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harley Posted - 01/13/2009 : 10:50:41
I was diagnosed with Actinic Keratosis back in August '08. A small patch on the top of my head - I am bald so of course am exposed to the sun more. I had it frozen by a dermatologist and it did fall off and heal somewhat but it came back as many do. I am a very active and strong proponent of Integrative Medicine and thought the local treatment without drugs would be ok. I also tried castor oil locally with baking soda as it was an Edgar Cayce remedy and it did help a little. Now I found this site and am very happy to research and look into a few natural remedies. I have found Zeolite to be an option along with a strict diet and ACV as described here. My integrative physician receommend Zeolite (Destroxin) 3 years ago to help chelate mercury and toxins and it worked very well so, I will reintroduce that supplement. Started the Zeolite and ACV yesterday and will post progress here as it might help the cause. I will see a dermotologist again this week just to get a watchful eye on it as i begin my own treatments.
5   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Muse Posted - 03/21/2009 : 01:38:54
More into on the Destroxin harley mentioned...
dan Posted - 02/03/2009 : 00:13:00
I think the ACV harley is referring to is Apple Cider Vinegar. The distinctive smell and taste of vinegar are due to acetic acid, also known as ethanoic acid.
trudie Posted - 02/02/2009 : 17:35:29
What is ACV?
harley Posted - 02/02/2009 : 14:01:24
Just thought I'd swing back around and post again after 2 weeks of ACV internally and externally. I had cut back a little on the ACV to 1 TBLS twice a day with more water - it was a little too much. I started takng it as a tea with hot water (not sure if this effects the ACV negatively or not so any comments wouodl be appreciated).I have been applying ACV to a few AKs two times a day and started coconut oil last week, nightly in just one area while continuing with ACV only in the rest of the smaller spots. In addition, I started juicing and eliminated coffee and just a strict diet as much as possible. Zeolite twice a day along with a very good multi-vitamin supplement.

Results after 2 weeks: definitely an overal feeling of wellnes, increased energy, skin tone smoother - all from diet I am sure and juicing. I am very active and teach martial arts so my body is very sensitive to changes. Joints are not as sore as they used to get after a full week of training and teaching.

As far as the AKs, they are not as pronounced, and the area is much smoother. I had a few small AKs which are almost gone in appearance and feel. The more prominant one on the top of my noggin has gotten smoother and radius has shrunk a bit. There has been definite improvement. I will start the eggplant/ACV mix this week.
RidgebackDogs Posted - 01/14/2009 : 21:56:25
Thanks for the info
Please keep us posted!

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Disclaimer: The three most common types of skin cancer are basal cell carcinoma, squamous cell carcinoma, and melanoma. While melanoma is the most dangerous type, keep in mind that any cancer and potentially some cancer treatments can cause injury or death. The various views expressed in these public forums should not be considered as medical advice. See your qualified health-care professional for medical attention, advice, diagnosis, and treatments.