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 Skin cancer topical treatments
 cymilum plus ?

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aabbynormal Posted - 01/28/2009 : 11:58:02
hey dan, when i first started using cymilum, in june of 2008. it seemed to work well. then i got a dose in my eye.. ooppss, but all went well. i had to stay away from the cym for about a week. went back on it, all started looking good again , and then the spots headed towards my tear ducts, so i can not put anything there.. unless you have an idea.

anyway, i alternate using it, i have to stop using it for a week or so [applied 3 x a day for a week or 8 days] because my skin gets so inflamed and painful, is it normal for the lesions to run and bleed? is alternating ok? i figured i better give it a rest til it dries up and at least quits hurting, and the swelling goes down.

i am ready to try it again. got a plan? can i add anything, use it less often? stand on my head. :-)
appreciate it, abby aka judy
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RidgebackDogs Posted - 02/03/2009 : 16:41:42
Thanks Dan for info and link. Let me know Judy how it goes w/PDQ.
I looked at the site but frankly i cannot order from a place with no contact information. How can they say satisfaction guaranteed when there is no way to contact them???? I like to see a street address and phone # so i know they're not some scam.
This thread on PDQ was interesting also as some had good results at first and later the lesions came back. i suppose it works differently with different people -

ooops!forgot to put the link in - here it is

please read the whole thing esp. Rocco's second post in July 07.
Still not sure how they guarantee anything when there is NO contact information????
aabbynormal Posted - 01/30/2009 : 09:00:36
thanks dan, went to PDQ link, will give that a try. About doctors, i have been to so many who ALWAYS tell me western medicine is not for me because i am so allergic to things. i have been to several of the best, and live here near mayo clinic.

The cymilim is doing its part well on other places on my cheek and nose, its the ones getting near the eye and tear duct area that are worsening.

I was pleased with pictures of zack on the link you sent, my other areas did that same thing with the cym, so i will try this one.

again, thanks for your help, and God Bless, judy
dan Posted - 01/29/2009 : 01:10:00
Hi judy, trying to treat spots around the eye does limit your options. Almost everything says to keep away from the eyes. It's a little scary to hear about the bleeding and running. Bleeding is normal for cancer but that is not really a good normal. It would be good to find a doctor (ND?) that you could trust. I'm not sure what you have tried beyond Cymilium. I would try coconut oil for starters. Also, there is a terrific result for PDQ Herbal near the eyes at Unfortunately, the people at PDQ won't say what is in their product, so it is hard to guess if it is really safe for around the eyes. If anyone else has any other ideas I'm sure they would be welcome.

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