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 Skin cancer treatment strategies
 Apple cider vinegar/Co Q-10/Aloe vera

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
mtaylor Posted - 08/05/2008 : 14:09:26
I've been reading posts for about 6 months and have yet to post. I have a family history of skin cancer and have had 3 BCC's surgically removed, leaving nasty scars. So when a mole on my temple began to itch and burn, I knew I was NOT going to get butchered on my face, and I prayed specifically for an answer and found this site.

I started treating my mole with the vinegar/eggplant solution and found some success( it itched like crazy and shrunk some). However, I had to stop, because for some reason my 4 month old would refuse to breastfeed while I was treating my mole.

In the past month a small red spot has appeared near my mole. And it started to itch and pull again. So I set to work and treated it for two days with Co Q-10(applied topically) and then treated it aggressivly with plain apple cider vinegar (swabbing it 20-30x's a day) It peeled a nasty scab and has noticably shrunk, although it now bleeds(it had never bled before) and has a constant scab on it. The small red bump is almost completely gone. I also put aloe plant on it when the scab comes off. I think this is working. I appreciate everyone sharing their advice and knowlege, it has been a blessing to know that I am not alone and I can tackle this. Thank you.
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dan Posted - 08/10/2008 : 02:02:40
mtaylor, thanks for the post and we are glad to have you here! That's really interesting about the vinegar/eggplant skin cancer remedy being objectionable to your baby, but of course I also have no idea why. Please keep us updated on your vinegar-Co Q10-aloe vera remedy.

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Disclaimer: The three most common types of skin cancer are basal cell carcinoma, squamous cell carcinoma, and melanoma. While melanoma is the most dangerous type, keep in mind that any cancer and potentially some cancer treatments can cause injury or death. The various views expressed in these public forums should not be considered as medical advice. See your qualified health-care professional for medical attention, advice, diagnosis, and treatments.