T O P I C R E V I E W |
sunbeam |
Posted - 05/02/2007 : 14:47:16 I developed a skin cancer appearing area on the bridge of my nose several years ago. Right at the juncture where my nose meets my forehead, right between the eyes. This small growth had come and gone and come again a number of times. Cells, upon examination, appeared very much like basic skin cancer.
I check with the local eye/ear/nose person. $150 just to get in to see this person.
I read of the treatment and Supra Clens as a possible topical.
Bought a 10 fl oz this past week and started using it on the 25th of April. Today all that is left in this area is just a very small slightly reddish spot on the skin. Hardly even noticable at all.
Here's how I used this topical:
I had an old box of BandAid Juniors. Since the area in question was so close to my eyes, I didn't want to take any chances with drips. So I put several drops of the Supra Clens on the cushion pad on the bandaid and then put the bandaid over the spot on my nose. I changed the band aid and went through the same process about 5 times a day(at least), also loaded up a new band aid pad at night and left the bandaid on overnight. 6 nights.
The last couple of nights I noticed a slight stinging and had a little bit of itching, but nothing else.
I'm going to watch this area and see how it progresses. If necessary, I'll treat again.
Thanks for providing this forum.
Best wishes to all looking for alternatives.
sunbeam |
7 L A T E S T R E P L I E S (Newest First) |
hopeful |
Posted - 03/01/2011 : 01:17:15 I wanted to know if sunbeam's nose spot ever went completely away with the supra lens treatment. I am considering trying and wondered how her worked out. I have a similar spot. |
dan |
Posted - 05/30/2007 : 22:32:35 Sunbeam, thanks very much for the updates and keep them coming if possible. These are very useful posts for someone else considering this skin cancer remedy. And if someone else does try SupraClens, please add your feedback. |
sunbeam |
Posted - 05/25/2007 : 09:48:04 a brief update on the Supra Clens. I'm still working on the small spot on the bridge of my nose. It hadn't gone away completely and I decided I wanted to follow it as far as I felt I could take it. Started putting a drop of Supra Clens directly on the spot from the bottle - just a small drop. And doing this maybe twice a day and once before going to bed. Rubbing it in a bit. At night I use the small bandaid to keep the stuff from getting in my eyes. I have a sensitive spot there and I can feel it when I put the drop on - like it stings a bit, so I know there is still some work to be done.
I am going for total healing. When I get to the point that the skin looks exactly like the surrounding skin, then I'll stop using the Supra. Will keep you posted.
Thanks again for all your resources! |
sunbeam |
Posted - 05/07/2007 : 10:24:06 Brief update on the Supra Clens procedure:
I was using the Bandaid Juniors on the two spots on my chest, and I was covering them with a strip of Transpore tape. But after several days my skin started burning where the Supra Clens was mashed down the junior strip. I did notice a drying of the skin on the treated spots.
So yesterday I switched to a larger Band-Aid. Using a clear comfort-flex. And I am just dabbing the treated spots with Supra Clens right out of the bottle, then putting the Band-Aid over that.
I think - for me - the treated spot seems to do better if it gets a little air. Rather than sealing it up completely. Maybe the air is serving as an alkaline buffer. Don't know.
Will continue on with this and more later.
sunbeam |
sunbeam |
Posted - 05/03/2007 : 18:03:13 Dan:
Re the Supra Clens bottle size: Actually I guess it is 1/10 fl. oz. I just glanced at the bottle when writing out my post, somehow assumed the notation meant one at 10 oz, but it must mean 1/10 of an ounce. Bought this at Target, think it was about $6.75 or thereabouts.
Anivoc: I thought of the bandaid procedure as a sort of poultice, that kind of treatment. With the lesion being so close to my eyes, though, I didn't want to get any rubbed off anywhere, especially during the night. Right now I am working on two growths on my chest - right at the breastbone. Using the bandaid process and applying several drops of the Supra Clens to the bandaid pad(to soak it pretty well) and taping on m'self. Changing applications several times during the day and again for overnight.
I tried Micropore tape, but it really made me itch. I have Transpore tape and may try that if I feel like the bandaid isn't somehow working. I don't really have anything very large, though, to treat, and at this point I am just going to work on one or two small growths at a time to see how each reacts. I was very encouraged, though, by the response with the first.
No, I didn't alkalize with anything. Just applied the Supra Clens directly to the bandaid pad.
I also have ordered Cymilium. Wanted to try the Supra Clens first to see what I thought.
One thing I am doing too, is to consider this as a sort of chemo. Having a dialogue with my body in advance and telling it this is going to happen. That I will listen if there are problems created, but that this may(or may not) be uncomfortable, and that I want to go down this path toward improved health. And asking my body and my self to travel along with me.
Best wishes today.
sunbeam |
anivoc |
Posted - 05/03/2007 : 10:54:48 Good tip on using the bandaid to control and hold ( soak) the solution onto the lesion. In using Curaderm they require you keep the lesion covered with 3M micropore tape. I believe keeping the lesion moist ( not letting it dry out and scab) is helpful for the active ingredients to penetrate and do their work. Definitely keep us posted on the long term results.
Tom |
dan |
Posted - 05/02/2007 : 23:57:31 Sunbeam, thanks so much for the feedback and all the details. To those that don't know, SupraClens is a pancreatin enzyme protein remover for contact lenses. It's use as a topical skin cancer treatment is described at http://www.topicalinfo.org/Topical.htm The theory behind pancreatin enzymes is they are used by the body both for digestion and cancer elimination. Enzyme based cancer therapies have been used for about 100 years, developed by John Beard and later William Kelley.
I assume the SupraClens bottle was really 1 fl oz instead of 10 fl oz and cost around $8, right? Also, you did not mention using an alkalizing agent such as ammonia of baking soda. But it worked, so even better! |