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 what I have learned treating my skin cancer

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forest Posted - 02/13/2007 : 00:30:28
Here is what I have learned from having and treating my own skin cancer......

The problem with a lot of Pancreatin products is they are weak....Maybe there is some truth to this here
he says some bad people took The Chymotrypsin out of pancreatin to make it weak.I think this could be true..If so check out for some very good quality pancreatin.....

When putting pancreatin on a new area for the first time please only put a little bit or you could end up with a violent reaction and it could be scary...You can put calcium (crushed tums) on the spot to stop the reaction....Pancreatin is the best thing to give you a idea of the size of your skin cancer...Some times skin cancers are much bigger than they look....

I have found that by putting pancreatin on skin cancer then after putting some Sun-Spot(by lane labs)on the cancer is a powerful combo...The pancreatin really takes the protective coating off the cancer so Sun-Spot can do its work better....Sun-Spot can also work fine alone.....Yes its going to sting and hurt when you apply these..

On deeper skin cancers pancreatin and sun spot just do not have the fire power needed to take care of these bad boys...On the a big cancer I would recommend using C-herb .Path-to-life makes some good C-herb..Is a lot more gentle and safer than using a black salve like Cansema.......Canseman I think should only be used as a last resort...And do not use C-herb on your face,unless the skin cancer is very small......

Here is a fantastic site on cancer

Check out the flax and cottage cheese cure for cancer ..Do not laugh this combo is POWERFUL look here

Good luck....If you want to save some money on vitamins and herbs check out they have the BEST prices in anywhere.....

4   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
dan Posted - 04/30/2007 : 00:05:39
I noticed too that the Minnesota Wellness directory was down for a while, but now it seems to be back.
bltw2 Posted - 04/26/2007 : 13:58:24
Has the Minnesota Wellness directory been shut down? The links to it don't seem to work.
dan Posted - 04/16/2007 : 00:17:50
Rocco, you're welcome and thanks for your posts. I used Cymilium successfully on a probable squamous cell skin cancer over about 3 weeks. Maybe BCC's are more difficult to treat with Cymilium, being a deeper skin tissue layer.
rocco Posted - 04/12/2007 : 15:02:41
Greetings all.

Thanks for all the shared info, and thanks to Dan for the wealth of info on this site.

I am currently using the cymilium on a probable BCC on the side of my nose, and in about 5 weeks of use it is now about 1/3rd of its original size. Does anyone have experience using cymilium, and if so, how long did it take and any signs of recurrence. The cymilium site mentions that it has taken as long as 22 weeks in some cases, and there are some cases that were not resolved with their product.

I am also evaluating pdq herbal. I have applied it to some suspicious spots on my arm with no reaction. I then tried an Actinic Keratosis (AK) spot on my face. Wow. I almost immediately felt a deep tingling sensation and within a half day had a blistered area. After a little over a week the scab has fallen off and the original AK seems to be gone. I tried the pdq on a red spot on the other side of my nose from the BCC I am treating with cymilium. Again, almost immediately I get the tingling and again within a half day I had a blistered area that was 2-3 times larger than the original suspect red area. It is currently still scabbed over but is improving rapidly. Hope it "got" whatever was there. I have several other ares of AK's and reddened areas I am going to treat in the future if the healing is favorable from the spots I have treated currently.

For the record I have had 8 BCC's and one SCC removed by Moh's and by curettage/scraping/electrocautherization. Enough with the scars of doctors - I want a better way too.

Again, thanks to all who share, and especially anyone that can share info that is conclusive and proven about topical treatments that work.

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Disclaimer: The three most common types of skin cancer are basal cell carcinoma, squamous cell carcinoma, and melanoma. While melanoma is the most dangerous type, keep in mind that any cancer and potentially some cancer treatments can cause injury or death. The various views expressed in these public forums should not be considered as medical advice. See your qualified health-care professional for medical attention, advice, diagnosis, and treatments.