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 Worried after MOHs

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readerina Posted - 04/14/2009 : 22:13:15
I had MOHs surgery on my nose yesterday and the doctor ended up having to do a skin graft. He took some skin from behind my ear. In cleaning and reapplying new bandages earlier this evening, I notice that the skin on my nose (where the skin graft is) .. is turning black ... is this OK or is something wrong? I'm worried that I'm not keeping the wound site as moist as it should be. I'm using Vaseline guaze, along with Bacitracin and a Bandaid to cover it all up.

Thanks for any guidance, suggestions and support anyone can provide.

4   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
readerina Posted - 04/26/2009 : 21:07:22
It'll be two weeks tomorrow since I had the MOHs and so far so good. Everything's healing exceptionally well.. haven't had any problems (yet?). Can't imagine what could happen at this point, though. The skin graft 'took' and the doctor says it's coming along great!

In retrospect, probably the worst part of this whole procedure for me .. was the actual skin graft .. the removal of the skin behind my ear. I wasn't prepared for it (mentally) so that didn't help .. and the 2-3 days following the procedure - I had a lot of headaches and aches and pains. It went away quickly, though. Stitches were removed last week and it's not even noticeable when I look behind my ear in the mirror.

It's quite amazing. Would highly recommend MOHs for anyone eligible.

Good luck!

trish Posted - 04/17/2009 : 22:49:31
It's good to hear everything is normal. I hope you update on how the graft works out. i am so worried that I will go in with relatively small lesions and come out with gaping holes in my forehead! :-( Are you glad (so far)that you've had the procedure?
readerina Posted - 04/15/2009 : 20:11:08
Thanks for posting, Trish!

Actually I called the doctor's office today and spoke with one of the nurses who has told me that all is good and that I am to expect color changes over the next few days - that's normal and nothing to be concerned/worried about.

Caught me off-guard to see what I saw when I was cleaning the wound yesterday, I guess.

Good luck!

trish Posted - 04/14/2009 : 22:40:00
I haven't had my Moh's procedure yet, but I would call if I were you. Did the doc or nurse give you a number to call? Or maybe your insurance has a nurse's hotline? I'm under the impression that black means there isn't blood flow to the area, but maybe it's just bruising, or? Good luck and prayers to you.

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