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 Skin cancer topical treatments
 To Anyone who knows about Blood root

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HANNAH Posted - 11/06/2008 : 02:22:18
Ok I used blood root on a mole and an esher develpoed and fell out now I have a hole in my forehead.

Here is my problem. After the crusty esher came out I reapplied more blood root into the hole and inside the hole instantly turned white and started burning like fire.

Does this mean there is more cancer?

Do I just keep applying until it finally stops burning and turning white?

2   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
pjs06 Posted - 11/10/2008 : 18:10:07
I have not had as much experience with the products containing bloodroot ...I think it tends to be rather harsh...however, if you are getting a reaction of an area turning white and burning, I think it is safe to say there is still some cancer present. Remember, in order to eliminate skin cancer, EVERY cell has to be killed. I always retreat an area until no burning or white appears.

I've had quite a bit of luck with C-Herb which is also applied as a poultice. It has all natural ingredients: black walnut, burdock, white oak bark, and mineral salts. This was originally a native American formula that has been passed down. It is available for sale on E-Bay. I have also had luck in the past with PDQ Cream, but due to an FDA crackdown, it has been removed from the web and is harder to obtain.
anivoc Posted - 11/06/2008 : 11:19:50
Hi Hannah,

Not sure.. I know if you put it on healthy skin nothing happens..what I don't know is if it has the same benign "no effect" on an open wound.

Only way to answer that is have a wound in an area you know is not cancerous and apply the bloodroot and see what happens. Next time I get a wound like that I will try it..but that doesn't help you today..

As I have already said moles are not something I would try and deal with on my own.. too much risk that they could be a melanoma for me to fool around with them.

My guess is there is still some cancer if it turned white but that is only a guess..

Sorry I can't help you any more than that.. have you contacted the people you bought the bloodroot paste from and asked them?

I'd be interested in hearing there opinion.

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