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 What our doctors didn't tell us about Vitamin C

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
JohnMalkovich Posted - 04/17/2007 : 20:14:18
Just wanted to share something I found when I searched googled "cancer". It seems we all have Vitamin C deficiency and some say that's the root cause of many diseases including cancer. I also read somwhere - I hope I remembered it well enough - but basically our body's cells need oxigen and when they get cancerous the cancer depletes the oxigen and starts prodicing Carbon Dioxide I think it was. If you look on the bottle of your Vitamin C supplement you will see a label that sais "Vitamin C protects the body's cells from potential oxidative damage..." Makes perfect sense. I also read that high doses of intravenous Vitamin C has shown to kill cancer. I will try to find the link, but you can try and google it I'm sure you'll find it. I found it.
What I wanna know is why didn't we know about this report till now. Why doesn't the media tell us important things like that!:

"Monday, September 12, 2005



Recall how hydrogen peroxide is poured on wounds to kill germs. Well now researchers clearly show high-dose vitamin C, when administered intravenously, can increase hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) levels within cancer cells and kills them. I.V. vitamin C was also demonstrated to kill germs and may be an effective therapy for infectious disease.

With a growing body of evidence mounting, National Institutes of Health (NIH) researchers conceded today that intravenous vitamin C may be an effective treatment for cancer. Last year the same researchers reported a similar study but the news media failed to publish it.
The latest study, published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, confirms the work of Nobel-Prize winner Dr. Linus Pauling who conducted cancer research in the 1970s with vitamin C. Dr. Pauling's studies were discredited at the time by poorly conducted research studies at the Mayo Clinic.

Unlike cancer drugs, I.V. vitamin C selectively killed cancer cells, but not healthy cells, and showed no toxicity. The ability of intravenous vitamin C to kill lymphoma cells was remarkable – almost 100% at easily achievable blood serum concentrations

"In their book "Ascorbate - The Science of Vitamin C", Steve Hickey PhD and Hilary Roberts PhD point out that deficiency of vitamin C is far more widespread than is generally acknowledged by medical doctors and dieticians today. The two scientists, specialized in medical biophysics and nutrition, have challenged the scientific basis of the recommended daily amounts for this vitamin with medical authorities including the NIH - the National Institutes of Health, the IOM - Institute of Medicine and its Food and Nutrition Board charging that the amounts recommended are inadequate and that the science that forms the basis of the recommendations is seriously flawed."
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dan Posted - 04/17/2007 : 21:21:08
Thanks John, I just happened to be looking at a related article tonight.

A topical vitamin C solution for application on skin cancers is described at
Basically, vitamin C crystals are dissolved in a small amount of pure water to the point of saturation (no more vitamin C can be dissolved). The mixture is applied to the tumor 2-3 times a day with a Q tip. The skin cancer lesion hardens and forms a crust that reportedly falls off in 2 or so weeks. The article specifically mentions use on basal cell carcinomas.

Tumors begin to die when levels of about 2.0mg of vitamin C/ml are reached and this topical solution is about 250 times stonger than that. Apparently enough gets absorbed through the surface to kill the tumor.

As always, if you happen to try a topical skin cancer treatment please post your results so others may benefit from your experience.

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Disclaimer: The three most common types of skin cancer are basal cell carcinoma, squamous cell carcinoma, and melanoma. While melanoma is the most dangerous type, keep in mind that any cancer and potentially some cancer treatments can cause injury or death. The various views expressed in these public forums should not be considered as medical advice. See your qualified health-care professional for medical attention, advice, diagnosis, and treatments.