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 dry skin

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dmgems Posted - 01/05/2008 : 16:58:22
I have incredibly dry skin on my lower legs and feet which itch alot, I also live in utah, very low humidity. What do people use as I have tried alot of creams and steriods which i have now discontinued and plan on not using any more. I tried aloe vera and it seems to help, but it is mixed with alcohol, which may or may not be good.
18   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
fRomance Posted - 04/16/2020 : 03:26:09
try these:
Aveeno Eczema Therapy Daily Moisturizing Cream for Sensitive Skin, Soothing Lotion With Colloidal Oatmeal

Avène XeraCalm Lipid-Replenishing Cream

Vanicream Moisturizing Skin Cream
radiourban Posted - 03/24/2020 : 13:52:13
Originally posted by judyf

I have used Burt's Bees Coconut Foot Creme with Vitamin E for my constantly dry, cracked feet, and I love this stuff. I smear it on and put cotton socks on overnight and it is amazing. Lasts for at least two days on my feet. Best ever!

I also use that, it's amazing how it makes my feet really soft
tdhds Posted - 02/08/2019 : 04:42:02
A lot of people are yet to realize that man's greatest assets is his health. Without good health, there would be no need for amassing all the splendid material stuffs, because you cannot enjoy anything not even cooking when you are sick. So this teaching should be passed on to the younger kids after us, sharing with them the importance of living a healthy lifestyle so that when they grow up they will have no difficulty in expressing their knowledge in actions.

MarcPierre Posted - 01/07/2014 : 01:37:26
Have you tried changing the kind of laundry detergent you're using? Health stores have non-perfumed neutral kinds like the stuff from the Ecover brand.
Perhaps also your washing machine (facility, whatever) has various rinse cycles - choose the longest available one.
'Cause that's the soap you are actually using on them...
rubens456 Posted - 03/04/2013 : 12:49:46
Hi, almost all skin disorders are caused by the same cause as cancer, Candida.
Candida can give many different problems to your body, some of those problems on the skin includes, Psoriasis , Athlete's foot, Itching, Eczemas, Cancers, Allergies, Acne.
You can treat them topically, however the problem will probrably reocur, the real way to fix it is treating you inside, with natural things that will kill candida and a good probiotic to rebuild your good flora.
Heres a list of good antifungals:
Oregano Oil
Grape Fruit Seed Extract ( NOT Grape Seed Extract )
Caprylic Acid
Olive Leaf Extract
Pau D'arco ( better when used in the tea form, based on my research, drinking it hot has more effect to kill candia, but NOT too hot, drink in a pleasent temperature, otherwise it will cause more harm then good because its gonna burn you)
Black Wallnut
Aloe Vera

And there are many others ones, for a bigger list check this website

A good probiotic to take is called PB-8, but you can search for another one if you like, just make sure it has many different strains of bacteria.

Avoid sugars, and take a look at this diet for fighting candida,
Thats it, good luck for you!
claude Lopez Posted - 10/19/2012 : 02:09:44
Use aloe vera gel after bathing on the dry areas.
AzaleaMimosa Posted - 09/20/2012 : 23:25:41
Instead of using an abrasive dishwashing cleanser, try sprinkling skin-friendly baking soda in your dishwater. Baking soda is also a skin-friendly alternative to jumping in a hot shower. Try a sponge bath using 4 tablespoons baking soda to 1 quart water. A baking soda soak is a folk remedy to relieve itching. Add 1 cup baking soda to a tub of hot water. Soak for 30 minutes and air dry.
harmony011 Posted - 09/20/2012 : 05:33:27
Aside from the usual skin moisturizers and creams, one has to look at his or her diet. Adding food items that are high in moisture content would help control the drying of the skin. You may also add another layer of skin moisturizer in serious cases of dry skin.
Andy Bike Posted - 08/29/2012 : 03:12:35
I've read about Retin-A cream which is used to remove rashes from skin and make your skin glowly and better.
junea9 Posted - 09/13/2011 : 00:11:35
If you have problem of dry skin, massage your body with olive oil before bath.
It is very good way to maintain the moisture of your skin for whole day. Apply fresh
cream on your body for 10 minutes then wash it with water. Don't use harsh soaps on
your skin.
jenniferd Posted - 07/25/2011 : 01:02:58
Thanks for great discussion about the topic. This is really beneficial for me.
You have shared some really nice tips here.
steverd Posted - 09/25/2010 : 08:22:36
Any home remedy for dry skin? please suggest
judyf Posted - 08/21/2009 : 14:59:44
I have used Burt's Bees Coconut Foot Creme with Vitamin E for my constantly dry, cracked feet, and I love this stuff. I smear it on and put cotton socks on overnight and it is amazing. Lasts for at least two days on my feet. Best ever!
anivoc Posted - 01/11/2008 : 00:35:22
Yes it rubs in easily.. It will feel odd for a few hours but absorbs in over the day. I had similar problems on my lower legs and it really solved the problem well.
dmgems Posted - 01/10/2008 : 15:59:22
Thanks for your advice, currently I have found straight mineral oil to help, but I will try anything that helps. Does it apply easily after the oil has been added. All of us with skin disorders are blessed with skin cancer, dry skin, itchy skin, etc. You may know me as TOMM, I have changed my login to DMGEMS
anivoc Posted - 01/08/2008 : 00:50:07
I would recommend a health food store for the bee's wax..although...
I'm sure if you google it you can buy it online.

Use a cleaned empty soup or canned vegetable can. Push the bees wax into the can till it is @ 1/2 full.In a sauce pan,start to boil @ 1/2 cup of water.
Once boiling lower to a low boil and place the can upright in the sauce pan. Wait for it to liquefy then add 2 teaspoons of olive or grapeseed oil. Stir until it appears to be well blended an then pour into whatever container you want to save it in.
dmgems Posted - 01/07/2008 : 15:29:47
how do you get it to mix together and were do you get bee's wax
anivoc Posted - 01/06/2008 : 23:11:37
Here's a great do it yourself cream that takes care of dry skin.
Bees wax mixed with olive oil or grapeseed oil into a tooth paste consistency.

You'll be amazed

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Disclaimer: The three most common types of skin cancer are basal cell carcinoma, squamous cell carcinoma, and melanoma. While melanoma is the most dangerous type, keep in mind that any cancer and potentially some cancer treatments can cause injury or death. The various views expressed in these public forums should not be considered as medical advice. See your qualified health-care professional for medical attention, advice, diagnosis, and treatments.