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 My aunt had Mohs surgery on her cheek

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Mami Posted - 05/24/2009 : 20:51:21
This was done two months ago and she has been healing good but a few days ago exactly 5 I noticed some redness around where the surgery was performed. She had been putting Neosporin every day and I told her to stop it since she was never instructed to do that.
I am calling the doctor on tuesday since this is a long weekend but I am very worry about it.
Has anyone had that experience after Mohs?
1   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
RidgebackDogs Posted - 05/25/2009 : 17:46:42
after 2 mos the incision area should be healed over on the top skin layer. If she has been putting on Neosporin every day since the surgery she over-using it - the package directions tell to use only for a certain number of days (14 i think) unless under the direction of a dr. Sometimes there is discoloration, at least in my experience on the areas where i have had surgery - the area where my nose was done last year is still redder than the surrounding area.
perhaps she should quit using the Neosporin and consult her dr.
good luck!

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