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 supplemental vitamin treatment

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
marius14 Posted - 07/12/2014 : 09:23:18
I have experience from my uncle about vitamin B17 which helped him a lot with cancer. You can´t get it in common but you can get some from apricot seeds, but carefully with it they includes a little portion of kyanid (best if you make plan for consumption, he using 25 per day ( I think body weight matters so dont give childrens 25 or you poison them)). So i wanted to share my experience, i hope its help you could try it with your current therapy and maybe its help you....

There is more people but you could find them by your self on youtube and like that...

And at the end one recommandation from web:

NO! What a lot of people do not consider when choosing an apricot kernel supplier is that apricot kernels (like all oil seeds) are very susceptible to moulds if not immediately dried to reduce the moisture levels that will inhibit mould growth.
One very dangerous mould that apricot kernels are susceptible to is aflatoxin. Aflatoxin is a fungus, a mycotoxin that is very toxic and carcinogenic to humans. It is known that chronic exposure will lead to a high chance of developing liver cancer. (ref: wikipedia)
It is not often easy to spot as the kernel husk (skin) can conceal the mouldy flesh underneath. The best way to avoid ingesting this toxic fungus is to not purchase kernels that are not assured that they have been dried immediately to a moisture level of under 7% within 48 hours of removal from the fruit and then stored in weatherproof conditions to keep moisture levels safe. So please take care when looking to purchase any fruit kernel.

So for the best buy fresh apricots and get kernel from them….
2   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
mark72 Posted - 05/07/2015 : 11:00:23
This is my personal opinion. If you try to use my ideas, then you will be the only person responsible. I’m not going to many details, 'Devil is in the detail', so make your reseach before you decide to do anything.
I take 15 bitter apricot kernels and 6 garlic caws in a day. Taking Amygdalin B17 you must take Pankreatin too.
1- If one cancer lesion is confirmed on your skin, then may be more, some invisible to the eye, unles you apply d-limonene, or garlic in coconut oil. Red spots would apear that stay for one to days.
2- Skin cancer cell lesions should be removed surgically as soon as they are diagnosed.
3- If you have more than one cancer lesion on you skin then, check your self for inside lesions, cysts, fibroma, or colon precancer lesions. They all are the prelud of cancer, and won’t go unless you imune system is supported with a natural medicine protokoll. The fee is $300 to $400 per hour. Tests cost $800 and suplements and healthy food about $1000 a month. Sometimes the body defense system eliminates them, only if you support your immune system.
4- Dermatologist can treat the lesion, but cannot treat you internally to support your compromised defence system. This can be done in specialyzed cancer facilities. A complete team of experts is going to take care of you, and they have to be paid in chash. To have an idea how much it may cost, then watch the “breaking Bad” TV movie series created by Vince Gilligan.
If decide to support your immune system please:
1 - Check your body acidity with saliva/urine pH strips. If your body is acidic then adjust it to alkaline. Using Baking Soda protocol you will increase the sodium in you body, and this is a risky enterprise. Baking Soda and Maple Syrup Grade B Protocol is risky. You cannot control the amount of NaHCO3 you take because to ingredients doesn’t mix.
I used Baking Soda / Black strap Molasses Protocol. Mixed 1 Tea SP BS with 1 tea SP Molasses in 125ml water at 110 F or 43C for 5 minutes, added water to 300ml and drink 7AM and 7 PM you can’t go mote than a week like that. After I used 1 BC 1 Molasses per day for one more week. After a 4 week break, using one lemon in a glass of water, I started BS again. Now my saliva/urine pH is 7.5. I have a BS in chemistry and know how to play the dangerous game with baking soda. You may consult your doctor.
First stop taking any acidic water. Tape water is neutral but has chlorine. Use a water filter and adjust the water pH at 7 to 7,5 with pH drops.
I use melted water process:
In a liter glass jar I pour 900ml filtered water and let it to freeze 70% of the water 6 to 7 hours in the freezer or overnight outside in winter time.
I open a hole in the ice and discharge about 250ml water. Melting the ice the yield is 650ml to 700ml pure water.
2 – Check your iodine level in urine and consult your Doctor. My doctor declined to give me a referral for this Test. The lab Tests refuse to perform any test unless you have a referral. After some calls I found a way to buy the test around $90 for single urine test, or $120 for average 24 hours urine test.
I am very lucky to have to my close relatives Doctors overseas and they instruct me what to do, and how to do.
I took iodorol, but now I prepare the solution using the recipe.
One tablet IODORAL contains: Iodine/Iodide: 12.5mg (Iodine 5mg, Iodide 7.5mg)
Life-Flo Health Care Liquid Iodine Plus suggest:
Three drops provide 150 mcg of Iodine (as Iodine and Potassium Iodide).
That means 150mcg of iodine( as I3-) /1000 = 0.15mg (as Iodine and Potassium Iodide)
I don’t like Life-Flo Care …. Suggestion for only 0.15 mg daily supplement, instead I go for Iodoral 12.5mg daily supplement, but I prepare the solution by my self.
5 gm iodine (I2)
10 gm potassium iodide (KI)
100 ml of distilled water
Yields 6.3 mg Iodine/Iodide per drop.
100ml contains about 100ml X 20 = 2000 drops. Or 1000 2 drop doses equal with 1000 iodoral tablets.
I use 2 drops per day to receive one tablet Iodoral tablet Supplement.
Amazon free shipping
Polar Pure - Crystal Iodine Water Treatment / Disinfectant 0.25 Oz $20
Potassium Iodide, High Purity Crystals, 100 grams $23

Optima Iodoral High Potency Iodine Potassium Iodide Thyroid Support Supplement 180 tablets $35.12
3 – Enzymes there are different brands with different prices as: Pancreatin 8, Mega Zyme, Mega Zyme Forte and more. They do not suggest dosage but some people gets 4 x 2 tablets per day, and a few more. Consult your doctor.
4 – Vitamine C. This is controversial. Taking Ascorbic Acid you turn your body Acidic, and the body absorb only Ascorbates. So the Ascorbic Acid must react with body minerals and creates micro pores in your bones, if you take great doses.
Buffered Vitamin C is safer, but there are different ideas suggesting taking calcium, magnesium, potassium and sodium Ascorbate. Before taking Vitamin C consult your doctor.
There are many Books that inform you about nutritional protocols, some are good and look for authors that sold 100000 to 150000 books.
There are testimonial from people that shrinked cysts, or fibromas using these Protocols.

bikermama069 Posted - 03/10/2015 : 05:03:18

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Disclaimer: The three most common types of skin cancer are basal cell carcinoma, squamous cell carcinoma, and melanoma. While melanoma is the most dangerous type, keep in mind that any cancer and potentially some cancer treatments can cause injury or death. The various views expressed in these public forums should not be considered as medical advice. See your qualified health-care professional for medical attention, advice, diagnosis, and treatments.