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 Can't find posts about PS combined tx

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Brigid Posted - 02/06/2011 : 00:11:02
Can anyone remember where exactly on the Petty Spurge forum there were several consecutive (more or less) posts about using combined treatments with petty spurge and a couple of other substances? I remember that those posts were around the same time that a man posted about 1/2 neem oil and 1/2 coconut oil that his dr. from India had prescribed. I just went through all the posts on pages 6 & 7, but didn't find them. The Petty Spurge forum has gotten so big that it's hard to go back and read all the posts. My sense was that these were from around November or December, 2010. Anyone remember?
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waverider Posted - 02/06/2011 : 23:17:17
Brigid, there's no mention on the seven pages of Petty Spurge thread of anyone using coconut oil in direct combination with PS. Nor neem oil, either. Both of these are mentioned by themselves on other threads, though, some of which pre-date the "discovery" of Petty Spurge and the start of that long thread. I think the one you are looking for involving neem oil + the Doc in India is probably the 1/09/2008 post by "Bawarchi" on the thread titled "Combo Treatments - and one that works". Also, the posts by "Rocco" on that same thread seem to be very detailed re the combo approach, too. Rocco threw everything (except PS) at it. I guess someone will have to take the plunge and try a combo approach with PS at some point. I was more concerned with dealing with my immediate problem than conducting experiments. The efficacy of PS is dependent upon a particular balance of natural cheomtherapeutics contained in it, which interact in a fortunate way. I was sort of afraid of messing around with that formula by throwing in other things (vitamin C, DMSO, whatever) which might -- who knows? -- disrupt the natural action of PS. I did use hi-potency vit C entirely separate from PS on a pin-head size spot on my nose that occurred during a time of the year (late summer) when I had no surviving PS plants. The vit C did an excellent job of nuking that spot and it has never returned.

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