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 Iodine Tincture 7%

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
RickW Posted - 04/12/2009 : 11:58:42
Home Made Treatment for Skin Cancer #5
"Every tumour of the skin can be completely removed with Iodine Tincture 7%, brushed many times (10-20) per day. When the crust is formed, don't take it away, but treat the area continuously and wait till it falls without any other intervention except the Iodine tincture. When the crust falls down the third time, the patient is healed." - Dr. Tullio Simoncini

Does anyone have experience with this they can share?

13   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Jo Gibbons Posted - 02/29/2012 : 18:26:01
Originally posted by June

This image shows the mole I am working on, the small adjustment being made to my lip - no Basal cancer detected now, just smoothing off scar tissue. On my cheek there are two sites where the iodine has removed two growths - not tested: bumps - all within last three weeks. I'm still applying Solosite to ensure they heal completely.

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Hi June, thanks for the posting & so glad to hear about your success. Your lip looks much improved. I just began using Humco's 7% iodine, 5% Potassium iodine, with 85% alcohol and the rest is made up of distilled water. Is this similar to what you used?
Thanks, Jo
June Posted - 01/15/2012 : 05:02:43
This image shows the mole I am working on, the small adjustment being made to my lip - no Basal cancer detected now, just smoothing off scar tissue. On my cheek there are two sites where the iodine has removed two growths - not tested: bumps - all within last three weeks. I'm still applying Solosite to ensure they heal completely.

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June Posted - 01/15/2012 : 04:58:59
When you have completed the treatment with the Iodine Lotion, wash with saline or salt water and apply Solosite, by Smith & Nephew. Apply frequently to keep the site moist and it quickly heals the wound.
June Posted - 01/15/2012 : 03:31:05
Hi, Sorry I haven't visited the site for a few months.
Liesa I bought both the Iodine lotion and the Lugol's Solution at a compounding chemist. My prescription for the Iodine lotion:
7 grams iodine
5 grams potassium iodide
5 mls distilled water
alchohol to reach 25 mls
This as prescribed by Dr Tullio Simoncini (previous posts)and my doctor wrote it out for the compounding chemist.
The Lugol's Solution differs in as much as it doesn't contain alcohol and has 5 grams iodine instead of 7, and 10grams potassium iodine instead of 5. After using both, I would recommend the Iodine Lotion.
Basal Boy - you asked how painful it was. I think 8 on a scale of 10. Lugol's is not painful, its the alcohol in the Iodine Lotion that makes it painful. However, the pain rises to a peak over less than 20min - half hour. I prefer the alcohol mix as it gets the job done. Otherwise, its a lot of mucking around for a lot longer to get the same result with Lugol's.
My lip healed but I wasn't happy with a bump left, scar tissue, and have worked on that over the last two weeks and its more even now. At the same time (I don't recommend you do more than one site at a time, however...) I attacked two small blemishes on my cheek and they have healed to perfection (2 weeks, 2 scabs). Also working on a mole under my chin - 2 scabs so far and will probably complete the process after the current one falls off, which I expect will be in a few days. I'll take photos. Good luck everyone. It's worth it!!
Arrow Posted - 01/14/2012 : 07:21:55
lugols idodine can be purchaed here in several strengths.
liesa Posted - 11/26/2011 : 23:44:21
Hi June I'm in Oz in Queensland, I was wondering where you bought the solution as I'm having trouble finding it
BasalBoy Posted - 08/21/2011 : 21:22:39
I'm curious how painful 7% iodine is on a scale of 1-10.I've used Cansema and other topicals, but hoping to find something effective with low pain.
June Posted - 08/21/2011 : 20:34:51
My lip has been healing - still forms a scab now and then and is healing well. I also applied iodine (the mix with alcohol)on the other side when another BCC (undiagnoses) popped up. This time, I applied sparingly with hardly a margin around the spot because I think I caught it so quickly. The problem with the first BCC (fibrosing) was that the lab report stated cancer cells detected around 4mm margin. So I made sure I covered that area. In hindsight, I should have applied with the applicator I now use (Lancome eyeliner wand - better than a fine brush) from the start - avoids the solution spilling over because too much applied at once.
Hope that helps.
Overthere Posted - 08/21/2011 : 13:01:15
JUNE in Australia ==

Are you still viewing this topic? I saw your posts (with pictures) in another thread regarding the use of Lugol's 5% instead of 7% Tincture (w/alcohol) as Dr Simoncini suggests.

I have questions for you about your method of application.

I would also like to know how it went. PERFECTION, I hope.
Please post a reply HERE if you're still checking in.
June Posted - 04/25/2011 : 02:49:32

I started using iodine 7g solution as prescribed by Dr Tullio Simoncini on a fibrosing BCC on my lip. I am dabbing the solution around 15 times on the cancer and take 2 to 3 painkillers beforehand to ease the pain - this is done over about 20-30 minutes and then repeated at night. Will keep you posted on progress after the 5 days, twice a day, then 10 days once a day treatment.

Muse Posted - 04/27/2009 : 21:06:58
I just found several sources that offer the 7% solution. After viewing the Google video of the doctor you are referring to (fungus causes cancer) I decided to buy some. And did so here:
dan Posted - 04/13/2009 : 23:41:46
Tincture of iodine is a solution of iodine and potassium iodide in ethanol alcohol. Iodine Tincture 2% is available at most pharmacies in the US without a prescription.

You may be able to find stronger concentrations of iodine, usually water based, in products called Lugol's solution. In the US, the DEA now regulates all iodine solutions containing greater than 2.2% iodine because it may be used in the production of methamphetamine. However, transactions of up to one fluid ounce (30 ml) of Lugol's solution are exempt from this regulation. Lugol's iodine solution is available over the counter in Canada and Mexico.

If you look in stores, you will also find povidone-iodine (Betadine), a stable chemical complex of polyvinylpyrrolidone (povidone, PVP) and elemental iodine that has mostly replaced tincture of iodine as a topical disinfectant. It contains from 9.0% to 12.0% available iodine. It is much less toxic than tincture of iodine and therefore probably would not be as effective as a skin cancer treatment. (But what do I know?).

Maybe your best bet in finding 7% iodine tincture is from a veterinary supply store.

It is tempting to put 2% tincture of iodine in a glass pan and let it evaporate to a stronger solution, but the iodine evaporates as well as the alcohol, although I don't know about the relative rates of evaporation of iodine and alcohol. Or you could just try 2% iodine tincture and see what happens.

Here is an interesting link regarding the bioavailability of iodine applied to the skin and a common iodine deficiency test. It turns out that the variable iodine evaporation rate can affect the test results. It is also noted that the skin treated with topical iodine retains a strong iodine concentration for several days.
RickW Posted - 04/13/2009 : 21:13:35
Next question: Where does one purchase this product? It isn't on the pharmacy shelf.


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Disclaimer: The three most common types of skin cancer are basal cell carcinoma, squamous cell carcinoma, and melanoma. While melanoma is the most dangerous type, keep in mind that any cancer and potentially some cancer treatments can cause injury or death. The various views expressed in these public forums should not be considered as medical advice. See your qualified health-care professional for medical attention, advice, diagnosis, and treatments.