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 Freckle/Brown Spot Removal for Melanoma Survivor?

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wiredolly Posted - 07/16/2008 : 00:24:45
Hello there,

Six-year melanoma survivor here. Many skin tumors and growths removed with Cansema Black Salve, some with Bloodroot Paste, and had an internal cancer growth (colon), which was remedied with Cansema Tonic III. Living proof that these do work.

Question for those on this list who may be in the same predicament: I have still many flat, brown, large freckles on my shoulders amongst the melanoma scars from various removal efforts. On me, these large freckles are unsightly at best and cancer-in-waiting at worst and I was wondering if anyone knows a good remedy for exfoliating/dissolving or otherwise removing these?

I'll consider laser/recon surgery as a last resort, but would like to know if anything (such as Sunspot ES) could remove large, light and dark brown freckles which are not raised or scaly.

Best regards
2   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
wiredolly Posted - 07/16/2008 : 12:07:03
Thanks for the info, anivoc, I'll do some research on the clear iodine.

I, too, have endured these "credibility crusades" (yawn). I was diagnosed with MM in 2001 after having Candidiasis for five years, had many surgeries--15 surgeries, burnoffs and whatnot--and realised I wanted a divorce from all the allopathic/insurance money laundering operations. When I discovered that I also had an internal tumor via ultrasound, I knew my problem was systemic immune failure, so I quit allopathy altogether, as it was only driving me deeper and deeper into illness.

Four months later I received a letter in the mail from my dermatologist, claiming I'd "missed several appointments" when I had not, and in no uncertain terms telling me I was no longer welcome at his practice... CYA effort, totally. He was not at all interested in my recovery, only in the avoidance of liability. No surprise there.

I don't know if that makes me "legit" or not, being poisoned and ripped off by mainstream "medicine", but it was what it was, and thankfully I have been able to move on.

The Cansema Tonic worked very well after taking it internally for nearly two years, and applying the Salve (or sometimes Bloodroot paste) where needed externally. The Cansema Tonic had graviola in it along with some other ingredients. Far from a "simple bloodroot concoction", it was very strong stuff, and if you do a search for clinical studies using graviola (aka soursop), you may find some information of interest.

My focus is now on prevention of new occurrences and in maintaining and improving what I've managed to regain after all of the damage done to me by the great American allopathic sick-care system.

Some skin improvement at this point would go a long way as well, both in the physical and the psychological senses--for this, I am open to suggestions.

anivoc Posted - 07/16/2008 : 02:13:40
In regards to removing the freckles sunspot does seem to lighten them, though I am also hitting them with clear iodine each day also.

A lot of people here might think you're not legit when speaking of overcoming deadly melanoma and colon cancer just with simple bloodroot
concoctions. I am pretty sold it is really possible.. but that's me.

A few things that might help your story.

Were any of the melanomas or your internal colon cancer biopsied and diagnosed by a medical doctor?

Hopefully for credibility your answer is yes.

If your answer is yes, what did the MD have to say about your self treatment?

I am a bloodroot user who knows what it can do and it's limitations and drawbacks.

I have spoken to many other bloodroot users. I met one who recommended and internal version to a woman who had breast cancer that overcame it .
The company that was making the internal version was shut down by the fda.

Still I always warn people to do your own due dilligence bloodroot can be UGLY ..

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Disclaimer: The three most common types of skin cancer are basal cell carcinoma, squamous cell carcinoma, and melanoma. While melanoma is the most dangerous type, keep in mind that any cancer and potentially some cancer treatments can cause injury or death. The various views expressed in these public forums should not be considered as medical advice. See your qualified health-care professional for medical attention, advice, diagnosis, and treatments.