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 Just ordered Cymilium

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RickW Posted - 04/12/2009 : 11:49:39
We shall see. I appreciate the encouraging comments about this product. Perhaps it will halt the progress of my BCC. I don't fully understand the ins & outs of combo treatment, but will be looking into it more. I have no budget for treatments and potions, so anything I add to the Cymilium will be cheap and readily available.

I tried Curaderm a couple of years ago for most of a year. Aside from providing all the discomfort I could stand, it did seem to stop the progress of part of the lesion on my nose. It did nothing to promote growth of healthy tissue.

Thx! New to this board.
9   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
RickW Posted - 10/31/2009 : 10:20:13
Just as an update, and to be fair, I want to reassess my results using Cymilium:

As I said in my last post just above, I bought a 99% pure aloe product (intended as a dietary or digestive aid) and used it to make the simplified potion described elsewhere by combining a small amount of aloe along with 4-5 drops of Supra Clens. I mixed it on one side of a contact lens case, and mixed a similar concoction on the other side using fresh aloe vera gel from my garden.

After discontinuing the Cymilium, the BCC on the side of my nose was plainly visible (rather than buried under the Cymil-jam) and after a day of using my new treatments numerous times throughout the day, I noticed that the thin layer of tissue that had appeared fragile and not very viable had actually firmed up into a real layer of skin and that most of the BCC area was no longer raw or bleeding. I kept up the treatment for another week or so and now I can say that the area has healed over. If nothing else develops--and I will continue to use this aloe/Supra treatment for the duration--I can say that this very large BCC has been arrested. A dermatologist and a plastic surgeon both commented a year ago on how large this lesion was, so you get the idea. Sorry I don't have pics to share.

So, since the aloe/Supra mixture didn't have time in a day or so to really heal the BCC, I have to give credit to Cymilium for at least arresting the cancer, and credit to Supra Clens for healing the remaining raw spots after I switched to it. Yes, Cymilium works. It may take more time that you expect, but it works.

Sorry to get wordy, but I wanted to clarify this. Hopefully my experience with this BCC is behind me after four years, except for the prominent crater on the side of my nose that I can live with. My new wife, who has watched me struggle with this for the past year and who married my anyway, is delighted, too.

Thanks to all.

RickW Posted - 10/10/2009 : 11:33:51
Okay, I started using Cymilium last April and the lesion is still there, the same if not slightly larger. Perhaps this product has slowed the spread of the BCC on the side of my nose, but is has not stopped it, nor has it promoted the growth of healthy tissue (except for what appears to be a thin topical layer of skin tissue over part of the site that I could probably wipe off if I tried; a bit of tissue sometimes forms overnight along the outside rim of the lesion - I have to wipe that off to clean and apply Cymilium; can't say the site is 'healing.')

So, my next step is to acquire the 99% pure organic Aloe Vera (at health supply store?) and SupraClens and spend some time with that. I can say that since beginning this saga I have been hired by the state and my health benefits (BCBS) have kicked in; this next strategy is mainly to avoid or delay the slice & dice of Mohs and plastic surgery.

Comments welcome.
Judd73 Posted - 05/13/2009 : 15:00:24
Alright, well I just called and got through to someone at S. James-Gray. He said there was a massive burglary there recently and many documents were compromised, or something to that effect. Coincidentally it was shipped today. Hmmm. I have no idea what to think, just not trying to be overly skeptical.
Judd73 Posted - 05/13/2009 : 14:51:01
Originally posted by dan

Absolutely, I hope Cymilium works for you. It is nice to hear they shipped it quickly. A number of people have complained in the past about delays in getting their orders. Maybe they have improved their service.

Yeah, count me as one of the complaints- I ordered over 2 weeks ago and haven't received it. Called St. James-Gray Medical Research Laboratories twice, left 2 e-mails, so far nothing. I have an automated invoice that they processed the order, but my bank account shows no transaction from them....

Is there anywhere else to buy Cymilium? I live in Denver, CO. Thanks to all.
dan Posted - 04/20/2009 : 01:30:49
Rather than hijack this thread, I started a new one at with the homemade version of Cymilium. Hopefully we will hear more from RickW
anivoc Posted - 04/18/2009 : 16:48:32
Hi Dan, I sent you an e-mail in regards to your "Homeade version" of Cymillium but never heard back or saw a post regarding it.

Though you described what you did elsewhere, it would be helpful if you could give us the recipe and brands of materials you used. At least from your own experience we know it worked for you.

From what I have learned about urea and activating the enzymes and according to the maker of cymillium that the "open time" is short. It is my thought that when mixing the homemade recipe that you can probably mix everything except the urea together and then just add the urea to a daily portion of the other ingredients each day. Not sure that this is the solution but it makes sense since the urea is what activates the enzymes.
dan Posted - 04/18/2009 : 00:33:42
Absolutely, I hope Cymilium works for you. It is nice to hear they shipped it quickly. A number of people have complained in the past about delays in getting their orders. Maybe they have improved their service.
RickW Posted - 04/17/2009 : 18:02:04
Okay, I ordered one box of Cymilium last Sunday. Today is Friday and it was in my mailbox when I got home.

Wish me luck on getting some benefit from it.
homestrong Posted - 04/14/2009 : 22:32:55
ah... another poster here, saying Curaderm doesn't work.
I think we have a consensus.

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Disclaimer: The three most common types of skin cancer are basal cell carcinoma, squamous cell carcinoma, and melanoma. While melanoma is the most dangerous type, keep in mind that any cancer and potentially some cancer treatments can cause injury or death. The various views expressed in these public forums should not be considered as medical advice. See your qualified health-care professional for medical attention, advice, diagnosis, and treatments.