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 Acne and pimples?

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Celes Posted - 07/08/2008 : 02:38:34
I am having problem of acne and pimples and having scars on my face hoe to treat them?
3   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
briadrick Posted - 08/09/2008 : 08:13:16
I think these problems occurs while we use too much fatty foods, hormonal disturbance and digestive disorders. I think you are responsible for all and you also can control and remove by just regulating your daily routine and without taking fatty foods.
davidso Posted - 08/09/2008 : 06:26:50
pimples ,blackheads and whiteheads are forms of acne. We may have thought of acne as limited to those red, bumpy pustules, but that is not so. All forms of acne are considered disorders of the pilosebaceous units of the skin, which are made up of the sebaceous glands, the hair follicle, and the hair strand itself. And like all acne, the problem with blackheads and whiteheads starts deep down the sebaceous glands, or oil can remove it through
dan Posted - 07/08/2008 : 21:21:48
Celes, thanks for asking about treatments for acne. Hopefully we can get some interesting responses here. is a good comprehensive resource for almost any ailment. Their acne discussion at covers causes and conventional therapies. Under nutritional and alternative therapies they list vitamins A and E, lipotic acid, zinc, topical niacinamide, essential fatty acids DHA and EPA, tea tree oil, calendula, chamomile, witch hazel, and licorice root. They also look at light based therapies and diet.

I think a root cause of acne may be excess polyunsaturated (omega 6 vegetable such as corn, sunflower, safflower) oils in the diet, much as I believe these fats are involved in promoting skin cancers. Polyunsaturated oils are easily oxidized. An overabundance of polyunsaturated oils in the diet means they may become incorporated into sebum, an oily substance secreted by hair follicles.

I think preventing sebum from oxidizing is the key to controlling acne. Oxidized sebum becomes infected by normally present bacteria (Propionibacterium acnes). This results in further inflammation as white blood cells join in to attack the bacteria buildup. Polyunsaturated fats also are precursors of inflammatory prostaglandin hormones (PG-series 2) within skin cells.

Reducing polyunsaturated oils in the diet should reduce acne. I think it makes sense to replace polyunsaturated oils in the diet with coconut oil.

The skin is used along with other organs to eliminate toxins in the body. Anything that lightens the toxin load should help acne. Working towards a low sugar, alkalizing diet should be beneficial. An alkalizing diet promotes a healthy pancreas, enabling blood glucose control and adequate digestive enzymes, in turn leading to healthy skin. Any other ideas?

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