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 Skin cancer prevention strategies
 Foods to avoid for cancer

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dan Posted - 01/29/2011 : 02:04:19
Here is an interesting list of foods to avoid during cancer treatment and prevention efforts posted by Ted from Thailand at .

Cancer feeds on sugar. Cancer grows in the presence of the fruit sugar fructose, especially. Cancer's sustaining fuel is glucose, which comes from sweet products. High carbohydrate foods and especially wheat must be avoided. Wheat contains a protein (gluten) that destroys your pancreas that controls insulin that controls your blood sugar. Your pancreas is also responsible for producing digestive enzymes that can act systemically to dissolve tumors.

No wheat products!
No sugar
No corn syrup or fructose
No artificial sugar.
No carbonated water. Plain water is always ok
No fruit and fruit juices. As in pineapples, mangoes, watermelon, etc.
No sweet drinks, as in coke, pepsi, diet pepsi, etc.
No chewing gums, including those sweetened with xylitol
No vegetable oils except coconut oil used in cooking
No calcium
No large meals consisting of large amounts of meats
No fried foods of any kind

The bottom line is that the blood sugar level needs to be below or equal to 90 mg/dL nearly all the time. You have a 97% chance of survival from cancer if you do.

Hence, supplements that reduce blood sugar are helpful. Glucophage (metformin) twice a day, B3 (niacin) 250 mg three times a day, and B1 (thiamin) 100 mg three times a day are the best ones in controlling blood sugar. White tea is important in flushing out excess sugar.

I'm surprised to see calcium on the list, I'll have to investigate a little more. Eliminating fruit and fruit juices may not seem like a good health move to most people, but I clearly see the dangers of fructose. Also cinnamon is popular as a supplement to reduce blood sugar.
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jackalan996 Posted - 03/13/2012 : 01:26:49
I agree with you that foods and fruits are the best way to fight with the cancer. By eating fruits and green vegetables you get many vitamins, mineral and proteins which increase the body fighting power against the cancer cells.
Also do some exercise regularly for 30 mints it also help to increase body anti cells for cancer...
sandradavis Posted - 01/17/2012 : 02:19:03
There are no foods proven to affect the course of cancer in any way. There aren't any foods proven to prevent or cure it either.

A healthy diet is important, and will help people to withstand the rigours of cancer treatment - but besides that, they should eat what they want. Trust me, it's bad enough going through cancer without well-meaning people giving you diet advice usually based on wrong information

I once thought my healthy, largely organic vegan diet, coupled with the facts that I exercised regularly and have never smoked, would protect me from cancer. I was wrong, and now I know better.
Gabby023 Posted - 06/01/2011 : 18:15:55
Thank you so much, Dan! This is extremely helpful.
dan Posted - 05/23/2011 : 13:51:50
Assuming fructose is the culprit behind fruit being on the list, here is a list of fruit fructose content from sorted from low to high fructose content. Fructose is the leading source of calories in the US with the average person consuming 75 grams a day. The recommendation on the Mercola site for general health is to keep fructose consumption below 25 grams a day.

Fruit Serving Size Fructose (grams)
Limes 1 medium 0
Lemons 1 medium 0.6
Cranberries 1 cup 0.7
Passion fruit 1 medium 0.9
Prune 1 medium 1.2
Apricot 1 medium 1.3
Guava 2 medium 2.2
Dates 1 medium 2.6
Cantaloupe 1/8 medium 2.8
Raspberries 1 cup 3
Clementine 1 medium 3.4
Kiwifruit 1 medium 3.4
Blackberries 1 cup 3.5
Star fruit 1 medium 3.6
Cherries, sweet 10 3.8
Strawberries 1 cup 3.8
Cherries, sour 1 cup 4
Pineapple 1 slice 4
Grapefruit, pink or red 1/2 medium 4.3
Boysenberries 1 cup 4.6
Tangerine/mandarin orange 1 medium 4.8
Nectarine 1 medium 5.4
Peach 1 medium 5.9
Orange (navel) 1 medium 6.1
Papaya 1/2 medium 6.3
Honeydew 1/8 medium 6.7
Banana 1 medium 7.1
Blueberries 1 cup 7.4
Date (Medjool) 1 medium 7.7
Apple (composite) 1 medium 9.5
Persimmon 1 medium 10.6
Watermelon 1/16 medium 11.3
Pear 1 medium 11.8
Raisins 1/4 cup 12.3
Grapes 1 cup 12.4
Mango 1/2 medium 16.2
Apricots, dried 1 cup 16.4
Figs, dried 1 cup 23
dan Posted - 05/23/2011 : 00:53:16
Hi Gabby023, I agree that giving up fruit altogether is perhaps too difficult and I am hoping unnecessary for cancer prevention. But I have cut down on wheat products and fruit juices as a result of this list. The first link above also has a discussion on the benefits of corn meal to drive out fungal infections, which many of us here feel are ultimately behind many skin cancer problems. So perhaps trade corn meal for wheat as much as possible.
Gabby023 Posted - 05/20/2011 : 01:56:54
I pretty much follow this diet, except I eat fruit. It's so hard to give up fruit! It's my go to food when I'm craving carbs or just want something other than meat and vegetables. But I think I need to push through it and see if I notice an improvement.

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Disclaimer: The three most common types of skin cancer are basal cell carcinoma, squamous cell carcinoma, and melanoma. While melanoma is the most dangerous type, keep in mind that any cancer and potentially some cancer treatments can cause injury or death. The various views expressed in these public forums should not be considered as medical advice. See your qualified health-care professional for medical attention, advice, diagnosis, and treatments.