T O P I C R E V I E W |
Loveydoodle |
Posted - 02/25/2010 : 12:25:23 Hi all,
I have a nodular BCC on the edge of my upper lip. My 1st and 2nd Dr's opinions are to have MOHS surgery and one MOHS surgeon was quite disheartening when he told me of the major cutting he wanted to do and the resulting disfigurement. I've been reading the posts regarding Pancreatin and using DMSO to get it deep & I would like not only reply's and suggestions via this forum but personal emails and phone calls on this to share and discuss.
Thank you. |
1 L A T E S T R E P L I E S (Newest First) |
thanks01 |
Posted - 02/25/2010 : 17:51:48 quote: Originally posted by thanks01
One interest that I am pursuing is in the DeBCC - CNSL thread here: http://www.topicalinfo.org/forum/topic.asp?TOPIC_ID=624
I copy here from the first entry there. There is more to say on this subject, but since this approach has not yet been shown on this forum to be effective, I leave you to research it if you are interested. The website in the Philippines allows the DeBCC product to be purchased by physicians.
"From DAN: Good find trudie! An abstract of a Phillipine study "A Combination of Gliricdia Sepium and Anacardium Occidentale (Linn.) (DeBCC) for the Treatment of Basal Cell Carcinoma (BCC) or Skin Cancer" is at http://www.debcc.com/clinicalstudies.html#clinicalstudies There are some pretty severe skin cancer before and after pictures at http://www.debcc.com/clinicalphotographs.html Those are huge lesions to try to treat topically."
The single other approach which I find promising you can learn more about on the Petty Spurge threads, such as: http://www.topicalinfo.org/forum/topic.asp?TOPIC_ID=278.
I myself had Mohs for a spot below the eye, mostly because I was new to all of this. I guess they got THE spot, but I did not feel reassured that they found all problems in the area. In fact, I was told that they wanted to treat the specific spot identified and did not plan to look at other things at that time. The Mohs surgeon did a good and clean-edged job and the plastic surgeon did a pretty good repair, not unsightly. However, my choice from now on is to avoid repeat entanglements with Mohs, if possible.