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 Mixture of Carcinoma Types

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chappaqua Posted - 07/23/2009 : 11:24:58
Six months ago I had my first skin cancer diagnosis which was basal cell and removed from my face by a plastic surgeon. A month ago, I had a biopsy on my ear. It showed a lot of pre-cancerous tissue and squamous cell in situ. When I saw my dermatologist last week, he tried to convince me to wait for three months before doing anything further since he believed he got everything doing the biopsy. I said I wanted another biopsy, and he did it. I got the report 2 days ago which showed basal cell carcinoma, and my dermatologist, this time, said we'll wait for three months. I am getting another opinion next week but am wondering if anyone knows of a situation where in one site, both squamous cell and basal cell carcinomas have grown from pre-cancerous tissue? I also then wonder if a melanoma is also possible from the same tissue?

Thanks in advance...Janet This is my first time on this forum!
2   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Rose Petal Posted - 07/31/2009 : 04:10:17
You are right, RidgebackDogs. I had SCC but my path results include:

"There are focal basaloid features as well."

The doctor said this means basal cell is "mixed in."
RidgebackDogs Posted - 07/30/2009 : 22:30:48
Hi Janet,
Not sure i have any answers but from what i have read there can be bcc's skin cancers that scc features and vice-versa. One link i followed has dubbed them bsc's. This link was to part of a book i pulled up on a google search of "mixed bcc scc". It is a long link and i will try to post it here but don't know if it will post as it is 3 lines long! I'll try!
the book is Skin Cancer by Keyvan Nouri and the page is 71 --

Not sure if a melanoma is possible but from what this book said the BSC could also be just bcc and scc close together - apparently there is not agreement in medical community on this.

Hope this helps. Good luck and i will be praying for you!

Please let us know how the 2nd opinion went. Thanks!

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Disclaimer: The three most common types of skin cancer are basal cell carcinoma, squamous cell carcinoma, and melanoma. While melanoma is the most dangerous type, keep in mind that any cancer and potentially some cancer treatments can cause injury or death. The various views expressed in these public forums should not be considered as medical advice. See your qualified health-care professional for medical attention, advice, diagnosis, and treatments.