES really did the same but as straight ACV but with less flare up.

Thats my story.


ACV link

Neutrogena Men Sensitive Skin Post Shave Balm- A great face moisturizer, no alcohol or grease reduces redness

LANE LABS Sunspot ES 14 gm shipped by East Coast Vitamins good company for Sunspot.

Vitacost CoQ10 + Alpha Lipoic Acid + Acetyl L-Carnitine HCl 2 a day match the formula mentioned by envisage in earlier posts.

Vitacost Melatonin -- 3 mg - 300 Capsules The capsules pull apart so you do not have to crunch the tablets.

Vitacost Vitamin D3 -- 5000 IU - 365 Softgels - Mini Gels

Vitacost Extra Virgin Certified Organic Coconut Oil -- 54 fl oz

333 Uses For Coconut Oil one of the best is for Keratosis Pilaris – use alone or in conjunction with salt or sugar to form an exfoliating paste. I use it with sugar. Really takes off the dead skin.

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13 Posts

Posted - 12/31/2012 :  12:17:17  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by fforest

I have used hydrogen peroxide many times on BCC..It seems to help but slowly slowly....I would be very surpised if hydrogen peroxide cured BCC in a week...I would think more in line with many many months of using hydrogen peroxide you might see some good healing,but hey maybe that is only me...If hydrogen peroxide cured BCC in a week that would be a dream come true....

if you use HP 35% foodgrade, not months but week or two
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668 Posts

Posted - 01/22/2013 :  14:57:03  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Found this info on how Hydrogen Peroxide works HERE and copied it below

Hydrogen peroxide provides clues to immunity, wound healing and tumor biology November 21, 2011 in Medical research Hydrogen peroxide isn't just that bottled colorless liquid in the back of the medicine cabinet that's used occasionally for cleaning scraped knees and cut fingers. It's also a natural chemical in the body that rallies at wound sites, jump-starting immune cells into a series of events. A burst of hydrogen peroxide causes neutrophils, the immune system's first responders, to rush to the wound to fight microorganisms, remove damaged tissue and then start the inflammation process. University of Wisconsin-Madison researchers now have discovered the molecular sensor that detects wound-induced hydrogen peroxide and orchestrates the marshaling of neutrophils and other immune cells, or leukocytes, including those that affect tumors. Published in the Nov. 20, 2011, advanced online version of the journal Nature, the findings have broad implications for cancer biology as well as wound healing and the way the body fights infections. "Our findings suggest that in the future we might be able to manipulate the new pathway we've found to make immune cells go where we want them to," says lead author Dr. Anna Huttenlocher of the UW School of Medicine and Public Health (SMPH). A tumor is a type of unhealed wound, says Huttenlocher. Tumors and wounds both generate high levels of hydrogen peroxide, and immune cells responsible for inflammation seek out wounds as well as tumors. But inflammatory cells can often be detrimental. The cells can contribute to a tumor's ability to grow and invade other tissue, and they can cause chronic inflammation at wound sites. "We now speculate that the recruitment of immune cells for wound healing and tumor growth involves a different molecular pathway than recruitment of immune cells for fighting infections," says Huttenlocher, SMPH professor of pediatrics and of medical microbiology and immunology. The researchers used transparent zebrafish larvae in a model they have developed to study immunity to watch neutrophils move to wounds in the tails of fish larvae. They found that hydrogen peroxide modified a protein called Lyn, and that the modification let neutrophils go to wound sites along a specific cellular pathway. "If we blocked Lyn, it's possible cells could still get to infection sites, where they could be helpful, but not to wounds or tumors, where they could be harmful," Huttenlocher says. The experiments showed clearly that Lyn activation was dependent on hydrogen peroxide after tissue injury, and that blocking Lyn reduced the recruitment of neutrophils to wounds. Lyn is expressed specifically in leukocytes as a sensor for hydrogen peroxide. Lyn is also a member of a powerful class of proteins known as Src family kinases (SFKs). Many of these kinases have been identified as cellular oncogenes, or precursors to cancer. "Lyn bridges SFKs and the new pathway we have identified, broadly linking wound healing and immunity to changes in cell behavior in cancer," says Huttenlocher. "That connection may help move us forward with a better understanding of wound healing and cancer." Lyn's connection to hydrogen peroxide should also elevate the chemical's status from the back of the medicine cabinet to a position of much greater interest. Provided by University of Wisconsin-Madison

Read more at:
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7 Posts

Posted - 03/10/2013 :  14:46:53  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Found this at

My wife Wendy tends to grow things on her skin. She recently grew what was a fairly large freckle-looking area on her back (she gets lots of freckles in the summer) into a raised angry-looking piece of flesh that was nothing reminiscent of the skin around it.
We didn't bother getting it analyzed because we knew this was not normal. We just used fully ozonated olive oil on it. We cleaned the skin thoroughly then applied a little dilute DMSO then a goodly amount of fully ozonated olive oil under a large bandage. We did this four times over the course of a week and the mass reverted to the large, smooth , un-raised freckle it started out as. We have treated similar growths with ozone and H2O2 with similar success. Once after using 35% H2O2 on a similar growth, it dried up and was easy to scrape away from the underlying tissue. It took less than a week and there was no sign it had ever been there. The doctor who was ready to biopsy it was enraged when she could not find anything and told us that the cancer would spread throughout her body. That was ten years ago and we haven't heard the C word since HMMMMMM. We changed doctors.
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Apple Seed

27 Posts

Posted - 03/20/2013 :  14:58:52  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Do you have to cover the lesion with a band-aid after putting the hydrogen peroxide on it or not?
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49 Posts

Posted - 03/20/2013 :  15:20:33  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
I never used a band-aid. But I did not leave the house. There was no blood pouring out.

Originally posted by Apple Seed

Do you have to cover the lesion with a band-aid after putting the hydrogen peroxide on it or not?

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Apple Seed

27 Posts

Posted - 03/20/2013 :  15:34:19  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Do you have to let the HP dry before putting any clothing back on?
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49 Posts

Posted - 03/20/2013 :  16:26:42  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
My work with H2O2 was on my face mainly.

Work on my chest did not have a band-aid. I used coconut oil also and that can stain a t-shirt material much like dropping food on your shirt.

Originally posted by Apple Seed

Do you have to let the HP dry before putting any clothing back on?

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Apple Seed

27 Posts

Posted - 03/21/2013 :  09:28:06  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
I see.
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14 Posts

Posted - 04/30/2013 :  12:28:21  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
I am new to this forum (this is my only forum, so bare with me) and tried to reply to a post but ended up only re-posting someone elses post, so I apologize for that.
I want to share my experience and offer my most recent and the best treatment I have found so far.
I started with Curaderm last August to treat bcc that I think I have had for at least 5 or 6 years. When it would open up and bleed it was about the size of a nickle to a quarter. Well, with in the first 10 days, under the skin it was about 2" long and 1.5" wide and hurt like a son of a gun. So I used Curaderm for 94 long days, it looked like brand new skin appearing very smooth and just a little itching. Well, it started coming back...those little bumps started appearing so I new it wasn't gone. So, the beginning of December '12 I started using Black Salve. While very painful (a few sleepless nights for sure), this was killing the cancer better than Curaderm, in my opinion. I did notice when I would do small spots at a time it wasn't as painful and only when I was impatient and applied it to too large of a spot that it kept me up at night. This is on my temple so I am happy I can hide it with my hair, but my eye has looked red and swollen most of the treatment. So here it is April, and because I can't put the black salve on the whole area, at once it seems to be spreading a bit. I then got the idea to look up food grade h202 and skin cancer (I use this diluted to a 3% to clean the area as well). I know that a 3% solution internally can kill off cancer (helps other symptoms as well) inside the body but I didn't think about on the skin. I was on a holiday a week ago and decided to leave the excess peroxide on the wound after cleaning, then I placed a cotton pad soaked with h202 to fit the area and covered with bandages (takes 5 to cover the area). That night I could feel it pulsing I new it was in there and it felt deep. It has now been one week today and it looks like it is finally killing and healing all at once. Time will tell, but I must advise all of you to check out food grade peroxide for internal and external cancers. I am thinking this is the answer for me. Since I arrived back home I started on the internal regimen and I think I am going to do this for the rest of my life. There is a protocol to follow gradually introducing it on an empty stomach with only distilled water. So please educate yourselves before starting on the internal part. I read about the skin cancer portion on this forum, so check out other peoples results...I think it will give you all hope. I found h202 at my local health food store. It is not cheap, but you always dilute it down, so it lasts along time. Putting it in a bath and soaking is also beneficial. Check it is another one of natures miracles.
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2 Posts

Posted - 06/04/2013 :  19:27:03  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
I would like to post my experience treating ???? with peroxide.

I had a open wound on the back of my leg for at least 5 years. Being one that hates doctors, is broke, proud, bull headed and would only seek real medical attention if I absolutely felt I had to ... I had been self treating for all that time. What is/was the wound is undetermined. If I remember correctly I believe the problem started when one night I had a itch on the back of my right leg right near the bottom of the calf muscle. I did the ol' scratch the itch with the toe nails on my left foot and I think I tore the skin open. That wound never healed until a week ago. For the first time I have a scar instead of a weeping encrusted knot. If it was a cancer spot that I ripped into are just something else that became infected, possibly MERSA or who knows what. Whatever it was would never close up.

Tea Tree oil made it mad and actually worsened it. Antibacterial ointments had minimal effect. I even had a friend get me a 30 day supply of antibiotics and never helped a bit.

The road to healing started when I read that MILK THISTLE made someones skin cancer crust over and fall off. I bought some liquid capsules and proceeded to cut them open, apply to a adhesive bandage and eat the remained twice per day. Seemed to help a little but not totally effective. Next was ichthammol ointment. This had a strange effect. It actually caused something to come to the surface that I had not seen in the open wound before. The area got irritated and kind of scared me because I thought I really pissed it off. I started alternating between covering it with ichthammol and switching to neosporin. This took some of the redness away but still no healing.

Now comes the big turn. The wound had developed a scar ring around it but it stopped closing up. It would get a soft scab but would always weep so I figured I would try to boil it out with the standard 3% peroxide. CVS brand in this case. Since the spot had the scar ring it was perfect to bend my leg with the wound facing up and use a dropper to apply the peroxide. One drop made a nice little pool inside the scar. The first application and wipe made the ???? inside white. The thing inside the wound was the first to turn white almost like what putting a drop of wart remover on a wart does. multiple applications of a drop and a wipe eventually would turn the whole open wound white at which point I would stop, let it air dry then apply alternating days with the ichthemmol and neosporin. The area got quite sore. The wound was overall less than the size of a dime coin but the area around it actually swelled some about to about the size of a quarter, got very firm, some redness, itched and had me wondering if I had really made this thing spread rapidly. My bull headedness made me continue. Twice daily I peroxide burned the wound until the unhealed area was completely white the applied the ointments. It soon began to start closing in from the edges. Scar tissue was forming and the open hole was getting smaller. Finally after about 3 weeks to my amazement and utter satisfaction the wound has closed and no longer weeps. It's been a couple weeks now that I have completely stopped treating it. I considered peroxide swabbing it a few times a day to promote additional help via absorption through the skin, just in case, but my curiosity as to what it is going to do tells me to leave it alone and see what happens next.

Here's a pic. Sorry to be so long winded but I wanted to try to tell the whole story.
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14 Posts

Posted - 06/04/2013 :  22:50:31  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
War Machine, I am sure you are relieved to have your wound healed after all these years. I too am a great fan of h202 and have used it quite a bit with my bcc. Something you might find beneficial is applying a 70% solution of DMSO to the area that was open...check it out! DMSO is amazing and I have seen miraculous healing rather quickly with this and it just might help if there is anything lurking deep in your tissue. If you have any scar tissue at all, DMSO will repair it in no time at all. Just read all about the precautions of how to use it. Here are a couple links I have found to be very helpful. All the best...
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1 Posts

Posted - 07/03/2013 :  22:07:42  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Hi All,
Ten or so years ago I got a massive systemic infection, first presenting and spreading on my skin. I wound up in the emergency room twice in one week and the week after that, in a clinic. They put me on heart-damaging steroids that were so powerful I needed Ativan to calm me down so I wouldn't flat-line. It made my neck swell up immensely and I had to bring a picture of myself to show the nurses what I should look like, and they were all aghast.
I tried everything to deal with the lingering infection and the scars caused by it all over my body. I used 100% TCA, 88% lactic acid, 77% glycolic acid, 40% salicylic acid, and more. I started using 3% hydrogen peroxide on my face and chest and extremities a few weeks ago, and I've not been clearer than I have been in a decade! It is amazing!
I now use 35% food-grade hydrogen peroxide on my face, a patch at a time. It doesn't affect the normal tissue, only the abnormal tissue. It frosts it white in color, but I feel so good about the healing properties that I will continue to use it as a spot treatment as well as internally. I just bought the distilled water I need to drink it, and I am beyond excited! I have grown up a beautiful girl, then lost it to my scars, but now I am getting myself back! :D
By the way, NO DOCTOR ever EVER helped me with these issues; one even gave me a generic anti-fungal cream! For... my... FACE! What?!
Thank you for re-asserting what I have come to stumble upon on my own. I wish someone had told me sooner, but my daughter will never have to go through what I have gone through, and that is consolation enough for me.
Thanks again,
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1 Posts

Posted - 08/01/2013 :  08:10:58  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
I have been cure of a my breast cancer which i have suffered for 6years. My husband and i have done by our power but no results. Jst 2weeks ago, My husband came telling me about a doctor that cure people with different kind of diseases and infections with herbal and traditional medicine. I felt reluctant beuace i was tired of hearing this and that everyday. But i gave a try to the doctor lamp who we met online. I emailed him on the internet, he told me about his herbal healing medicine called "UGBESIN D1 CLIPTON HB" I gave in the requirements needed to prepare the medicine. he directed me on how to use it for 7days twice daily with the soap. I did as he said, just the 10th day, i felt free within my self in the morning. I asked my husband to let us to for check up, and we found out that the tumor is gone. My breast that was swollen came back to normal, it all looks like a magic in a film play, but that was the result.
I got clean results from doctor lamp herbal and traditional medicine called "UGBESIN D1 CLIPTON HB" that cured my breast cancer.
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1 Posts

Posted - 08/12/2013 :  18:03:24  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
With the readers of this forum I would like to share my story about how I solved my Basal cell carcinoma problem.
A growth started appearing about a year and half ago, on the side of my nose and close to the eye. I was not paying much attention until it started to grow above my skin.
It was constantly beading for no reason, all my best effort to heal it and leave it alone were failing, as it tended to start beading at night, without even being touched.
Since I'm a vet I kind of knew that I'm dealing with a basal cell carcinoma, since all of the symptoms you find online fitted the growth. I was looking into the treatment options, which BTW on most sites do not even mention hydrogen peroxide. Eventually I stumbled onto this forum and motivated from the stories I decided to try.

I started applying a 3% pharmacy hydrogen onto the growth. Using a Q tip I was forming a drop on it, once the sizzling stops I was making another one. It started to contract immediately forming a crust. When the crust fell off it was still beading.
Funny thing with H202 is that it makes a crust of a dead layer of cells puffs it and lifts it up. So once you apply more the crust gets wet and tends to fall off, exposing the growth.
After few days it reached the skin level, however I kept going knowing that basal cells are some 1 mm below the skin level. The new tissue beneath the crust was still cancerous, as it was bleeding less, but was tearing and bleeding if you pull on the skin.

So I kept going, few times a day apply, create a white layer on the open wound, let if form a crust, remove the dead cells 1-2 day, by flaking off or washing it away with the next treatment.

Progress was slowing and I decided to use 9% food grade peroxide. Now this stuff had some more punch. It kept doing the same thing, but was also causing an wider inflammation of the surrounding tissue, which was going away in a day or so.
Once I was happy with the hole I drilled with the hydrogen, which stopped bleeding and tearing. Then I stopped and the whole thing literally revered to normal skin and closed off. I still have a bit of depression where it used to be, but at least it is normal skin.

The whole deal took some 2 weeks in total.

A funny thing was that when I was treating the cancer there was no pain and stinging. It came after I reached the healthy cells. When it felt burning and it was blushing during the treatment, I knew I was making progress.

I guess I could have taken a slower approach and wait for the crust to fall off, but I was inpatient and I was removing it by force. I would recommend not to do it this way. Have a day or two of patience, and let it take a week more.

I hope it helps you to get proactive and get read of the problem. Finally I documented it throughout the process. Here are the pics.

All the best.

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Posted - 09/05/2013 :  14:15:48  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
3 months since my post and the wound has not reopened. Color has lightened to a lightened to a typical scar color of a medium pink.

If this was cancerous than I am 100% convinced that it is gone. If it was something else then it is still gone and peroxide is my new best friend.

Now I am using it on other locations with skin issues, possibly cancerous, with similar results. I dab it on as often as it takes to stop bubbling upon application then scrape the "burned" tissue away. Let it air dry, sometimes apply a ointment or salve and repeat later. Twice a day seems to work well. Even attempting to remove a wart from my finger with some result but not getting the root yet.

Keep at it friends! Peroxide is awesome!
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Posted - 02/24/2014 :  02:43:11  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
I had an Actinic keratosis on the back of my hand. For a long time it was just a spot that wouldn't heal. my dermatologist froze it, and cleared up the pit that had formed, but when the blister healed I stll had the thick, rough scaly patch. As the second freezing was healing up I could see it didn't work, either. This time I took matters into my own hands. I had a small spray bottle of 3% H2O2, which I used to douse the area. The first few applications had no effect, but I would keep spraying it on as soon as the previous application dried, and after the third time I started to get some whitening, first on the AK region. I continued until even the healthy skin was turning white, and it was stinging pretty good. It looked like I had spilled battery acid on my hand, and would take four to six hours to return to normal color. The skin was flaking and peeling from the AK region. Repeated this over a period of several days, until the whole area was restored to normal, healthy skin.

My Dermatologist doesn't believe it.
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Posted - 12/13/2014 :  17:49:49  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Looks like my Basal cell is finally back for round 2. This time in addition to original place right under eye, I have a nice lump over my nose between my eyes. Still have some H202 35% from my first battle. This time I am trying 50/50 combo DMSO mixed w H202 35%. Since DMSO carries whatever it is mixed with right into body. Following up that treatment with a baking soda paste for 10 minutes,,, and then wash that off and rub coconut oil to try to preserve the skin a little since H202 35% is so strong. I follow that up with some fresh cut garlic on areas..and then rub a fresh cut lemon on the areas to help the skin. Then finally more coconut oil to finish and give skin a moisturizer.
So far so good ..this will probably take a few weeks to finish because more than 2 treatments a day w H202 35% is too hard on the skin. All areas have been leveled out and layer of skin removed. I will update results
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Disclaimer: The three most common types of skin cancer are basal cell carcinoma, squamous cell carcinoma, and melanoma. While melanoma is the most dangerous type, keep in mind that any cancer and potentially some cancer treatments can cause injury or death. The various views expressed in these public forums should not be considered as medical advice. See your qualified health-care professional for medical attention, advice, diagnosis, and treatments.