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 easy sounding oxygen remedy

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Paullie Posted - 01/30/2013 : 21:35:05
Here is a very credible website from a guy that cured his stage 4 prostate cancer with baking soda, among other things. But we know all that. He had a scientist email him about why his cure worked, and another way to go about the same thing (oxygenating the cells I think. It is too long to write the protocol here, but here is the link

It involves sea salt, drops of organic lemon, and distilled water. It was too easy for me not to start this. Basically you start by adding six drops of lemon juice into a teaspoon of sea salt, and waiting three minutes (not longer than fifteen minutes), and adding the mixture to eight ounces of the distilled water and drinking it. You keep adding a drop a day to this until you get nauseated within about thirty minutes of drinking it. Then you cycle back down, each time going down of drops of lemon juice when you get queasy. The goal is to end up on one drop of lemon juice. Well, read it. You also have to do this first thing in the morning and not eat for awhile afterwards. Apparently this concoction produces chloride dioxide (I think) which adds oxygen to the cells. You judge how much you need by how you feel. Why it turns out that people need to go up and then down on lemon juice drops was not explained.

You can read the whole story, because he presents this protocol as an alternative to using pH paper and going for the very alkaline urine. It's an interesting story, anyway.
6   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Paullie Posted - 03/07/2013 : 13:59:49
Okay, I am now almost cycled off. I went all the way up to twelve drops then was able to cycle back down to six, where I was stuck seemingly forever. Right now I am at a stage where I almost can't cycle down fast enough, and at two drops! A couple of things might be responsible for this--one is that I added low dose naltrexone a couple of weeks ago. That is supposed to help regulate the immune system. My dermatologist appointment is not for a couple of weeks. I did the low dose naltrexone basically on my own (along with everything else!). I think immune system issues has led to my problem. I am not sure exactly how the low dose naltrexone interacts with this oxygen remedy, but I think there are some synergies. This is just a hunch, though. But I am having more mushroom powder tea recently so that could be a factor too. At one point I thought I would never be able to cycle down from six drops. I'm feeling well but am looking forward to getting off the oxygen protocol. I can tell that it is still having an effect at two drops because when it is "working" I generally become very sleepy after about an hour, so I have been trying to take it at 4am so I can go back to sleep without waking up too late. I can't emphasize enough that something strong is going on chemically with this very simple remedy.
DawnRa Posted - 03/02/2013 : 16:48:23

How are you getting along with this protocol? Have you completed it? How are you feeling now? Any problems?
Paullie Posted - 02/07/2013 : 07:59:41
Here is my diary up to this point: I thought it was a good time to update because tomorrow I will start cycling back down on the drops:

Day 1- 6 drops no reaction

Day 2 7 drops some burping after about one hour

Day 3 8 drops some burping after about thirty minutes, loose stools. I took the drops at about 5 am and went back to sleep for two hours at about 6am. The drops had made me very sleepy.

Day 4 9 drops some burping/very slight nausea after twenty minutes. That night had tachycardia, I was on a brief two day trip. I had forgotten to bring my blood pressure medicine to take the next day. I knew it wouldn’t normally hurt much to skip one day of blood pressure medication, but was concerned with my heart racing. Fortunately I had some Valerian with me so I took that and my heart stopped racing.

Day 5 No drops-stopped because I was away from home, had forgotten to bring my blood pressure medicine with me, and had tachycardia the night before. Took Valerian to keep blood pressure down.

Day 6 8 drops-decided to step it down by one drop since I had skipped a day. After one hour had the burping. I couldn’t sleep this time and had to drive home when I was a bit tired—not good. I could feel my body working not only on my various apparent skin cancer spots, but also my jaw, where I had a suspected slight infection left over from a tooth extraction that was not really cleaned out that much because it was next to a nerve.

Day 7 9 drops At 5am this day again woke up with mild tachycardia. I didn’t panic, and took three Valerian before deciding what to do. After all, I had my blood pressure medicine with me. The Valerian worked and I decided to press on. Meanwhile I was having quite a bit of diarrhea, so I was a bit queasy to begin with. After I took the drops, it took just ten minutes for one tiny burp, but that is all. But a mild headache turned into a full fledged one in the twenty minute period, so that is my reaction. And, I was still a bit queasy from the diarrhea anyway. I went back to sleep and was ravishingly hungry when I woke up. Ate a full bowl of oatmeal plus banana and hope I retain some of it. I’ve lost close to five pounds since beginning this. Felt surprisingly good all day except for mild headache. Taking blood pressure daily now—normal today. Also urine pH between 7 and 8. I will probably stay at 9 drops tomorrow, even though queasiness from diarrhea not that bad. Definitely have the yellow stools!

Day 8 10 drops (decided to go up) at 4:30 am No tachycardia on awakening, (had two Valerian before bed the prior night and Liposomal Vitamin C), brief nausea/burping after exactly twenty minutes. Went back to sleep and had two loose yellow stools upon awakening. Perfect! I like this because I am sleeping away a lot of the side effects, which occur in the first two hours. I find this protocol is very similar to the MMS type protocols that I read about, although they are often twice or more a day. Not sure if that stuff is still on the market. Some people use hydrogen peroxide food grade, too. I am not sure if they know what they are doing or not. The issue here apparently is that it affects the blood but often not solid tumors? Also I need to enhance my elimination pathways. I have an old portable infrared sauna somewhere. Going to use my chi machine today. In any case I am also carefully doing black salve, which also produces some issues, so I need not to stress my liver. I’m going to try the coffee enemas. In general though I feel good, blood pressure generally okay, urine pH neutral to slightly alkaline, and tons of energy (other than right after taking the drops).

Day 9 10 drops at 4:00am sensations begin after ten minutes, so I drop down to nine drops tomorrow. No tachycardia (had the C, MSM and one Valerian tablet the night before), very light burping, huge sensation of tiredness/brainfog that eventually put me back to sleep. I have black salve on an increasingly large spot on my back, and a place right next to it had been bothering me all night long with itching. After the drops it calmed down in a WOW fashion, and I felt prickly sensations around many of my cancer places, very similar to acupuncture. I had been planning to add a bit more black salve to the itchy spot (because it needs it) but I think I might hold off, even though it itches some again right now. Did not really have yellow BMs this time, but made a brief attempt at diarrhea though not much came out. Supposedly the cancer will be gone when I finish this protocol. That is hard to believe but, if true, I should be able to see the difference. Trying to avoid more black salve, which, believe me was needed. Still on an alkaline diet and testing pH. Did some energetic work on myself during the night last night.

By the way, during the day I have a lot of spurts of energy on this protocol. Overall I feel good though there is usually a faint headache. This is absolutely the most interesting experiment!
Paullie Posted - 02/04/2013 : 10:47:04
I am still on this protocol and it is interesting to say the least! Who would have thought that a teaspoon of salt, a few drops of lemon juice, and water could have had this effect? I can imagine that this not only would be helpful for cancer, but also any other disorder that could benefit from oxygen therapy, eg. lyme, etc.

It is not for the feint of heart. My most pronounced symptom is fatigue that hits about fifteen minutes after the burping starts. In fact, sometimes I wake up early in the morning, like 5am and rather than try to get back to sleep, I make the concoction, drink it, and then go back to bed. Generally after about forty five minutes or an hour I am conked out for at least another couple of hours. This morning I had to get up and drive a substantial distance after taking it and I missed my early morning nap.

Another thing is that I had tachycardia in the middle of the night once. I don't seem to have night sweats like is mentioned in the blog, or at least it is not dramatic. The tachycardia was a bit scary, but I stopped it with a handful of Valerian and then did not take any of the concoction that morning.

What is odd is that I feel sensations in my body where it is working, mostly the places where the skin cancer is, but also I felt it in my jaw, where I have suspected I have a left over infection from when I got a tooth pulled, and the oral surgeon could not clean up the root area because of a nerve there. I had had to use low level laser therapy to keep that under control. After I take the lemon juice salt concoction I feel movement around my body parts, and kind of twinges every place where the oxygen seem to be working.

One side effect is definitely good. Despite overall rather drastic diet changes over the past three or four weeks, I haven't really been able to lose weight. I wasn't undertaking the diet to lose weight, but my ideal weight is most likely about twenty five to thirty pounds below my current weight. Since starting the oxygen therapy, I have dropped about five pounds.

I can't say that I feel better, because of the Herx symptoms I am apparently experiencing. Except for the tachycardia once (which seemed manageable), they are not too bad, though. I'm going to start taking a couple of Valerian at night for awhile to try to avoid any more tachycardia.

Don't let the ingredients fool you. This is a powerful therapy. I'm going to start doing daily blood pressure and daily urine pH readings with this experiment.

Paullie Posted - 02/01/2013 : 09:21:51
Whatever, I am not sure what this protocol does, but I am experiencing the same symptoms as the author of the blog, which he says are detoxing symptoms. I am up to eight drops of lemon juice today, and after one hour I started feeling a bit nauseated, and started burping. Also some diarrhea.............. While I am trying this I am going to keep my urine pH in a normal range. Tomorrow I go to nine drops. If I feel the same way as I do today after thirty minutes I will stick to nine drops of lemon juice a day.

This morning I did go back to sleep and no nausea at the moment.

This protocol is producing some sort of Herxheimer effect, I feel. I would say I am having a mild reaction and can continue regular activities, though it would be good to be near a bathroom.

Only try this if you are purposely trying to get a Herx reaction.
johnbostonn Posted - 02/01/2013 : 01:56:06
Since anaerobic viruses cannot survive in an oxygen rich cellular environment, one would think that the herpes simplex virus could be eliminated via oxygen therapy. Unfortunately this is not so easy, and here's why: The primary function of the lungs is to oxygenate red blood cells. Inhaled oxygen is taken up by red cell hemoglobin, thereby boosting the oxygen content of arterial blood to 98%.

John Boston

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