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 Is there a skin cancer detection topical solution?

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Apple Seed Posted - 03/05/2017 : 08:57:55
Is there a topical solution (such as apple cider vinegar etc) other than Cansema and bloodroot that will sting when applied to a suspected skin cancer in order to let you know if it is cancer or not. There is a product called Total Care Body Wash that when applied to a suspected lesion produces some sort of reaction (I don’t know if it stings or not) to self-diagnose a suspected lesion, but that costs $100 (£82) for an 8 oz bottle.

I’m looking for something that will give me the go ahead to use Cansema and bloodroot, rather than use Cansema and bloodroot to begin with.
3   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Elamras9 Posted - 06/18/2017 : 23:15:45
Your posthing solved my problem.
Apple Seed Posted - 03/07/2017 : 10:34:56
Thanks Dan. Is there one product you would recommend or that you use?
dan Posted - 03/06/2017 : 19:05:40
Hi Apple Seed, I like to use orange oil for that purpose which is very inexpensive. You should be able to find it for about $5 US. In my experience, applying a few drops to a skin cancer will cause an intense stinging reaction after about a minute that lasts for about 20 to 25 minutes. Applied to normal skin, there should be no reaction. However, it it possible but unlikely to be allergic to orange oil.

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Disclaimer: The three most common types of skin cancer are basal cell carcinoma, squamous cell carcinoma, and melanoma. While melanoma is the most dangerous type, keep in mind that any cancer and potentially some cancer treatments can cause injury or death. The various views expressed in these public forums should not be considered as medical advice. See your qualified health-care professional for medical attention, advice, diagnosis, and treatments.