T O P I C R E V I E W |
drbeckl2 |
Posted - 01/27/2009 : 16:13:50 To the health seekers of this message board; ALERT !
A guy named Toby McCadams,[who has posted as "bloodroot1" on this message board ] has been identified as a manufacturer & seller of a sub-standard cancer salve, .... by Mr. Caton, of Alpha Omega Labs.
This is what Mr. Caton has published about Toby McCadams: quote:
..... Because of the adulteration and misbranding involved in the McAdams operation -- whose primary sites are Bloodroot Products.com and RisingSun Health.com -- we can only assume that this is an FDA renegade operation is to permit, foster, and protect illegal product. By working less effectively, they will hopefully convince people that alternatives are inferior to mainstream pharmaceuticals. This would make perfectly good sense and is consistent with their overall modus operandi, as documented in numerous books by Lynne McTaggart, Leonard Horowitz, John Abramson, Joseph Mercola, John Morgenthaler -- to name just a few.
Please see our Compensation for Fake Product page if you have purchased product from the following or any other companies illegally using our trademarks, Cansema®, CanSupport (TM), Alpha Omega Labs (TM), or our domain names: altcancer.com (TM), herbhealers.com (TM), or alphaomegalabs.com (TM).
BloodrootProducts.com RisingSunProducts.com AltCancerCream.com Jennifer Wilson (Australia)
Mr. Caton, of Alpah Omega Labs, and of CANSEMA SALVE FAME, has manufactured CANSEMA brand cancer salve for many years.
Like Mr. Hoxsey, Dan Raber, Jimmy Keller, Dr. Hamer, William Donald Kelley, Hulda Clark, and many others, Mr. Caton was targeted by the pharmacetical-industrial-military complex, for fine and imprisonment.
His crime ? His crime was curing cancer. Curing cancer and harming the profits of the world-wide medical cartel.
After Mr. Caton was imprisoned, and his assets and fortune siezed from him and his family, then Toby McCadams set up a website selling a cancer salve, and according to Mr. Caton, plagarizing the cansema brand name, and plagarizing the original Caton Cansema website. He does this aparently with the approval of the FDA and the USA division of the WORLDWIDE MEDICAL CARTEL.
NOW; Mr. Toby McCadams is posting on this message board as "bloodroot1" at http://www.topicalinfo.org/forum/topic.asp?TOPIC_ID=50 ........... and is aparently threatening US, the users of this message board, with some type of GESTAPO action ,or, police state harrassment, if we get our cancer salve from someone besides himself.
He even gives a FBI PHONE NUMBER, to use to inform on your fellow cancer-ridden patients with !!!!! It is clear that Mr. Toby McCadams does not want you to have the right to choose what medicene you use.
A QUESTION: Mr. Adams, if you are out there; Are you threatening us with the GESTAPO for excercising our right to choose our own medical care ????
bloodroot1 wrote: http://www.topicalinfo.org/forum/topic.asp?TOPIC_ID=50 bloodroot1
USA 1 Posts Posted - 12/04/2008 : 23:54:42 Show Profile Email Poster Reply with Quote Here is the fact about Alpha Omega labs. Mr. Caton is now a fugitive of the law. He put sulphuric acid in the black salve and that is why people have experienced damage to health skin. Mr. Caton also put sulphuric acid in Tonic III and other products. Since Mr Caton or James Carr or what ever name he is using now is a fugitive of the FDA and US Government you may want to have a second thought on ordering. You may have the FDA on your door asking for information and possibly seize your products. If you want other opinions contact Keven Trudeau, Ingreid Naiman or even Dr. Tayler. If you want information from the FDA the agent is John Armond at 985-809-6709 and the US Attorney is 337-262-6618. It is companies like Alpha Omega labs that causes the regulations. We provided products to Alpha Omega labs until he started to alter them and putting poison like sulphuric acid in the products. Our company has complied with the FDA and will continue to do so. I disagree with some of the rules, but with cons like Mr. Caton and Alpha Omega labs things are going to get worse. My advice is to buy from companies that comply with the FDA or you to may recieve a visit from them form acquring products from a figitive of the law. Help us malke alternative health products respectable not a scam that peopel like Mr. Carom and companies like Alpha Omega labs perpetuate.
toby mcadam
7 L A T E S T R E P L I E S (Newest First) |
anivoc |
Posted - 07/07/2010 : 10:26:08 Toby
I think it stinks that Greg Caton is sitting in jail because of the way our system works.
I went to your current site and saw that you now offer Cancema not Cansema but it would definitely appear you are intentionally riding on the heels of one of the better known bloodroot salves.
Fortunately there are archives of the internet going pretty far back.
You're talking all this smack about Greg Caton when Greg's products put money in your pocket for years. Now you're glad he is in jail.. Nice.
Here's a link to your site back in 2003 showing you selling his evil Cansema with the alleged sulfuric acid (zinc chloride is not sulfuric acid) on YOUR site back in 2003. http://replay.waybackmachine.org/20030805233636/http://www.risingsunhealth.com/ You can follow the history of your web pages on the wayback machine up to 2008.. and up to then you were selling Cansema...hmmmm how could you be selling Cansema when they shut Alpha Omega Labs down?
bloodroot1 |
Posted - 07/06/2010 : 18:25:55 In response to Greg Caton being arrested. Good job. All of us that follow the regulations and jump through the hopes are under the microscope of the FDA, DEA and state health agencies and people like Greg Caton and Alpha Omega labs get away with going to another country. It is people such as Caton that cause Senators like McCain and Dorgon to present supplement bills, and now a supplement section is included in the Obama health plan. Mr. Adams, if you support Mr. Caton you do understand that he is one of the reasons for the new push. Call the senators and ask them.
Toby McAdam |
drbeckl2 |
Posted - 01/23/2010 : 11:26:39 www.NaturalNews.com
NaturalNews.com Originally published December 16 2009 FDA dupes Interpol to achieve illegal kidnapping and deportation of herbal formulator Greg Caton by Mike Adams, the Health Ranger, NaturalNews Editor
(NaturalNews) The U.S. Food and Drug Administration today stands accused of taking part in the kidnapping and illegal extradition of a permanent resident of Ecuador, in violation of both international law and Ecuadorian law.
update 1-24-2010 this message has been post-empted by concerns over copywrite laws as applied to internet web page copying to this forum. Doing that could possibly cause a loss of revenue for the Google Corporation; a CIA front group that now appears to own about 75% of the internet spaces and forces annoying their advertisements down your throat. Aparently google can copy everyone's else's website and call it a cache, the wayback machine can copy everone's website and call it a archive, but somehow you & me can not copy stuff off of the internet to show each other. Please go to "screw google" search engine at http://www.scroogle.org/cgi-bin/scraper.htm to help find the information that used to be here. That search engine mite help you keep google from tracking your internet searches. ... drbeckl |
Cathryn_Caton |
Posted - 06/05/2009 : 00:24:05 My name is Cathryn Caton. The lies put out by "bloodroot1" (Toby McAdams) on this forum and elsewhere are so aggregious that our company has had to devote considerable resources to combating his theft of our intellectual property. We deal with the issues of his latest disinformation campaign at:
The text is self-explanatory.
Cathryn Caton, N.D. Alpha Omega Labs Creator & Manufacturer: "Cansema" (R) Guayaquil, ECUADOR
quote: Originally posted by bloodroot1
In respose to your comment about "GESTAPO". Are you actually as ingorant as your writing or are you just plain stupid. Alpha Omega labs sold products with sulpuric acid, do you understand that sulphuric acid is battery acid. People can die from that. Do you actually side with a con artist like Greg Caton or Alpha Omega labs. Here is the plain fact, we do need regulation for scammers like Greg Caton. I complied with the FDA, DEA and health agencies and I am still allowed to sell products. As a result, Greg Caton can actually single handedly change the alternative health industry. Don't be a fool, call the people I listed even call Spencer at Medicardium. Caton tried to seal his chelation formula. If you support Alpha Omega labs and Greg Caton that tells me about your character. One question, when you purchase a product, don't you want to be sure it is safe and has the ingredients that are on the label.
montanabob1956 |
Posted - 05/10/2009 : 23:03:25 This response is not of the alternative issue. It is a reply regarding Toby McAdam. I live in Montana and know of Mr. McAdam. Someday I do hope that I get the privilege to meet him. Anyway about the slamming of Mr. McAdam by drbeck or caton or whoever you are. Let me tell you about what Mr. McAdam is doing in Montana. First he fights for tax reform in Montana and also fights for the citizens of Montana. Politicians in Montana hate him and are actually concerned about him. He is fighting to get us affordable health insurance in Montana. There are so many things he is undertaking and you can read about his politics as www.citizensforfairtax.org .
So about Mr. McAdam working for the FDA or the government, I doubt that. I do support what he says about making sure the ingredients in the products are accurate. I am a business man and when I see a business slam another business I do not trust them. I looked at the Alpha Omega site, I would never trust any product you sell. You talk radical and sound like everyone in the world is out to get you. Personally, I think you need serious psyciatric help. Let me make this final point, I trust Mr. McAdam he sacrifices himself for others. I would give my right arm to Mr. McAdam if he needed it.
God Bless you Mr. McAdam and do not let idiots like Caton or Alpha Omega labs comments concern you. They are just intimidated by you and your products. Keepup the good work and Montana is fortunate to have a person of your character.
montana bob Billings, Mt |
sandyjones3245 |
Posted - 05/07/2009 : 02:30:39 I agree with Mr. McAdam. When I buy a product I want to make sure it has what it is suppose to. I have breast cancer, or should I say. Had breast cancer. I ordered a breast bundle from www.bloodrootproducts.com and it did work. I have ordered from Alpha Omega before they closed, the salve burned and damaged me. I quite using it. Then I found Risingsun Health. I had good success and now I am cancer free. If you are putting stuff in the products that are dangerous I do not trust you and Mr McAdam is right. I would use your products too, but with you slamming Mr. McAdam and Risingsun Health I do not trust you. I know you lied because thier products worked for me and I am now cancer free. God bless you Mr. McAdam and I will recommend you and trust what you say. You even are involved in tax reform, so I believe you put other peoples intrest ahead of yours.
Thank you, Sandy J Dallas, Tx |
bloodroot1 |
Posted - 03/14/2009 : 18:49:46 In respose to your comment about "GESTAPO". Are you actually as ingorant as your writing or are you just plain stupid. Alpha Omega labs sold products with sulpuric acid, do you understand that sulphuric acid is battery acid. People can die from that. Do you actually side with a con artist like Greg Caton or Alpha Omega labs. Here is the plain fact, we do need regulation for scammers like Greg Caton. I complied with the FDA, DEA and health agencies and I am still allowed to sell products. As a result, Greg Caton can actually single handedly change the alternative health industry. Don't be a fool, call the people I listed even call Spencer at Medicardium. Caton tried to seal his chelation formula. If you support Alpha Omega labs and Greg Caton that tells me about your character. One question, when you purchase a product, don't you want to be sure it is safe and has the ingredients that are on the label. |