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 Skin cancer treatment strategies
 1 month of cymilium

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aabbynormal Posted - 07/25/2008 : 18:32:14
hi folks, i have ben using this for over a month now. i have NEW SKIN !!! i use it twice a day.. since i am so allergic to things, i didnt want to push it, some days i apply it 3 times..

anyway the many cancer spots on my nose that were spreading to my cheek and into my tear ducks at the corner of my eyes are drawing up... some faster than others.. the slower healing ones are the deepest ones. the others are either completely gone or close..

am taking pictues with my digi camera... so in time, i can post them ..

am excited.... very excited, and very thankful...
started june 26 i think... maybe the 27th. it is july 25 now.

one area in the corner of my nose is kinda tender and red, i am wondering if i should take a few days off.

bye for now. thanks., abby

7   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
thanks01 Posted - 09/06/2008 : 10:04:11
This explanation is of great interest to me, because it reflects the approach I'm taking currently for some suspicious "spots"on my legs. In my "history" entry about BCC I never followed up to say that when I went to a dermatologist he biopsied and surgically two more BCCs, one on my chest, which I had never noticed, and another "non-healing" spot on my leg, which I had seen for a long time.
Now I'm between inspections and see some other spots which he did not pay attention to and I'm trying to work on them before the next visit. In fact, I hope to postpone the next visit and give myself a little more time.
Part of my plan is to keep repeating the treatment over some months, to give the body a chance to clean up the spots with a little help from the "salve" below and, of course, diet changes, including the one you mentioned for alkalinity (eating lots of vegetables).
In addition to tackling the diet questions, I have been making homemade salves all of which include pancreatin as the main ingredient. I have tried hand lotion, but noticed that the pancreatin seemed to be digesting it (possibly the fat). I am now trying eggplant puree with pancreatin (not very easy to spread). I think I may now try adding a little ammonia.
But the pancreatin impressed me. While applying the salve daily I noticed a large improvement in some fingernails which have been suffering from fungus, probably part of my candida problem.
All of these conditions take a long time to improve significantly, so I feel premature in reporting all of this, but this interesting post on PANCREATIN has brought me to report in, possibly early.
The pancreatin that I use is from Swanson Health:
dan Posted - 09/05/2008 : 22:17:20
Cymilium is a non-prescription, commercially available topical insect bite remedy that contains pancreatin enzymes. High doses of pancreatin enzymes have been successfully used as a cancer treatment since the early 1900's. Naturally produced by the pancreas as part of the digestion process, pancreatic enzymes are also absorbed systemically and function as part of the initial cancer immune system. These enzymes work effectively over a limited alkaline pH range and do not perform well in an acidic enviroment. An acidic body chemistry, possibly the result of too much sugar in the diet and/or a candida infection, spells trouble for the pancreas and its ability to produce both insulin and adequate pancreatic enzymes. Also, poor circulation, a diet too high in protein, or eating too frequently can lead to a lack of systemic pancreation enzymes available to fight cancers. The metabolism of a viable cancer tumor eventually turns acidic the immediate environment surrounding it, rendering the body's initial pancreatic enzyme defense mechanism useless.

The ingredients disclosed on the Cymilium box are the active ingredient ammonium hydroxide 3% in a base containing aloe vera, cetyl alcohol, diazolidinyl urea, emulsifying wax, methylparaben, mineral oil, pancreatin, petrolatum, polyethylene glycol distearate, propylene glycol, propylparaben, sodium laurel ether sulfate, stearic acid, urea, and water. Ammonium hydroxide is commonly known as ammonia. Petrolatum is commonly known as Vaseline or petroleum jelly.

I think the most critical ingredients in the Cymilium product for topical skin cancer treatment are pancreatin, ammonia, aloe vera, urea, and possibly stearic acid. Ammonium hydroxide (ammonia diluted in water) makes the environment very hostile to the cancer. The ammonia helps get the mixture through the acid mantle (dead outer layer) of the skin and also neutralizes the acid envelope that surrounds the cancer tumor. Ammonia has the fastest rate of skin penetration of common alkalies. Ammonia exposure leaves the tissues alkaline for several hours. The other ingredients in the Cymilium preparation probably function as preservatives and topical carriers that disperse the active ingredients, maintain contact with the skin, and prevent rapid evaporation. The urea compounds in particular may also act as wetting agents and penetration enhancers. Urea works by breaking up the surface tension of the fluid that surrounds the cancer cells, allowing access of the other ingredients to the cancer cell membranes.

Many of these ingredients, except for pancreatin and ammonia, can be found in common skin lotions. If you have been following the recent moisturizing thread you will recognize several of these ingredients as being implicated as possible skin cancer promoters (mineral oil, petrolatum, and others). Cymilium certainly is not an ideal product for long term use, but I and others have found it to be effective and inexpensive on skin cancers. Some attempts have been made to make make home remedy versions of Cymilium that may leave out objectionable ingredients. We are all ears if you try something like that. You can order cymilium at

marsha Posted - 09/05/2008 : 00:04:25
Could sombody tell me what is cymilun is?
RidgebackDogs Posted - 08/31/2008 : 16:16:12
Thank you so much for your feedback. This is encouraging!
aabbynormal Posted - 08/27/2008 : 19:27:18
hi ridgebackdogs, yes i am still using the cymilium. i hadnt posted since july 25 i think, mainly because stupid me got some of it my eyes, and i was swollen and puffy for quite a while, ahh, but all is well for the eyes now.. wasnt such a picnic though. some of my cancer spots are gone and i have skin, some have almpost disappeared, and others are daily healing, quite remarkable. the biggest problem now is the area so very close to my eyes on both sides, so i am having to apply the cymilium above the actual spot, and will wait to see if it will draw it out. my family and friends are just astonished and very thankful for the outcome of the cymilium. 2 freinds are nurses,and 1 a pharamacist and they are totally amazed.

i cant give any dr opinion since i was told many years ago, after seveal diag of yes its basil cell skin cancer.. one saying possibly squamis..and then, a what shall we do because western medicine wasnt for me, i had to be referred to a natural product... tried many, nothing worked... most made it worse or caused a horrible rash.. yippee.. i am allergic to just about you name it except for baby aspirn. [3 a day max] so, anyway, i will never have a quote/opinion/valid medical responce from a dr. i can only vouch that it is working for me, and i have sent several folks the info and now they are getting it. i have taken digi pictures, but being pc stupid, i cant figure out how to download them here, i can though email anyone the pictures. by the way, there was no bad reaction from day 1 of using cymiliun... and the pain, and tenderness that i normally had, went away..just about immediately. there is a few second's burn when first applying, but i ho hummed that. i was desperate.
hope this info helped. aabby.
and there is no spell check,, sorry :-)
RidgebackDogs Posted - 08/26/2008 : 11:24:21
Abby! Hi!
How did the cymilium work out? are you still using it and did it clear up your problem areas. Could you please update me and those on the forum? I am 3 mos. post-mohs on my nose and now new areas are popping up that look suspicious - went to one dr who gave me aldara to use but after doing a google search on that, it wouldn't be my first choice. Thank you for your time and info.
dan Posted - 07/27/2008 : 01:22:31
Abby, thanks, this is wonderful feedback on Cymilium! I hope your healing continues and you are able to keep us updated.

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Disclaimer: The three most common types of skin cancer are basal cell carcinoma, squamous cell carcinoma, and melanoma. While melanoma is the most dangerous type, keep in mind that any cancer and potentially some cancer treatments can cause injury or death. The various views expressed in these public forums should not be considered as medical advice. See your qualified health-care professional for medical attention, advice, diagnosis, and treatments.