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 Caffeine may be a skin cancer killer

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
anivoc Posted - 08/26/2007 : 20:49:41
Researchers at Rutgers University have found that caffeine combined with an extract from green tea can kill the disease in mice.

They have discovered that rubbing both substances onto the skin of mice stopped the cancer from spreading and killed all tumors.

Allan Conney and colleagues at Rutgers University in New Jersey studied special hairless mice over 20 weeks.

The mice were exposed to ultraviolet B light twice a week during this period, which put them at risk of skin cancer.

The researchers then applied two chemicals of green tea - caffeine and an extract called epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG) - to the mice's skin.

They found that both substances had successfully tackled cancer. However, they believe that caffeine may be more effective because it is more chemically stable than EGCG.

Mr Conney said: "We may have found a safe and effective way of preventing skin cancer."

The researchers found that both caffeine and ECCG killed cancer cells without damaging any surrounding skin.

It didn't matter if the tumours were benign or malignant. Cells in both were killed while leaving the normal cells alone.

Previous studies have suggested that drinking caffeine can also help to fight skin cancer. However, the dose required is very high and may not be suitable for human consumption.
4   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
SoFl Posted - 11/02/2007 : 10:00:01
Originally posted by anivoc

My idea after reading this is to find some caffeine tablets, crush them into powder mix with dmso and vitamin e or tea tree oil. I will then apply this mixture like I have been doing with the sunspot es ala anivoc (for those that don't know what I'm talking about see my post in the sunspot es is best thread).

I will try this on a large nodular BCC I have on my shoulder sometime this week and report back.

RE: Sunspot ES. I am having some very good success on an old scared bloodroot bcc. Yet in another area where I tried the curaderm I just can't get the sunspot to finish the job. There is no doubt sunspot helps with AK's. My skin is in much better condition than it has been in several years

I've been experimenting with that too. I crushed up caffeine (nodoz) and have been mixing it in acetone, which I believe is what they used in the rat study. I keep it in a dropper bottle and just dropper a few drops to the area. So far the jury is still out but I do believe it has been helping on some suspicious areas.
Mark Posted - 08/27/2007 : 02:05:44
How about using green tea extract mixed with some enzymes? Just a thought. In light of this topic, i put some green tea extract right on my BCC tonight. Didn't seem to do much, but maybe time will tell. I like the idea of getting caffeine in liquid form. Are there other extracts that might have caffiene?
anivoc Posted - 08/27/2007 : 01:41:50
My idea after reading this is to find some caffeine tablets, crush them into powder mix with dmso and vitamin e or tea tree oil. I will then apply this mixture like I have been doing with the sunspot es ala anivoc (for those that don't know what I'm talking about see my post in the sunspot es is best thread).

I will try this on a large nodular BCC I have on my shoulder sometime this week and report back.

RE: Sunspot ES. I am having some very good success on an old scared bloodroot bcc. Yet in another area where I tried the curaderm I just can't get the sunspot to finish the job. There is no doubt sunspot helps with AK's. My skin is in much better condition than it has been in several years
dan Posted - 08/27/2007 : 00:37:35
Any ideas on how to make a topical home remedy for skin cancer using NoDoz or similar products? I think there are EGCG extracts at least in green tea weight loss products. The question is how to dissolve them in some kind of lotion. We know that caffeine is an alkaline chemical so that it would make sense to keep the lotion alkaline too.

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