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 Is it a mole or melanoma

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kmkonline Posted - 06/24/2012 : 07:06:22
May I ask is this a mole or melanoma?

Thanks in advance.

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kmkonline Posted - 06/12/2013 : 21:48:50
Just a small update, I have removed it last week.

There will be followup on 20th June 2013 to see the medical report.
harmony011 Posted - 06/26/2012 : 19:35:21
I concur with the view of anivoc. You may consider doing your own self diagnosis if there is an indication that this is not just a benign nevus. Nonetheless, you would have to consult your dermatologist to confirm whether it is a melanoma or not.
anivoc Posted - 06/24/2012 : 10:18:52
Disclaimer...pretty much impossible for anyone here to look at one picture of a brown spot with no other information and give you a even semi decent guess if it is "suspicious".

When you go to a dermatologist they will look at it and if they are concerned will take a Biopsy.

It looks Like a brown spot...could be a mole and old age spot (liver spot) or something else.

Melanoma? usually one of the indicators is a mole that you've had a long time that is changing growing / irregular edges. Or a spot that did not exist that came up and seems to be growing or acting weird.

You know your body better than anyone else..If you think it is a strange get to a dermatologist right away.

The skin cancers and alternative treatments we discuss here are all "Non-Melanoma" Melanoma is the killer so it's not the kind of skin cancer you can mess around with, wait around on, to get taken care of..

If it's been changing or just popped up out of nowhere and you are concerned..don't gamble with it..get it looked at by a dermatologist ASAP.

Good luck!

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Disclaimer: The three most common types of skin cancer are basal cell carcinoma, squamous cell carcinoma, and melanoma. While melanoma is the most dangerous type, keep in mind that any cancer and potentially some cancer treatments can cause injury or death. The various views expressed in these public forums should not be considered as medical advice. See your qualified health-care professional for medical attention, advice, diagnosis, and treatments.