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 Skin cancer treatment strategies
 Tried all and found the best

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
envisage Posted - 04/21/2009 : 18:43:26
1. Be certain the diagnosis of Basal Cell Cancer is correct. A biopsy is the only certain method.
2. Go to local natural remedies store. Find out the best brands, then look for the best prices for them; there is a wide difference. Do not buy these online - you do not know what quality you are getting.
3. Buy L-Carnitine 500mg; Alpha Lipoic Acid 500mg; CoQ10 100mg. Take daily either with/after dinner.
4. Watch the visible skin cancers gradually shrink and go away. No ulceration, no pain, no side effects, no scabs, no surgery, no toxic chemicals.

These substances are naturally occurring ones in your body. We do not make enough of them as we age.

I have gone through every method except radiation since 1980. Surgery, liquid nitrogen, Aldara topical ( DO NOT USE ALDARA IF YOU HAVE CHRONIC FATIGUE SYNDROME, FIBROMYALGIA. These will take out an individual cancer, but any invasive method simply spreads the cancer cells further.

Recently, with the advice of a homeopathic doctor after many hours of net research, I tried the combination of dietary supplements listed in point 3. This will not work unless you use all three of the remedies together. With homeopathic style treatment, more is not better, so just one set of the above three remedies, once per day. Take before bedtime as the body does repair work best while you sleep.

Within a month, I had 1 medium size visible one disappear completely and a larger one is almost gone. Half a dozen small red spots turned up on my forehead during this time. As I continued to take the remedies, they first turned brown, then disappeared, leaving a very small, shallow dent. The dents are filling in with what appears to be normal tissue. These red spots were early nests of cancer cells that have been killed before becoming visible, organized lesions of cancer. I cannot prove that these were cancers, but they are going away with the same treatment that is removing the diagnosed areas.

The largest one is down to about 25% of former size and decreasing daily.

How it works:
Cancer cells are greedy, gobbling up anything that looks like a nutrient. Normal cells only absorb what they need.

The above remedies increase the health of normal cells, but cancer cells gobble up far too much of it, killing themselves. The body will break down the dead cells and discard the remnants.

This is very close to how regular chemotherapy works, taking advantage of the greed of cancer cells. Unfortunately, the drugs used for chemotherapy are not only toxic to cancer cells, but do significant damage to normal cells in the process. The side effects can be so horrendous, that some people refuse chemotherapy. Chemo does not work for everyone. Oncologists are constantly faced with choosing the optimum mix of chemicals. Loss of appetite in a major complication with using toxic chemicals; many cancer patients die of malnutrition.

The three remedies above have no side effects. Some people find they need more sleep while their bodies are working hard to get rid of the existing cancer cells. Eating a high protein diet helps to pump in the extra fuel and building blocks for your body to rebuild healthy tissue.

Excess exposure to the sun is a known heavy contributor to basal cell cancer development, but so is heredity. Just because you now have a non-toxic remedy set (above), it does not mean you can toss away your sunscreen and wide-brimmed hat. You will need to continue to try to prevent the development of new cancers.

I have a strong genetic inheritance of skin cancer from both sides of my family, so I will be taking this combo until a permanent genetic cure for this is found or I die. I would rather prevent or catch skin cancers at a very early stage. All other methods I've tried have had nasty side effects or at the least, scarring, even with the best of plastic surgery.

For people who do not have an apparent family history of basal cell cancer, consult a homeopath to find out whether you should be taking these remedies/supplements all the time or just when you see one breaking out.

Do continue to use a good sunblock and protective clothing, even while taking the supplements. There is no point to making more work for your body (let's not forget the other damage done by the sun) in trying to fix the broken cells.

People with cancer, of any kind, have a flaw that does not allow the body to recognize and kill off cells that have become cancerous. I do not know if this set of remedies works on other types. I do know how happy my mother was to find out about this way of removing the skin cancers on her face. I will be interested to see whether they are effective on the keratoses on her back (which drive her nuts with itching).

Last point: Homeopathic remedies and supplements do not normally interfere with any prescription product or OTC. A few do. Consult both your doctor and homeopath for guidance on this issue.

26   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
JimB Posted - 12/31/2012 : 12:07:48
Here is a link for envisage vitamin formula all in one capsule if you take 2 a day. It will be a little heavier on the CQ10 but that should not be a problem. Absorption of CQ10 in this format is not as efficient as other forms.

Vitacost CoQ10 + Alpha Lipoic Acid + Acetyl L-Carnitine HCl 2 a day match the formula mentioned by envisage in earlier posts.

Originally posted by envisage

1. Be certain the diagnosis of Basal Cell Cancer is correct. A biopsy is the only certain method.
2. Go to local natural remedies store. Find out the best brands, then look for the best prices for them; there is a wide difference. Do not buy these online - you do not know what quality you are getting.
3. Buy L-Carnitine 500mg; Alpha Lipoic Acid 500mg; CoQ10 100mg. Take daily either with/after dinner.
4. Watch the visible skin cancers gradually shrink and go away. No ulceration, no pain, no side effects, no scabs, no surgery, no toxic chemicals.

These substances are naturally occurring ones in your body. We do not make enough of them as we age.

I have gone through every method except radiation since 1980. Surgery, liquid nitrogen, Aldara topical ( DO NOT USE ALDARA IF YOU HAVE CHRONIC FATIGUE SYNDROME, FIBROMYALGIA. These will take out an individual cancer, but any invasive method simply spreads the cancer cells further.

Recently, with the advice of a homeopathic doctor after many hours of net research, I tried the combination of dietary supplements listed in point 3. This will not work unless you use all three of the remedies together. With homeopathic style treatment, more is not better, so just one set of the above three remedies, once per day. Take before bedtime as the body does repair work best while you sleep.

Within a month, I had 1 medium size visible one disappear completely and a larger one is almost gone. Half a dozen small red spots turned up on my forehead during this time. As I continued to take the remedies, they first turned brown, then disappeared, leaving a very small, shallow dent. The dents are filling in with what appears to be normal tissue. These red spots were early nests of cancer cells that have been killed before becoming visible, organized lesions of cancer. I cannot prove that these were cancers, but they are going away with the same treatment that is removing the diagnosed areas.

The largest one is down to about 25% of former size and decreasing daily.

How it works:
Cancer cells are greedy, gobbling up anything that looks like a nutrient. Normal cells only absorb what they need.

The above remedies increase the health of normal cells, but cancer cells gobble up far too much of it, killing themselves. The body will break down the dead cells and discard the remnants.

This is very close to how regular chemotherapy works, taking advantage of the greed of cancer cells. Unfortunately, the drugs used for chemotherapy are not only toxic to cancer cells, but do significant damage to normal cells in the process. The side effects can be so horrendous, that some people refuse chemotherapy. Chemo does not work for everyone. Oncologists are constantly faced with choosing the optimum mix of chemicals. Loss of appetite in a major complication with using toxic chemicals; many cancer patients die of malnutrition.

The three remedies above have no side effects. Some people find they need more sleep while their bodies are working hard to get rid of the existing cancer cells. Eating a high protein diet helps to pump in the extra fuel and building blocks for your body to rebuild healthy tissue.

Excess exposure to the sun is a known heavy contributor to basal cell cancer development, but so is heredity. Just because you now have a non-toxic remedy set (above), it does not mean you can toss away your sunscreen and wide-brimmed hat. You will need to continue to try to prevent the development of new cancers.

I have a strong genetic inheritance of skin cancer from both sides of my family, so I will be taking this combo until a permanent genetic cure for this is found or I die. I would rather prevent or catch skin cancers at a very early stage. All other methods I've tried have had nasty side effects or at the least, scarring, even with the best of plastic surgery.

For people who do not have an apparent family history of basal cell cancer, consult a homeopath to find out whether you should be taking these remedies/supplements all the time or just when you see one breaking out.

Do continue to use a good sunblock and protective clothing, even while taking the supplements. There is no point to making more work for your body (let's not forget the other damage done by the sun) in trying to fix the broken cells.

People with cancer, of any kind, have a flaw that does not allow the body to recognize and kill off cells that have become cancerous. I do not know if this set of remedies works on other types. I do know how happy my mother was to find out about this way of removing the skin cancers on her face. I will be interested to see whether they are effective on the keratoses on her back (which drive her nuts with itching).

Last point: Homeopathic remedies and supplements do not normally interfere with any prescription product or OTC. A few do. Consult both your doctor and homeopath for guidance on this issue.


Mexico Posted - 12/17/2010 : 23:47:55
Just to keep this thread alive...

The mysterious "Envisage" never added to her basic statement. But her suggestion is so simple that I am sure many are doing it in addition to topical solutions.

I did a search on these 3 products and there is one product that contains all three - albeit not in the proportions indicated: It has interesting information.

Also of course there is Juvenon that Dr Andrew Weil is promoting. Juvenon is a combination of Acetyl l-Carnitine and Alpha Lipoic Acid:

None of these products seem to have any adverse reactions with the dosage suggested by Envisage. A 90 day-supply should be enough to see if it helps or not.
dan Posted - 11/27/2010 : 01:40:46
Thanks cew101, I appreciate the post and you are absolutely right. I got mixed up because Alpha Lipoic Acid and Alpha-linolenic acid go by the same abbreviation ALA.

Alpha-linolenic acid is a type of omega-3 fatty acid found in plants. It is similar to the omega-3 fatty acids that are in fish oil [eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA)]. Alpha-linolenic acid can be converted into EPA and DHA in the body. Omega-3 fatty acids have been shown to reduce inflammation and may help prevent chronic diseases, such as heart disease and arthritis. Reducing inflammation is probably more critical to cancer prevention than cancer treatment.

Alpha Lipoic Acid is a sulfur compound of caprylic acid, a medium chain fatty acid, with two sulfur atoms stuck on the ends. It is capable of binding and inactivating heavy metals like mercury, cadmium, excess iron and excess copper. Like coenzyme Q10, it is synthesized in the body. It is considered to be an antioxidant.

While both ALA's are beneficial, they are certainly "different animals" as cew101 says. I think Alpha Lipoic Acid may work in part by reducing high levels of copper and iron needed for cancer growth. It also boosts glutathione levels critical to immune system function.
cew101 Posted - 11/26/2010 : 18:31:32
Hi Dan, This is my first post here, but I had to clarify that the ALA that you mention in regards to flax seed oil is not the same as the ALA in Alpha Lipoic Acid. Flax seed oil contains ALA but it is this : - . Both certainly seem to have a role to play, but clearly don't seem to be the same animal. Any way, take care and be well.
Originally posted by dan

Hi marsha! This sounds really good that the once a night L-Carnitine 500mg, Alpha Lipoic Acid (ALA) 500mg, and CoQ10 100mg is working.

All three nutrients seem to have almost no downside and there is good reason why it could work. I ran across a recent study on L-Carnitine causing cancer cell apoptosis (programmed cell death) ALA is found in flax seed oil and it is usually cheaper just to buy flax seed oil. Flax seed oil mixed with cottage cheese or yogurt is part of the Budwig diet used to treat cancer." target="_blank"> CoQ10 (300mg) has stopped breast cancer by itself." target="_blank">

Have you been taking the supplements at night? Normally, I think it is better to take coQ10 with some fat because it is fat soluble.

dan Posted - 10/08/2010 : 23:11:13
Hi randolph, thanks a lot! I hope you are well.
randolph Posted - 10/07/2010 : 01:12:10
HELLO DAN....About 9 or 10 years ago I was working with NEWAYS (MLM). They had a colloidal minerals product that worked very well on BP. I saw this 1st hand as my mother had high BP then, but was about as skeptical as they come. The doc had her on cumudin and some other stuff. I managed to get her on the "minerals" and the BP dropped right down to 120/80 within only a week or two.
....She was delighted, we threw all the prescription stuff out and I think the Doc is still scratching his head.
....Neways was sold not long after and I don't believe the new owners maintained their quality nor integrity. I lost track of them.

I think probably any good product providing our depleted minerals might help. Checkout AQUALYTE from Fred Kaufman too, they come highly recommended plus economical. Also checkout Healthy Hearts Club.
Be well,
dan Posted - 10/07/2010 : 00:00:55
Hi randolph, I am interested in the BP comment. Do you remember what worked?
Brad Posted - 10/06/2010 : 16:31:16
Quick note here : The wife started to mensturate again ( sp) She has been in menopause for about 8 months now.. Interesting..
The suppliment combo seems to be Restarting the engines. (See above for combo)
randolph Posted - 10/03/2010 : 20:58:48
DEAR HIGHVIBE....Thank you for this post, this is very interesting. I for one am a Curaderm fan, but it just didn't seem to have the "uumph" to do in this SCC place. And I know well that the DMSO helps it punch more effectively.
....The minerals are interesting and I remember well Joel Wallach and his DDDL tape. I worked with colloidal minerals for a couple of years and I did see some amazing transformations, much in BP normalization almost overnight. may very well be on to something here Highvibe!
Thanks again!
Spock says "Live Long & Prosper!"
Brad Posted - 10/03/2010 : 20:30:18
Brad here: Note the VIT E was 1000 IU Not 100 IU ( Typo )
Brad Posted - 10/03/2010 : 20:22:38
Yes Yes Yes
My wife (45) has a case of actinic keratosis which is really scary . Flakey Red circles, dark splotches, horned crusties you name it. Mostly on her arms / hands, slight on face ( cheeks ) as well and poor on her under neck area as well.
For many years: I have tried them all as well, I even make her own custom skin cream..
Let's see: Eggplant, orange oil, Juniper oil, Expensive Bio-Skin Treatment ( nothing ), baking soda, vinegar, heat/cold treatments, epsom salts, Hemp oil ( 1/2oz good stuf),magnesium oil, homeopathy combos, "cure pills from ?sweeden?,On and On.
Over time we have learned to control it's progression with home made skin creams with "good" ingredients, but have never seen a rapid reversal till now!
Two weeks taking the combo and it is simply amazing. Not gone by a long shot but every day I see less and less circles, dark spots, no new horns .. This combo really works. Large areas of " normal skin " appearing.. Just the best ! Not irritating "hidden ones" to any level I can see and this is just two weeks.

Note: I also add some coQ10 to her hand cream ( enough to make it pink and she has always used cocanut oil internally ( tblsp / day ) and topically in her hand cream.

Twice per day : Acetl L-Carnitine 1000 MG, Alpha Lipoic Acid 600 MG, Co-Q10 200 MG, 100 IU Vit E Mixed natural.

Funny note : I ( Brad ) have good sun tolerance skin and when I take her combo before bed it keeps me up like caffine, For her it makes her sleep better .. Go figure !

Try this it works !!! Thanks ENVISAGE --- BIG TIME !!
highvibe Posted - 10/03/2010 : 20:11:42
Hi Randolph, Marsha, Tom:
I started taking the 3 supplements suggested by envisage and also added 1 tsp 3 times per day of these organic minerals from the ocean. They worked AMAZINGLY on one of my tomato plants this summer. I poured them on 1 plant to see if there would be any difference from the other plants. AMAZING--Bigger and more tomatoes. Anyway, if you remeber Dead Doctors Don't Lie from Dr. Wallach (a vet, I think) and all our soils are depleted since 1937 therefore all the food we eat is nutritionally bankrupt... It just makes sense.
I'm sleeping MUCH better and my 2" crater is shrinking. I'm using Curaderm with DMSO 2 times per day. I also started putting on the Curaderm very lightly instead of Globbing it on. I bought the Eggplant cure book and reading that gave me more confidence I was doing the right thing. Go to I highly recommend adding this relatively cheap "fundamental" tool to your healing toolbox. We're electric beings and minerals transfer the electric energy in our cells. Keep up the good work. Thanks again for this forum.

Originally posted by randolph

HELLO TOM...Thank you so much for your feedback here, you have no idea how welcome and valuable it is. And I have to say that I concur with you 110%. Somehow these various treatments and alleged cures often fall way short of their claims, etc. And like you with your ordeal, I'm hung up now in talking with Tumor-X and it all sounds so very workable. Yet I know that it can very well turn out just as you say.
.....I too am ready to rid myself of the various supplements, etc. as I have seen no benefits whatsoever. I really get a bit tired as well of all these "cancer gurus" out there writing about all of this stuff and it seems that most them simply take one set of information and rehash it, hang a new "breakthrough" title on it to sell even more books. In fact you and I no doubt know more than they do anyway. Sadly this field has turned into a cash cow for a number of people thriving on serious and sincere needs. Plus the more desperate we get, the more vulnerable we become I think.

Your recommendation here is very well taken Tom and believe me, these thoughts go through my mind many times a day. Somehow I know deep within that this is what it will come to but I hate to swallow it. Part of me has been determined to overcome this thing naturally or non-invasively, but that idea is fast becoming a pipe dream. More correctly, was a pipe dream.

Thank you again amigo.
Be well,

randolph Posted - 10/03/2010 : 12:03:35
HELLO TOM...Thank you so much for your feedback here, you have no idea how welcome and valuable it is. And I have to say that I concur with you 110%. Somehow these various treatments and alleged cures often fall way short of their claims, etc. And like you with your ordeal, I'm hung up now in talking with Tumor-X and it all sounds so very workable. Yet I know that it can very well turn out just as you say.
.....I too am ready to rid myself of the various supplements, etc. as I have seen no benefits whatsoever. I really get a bit tired as well of all these "cancer gurus" out there writing about all of this stuff and it seems that most them simply take one set of information and rehash it, hang a new "breakthrough" title on it to sell even more books. In fact you and I no doubt know more than they do anyway. Sadly this field has turned into a cash cow for a number of people thriving on serious and sincere needs. Plus the more desperate we get, the more vulnerable we become I think.

Your recommendation here is very well taken Tom and believe me, these thoughts go through my mind many times a day. Somehow I know deep within that this is what it will come to but I hate to swallow it. Part of me has been determined to overcome this thing naturally or non-invasively, but that idea is fast becoming a pipe dream. More correctly, was a pipe dream.

Thank you again amigo.
Be well,
anivoc Posted - 10/03/2010 : 09:45:15
Hi Randolph,

Firstly in regards to Lasmed and be done with it. When I hear someone talking about skin cancer and in any way imply they have a 100% surefire solution, my first human reaction is "Thank God, finally a solution to this problem" after I take a moment and step away from the inebriating high of "hopium" the "Buyer Beware" radar goes up and I start googling. I've spent thousands of dollars so far using traditional and non traditional therapies and none are 100% and none are painless and easy.

I did a quick google and read enough quick enough that I won't be buying a ticket to Broken Arrow, OK anytime soon..

Mrs Carpenter isn't a medical doctor and she sounds like a real peach.

In regards to Envisage's supplement recipe I wish I could say it works for everyone, for sure after 6 months and a few hundred in supplements I quit taking them with no noticeable difference.

I spent a good 30 minutes speaking on the phone with Gene Hedin the owner of Thermosurgery Technologies, Inc. Wow what an nice guy. Seriously he was and I don't think he didn't believe in his machine.

Basically using RF frequencies to kill the bad tissue with heat ( sound familiar?)

All I can say is he made it sound like it was a one time go through pain and hassle and you're done with it thing. Not hardly.

I contacted the doctor he recommended in Phoenix, sent pictures of my tumors and he said come on out we'll take care of you.

Funny after flying from L.A. into Phoenix when I got to the office for my treatment the first thing he tells me "well you know these lesions are too big to get in one treatment"... I asked why didn't you tell me that when I sent you the e-mails.. Oh I thought I did!...not! I had told him it was my wife's 50th birthday that weekend and I didn't want to look all messed up. He had assured I'd look fine.

Long Story short. I allowed him to do the first treatment on three problem lesions, one being very small... Holy smokes! Literally! Wow what a painful journey that was. Then I swelled up like some one had beat the snot out of me. I was Black and Blue and swollen for a couple weeks. Great 50th birthday picture memories...jerk

In the end even the tiny bcc was at best negligibly affected.

So what to do?

In your case because it is an scc that can metastasize and take you out, at least on this one, since you say it seems to be spreading, I strongly recommend you letting a good Mohs surgeon do his thing ASAP.

Not my first choice on treating less lethal versions but in your case with a SCC, get to a medical doctor, none of the things we are talking about here are surefire and Mohs is definitely the Gold Standard in the medical world.

Prayers going out for you to get over this bump in the road.


thanks01 Posted - 10/03/2010 : 09:22:25
I have been following the 3-supplements routine described above in the first post for about two weeks, at the same time drinking one or two cups of Agrimony tea per day, since I had become interested in that about the same time. At the same time, also, trying to keep my dietary behavior fairly strict.
I have both known and suspected spots to watch. I THINK there may be some progress. I certainly plan to report in full after about 60 days, which is the quantity of pills that I purchased. I got these from Swanson Health and the cost for all 3 was less than $30.00. I'm hoping that other people are trying the 3-supplement approach and will report on it. Most of all, I HOPE that IT WORKS! Everyone would so welcome an inexpensive, metabolism-based approach. Please help to keep this thread alive with more, good information!
randolph Posted - 10/03/2010 : 02:02:34
HEY MARSHA...Thanks for your input. I have had good results from Curaderm on small BCCs, but I used it daily for 18 months on this SCC. In retrospect now, I was overly complacent and I now believe that I had some bum information from Curaderm regarding the clear liquid discharge which they claim is a sign of the abnormal cells dying. I have recently learned that this may not be the case, but rather a sure sign of the cancer ulcerating and possibly mestastasizing. I sat there for 18 months believing the discharge was from dying cells.
....Radiation Hormesis (see ) is the procedure of using very low dosage radiation which is known to heal. This is not like the radiation we normally think of, but rather a very low grade. Nighthawk Minerals claims a 99% success rate in cancer cure, but I seriously doubt that. The process is very slow and you have no way of knowing just what is happening if anything. I won't get into lengthy details of my 4 month costly experience with these people.

Currently I am talking with folks at TUMOR-X and find them to be about the most knowledgable, experienced and professional I have come across. This is not the case with Nighthawk. I plan on starting the Tumor-X Enzyme Protocol just as soon as I can get the $$$$ together. This company has excellent documentation, record, testimonials and photos of their claims. If I had $8,000 I would go straight to Tulsa and get the LaseMed Laser Hyperthermia outpatient procedure....Done deal. However the insurance that I'm paying out $300+/month for never seems to quite cover what I need. How very nice.

I feel extremely isolated in this, moreso than anything I can remember and right now I wonder if even King Kong poop would have any effect. In the meantime I will continue the Envisage 3-part stuff, as well as my Maple Syrup-NaHCO3 mixture as well.

Be well,
I am Randolph
marsha Posted - 10/02/2010 : 23:39:46
Randolf I don't know what this is (Radiation Hormesis)But why not try the petty spurge,or curaderm or the blood root? I to am afraid of how far mine has gone. I tried to get a biopsy the other day, from my regular Dr. and she said she didn't do faces, She said I should just get moes and hire a plastic surgeon.
randolph Posted - 10/02/2010 : 19:37:35
HELLO MARSHA....If you go to Cansema, isn't it the same as Bloodroot? About the 3-part "envisage" plan, tonight is just my 3rd night on it, so I won't be seeing much for a long while if anything. One thing that bothers me a bit about the envisage post is that I have spent a lot of time reading, researching, looking and trying of many different things as I'm sure many of you have. My problem is Marsha that I have never come across that combination of ingredients for anything in the past. Nowhere have I ever seen this nor any reference to this or something similar. And like the person who posted the 1-time thing about Zeolite in this forum and then disappeared, I have to wonder. Incidently I have taken Liquid Zeolite daily for around 6 mo. now. I have to say there have been good benefits for me, but nothing to do with the skin cancer situation.
.....About the "envisage" 3-part thing, I wish we had some other input from someone who knows of this too, or better still who has had positive results. Nevertheless I will stay on it now.

Frankly my SCC is now so bad that I fear I cannot afford another 3, 4 or 6 months to see if something is going to work. I now suspect it has spread on back to and in my ear.

Hang in there!
marsha Posted - 10/02/2010 : 11:08:52
I meant to say cansema instead of cymilium, then I realized that I really didn't have a clear idea of the difference. Back to reading the blogs, a g a i n.
marsha Posted - 10/02/2010 : 10:54:23
Well I'm on 55 days of the 3 part protocol given by "envisage". We all know how slow these things work.Since it is internal you cant really see whats going on.I just know there seems to be swelling, spots appearing and disappearing, who knows, I would not hinge my door on this. Mean while I am having problems getting a simply biopsy. I spread petty spurge all over the top of my hand, put tape on it, for thee days. 2 small spots reacted. I am treating them. my nose is still on hold. Cant decide between PS, curaderm, cymilium, cannabis oil,
randolph Posted - 09/29/2010 : 18:13:30
HELLO MARSHA...In following along with the 3 part protocol given by "envisage" last year, I have just received my CoQ10, Alpha Lipoic Acid and L-Carnitine. And even though I'm dealing with a very large SCC on my face, I'm hoping that this will have some effect on something other than BCC.

Also I tend to follow various posts on here and I trust that your problem is still showing good signs using this mixture. Like you, I too wish that "envisage" would post more for us, whoever they are. I think that if someone is going to offer their ideas, then perhaps they should stick around for awhile because I think the "dialogue",
connection and rapport that most of us share is everybit as important as what we are using to try and eradicate our problem. We learn from each other while other's experience and results are very beneficial.

The reason I believe that some things work great on some yet not at all on others is simply because each of us are dealing with various nutritional defeciencies. Each one of us has certain defeciencies individually while the next person has some other defeciency because much of this is all about nutrition anyway. (*I would sell my soul right now for some M&Ms and OREOS!!*)

SO....I will start my 3-part regime late tonight and we shall see what happens. I do hope something happens as I can't afford many more weeks of this. Incidently, I'm into my 4th month now working with Radiation Hormesis at a cost of near $450.00 which to date has produced no results. NIL. ZILCH.
Be In Wellness,
I am Randolph
marsha Posted - 09/16/2010 : 10:41:27
Dan,I dont really know what is happning with my nose. I just know that it is changing inside. I have an apointment next week for biopsies on three diferent spots. I made the appointment thinking I would get the biopsies, and then start the petty spurge or curaderm again. I am also drinking very consentrated agromony tea, taking food based vit. c,e,b,zyflamend, and (new chapters) "immunity" which must be every mushroom known to man. Yes I take them after dinner.
dan Posted - 09/15/2010 : 01:31:38
Hi marsha! This sounds really good that the once a night L-Carnitine 500mg, Alpha Lipoic Acid (ALA) 500mg, and CoQ10 100mg is working.

All three nutrients seem to have almost no downside and there is good reason why it could work. I ran across a recent study on L-Carnitine causing cancer cell apoptosis (programmed cell death) Alpha Lipoic Acid is a sulfur compound of caprylic acid, a medium chain fatty acid, with two sulfur atoms stuck on the ends. It is capable of binding and inactivating heavy metals like mercury, cadmium, excess iron and excess copper. Both ALA and coenzyme Q10 are synthesized in the body. CoQ10 (300mg) has stopped breast cancer by itself." target="_blank">

Have you been taking the supplements at night? Normally, I think it is better to take coQ10 with some fat because it is fat soluble.
marsha Posted - 09/12/2010 : 02:00:46
envisage, well I wish we would here from you again. Ive been taking the three things you suggested for 35 days. Things are definitely happening to my nose. I wonder what happens to these people
dan Posted - 04/22/2009 : 00:31:54
Thanks for the interesting posts. I have tried a lot of supplements over the years, including at times Acetyl-L-Carnitine, Alpha Lipoic Acid, and CoQ10. All I know is something finally worked, and it could have been these supplements, although I also use literally dozens of other little cancer avoidance strategies as well. Good question about the various carnitine forms. I still take CoQ10 regularly.

Many people with skin cancer are very vitamin D deficient, but of course others do fit the "too much sun causes skin cancer" stereotype. I would suggest trying to get 10 to 20 minutes of sun daily if you can instead of trying to avoid it. Bright sunlight resets your natural melatonin cycle, another cancer fighter. Sunblock prevents vitamin D synthesis from sunlight, so use it judiciously. People in northern latitudes are more likely to be vitamin D deficient. Of course you can take vitamin D supplements as well.

I think an indiscriminate high protein diet has the potential to overwhelm the body's capacity of pancreatin enzymes used for digestion and also cancer defense. Be sure to leave one long gap each day between high protein meals approaching 12 hours to allow time for the pancreatin enzymes produced by the body to be absorbed systemically for cancer control.

envisage, it is great this is working for you. Do you take any other supplements?
jbprof Posted - 04/21/2009 : 21:48:53

What are you thoughts with regard to using Acetyl-L-Carnitine or L-Carnitine Tartrate instead of plain jane L-Carnitine?

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Disclaimer: The three most common types of skin cancer are basal cell carcinoma, squamous cell carcinoma, and melanoma. While melanoma is the most dangerous type, keep in mind that any cancer and potentially some cancer treatments can cause injury or death. The various views expressed in these public forums should not be considered as medical advice. See your qualified health-care professional for medical attention, advice, diagnosis, and treatments.