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 Skin cancer topical treatments
 Started my upper body PDT today- Levulan/Blu-U

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jbprof Posted - 08/04/2009 : 17:40:43
I mentioned in a different thread that I was going to get Photo Dynamic Therapy for basically all the exposed skin on my upper body starting about half way up my torso. Today I had my chest/shoulders and upper back done for the first of 6 times. I will get my face/neck done during a different season when it is easier to skirt intense sunlight.

So far just some slight redness on my upper chest, but that is most likely from a combination of the shaving & exfoliation process before the levulan was applied. I am most interested in the results of this series of treatments because I still have the remnants of a nodular bcc on my shoulder. It seems that I kept the lesion from spreading for about a year post-biopsy with various topical treatments. While I don't have a lot of faith in the 'Visia' imaging, it will be interesting to see how my sun damage counts respond to the treatment. They are currently very high on my chest, upper back and face.

I will most likely go back for the next PDT round in 2 weeks.
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jbprof Posted - 09/16/2009 : 23:31:28
Definitely not keeping me up at night:) It's more mild than most of the sunburns I've had and it's only lasting for about 24 hours or so. My skin is ready to starting turning over from last weeks treatment. I will probably wait another 2 or 3 days before I exfoliate the area though. I have a few small moles that look as if they will be coming off. I picked at one with my finger nail because it there was small spot of raised/dry skin. When the sking flaked off as I scratched gently, the mole came off too. The skin underneath appears to be of normal pigment. Interesting.
RidgebackDogs Posted - 09/15/2009 : 23:27:17
jbprof Hi!

Thanks for the update! you're half-way done with this!
How does the skin sensitivity play out? Is it sore to the touch slightly? i assume slightly means it is not keeping you up at night?
Thanks again for the updates!
jbprof Posted - 09/09/2009 : 23:52:52
Treatment #3 for my shoulders, upper chest & back was done Tuesday. Nothing overly significant to report. Very mild skin sensitivity that is slightly more noticeable vs. Treatment #2, but less than the first treatment.

I incubated for 1.5 hours this time, received the stronger wash prior to the levulan application and had 15 minutes of light activation. The doctor indicated that the reaction gets less severe over time due to progressive reduction in damaged skin to react to the treatment. However, as they keep cranking up incubation and light exposure... the skin reaction may remain somewhat consistent.
jbprof Posted - 09/06/2009 : 12:15:54
While this may or may not be relevant to the pre-cancer fighting abilities of PDT... I have started to notice changes in my skin on the treated areas. It is most noticeable on the tops of my shoulders and upper back. The skin has become noticeable more supple. Many of the rough patches and other minor imperfections seem to be be dissappearing as well. Heck, even if it is not helping on the cancer front, these changes can't be a bad thing. I have only had 2 treatments so far. #3 is coming up this Tuesday.
jbprof Posted - 08/25/2009 : 23:54:42
Originally posted by RidgebackDogs

Was there any swelling with the redness?

Not really any true swelling. The most reactive skin areas to the treatment get ever so slightly raised during the first 24 hours post-treatment... that's about it though. Next week I will be receiving the strongest wash prior to the treatment. We'll see how it goes.

From what they tell me... the face is far more sensitive to the treatment than the torso/shoulders. I do expect some swelling when that time comes (November'ish as it looks now)
RidgebackDogs Posted - 08/25/2009 : 22:30:06
Thanks for the update!!!!

Glad to hear the after effects were milder than last time. That is worth a smile and it is good that the treatment itself is not painful only the washes. Good luck! keep us posted.
Was there any swelling with the redness?
jbprof Posted - 08/21/2009 : 10:11:17
Suprisingly, the after affects were more mild this time vs. the 1st treatment despite more incubation/light activation. I experienced no tenderness whatsoever this time:) The treated areas did get a red, but without tenderness this time. The redness is fading quick now. Skin is a little itchy, but that's the only noticeable thing other than the mild redness.

Next treatment is Sept 1. I imagine they are going to dial it up further next time along with using the stronger pre-treament wash. They have 2 different washes that are used to clean the treated areas after exfoliation, but prior to the Levulan application. These washes are intended to strip the skin of its protective elements to facilitate deeper Levulan absorbtion. This is the only part that hurts (stinging) during the actual treatment process.
RidgebackDogs Posted - 08/20/2009 : 23:23:52
jbprof Hi!
Thanks for the update!
how are you doing doing today???
Hope you are doing ok!
Looking forward to your post on how you're doing after the 2nd treatment.
jbprof Posted - 08/18/2009 : 18:29:45
Had treatment # 2 today. This time I incubated for 75 minutes instead of 45 and was exposed to the light source for 15 minutes instead of 12.

At this point it's difficult to tell how much impact the addtional light exposure/incubation period will have. I will report back tomorrow to compare against the first treatment.

The first treatment was mild. After the second day, I had no lingering soreness, only mild redness and basically no peeling. Although, in my pre-treatment exfoliation today... they medical assistant commented that quite a bit more skin sloughed off as compared to the exfoliation prior to my first treatment.
RidgebackDogs Posted - 08/05/2009 : 20:31:15
Thanks for the info!
Yah, staying out the sun for 48 hrs does sound tricky! I guess on the face you would have to just stay home maybe??
It sounds like they did a "mini-treatment" from what you describe to make sure that you don't have a bad reaction before they proceed with a regular treatment, which is good imo.

Is it like a slight sunburn on the treated area in feel and look?
What can you expect from the a regular treatment - it sounds like this would less nasty than efudex?
Thanks again for the info! you are in my prayers!
jbprof Posted - 08/05/2009 : 14:34:22
1 Day after treatment... not so bad. I have very mild skin sensitivity in the treated area and some red blotchiness on my upper chest and back. However, my incubation period (amount of time between levulan application and light activation) was just 45 minutes and I was only under light activation for 12 minutes. This first treatment was more or less a litmus test to judge my sensitivity. The next go around will probably be more difficult.
jbprof Posted - 08/05/2009 : 14:27:11
Originally posted by RidgebackDogs

Thank you for the update! Do they do each treatment about 2 weeks apart?
Let us know how it progresses!

Two weeks is the minimum time they recommend between treatments of the same area. They prefer to do the sequential treamtments within 6 weeks of the previous treatment, but have an 8 week maximum. In other words, I will need to get treated every 2-6 weeks.

The tricky part is having to stay out of the sun for 48 hours, even incidental exposure from things like driving a car. This is why I elected to start with the areas that are typically covered by clothing. Once we get deeper into the fall, I will start with the face.
RidgebackDogs Posted - 08/04/2009 : 22:27:51
Thank you for the update! Do they do each treatment about 2 weeks apart?
Let us know how it progresses!

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