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 Skin cancer topical treatments
 iodine therapy by Dr. Tullio Simoncini

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
drbeckl2 Posted - 07/11/2008 : 00:12:56
Health Seekers;

Here is the method of curing skin cancers, as dictated by the Italian Doctor; Dr. Tullio Simoncini :

It is excerpted from : Mark Sircus Ac., OMD
Director International Medical Veritas Association

Transdermal Medicine and Skin Cancer

Dr. Tullio Simoncini states, “update 1-24-2010
this message has been post-empted by concerns over copywrite laws as applied to internet web page copying to this forum. Doing that could possibly cause a loss of revenue for the Google Corporation; a CIA front group that now appears to own about 75% of the internet spaces and forces annoying their advertisements down your throat. Aparently google can copy everyone's else's website and call it a cache, the wayback machine can copy everone's website and call it a archive, but somehow you & me can not copy stuff off of the internet to show each other. Please go to "screw google" search engine at to help find the information that used to be here. That search engine mite help you keep google from tracking your internet searches. ... drbeckl
75   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Albert Kr Posted - 10/12/2021 : 09:31:48

Hello. I had BCC removed from my lip twice, but a year later I had a relapse again. I'm tired of this and I'm looking for an alternative and not very aggressive method. I skimmed over the whole topic. And I already thought about applying this method with iodine. But, before that, I decided to consult with a relative of my wife. He is a physician, a professor and knows a lot. I told him about all the experiments described here. And here's what he said about iodine and possible external treatment of tumors. He said that iodine is a strong oxidant, that it simply burns out the skin, killing it, layer by layer. That with superficial tumors, iodine can really burn it out, but if the tumor has grown deep into the skin, as is the case with basal cell carcinoma, then iodine will be ineffective, and the cancer will constantly come back, relapse. And he was shocked by my retelling of how people on the forum use iodine. He said that the main danger of using iodine is that long-term use of it, moreover, in a high concentration, iodine in many inevitably leads to hormonal and various pathologies. That an excess of iodine is very dangerous and it accumulates in the body. From an excess of iodine, antibodies to the thyroid gland and proteins are first produced. Then the thyroid gland will collapse and fade away. Autoimmune thyroiditis will develop further. After, from a lack of hormones, a goiter of the gland appears. And this is already thyroid precancer. And all this does not develop immediately, gradually, after 3, 5, 10 years. Iodine applied to the skin is completely absorbed by the body, and if it is applied to the wound, it is absorbed several times faster, and its concentration in the body takes off excessively. In short, I seriously thought about it. So I think, for the sake of safety, I can try to apply a small amount of iodine to the tumor in a short course. do you think this will work? has anyone tried it?
iodinegal Posted - 09/17/2017 : 08:24:27
Hello all, first of all thanks so much to Dan for this very helpful site and to the people who post here.
I have a 2mm suspected BCC on my nose that has responded well to Lugol's iodine (7% iodine, 14% KI), still awaiting results of biopsy. Wanted to treat it while waiting for my derm appointment because it was crusting frequently.
I applied the iodine 5-6 times per day for 2 weeks, wetting the lesion well each time using a sponge-tipped eyemake up applicator -you can buy them cheaply in bags of 20 or so at many shops eg Primark. The lesion scabbed over thickly twice and the skin started to heal. I then gave it another iodine treatment for 4 days.
By the time I went for my biopsy appointment it was looking much smaller and was no longer surrounded by angry-looking blood vessels. Sadly, the derm said I would still need a biopsy as he could still see tumour, but he took only a 2mm biopsy, saying it was the tiniest BCC he'd ever biopsied.
I am currently treating with a homemade saturated sodium ascorbate solution and it's continuing to heal. I've also been taking oral iodine, along with vitamin D3 5000 units/day, melatonin 2mg and niacinamide 200-300mg at night.
I was a bit nervous fessing up about the iodine to the derm but he has been very supportive and wanted to know all about the alternative treatments I'd been looking at. On the other hand my family couldn't have been more critical, going on about how I'd made things so much worse (what do they think conventionally treated lesions look like, midtreatment?)
Got to say, the iodine was completely painless, the only drawback is the skin staining, which takes a few days to disappear after you stop treatment. There was also a lot of mild skin peeling over a large area of my nose but that's resolving now. I have photos if anyone is interested and can update in October when I see the derm again.
captscubaman Posted - 08/22/2014 : 06:35:26
I have read you post a few times. I have had a few outbreaks of squamous cell skin cancer. I have had a few surgically removed by MOHS surgery. A rather large one on my scalp in an area where I had an injury when I was 16 years old. It needed a skin graft to close the wound. I should mention I am now 66 years old and have been sunburned many times throughout my life. I had a spot on my left shin that was done the same with MOHS surgery it came out poorly. The doctor cut three of my veins and he had to clamp those off to sew them up and now left with a large scar. I presently have two more spots that have been diagnosed as squamous cancer. I am currently treating them with Lugol's 2% iodine solution. I inadvertently purchased 2% rather then 5%.I am on my second day of three treatments a day with 20 applications each time. I will keep you posted as to the outcome. If that's ok. As of today my next doctors appointment is on Sept. 28th as he is always booked for a long time. Rather then wait for the cancer to keep growing I elected to try your method. Take Care! by Chuck[/i]

First, I'm so thankful I found this website! I'm a 57yr-old Caucasian male that has suffered through the surgical and laser-based removal of basal skins cancers several times in the past. Being of Scottish descent, it's said we can get a sunburn from a moonbeam (joke). While perhaps not that extreme, I burned badly when outdoors. My father had 1/2 his nose removed and was scheduled to have an entire ear removed, but died of a heart attack before the doctors could further disfigure him. It seemd my similar future was inevitable. Over the past 3 - 4 years, I developed two large basal cell cancers on my left cheek. On the larger one, the visible cancer was the size of a dime and the smaller one perhaps 1/2 that size. However, the underlying, invisible area was twice as large on each. A surgical removal would probably require an excision the size of a U.S. quarter and need several stitches. No doubt, I would have been required to return later for plastic surgery and maybe more cancer surgery due to the likelihood of re-growth (which I found to be a common occurence based on past surgeries). Thank God, that scarring process won't happen thanks to this website and others I read associated with Dr. Simoncini. Here's what happened: I bought some 7% iodine tincture online and soaked the cancers 5 - 8 times each day. Unfortunately, I burned my skin because tincture contains alcohol. My skin itched, burned, peeled and the overall experience was unpleasant. But I continued because the alternative would be even more intolerable. When I first applied the tincture, the cancers became very inflamed. In fact, the areas rose up and seemed to double in size. That's because I wasn't aware of how much cancer was invisible under the skin. When it rose above the surface, it looked horrible. Quite large, angry red and splitting open. Believe me, you don't want to use iodine tincture unless you really enjoy pain. Out of sheer desparation, I Googled for iodine that didn't contain alcohol. That's how I found Lugol's 5% solution. This stuff is expensive ($25 shipped for 1 ounce), but it's worth every penny. The pain level is perhaps 1/10 of what it is when there's alcohol and it also works just as well on the cancer. I started this entire iodine regimen 3 weeks ago. Two weeks using the iodine with alcohol (don't do that) and 1 week with Lugol's. I'm so excited I can't stand it! My larger cancer is now 1/5 the original size and the smaller one is about the same size as that (I started it later). It's gone from roughly the size of a nickel to smaller than the end of a pencil eraser in just three weeks. Even better, the skin around it looks brand new without any scarring. According to what I read in various websites about the miracle of iodine, it heals from the bottom up, not the top down. That means its healing may not be seen initially, but because it heals the bottom layers of skin first, there's no scarring. Now for some basic instructions: (1) buy Lugol's - I bought mine directly from their website; (2) apply it LIBERALLY directly on the cancer and around the perimeter (the further out you go, the better); (3) apply at least 5 - 10 times per day and don't let a day pass; (4) DO NOT PICK the scab!! If you do, it may leave a scar and also take longer to heal. It will also burn like crazy when you apply the iodine the enxt time - so DON'T DO IT; (5) if you have to go out, where a band-aid while you're out and remove it as soon as you return home. It needs the air exposure because you're fighting Candida which hates oxygen. So let it breathe and the Candida will die faster; (6) take 1 drop of Lugol's in water every day to help kill the Candida in your gut; (7) get a good probiotic like Culturelle and take it every day. Do all this, and your skin cancers will disappear. I can say that with confidence based on what I've seen and personally experienced. Now one last comment: you probably have skin cancers (and perhaps other issues) because of Candida. So if you want to avoid future problems, you must knock back the Candida level in your body. Candida loves yeast and sugar. If you take an antibiotic, any Candida you already have will explode and create severe allergies, arthritis, diabetes, lupus, on and on. Candida is perhaps the single biggest health problem in America. So I won't go into what you need to do to get rid of it, but I strongly recommend you Google the info and take the right steps to knock it back. That's what I've been doing these past 3 weeks and I haven't felt this good in years. So good luck and I hope my personal experience helps someone else. Pay it forward!
judo Posted - 05/30/2014 : 00:05:32
Tom, good to hear from you and let's hope you can find something to deal with what you have there.

I just wanted to say that I have only been supplementing with ACV (Braggs) since the beginning of this month, so about 4 weeks in total and the AK on my head has now completely gone, all scabs etc. This may be due largely to the dousing 2-3 times a day it was getting but it could also be to do with the supplementing. I've read that it helps to alkalize the body and that sometimes these things (AK, BCC) come about because the body is too acidic.

Anyway I don't think you'd have anything to lose by supplementing ACV so it might be worth you starting this Tom until you decide on a topical treatment to use. Hopefully some of the others on here will be able to make some suggestions, what is your GP suggesting?
tom24 Posted - 05/29/2014 : 07:10:10
I really commend you guys for sharing your knowledge and personal experiences about skin cancer. I plea to anyone who knows or has a direct personal experience or an idea on how to tackle topically a “nasal mucosal melanoma” inside the nasal cavity attached to the mucosal walls. What alternative remedy would you suggest given the fact that obviously Zinc Chloride "bloodroot paste" or Lugol Iodine would burn the entire area and it would be unbearably painful to deal with?
I will be immensely grateful for any feasible suggestions.
judo Posted - 05/21/2014 : 07:24:51
srains99 that's great news well done. Did you order from the link from Australia?
srains99 Posted - 05/21/2014 : 07:16:10

I just finished using Petty Spurge on a facial BCC, it worked fast and like a charm.
judo Posted - 05/15/2014 : 22:58:27
Another update, I have continued with the iodine treatment, about 5 weeks in all now and I think it's looking better but difficult to tell with the area stained brown all the time! However, I discovered some petty spurge growing nearby so I have potted some up with the intention of giving it a try if the iodine doesn't seem to have worked when I stop in a week or so, approx. 5-6 weeks since starting.

Regarding the AK on my head, this was bothering me because I don't have much coverage up there so not wanting to use iodine on it I have been dousing it with apple cider vinegar for about a month. I've also been taking 2 desert spoons of ACV in a glass of water morning and evening, I read on another forum that this helps to alkaline the body and some of these conditions can be caused initially by the body being too acidic. So, not much seemed to be happening but I kept going because I'd read that you need to be persistant with this, and then last night when I went through the regular ritual of dousing it the largest of the scabs just floated right off. Underneath was new and virtually unblemished skin! I'm so pleased, there are still one to two very small scabs but I guess these will go the same way and I will continue treatment until they have gone, tempted to keep up the supplementing with ACV indefinitely though.

Incidentally, my AK appeared in a place on my head that I had damaged about 9 or so years ago. I remember getting up and bashing my head on a rough piece of wood (didn't have much hair then either to protect it!), it bled but healed like a normal injury would I left me with a little scar but apart from that I never thought much more of it. Then early this year I rubbed my head with a towel after a shower and noticed it was bleeding a bit, from that point it got worse and developed an unsightly scab after the derm pushed and pulled it during his diagnosis. Anyway fingers crossed all is well now!

Maybe worth noting that during my treatment phase I have stuck to (as much as possible) a bread, wheat and sugar free diet with as many fruit and veg as possible. I also gave up alcohol about 3 weeks ago in an attempt to give my body the best chance possible to heal itself. I have noticed that a fungal nail infection (affecting one big toenail for the last 25 years!) has also begun to grow normally so I have been rubbing clear iodine into the edge of this to help it on its way.

Hope others reading this are also having some success and can use it as motivation to keep going, it doesn't happen overnight but it does appear to happen if you carry on!
judo Posted - 04/21/2014 : 23:50:22
Good to hear from you DB Lawton. This makes sense to me, mine scabbed up 2-3 times initially before I stopped the iodine due to my consultation the following week, but didn't get rid of it altogether. I know chuck says he kept it going for around 5 weeks so I think I have to be prepared for'll be two weeks this Thursday for me, good luck with yours and let us know how it goes when you have a min.
D.B.Lawton Posted - 04/21/2014 : 17:10:33
I'm still watching the forum. Sorry..... I run a small business and have limited time, which mostly gets spent trying to make money...... SO.... with that said, I have discovered something with this iodine treatment...... just because it scabs up three times and falls off three times does NOT mean that it is a done deal. I have a friend who told me that hers scabbed over six times before it wouldn't scab over again. Well, I followed the instructions on Dr. Simoncini's website, and only allowed it to scab over three times, then stopped the treatment. Although the spot is much smaller this time, it did come back. This time, I will continue to apply the 7% tincture of iodine, until it will no longer scab over. I will try to keep posted. It has been three days now since I started treating this again.
judo Posted - 04/21/2014 : 12:55:53
Someone asked me about posting a picture here, the main problem I had was the size, once I had reduced it it worked fine.

Have been applying the iodine every day at lease twice a day sometimes more. Yesterday the first scab came off so the next application stung a bit more than usual but it's not a big deal. Will keep at this and report news as and when.

The actinic keratosis on my head appears to be improving too. I bought some clear iodine (because it's on my head and quite visible to all) but I
After 3-4 days nothing seemed to be happening so I switched to raw apple cider vinegar instead. After 2-3 days with this it seemed to almost erupt but a few more days after that 3 or 4 scabs have appeared and the area is less red than before. I expect these scabs will fall off soon so will let you know and post some before and after pics too.

How's things for you Lynn?
judo Posted - 04/11/2014 : 02:56:26
Well, about 10 days ago I stopped the iodine treatment, I had an appointment booked for yesterday with a dermatologist and wanted the area to be clear (un-stained) for him to see clearly. Previous to now it had only been roughly diagnosed by my GP. Once the iodine had disappeared altogether you could stil see the BCC and it still itched but it was smaller than before I started the treatment, so off I went to see the derm.

He had a good look and confirmed that it is a BCC and advised I use Aldara cream to treat it. He went into how the cream works and the side effects which sounded pretty horrendous! So at least I've had it confirmed now, I got home, without visiting the pharmacy, and got out the Lugol's again. It is my intention now to continue with this until it has destroyed the BCC.

Not sure if I mentioned but I have a dry scaly patch on my head to which he believes is actinic keratoses. As this one's on my head and visible to others I have order some clear iodine, I shall follow the same protocol with this.

I'll report back every now and then with my news...
Lynn8384 Posted - 03/21/2014 : 14:53:11
sounds like you are on the right track - supposed to be three scabs and done so keep it up. I am sticking with the cannibus oil for the next 7-10 days but I have the iodine at the "ready" - I want to follow this to see how it is working for you.
judo Posted - 03/21/2014 : 03:33:07
Hi Lynn, I didn't see anything swell up really but some skin around it peeled, probably due to using the 12% iodine which I now think might have been too strong. The first scab fell off the other evening and the skin underneath felt quite tender and a bit sore but I kept going, now with the 7% iodine. It didn't sting as much as I thought it would on the new skin and it doesn't look like it has changed much in appearance either but there we are. I know chuck kept it up for over 5 weeks and as I'm only in the second week I have some way to go.

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Lynn8384 Posted - 03/20/2014 : 15:13:22
Judo sounds like the iodine is working for you. Have you had any areas close by the original site swell up or open up? or just the original area in the picture? I think one of the main things with the iodine is keep on it even after it appears to have healed. Looking forward to seeing a new picture as to how the iodine looks in the various stages.
judo Posted - 03/19/2014 : 00:33:18
Well I'm now 9 days into the treatment. Started with the 12% lugol's for the first 5 days then the 7% arrived and I'm using that now. The area is now covered with a scab just like chuck said but I have to admit although I take a drop of lugol's in water every day my treatment frequency is closer to dr simoncini's than chuck's, mainly because I was using a stronger lugol's to begin with but I might step it up a bit now. It does however appear to be doing everything chuck said it would so I hope it's heading in the right direction. I'll post another picture in the next few days for all to see.

Lynn, maybe you should stick to the lugol's for a good 2-3 weeks? Maybe you'll see some better results like that? It makes sense though about the dry climate, I can see that wouldn't be an ideal situation for fungus. Thanks for replying though and letting me know you're following the thread, anyone else??
Lynn8384 Posted - 03/12/2014 : 16:27:41
Hi I know the feeling - seems like all the posts are years old and no one is there. I like the iodine - I was originally a vitamin C poster - and still like the ascorbic acid but once I got a couple of weeks into it…thought might be good to use iodine. I like the results with iodine and just used it again last night. I think it makes a difference what type of specific skin cancer you have. For me, I have a sore which sometime bled but had area around it that didn't look good - but never had a raised area - mine was more of a lot of shallow growth (or so I think) that was growing for about 7 years - but spreading over big area (entire tip of my nose) So I am trying everything - but I am a little ADD and jump from one thing to another every few days. I came back to Iodine because just recently I went from the humid climate where I live to dry Arizona for a few days- and I noticed how much different my cancer area was. It dried out and looked much better with dry air than it did in the humid climate so made me think more about fungus etc. and that was why the iodine was such a good treatment. So I went back to iodine and DMSO last night. Good luck
judo Posted - 03/11/2014 : 02:09:30
Not sure if anyone's watching this topic any more? I got back from holiday last week with a view to starting the iodine treatment. Since nobody commented on whether you can use the 12% iodine I ordered some 7% from amazon, it arrived yesterday as 15%!! So now I have to return it and order again. Keen to get started I decided to give the 12% a try, painted/stroked it on for the first time last night, about 30 strokes and it stung a fair bit but I guess that's a good sign. Went to bed and this morning it's looking much less red than before so I re-applied. Incidentally any trace of the iodine I put on last night had gone this morning, wondering if that means I am deficient? Will update every 2-3 days, let me know if you're reading..!!
judo Posted - 02/20/2014 : 04:23:05
Can't upload the pic will try later

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judo Posted - 02/20/2014 : 04:19:00
Hi all, I have a small early BCC on the back of my neck as shown in the picture. I have not had a biopsy but have seen two doctors (one a specialist) who believe it is the beginning of a BCC. It started towards the end of 2013, it itches and is a little sore from time to time. Having been inspired by Chuck on here I intend to treat with Iodine following Dr Simoncini's instructions for application. I'm in the UK and managed to find some 12% Lugol's Iodine from an Amazon seller, will this be too strong, should I continue to search for 7%?
anivoc Posted - 01/17/2014 : 14:44:01
Hi Stephanie,

It would be great if you could provide better details of your success with iodine.

What brand and concentration of iodine you used.
How many times a day you applied it.
How long it took to eradicate the lesions.
The journey in regards to pain and pain management.
Lastly and always seems the hardest to get people to provide... pictures if you have them.


stephaniecd Posted - 01/17/2014 : 08:01:42
Daliaflor, how large is the BCC on your face? I've dealt with three places on my face. First one was removed by MOHS and other two by iodine I applied myself. The iodine worked beautifully for me. I did not want another scar on my face. Had I known about iodine and alternative methods, I would have never had the MOHS. Post picture of the lesion.

Originally posted by Daliaflor

someone can talk to me or answer me?

Russky Posted - 01/12/2014 : 13:08:46
Originally posted by Daliaflor

someone can talk to me or answer me?

Comrade, you are in emergency situation and should follow your doctor's advice.
Daliaflor Posted - 01/12/2014 : 08:23:12
someone can talk to me or answer me?
gloe Posted - 01/08/2014 : 05:43:31
Thanks stephanie for the encouragement. I have read the "combo treatments" thread and am convinced that combo treatments are the way to go. I think any one thing attacks the cancer from one aspect and it would be helpful to add other things. First I am going to start eating alot of broccoli, and I might mash some small amount of lightly steamed broc and put in on the area for a hour. I am due to go away for a vacation with a friend starting in a week, for 2 weeks, and when I get back I am really going to hit this thing. I think I have waited way too long to get serious about it. I am stopping the iodine for now, and putting coconut oil on my whole face, followed with orange oil on the bad spot. I have ordered neem oil and will try the "1/2 coconut oil -- 1/2 neem oil" for a few weeks while I am away, then hit this thing with iodine/dsmo and IP6 afterwards. I am looking for a pure form of DSMO, as I am trying to be very cautious with this product. I also take coconut oil by mouth with lots of supplements, and lots of pancreatic enzymes (ARG pork Pancreas) in between meals. I really think these things have be hit from the inside as well as the outside. Yes, I may add oregano oil too. :-)

Originally posted by stephaniecd

gloe, Keep using the iodine. The "cancer/fungus" grow at different rates through the skin, and my experience shows that once you've started applying the iodine it seems to stimulate the area. It lights up, so to speak. You can also use Oil of Oregano. I swear it works on these straggler areas. I've successfully treated several areas with 5% Lugol's solution. Just be patient and keep applying. It does take time.

Daliaflor Posted - 01/07/2014 : 17:09:52
Originally posted by river

Mexico,yes ,you can buy colorless iodine. I dont know anything about it. Regular iodine does leave a brown stain on the skin,but in my opinion I would rather put up with that than the cancer.I would encourage you to get the Lugols solution or a similar solution in another brand,5% iodine,10% potassium iodide,85% distilled water. I know this solution works.Regards River.

Hi River! After all , when it is cured, does it leaves a brown stain?or just during the process?
Daliaflor Posted - 01/07/2014 : 08:50:07
Originally posted by Russky

Jason79, I agree with you. Chemical peel it is for my kind of skin problem.
I was reading somewhere that atom of iodine has characteristics that confuse bacteria into thinking it's atom of oxygen. Iodine clogs their oxygen receptors and bacteria dies.
Iodine probably has more than one action to produce dramatic results like Mr. Lawton's.

Probably chokes candida too. Just thinking aloud.
Thank you for pain encouragement! Quite unbearable.

Hi! I am suffering of BCC on my face....please can you help me to get rid of this? Here in Brasil till now doctor's only suggest the mohs surgery.... And i don't want to cut my face....and stay with a scar....and than i found this forum....Dr. Tullio system...and i am excited! But i am very o alone through the i am here asking for help....
Daliaflor Posted - 01/07/2014 : 07:34:41
Originally posted by Daliaflor

Hi! I am suffering with the same problem on my face....this ugly bcc...and i saw your pictures...and i see a light in the end of this dark place where i am now....please can you give e advises? Your result it is amazing!

I don't want to do any surgery, i don't want any scars in my face....please help me as here in Rio de Janeiro no one heard about....i feel completely alone here... No one to talk about....doctors only give e surgery option....ohhhhhh i am so lost!
Daliaflor Posted - 01/07/2014 : 07:31:31
Hi! I am suffering with the same problem on my face....this ugly bcc...and i saw your pictures...and i see a light in the end of this dark place where i am now....please can you give e advises? Your result it is amazing!
stephaniecd Posted - 01/06/2014 : 08:24:01
gloe, Keep using the iodine. The "cancer/fungus" grow at different rates through the skin, and my experience shows that once you've started applying the iodine it seems to stimulate the area. It lights up, so to speak. You can also use Oil of Oregano. I swear it works on these straggler areas. I've successfully treated several areas with 5% Lugol's solution. Just be patient and keep applying. It does take time.
gloe Posted - 01/02/2014 : 08:32:38
Very disturbing development. I took a long shower this morning and all the scabs came off. An area that made a scab but I did not think I have a problem on, now has a red bump, actually larger than the other 3. So now I have 4 bumps. Thye are all pretty close together next to and going into the side of my nose.

I am thinking of adding DMSO to the SSKI for better penetration into these bumps. This article recommends mixing SSKI with DMSO for topical applications for a large variety of problems. I have used this in the past for toenail fungus and it worked like a charm. I have read that Vit C is too large a molecule to mix with DMSO, so that may not work.

I would really like to try 5 FU mixed with DMSO, but how to get some? I don't know if my alternative doctor will give it to me. I am fairly sure that a dermatologist would not forgo the income from surgery in order to just write me a prescription for 5 FU. I don't even want the area biopsied.

So I am thinking of trying the SSKI+DMSO mix, and if it doesn't work, I could try having a long talk with my alternative doctor about this.

gloe Posted - 12/29/2013 : 11:02:19
I have had a suspicious area (near side of nose) for a few years. I first tried vitamin C paste, but could only tolerate the pain for 4 days, and the little bump came back after about a year. I tried it again, but I find the pain to be unbearable after a few days, and I stop. Probably why it didn't work the first time.

Earlier this year, I did cymillium for 12 weeks. It is easy to use (nothing to mix up like vit C paste) but a bit messy looking and certainly pricey compared to vit C. It cost about $80 for 3 boxes of 14 packs. I was using 1 pack a day, so a box lasted 2 weeks. One order of 3 packs lasted 6 weeks; and I had placed a second order of 3 boxes. So in total it cost $160 for 12 weeks and it seemed to do nothing. Yes, I know I could keep going, but I would rather spend that money on very good quality pancreas enzymes to take by mouth . . .
So, I decided to try iodine. I asked my alternative doctor for a prescription for SSKI. My insurance wouldn't cover it because my alternative doctor is not on my HMO (isn't that grand) but it only cost $36 and one bottle is sure to last at least a year. SSKI is clear, and dries to a white powder on the skin. It is easy to brush off the excess powder after it dries. On normal skin, it is merely slightly irritating (the skin gets a little red) but on my "suspicious area" scabs have formed. There appear to be 3 separate little bumps that are reacting. It took weeks for one of them to form a scab, but I was only using it once a day (at night). Now I am being more consistent about putting more on a few times during the day.

I know lugol's is less expensive, but it is also deep orange! I would rather use the clear stuff. I have seen SSKI for sale on eBay but also at the tahoma clinic here: Here is an article about its many uses:

What is weird is that the Tahoma clinic added a colorant to it!! And they charge $45, more than my pharmacy for the prescription. So, I am just using the prescription stuff.

In addition, I eat a pretty pure diet (no junk food, very little sugar) mostly organic, and take lots of supplements as recommended by my alternative doctor. I also have been taking 10 capsules of Allergy Research group pork pancreas 3 times per day on an empty stomach, so I work on it from the inside as well as the surface. I am now taking this 15 days "on" and 5 days "off." (My alternative doctor does not recommend taking supplements without a break.) The ARG pork pancreas is available on in a big 720 cap size at a pretty good price. Also available at Wilner's in NYC for a not as good price. This pancreas was formulated by a well known alternative cancer doctor and it is the same kind he uses with his patients (only his cancer patients take it like 6 times a day between meals and more with meals).

It is really only recently that I got more consistent with the SSKI at least 3 times a day, so I am hopeful this will work. It stings very briefly when I first put it on (it is NOTHING like the pain of the vit C paste). So all in all, for cost, convenience of use, and comfort, this is so far my favorite method.

I am very anxious to avoid having surgery on the side of my nose . . . will update as I go along. Sorry I don't have pictures but there is really not much to see.
hamsa Posted - 11/18/2013 : 10:56:08
Dear drbeckl2. I treated a suspicious red mark near my left collarbone. did an initial black salve application and it went pretty textbook fashion. i did leave the salve on longer than recommended.
after a few weeks it still looked suspicious, so I retreated, but I applied too much. No eschars. Had two areas I added some salve to. It began to work, but never developed an eschar. It may have bee the daily use of hydrogen peroxide to clean, i'm not sure. I kept applying un-petroleum jelly because it was suggested that i not let it dry. the two small openings merged into one. It is black around the circumference, and grayish white in the center, but is not rising. I'm baffled. I'm thing I should let it take its course and let it dry. By the way, i really had to "cowboy up" for this one.
N J Pinney Posted - 08/05/2013 : 20:00:42

As to what I think is a skin cancer preventative measure, I have started to paint J. Crows Lugol's Iodine (from Amazon) on my forearms several times a day. Why there? I feel a very-very slight unnatural itching just under the skin that recurs throughout the day--and I have a history of BC and SC--and I've had many years of sun on those appendages from rolled up sleeves.
There are no break-outs now and just maybe the Lugol's sln. will prevent them. I started this regimen recently prior to finding this site specifically addressing the iodine approach and feel the experience of you others with conditions far worse than mine are inspiring and confirm my original hunch of the efficacy of iodine. The bottle of J. Crows Lugol has a glass dropper which allows easy painting on the skin. I don't give a damn about its orange color. No stinging or pain connected here. And the unnatural feeling in the arms goes away for the day. Maybe its a preventive.
I am an 83 year old nordic male in good health and for 40 years, being light complexioned, have had caritosis spots regularly burned off my face by the docs and BCC and a SCC excised off forearm and chest. Next one of those I see, I'll try the iodine.
If I may be permitted to interject non skin cancer related info on iodine, I really started using the Lugol's iodine for another purpose--a nutritional purpose, on advice of the David Brownstein, M.D. newsletter which notes that it is sorely lacking but very necessary in the average diet. He recs. its use as a dietary supplement on the order of 6.25 to 50 mg/day with larger amts. needed for beneficial treatment for those with internal cancers. With 6.25 mg being the amount in a single drop of Lugol's, I take 4 drops/day (25 mg) in juice which masks the taste.
So I am getting the iodine internally as well as transdermaly--good!
Final important benefit: all the radiation that the government or MSM does not disclose that is coming to the US by way of the Fukishima Dai Iche disaster of March 2011 that for a while now has been coming to the US by rain on crops and grass eaten by milk producing cows and also by seafood from the now radioactive Pacific ocean, that all contains radioactive iodine and to replace that radioactive iodine with non-radioactive iodine it's good for you for obvious reasons.
trueson Posted - 06/05/2013 : 07:21:17
Just an update: I have been using iodine on my BCC for over 6 weeks now and the result is that the BCC has grown and spread. I cannot afford to continue with this method any longer. Iodine may work for some people with certain types of skin cancer but it hasn't worked for me at this time. And so I have started using Petty Spurge or Radium Weed sap. The results after 2 days have been immediate.

After about 10 hours of the first application the entire lower eyelid area began to swell up and at the end of the second day I can see areas of pus developing all over the lower eyelid and the centre of the BCC on the upper edge of the lower eyelid has become sensitive to the touch, whereas it wasn't before. As this is the iodine thread I guess I should start posting over at the Petty Spurge thread from now on.
trueson Posted - 05/30/2013 : 03:39:58
Thank you, Russky. The BCC is on the top edge of the lower eyelid and not on the eye itself and so is dry. I would like to add that it seems to be a 'Nodular' form of BCC, based on the 12 different types of BCC shown here:
Russky Posted - 05/29/2013 : 15:32:50
Originally posted by trueson

That's possible I guess, if I am understanding you correctly. But most iodine we buy eg Lugols is 2% or 5% or 7% by volume. So it doesnt seem to make much sense to use a different standard to this. And the chemist would be well aware of the different ways of measuring percentages in solutions you would think.

I think knowing the percentage is important for example when you are going from using 5% to using 7% and expect it to be just a bit stronger so use just slightly less and it ends up burning your eye, which is what happended to me. I was using 10 applications of 5% Lugols on my eyelid (in one sitting) so when I got what I expected to be the 7% solution and made 7 applications it caused a severe reaction to my eye and caused the whole lower eyelid to swell up and was excrutiatingly painful. It ended up filled with pus and took 3-4 days to calm down. It may not matter so much on an area like your leg or arm but there are some sensitive areas like on your face where it does matter.

After this happended I diluted one drop of the 28% with one drop distilled water to produce a 14% solution but this didnt seem to provide even a slight burning or stinging so I am now diluting 2 drops of the 28% with 1 drop of water to produce a 19% solution which seems to be right on the edge of what my eyelid can tolerate with 7 applications at the one sitting.

I'm a little old lady remembering old things. For iodine to work crust must form.
Microscopic crystals of iodine are deposited on the skin by alcohol based solution.
Little crystals slowly evaporate at skin temperature. This evaporation kills bacteria.
Your eye must be moist and tearing. I don't think iodine treatment would work in that area.
I hope you're successful. It will benefit mankind as a whole if you succeed. :)
trueson Posted - 05/29/2013 : 08:10:08
That's possible I guess, if I am understanding you correctly. But most iodine we buy eg Lugols is 2% or 5% or 7% by volume. So it doesnt seem to make much sense to use a different standard to this. And the chemist would be well aware of the different ways of measuring percentages in solutions you would think.

I think knowing the percentage is important for example when you are going from using 5% to using 7% and expect it to be just a bit stronger so use just slightly less and it ends up burning your eye, which is what happended to me. I was using 10 applications of 5% Lugols on my eyelid (in one sitting) so when I got what I expected to be the 7% solution and made 7 applications it caused a severe reaction to my eye and caused the whole lower eyelid to swell up and was excrutiatingly painful. It ended up filled with pus and took 3-4 days to calm down. It may not matter so much on an area like your leg or arm but there are some sensitive areas like on your face where it does matter.

After this happended I diluted one drop of the 28% with one drop distilled water to produce a 14% solution but this didnt seem to provide even a slight burning or stinging so I am now diluting 2 drops of the 28% with 1 drop of water to produce a 19% solution which seems to be right on the edge of what my eyelid can tolerate with 7 applications at the one sitting.
Russky Posted - 05/27/2013 : 19:25:43
Originally posted by trueson

Can anyone confirm the strength of the iodine solution the formula of which was given at the start of this thread?

My compounding chemist said it is 28% iodine and not 7% as expected. 28% is ALOT stronger than 7%. I have switched from 5% lugols to the 28% solution and I have had to reduce the number of applications at each 'sitting' from 5 to 2 due to my eye tearing up from the fumes. It seems to soak into the skin alot quicker too or perhaps it is just evaporating more quickly.

The 5% lugols has not worked as hoped on my BCC. The sodium bicarbonate solution I have been using on the inside of my eye has not reduced the inside BCC either. But I will persevere with the stronger iodine solution.

Just a few thoughts on this topic. There's molecular weight, atomic weight and volume.
Your chemist is probably talking about different % than what the label on the bottle says.
In Russia we had iodine in the form of crystals. If I had a bruise I'd put a few crystals of iodine in the bucket of warm water. Just to keep water brown was the measurement.
No harm was ever done to me by not knowing percentage.
Chuck said just keep it dark brown.

trueson Posted - 05/20/2013 : 08:17:21
Can anyone confirm the strength of the iodine solution the formula of which was given at the start of this thread?

My compounding chemist said it is 28% iodine and not 7% as expected. 28% is ALOT stronger than 7%. I have switched from 5% lugols to the 28% solution and I have had to reduce the number of applications at each 'sitting' from 5 to 2 due to my eye tearing up from the fumes. It seems to soak into the skin alot quicker too or perhaps it is just evaporating more quickly.

The 5% lugols has not worked as hoped on my BCC. The sodium bicarbonate solution I have been using on the inside of my eye has not reduced the inside BCC either. But I will persevere with the stronger iodine solution.
trueson Posted - 04/15/2013 : 06:37:09
Thanks for your kind words D.B.Lawton. I lost a mother to chemotherapy so I'm determined to explore all options and use surgery only as a very last resort. The first 2 weeks after the diagnosis I was in a bit of a panic but now I feel confident that I will somewhere find a cure - maybe with Iodine. Will post results soon.
jpwonders Posted - 04/14/2013 : 17:43:33
Thank you Toni for the references to the documetries and sites. I will check them out. I saw reference to Gerson in the same video that referenced the iodine therapy. More and more access to the real answers are hidden as big co's do not want profits threatened. Take some research but is worth it.
D.B.Lawton Posted - 04/14/2013 : 09:46:52
Wow. I applaud your inventiveness, as well as your courage. That is a scary place to have a carcinoma. I am sure that the iodine will do the trick. The bicarbonate, as well. Dr. Simoncini is a true healer, which is everything that any doctor should be. He deserves to be rewarded for his forward thinking, and his desire to actually HELP people. What an evil world we live in, where people such as Dr. Simoncini are vilified and persecuted, all because he is trying to CURE someone.
Congratulations to you for having the courage to treat this on your own. Keep us posted!
trueson Posted - 04/12/2013 : 21:41:13
I have a BCC on the edge of my lower eyelid on the outer skin surface and it also wraps around and continues to the inside of the eyelid a little.

I tried a Vitamin C solution on the outer BCC for a few weeks but it seemed to have little effect so I changed to a 5% Lugols solution on the outer BCC and a sodium bicarbonate solution on the inner BCC as recommended by Dr Simoncini on his website.

Initially I had big problems trying to apply the Lugols so close to the eyeball as my eye would sting and water profusely almost immediately and apart from being quite painful it also washed away the iodine.

I thought that maybe my eyelashes were spreading the iodine to my eyeball when I blinked so I removed the upper and lower eyelashes around the effected area (I have read that these will grow back in 7-8 weeks). But this did little to help.

So then I thought that maybe it was the fumes from the iodine that were floating up to the eyeball from the treated area, so I tried lying down on the floor so the fumes would float straight up and not into the eyeball, closing my eyes to protect them still more, and asking my partner to apply the iodine. This has done the trick! No more tearing up! I also apply the sodium bicarbonate solution whilst lying down at a different time of the day so it doesn't wash away the iodine.

If you are living alone it would be more difficult to use this method but still possible. My partner uses an LED 'miners' light strapped to her forehead (looks quite funny) which allows her to use one hand to pull down the eyelid a little and the other to apply the iodine with a tiny paint brush. If doing it alone you would need to position a table lamp exactly, hold a mirror with one hand and the brush with the other whilst pulling the eyelid down with your pinky from the hand holding the brush.

I've been applying the iodine for 3 weeks now and it has just started to form the first scab, so two more scabs to go. No real outcome yet but it looks promising.

logicman Posted - 03/13/2013 : 15:35:19
re: " I have a severe thyroid condition and am not to have iodine products. I worry about using this wonderful treatment due to the iodine I would absorb.

If you read the files at the Yahoo iodine group, you will find info from dr Abramham re 10-12% absorbable for transdermal I2.

Other files suggest that lugols is helpful for the thyroid by pushing out floride and bromide. I am on thyroid meds and have built up to 50 mg per Day of I2/KI. I feel it helps with cancer.

I also use enzymes learned about from, reading his books and listening to MP3 lectures by him.

I try to eat as much grass fed meat as I can, since one of his cases indicated he puts all his melanoma patients on red meat.
Note for a different tumor type cancer, dr G may recommend a vegetarian diet. It depends on your ancestrial type. Google One Answer to Cancer for more free info on this protocol.

Detox is my current exploration area. Also reading Brian Peskin's info and may back off the high fish oil I have been using. A bloodtest showed that my arachidonic acid was very low. This confirms one point Peskin raises.
Toni5671 Posted - 03/12/2013 : 08:50:40
I began my journey with this forum a couple months ago when I discovered that I had a very small lesion on my chest. It was like a scab that wouldn't go away. I remembered seeing Dr S on Doug Kaufman's TV show called Know the Cause which teaches how cancer is a fungus and how we need to stay away from all refined, processed foods because those are the kinds of foods that the cancer feeds off of.

I am a relatively healthy 41 year old. I'm very active, I run marathons and have been eating a mostly vegetarian diet for the past few years but, to be completely honest, I still found myself indulging in the processed garbage and comfort foods quite regularly. Let's face it, ice cream and potato chips taste good! However, upon discovering my lesion, I realized that my skin was an outward manifestation that my body was not as healthy as I had hoped. I knew that I needed to get serious about what I was putting in my body because you are, after all, what you eat!

About the same time I started treating my lesion with Lugol's iodine, I also started researching diet and nutrition because I was not just interested in making the lesion go away, I wanted to make my body a cancer fighting machine to insure that no type of cancer would ever come back again!

This is where I'm going to bombard you with information that, if you take the time to immerse yourself in it and make the necessary changes as I did, you will find hope and healing for your body...

There are lots of interesting documentaries that discuss the topic of how diet is directly related to the 2 biggest killers of the western world: heart disease and cancer. If you have NetFlix or Amazon Prime, look up the documentary Forks Over Knives. It is compelling and life changing. I would also highly recommend, Food Matters, Hungry For Change, and Fat, Sick, and Nearly Dead. Along with those documentaries, I would also highly recommend the books "The China Study" and "Healthy at 100".

I can't say that I agree 100% with all the dietary advice given in every one of these publications but it's definitely a giant step in the right direction. I currently follow a very strict diet of 100% raw fruits and veggies. Most people would say that my diet is a bit extreme but I would suggest that dying of cancer or having your chest cut open for a coronary bypass is EXTREME. Since reading the book The 80/10/10 Diet and adopting it's 100% raw vegan lifestyle, I have never felt better. It's so liberating to know that, if I feed my body the nutrients it requires, it will not only function optimally but it can prevent all sorts of chronic illness/disease and actually reverse many of the signs of aging along with whatever ill health I have suffered as a result of the years of abusing my body with the Standard American Diet.

Just remember, there are no shortcuts or miracle cures. It takes day after day, month after month, year after year, etc. of making the right decisions in a world where comfort and convenience reigns supreme. This is a BATTLE, it's a battle for your life and vitality, but the good news is it's winnable! So fight and fight hard that you may come out victorious!

Here are a few little teasers to get you started on your journey to wellness:
jpwonders Posted - 03/11/2013 : 22:51:50
Just came upon this thread last nite. I had googled Dr. S's iodine treatment. Some good info. Keeping the bc's away has been a loosing battle since I was diagnosed. At first I had monthly cryo sessions at a clinic, after having one surgically removed. This surgery left me w/ painful nerve damage and filing for disability in 09. It also triggered fibromyalgia and a whole host of health stuff. The pain still shoots thru the area where the the surgery was and is like being stabbed w/ a big knife. I don't leave the house, if someone touched me there and they have, it becomes ER time and weeks of severe pain. I will never be cut again!!! If that means death so be it.

What has been working for me is C-herb, but can only treat 1 area at a time. AS I treat one 2 more come up. I no longer have access to the cryo treatments and all they do here is cut cryo is not in their vocabulary-only cutting, so this sounds good. I have a severe thyroid condition and am not to have iodine products. I worry about using this wonderful treatment due to the iodine I would absorb.

I wonder though if the baking soda peroxide paste would be beneficial to me instead. There is 3% they sell at the drug store and 20% food grade they sell at the health market. Which one would work in the paste?

I'd prefer the 3% as it's easier and cheaper to come by and I don't have to worry about being burned by the bottle seeping.

I bought a can of what is essentially histofreeze [cryo in a can used by some clinics], but a better brand that was mailed out to me today, so I can freeze if needed, the areas I can't hit w/ c-herb, but still, freezing is not as natural as say baking soda. So I would prefer to figure out best way to use baking soda paste.
logicman Posted - 03/08/2013 : 15:48:41
regarding gloe's post of 8/8/2012 quoted below
Can you mention docs name and elaborate on his cancer prevent/treatment protocol?
I have started using the enzymes 15 twice a day. I got this from the Kelley/Gonzalez protocol. Google: One answer to cancer.

"My alternative doctor (actually a well known alternative cancer doctor in NYC, who I have been seeing for almost 20 years for chronic fatigue syndrome) recommends the vit c paste treatment. You make a paste from vit C (ascorbic acid powder) put it on in the a.m., leave it all day; wash it off in the p.m., and reapply paste. Keep it on all night and repeat for a total of 7 days. He also recommends taking 10 caps of pork pancreas (Allergy Research Group brand) 3 times a day on an empty stomach. It must be on an empty stomach. If you take pancreas with food, all it will do is help digest your food. I wait at least 2 hours before/after a meal to take pancreatic enzyme caps. If I wake up in the middle of the night, I get up and take more.
logicman Posted - 03/08/2013 : 15:32:59
Some observations since my last post.

The formula is
7 grams iodine
5 grams potassium iodide
5 mls distilled water
alchool to reach 25 mls
All the best
Tullio Simoncini

I just noticed that this formula is not a 7% lugols that you can purchase at

It is much stronger wrt I2 (iodine).
7% lugols has 7g I2 in a 100 mL solution.

dr Simoncini's has 7g I2 in only 25 mL solution. This is 4 times stronger wrt I2.

Regarding KI (potassium iodide): 7% lugols contains 14g KI in 100 mL solution.

dr Simoncini's has 5g KI in 25 mL. This is 1.42 times stronger wrt potassium iodide.

I see now why Simoncini had to add some alcohol to his 5 mL of distilled water. The iodine (I2) will not dissolve in water with that concentration and proportion to KI.
Iodine (I2) does not dissolve in H2O. You either use alcohol, some other solvent or, as Lugol's discovered before the Civil War, you mix in "enough" KI to dissolve the whole mix in distilled water. Up to around 7% I2 concentration, "enough" is twice as much KI.

I made 100 mL of 7% lugols using chemicals available at full orchestra. I put 7 g I2 and 14g KI in a mason jar and added around 79 mL distilled H2O. Let sit overnight and stirred it up. You can google how to make lugols and watch a U-tube.

For treating skin cancer lesions I now cover the lesion with DMSO first before applying the 7% lugols. DMSO is penetration enhancer and anti inflammatory.

Below is a quote from the DMSO group at Yahoo. Note, he used I2 not KI. Note also the last sentence.

"I have used two different elements to treat squamous cell skin cancer, tagemet pill, anti acid from wally world, dissolved into a paste with adrop of water, and mixed with tsp dmso, and applied several times a day. I also have used elemental iodine, which is iodine crystals dissolved in drinking alcohol, at about a five percent mix, followed w/ dmso several times a day. Both worked equally well.
I have both basal cell and squamous cell carcinoma, and *not* melanoma.
Interesting thought that dmso may work alone, I shall give that a try next time I get one. I live in wes tex a lot of sun here daily, seen a lot of ol cowboys w/ half their ears cut off, noses and faces botched up with surgery. sad it does make me. It is very simple to use the two above procedures, no surgery, no freezing, and with a lighter wallet, None of which that I removed were dxed, but on the other hand, that is the left hand, I have had some twenty to thirty burned or cut off that were dxed, so I believe what I removed myself were the real deal, When my immune system, white blood cells fall below three thousand, I begin getting skin cancer, so ultimately the responsibly of the immune system be the cause of my skin cancer."

Jason79 Posted - 02/24/2013 : 11:36:41
Always great to hear about successful stories.

Mine is still going on, positively, I think. After nearly 4 months and 4 iodine application cycles, my wound seems to on its way. It's now completely covered by skin (has never been since I had the bcc), however it had "hot spots" under the very fragile skin for quite a while. I can still see a darker shade of pink under the new skin, and unsure whether it's part of the healing or a residue of the bcc. I'll wait for the surrounding area to completely heal before trying a new series of applications. The treatment left me a very large "scar", it's like when you burn yourself with the muffler of a motorcycle. The surrounding area is still darker, but healing. The pink spot in the middle is covered in skin, and about the size of... don't know.... like one of the buttons of a cordless phone. It took MUCH time to get to this point, but my bcc developed to the state of a big ulcer, the size of a quarter.
Russky Posted - 02/23/2013 : 15:15:56
Posted message at the wrong place.
Picture to share

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Prince Philip has actinic keratosis he seem to be treating himself. One picture shows sign of iodine.
D.B.Lawton Posted - 02/18/2013 : 18:40:43
Oh.... so the clear also burned? Hmm.... I tell ya... that 7% tincture burned.... and burned longer that 5 minutes. In fact, that was when I knew that it was time to re-apply..... when it Hell man, I been roofing houses for 36 years.... I reckon pain is just a part of accepted life, to me.
anivoc Posted - 02/18/2013 : 09:24:36
Originally posted by D.B.Lawton

I myself used the 7% Tincture of Iodine (alcohol based). Burned like hell, but did the trick.

Hey DB I know the burned like hell thing with my concoction but to be clear, after application how long did it burn for you? Again for me certainly bad for the first few minutes but at least in my case subsides after about 5 you agree?
Toni5671 Posted - 02/18/2013 : 07:18:11
I used the weaker J. Crows Lugols Solution 2%. I thought I had ordered the 5% but I guess not. Anyhow, I sent away for the 12% white iodine and I like it better because its clear but I honestly don't think it works any better.
D.B.Lawton Posted - 02/17/2013 : 23:20:03
I myself used the 7% Tincture of Iodine (alcohol based). Burned like hell, but did the trick.
Lily44 Posted - 01/26/2013 : 00:05:25

Did you ever use the clear iodine, or did you stick with the colored iodine?

Originally posted by D.B.Lawton

Hey Russky! Hurray! Good for you!!! I am SO glad that this worked for you!

Toni: Here is the link to the 12% iodine:

Toni5671 Posted - 01/25/2013 : 16:37:45
Thank you. Wasn't sure if there was a difference in quality since some versions were way cheaper than others but didn't want to take any chances so I ordered the more expensive SSKI Wweetwater stuff from UK.
Russky Posted - 01/23/2013 : 19:45:05
12% white iodine is potassium iodide. Check Wikipedia.
D.B.Lawton Posted - 01/23/2013 : 19:27:25
Hey Russky! Hurray! Good for you!!! I am SO glad that this worked for you!

Toni: Here is the link to the 12% iodine:
Toni5671 Posted - 01/23/2013 : 15:47:14
Wondering if anyone can tell me where to purchase the clear 12% iodine that Lawson mentioned. Thank you
Russky Posted - 01/22/2013 : 18:07:53
Jason79, I agree with you. Chemical peel it is for my kind of skin problem.
I was reading somewhere that atom of iodine has characteristics that confuse bacteria into thinking it's atom of oxygen. Iodine clogs their oxygen receptors and bacteria dies.
Iodine probably has more than one action to produce dramatic results like Mr. Lawton's.

Probably chokes candida too. Just thinking aloud.
Thank you for pain encouragement! Quite unbearable.
Russky Posted - 01/21/2013 : 15:53:49
Toni5671 Not to ignore you I'll say I don't have opinion on 2% Lugol. My mom was using ethyl alcohol based iodine tincture.
Toni5671 Posted - 01/21/2013 : 08:56:25
I purchased Lugol's on Amazon and just noticed that it says 2% on the label. Can I use that since I already have it or did I just waste my money?
Russky Posted - 01/16/2013 : 18:09:33
Hi Mr. Lawton,
Today was a big day. After 7 weeks of applying iodine scab #3 fell off. Alliluia! White clear skin, no sign of original 'head'. As a bonus varicose vein next to 'head' is gone too.
Dr. Simonchini is genius. My mom never succeded with iodine because she was using 2% iodine. 5% Lugol was sold without prescription but we had no clue to use it on skin. Pediatrician prescribed me Lugol but only to cover strepthroat glands area inside my throat. It was mixed with glycerin.
You and Chuck broke through layers of my prejudice toward iodine as being ineffective.
Thanks a lot!


Uploaded with [URL=][/URL]
Here is picture of my original 'keratosis head' as it looks today.
Head is gone!
Russky Posted - 01/11/2013 : 16:40:19
Hi thewind777,
I read the whole board. Nice of you to update us.
I can chime in as foreigner from country with heavy iodine use. Nobody ever developed any complications from iodine use on my watch.
And I was medically trained including internship at cancer hospital. My mom was big user of iodine. She died at 72 from stroke never suffering any side effects from iodine. I thought it was unsafe but facts speak for themselves. She was right. Iodine was safe.

TheWind777 Posted - 01/09/2013 : 10:31:25
I would like to get back to everybody seeing that I used Iodine extensively on 'liver spots', facial 'psoriasis' (now I would say that it was probably a dermal fungus) which had gotten to itch really bad, was quite bright-red and covered the sinus area of my face, and thick pad-like spots on my arms which can be scraped-off with my fingers if I try hard enough.

The last time I spoke it was 07/17/2011 and it is now 01/09/13.

First, iodine applied ten to 15 times-a-day is how it is done. Know, though, that this might not be a safe thing to do. You better have a really bad problem. Don't just willy-nilly paint iodine on yourself. Christine was doing that. She put iodine on the white spot on her arm for about a year. She now has hypothyroidism where her TSH values around around 4 and she's taking pills to try and bring it down. She doesn't have Hashimoto Syndrome (if she did, the iodine treatments would have probably been disastrous to her.

Also, she was using iodine to try and get a brown spot off her face. It is still there, the 1/2" white spot is still there.

Whether she would have gotten the hypothyroidism without having put on all that iodine is unknown. But, if you already have a problem with hypothyroidism... don't use repeated iodine and don't be super-vigilant with it.

From my own experience, I had mixed experience. It did incredibly well on the 'psoriasis' on my face. I now use only hydrogen peroxide when it starts to turn a bit pink or starts being a bit scaly; and that backs-it-off again. Didn't get rid of it, but certainly stopped the incredibly-itcy nature of it. I would say it was 90 percent good at getting rid of that.

As far as spots go, if you paint it on your arm... then spots appear that you didn't even know were there. You then apply it on those spots and they (eventually) go away. However, afterwards, a dark spot remains. I'm glad it's my arm and not my face because I would now have dark spots on my face and not just on my arm.

Also, it seems to aggravate some spots. It seems to make them grow where they weren't growing before. They seem to go away, then in a few months they grow back (worse than they were before).

At other times it makes them go away forever. Most times it will leave a permanent brown spot where it occurred that doesn't go away with further application. It is just a brown spot afterwards. Don't use it on your face, then.

I am, right at this moment, coating some spots on my right arm; so, obviously, I do still think it works better than anything else I've ever tried (nothing else doesn't anything) and don't worry about getting hypothyoidism. I think it was just a coincidence that she got high TSH numbers, probably unrelated to her applications.

In her case, nobody ever said the white patch even COULD be gotten rid of. It wasn't what people typically try and get rid of. It's definitely better than it was. It is more like normal skin and less like a white patch.

The spot on her face is about the same as it was before.

In my own case, my skin literally burns. It is like the iodine burns me. That didn't occur with her. That's probably why it works with me. It's like I'm getting a chemical peel. Afterwards the skin peels-off and nice skin is below.

For those who say they're applying it twice-a-day or such. It does nothing if you just do it a couple-times-a-day. You might as well be putting water on it. You have to coat it at least 10 times to see the effect (and you definitely will see effects, depending on whether it is something that iodine will get rid of).

If you were to ask me? I think they're wrong about psoriasis. I now think that psoriasis, and any other thing that you use iodine on and it goes away is actually some kind of unknown organism such as a fungus, yeast, or micobacteria (or even some other living thing that they haven't identified yet). Either that or it is a virus... that's why it comes back again.

Their concept that the body is fighting itself is basically crap. I think the body is fighting itself because THERE'S SOMETHING THERE AND THE BODY CAN'T GET RID OF IT SO IT JUST STARTS FIGHTING ANYTHING, INCLUDING YOUR BODY.

Medicine is definitely NOT science. They pretend they're science when they're ALL just quackery. Their tools are flawed. Medicines are not created by caring people and aren't really created by scientists. They're created by chemists and because they are creatd by companies, there is no heart in it. They just want to get money. They don't care that something gives you 37 different 'side-effects'.

I think simple remedies work better than complex chemical remedies. I would rather use a simple thing like iodine, or lemon juice, or tea tree oil, or oregano oil, or salt than use all their toxic chemicals.

D.B.Lawton Posted - 01/02/2013 : 08:37:09
I am interested to see the finished product, Russky. Especially in this case. This should definitely prove to any doubters that Dr. Simoncini's treatment is the real deal. It will be nice to see you cleared up, and healthy again.
Russky Posted - 12/25/2012 : 23:00:39
Well, second scab is still there. Dark and resisting. 12 days old.
Total 28 days of iodine covering. About 5 of the heads appeared in my wide margin. Now they go through iceberg period.

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Russky Posted - 12/12/2012 : 01:06:17
Day 15 update

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First scab fell off. Red spot about 2 mm survived. I took picture with flash and promptly covered spot with 7% iodine.
Russky Posted - 12/12/2012 : 00:51:33
Originally posted by Russky

Update day 12. Not much happening. Leather like appearance. Angry period and icebergs are over.

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Originally posted by Russky

I'm new. Bear with me folks!
Originally from Russia but living in California.

I got something on my leg for about 6 years. It's yellow when not painted and shiny.
Sore and dripping limpha sometimes. 6 mm in diameter.
Absolutely resisted all my efforts to remove it with 7% iodine before.
After reading Chuck and Lawton discussion I 'saw the light'.
I bought 7% iodine a while ago but used it to cure eczema and keratosis.
Both of those doctor diagnosed. Just peeled off after spraying many times with iodine (but only once daily)
I didn't know anything about treating skin cancer with iodine.
Now I see the trick: painting 3 times a day.

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My neck problem as seen by IPhone. Had it since 1991. Seen many doctors. They see nothing and offer me prozac.
Covered it twice with iodine and got 'iceberg' big time. Hurts a lot. Like Jason. Need painkiller.
Now back to my leg.
So I'm in day 4. 'Iceberg' popped as big as small chicken egg at the store.

Looking at WebMD it's probably keratosis head. BCC underneath, dead skin on top.
Thanks to Carol for brush idea.
Will update.

Russky Posted - 12/10/2012 : 14:58:24
Update day 12. Not much happening. Leather like appearance. Angry period and icebergs are over.

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Originally posted by Russky

I'm new. Bear with me folks!
Originally from Russia but living in California.

I got something on my leg for about 6 years. It's yellow when not painted and shiny.
Sore and dripping limpha sometimes. 6 mm in diameter.
Absolutely resisted all my efforts to remove it with 7% iodine before.
After reading Chuck and Lawton discussion I 'saw the light'.
I bought 7% iodine a while ago but used it to cure eczema and keratosis.
Both of those doctor diagnosed. Just peeled off after spraying many times with iodine (but only once daily)
I didn't know anything about treating skin cancer with iodine.
Now I see the trick: painting 3 times a day.

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My neck problem as seen by IPhone. Had it since 1991. Seen many doctors. They see nothing and offer me prozac.
Covered it twice with iodine and got 'iceberg' big time. Hurts a lot. Like Jason. Need painkiller.
Now back to my leg.
So I'm in day 4. 'Iceberg' popped as big as small chicken egg at the store.

Looking at WebMD it's probably keratosis head. BCC underneath, dead skin on top.
Thanks to Carol for brush idea.
Will update.

Jason79 Posted - 12/08/2012 : 16:22:58
Keep up the good work, Russky, after some time, the pain gets manageable. If the wound is bigger, it will hurt more.

Mine now is completely covered with new skin, whoa! However, there's still 4-5 very little "hot" spots, in a very little area (smaller tan the original bcc), so I'll start a new treatment, it should take way less. Skin is still peeling every 1-2 days, and the whole area is not "clear" yet.

Something I noticed while trying to snap a picture, is that a cellphone camera is GREAT in showing the real extent of the healing process.
If you turn the phone camera flash-led on, and point it to the wound, it would reveal MUCH better than the eyes, the parts of the skin that healed, and the parts that are still "in progress".

D.B.Lawton Posted - 12/03/2012 : 18:43:03
Actually, Russky.... I paint mine on several times each day, carrying the bottle around with me and giving it a good soaking each time. My bottle came with an "eye dropper" on the lid, and I just use that as an applicator, and it works quite well.
Second scab fell off today (great news!) and I am still applying several times a day. Glad you are starting to have good results. Dr. Simoncini deserves the Nobel Prize. It is disgusting what they are doing to him.
Russky Posted - 12/02/2012 : 20:43:06
I'm new. Bear with me folks!
Originally from Russia but living in California.

I got something on my leg for about 6 years. It's yellow when not painted and shiny.
Sore and dripping limpha sometimes. 6 mm in diameter.
Absolutely resisted all my efforts to remove it with 7% iodine before.
After reading Chuck and Lawton discussion I 'saw the light'.
I bought 7% iodine a while ago but used it to cure eczema and keratosis.
Both of those doctor diagnosed. Just peeled off after spraying many times with iodine (but only once daily)
I didn't know anything about treating skin cancer with iodine.
Now I see the trick: painting 3 times a day.

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My neck problem as seen by IPhone. Had it since 1991. Seen many doctors. They see nothing and offer me prozac.
Covered it twice with iodine and got 'iceberg' big time. Hurts a lot. Like Jason. Need painkiller.
Now back to my leg.
So I'm in day 4. 'Iceberg' popped as big as small chicken egg at the store.

Looking at WebMD it's probably keratosis head. BCC underneath, dead skin on top.
Thanks to Carol for brush idea.
Will update.

D.B.Lawton Posted - 11/30/2012 : 23:29:14
Glad to hear your success, Jason. I had another spot come up on my face. Same side, but down at the bottom of my cheek. Already had first scab fall off. Waiting for second. Sigh..... at least we know a good cure, huh?

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Disclaimer: The three most common types of skin cancer are basal cell carcinoma, squamous cell carcinoma, and melanoma. While melanoma is the most dangerous type, keep in mind that any cancer and potentially some cancer treatments can cause injury or death. The various views expressed in these public forums should not be considered as medical advice. See your qualified health-care professional for medical attention, advice, diagnosis, and treatments.