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 Pancreatin and ammonia mixture

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
del Posted - 02/12/2007 : 23:56:35
My medical history is a little more involved than managing skin cancer. 17 years ago I was diagnosed with non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma. While lymph nodes above and below the abdomen were involved the only organ where involvement was found was the skin. In fact, the NHL was found because a lesion removed from my forhead returned within 30 days.

I underwent CHOP chemotherapy and changed my lifestyle to try and forstall a return. (Occurs 95% of time.) Fortunately my diet, meditation, vitamin/supplement regimen and excercise schedule held NHL at bay for 15+ years.

In 2005 symptoms returned. Rather than allow medical science to kill off my bone marrow and transplant I decided to try a more aggressive self help approach. My new supplement, complementary medicine and excercise schedule again put the NHL into remission. Today my blood work is great and I am symptom free with one small exception.

I have a scar where a "basal cell" was removed several years ago. It infiltrated during my latest NHL scar and never healed as I thought it should. (Although the Dr. thought it looked quite normal.)

I'm always looking for additional Cancer information and decided to try Kelly's enzyme cleanse to see if anything transpired. I was also hopeful that several precancerous skin lessions might improve or disappear.

Boy, was I surprised when the "scar" started to change appearance. I decided to crush a pancreatin tablet in ammonia and apply it topically at the same time. I lasted two weeks before I had to take a few days off and get feeling better.

I'm now in the home stretch of finishing the 200 pancreatin tablets in 30 days. The scar has turned into a ragged cirle about the size of a half dollar. It is visibly sunken and looks a little nasty to me although no-one else seems to notice.

I'm not completely sure how I'll proceed from here. Current plan is to stop the enzyme cleanse when the tablets are exhausted and allow the area to heal for the next six months. If the surrounding skin flattens to a normal appearance and the scar flattens and lessons I'll assume success. If I have doubts I probably will try the cleanse again and see if anything develops.

If anyone is interested my cancer diary is at

Thanks for putting together this very helpful website.


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Disclaimer: The three most common types of skin cancer are basal cell carcinoma, squamous cell carcinoma, and melanoma. While melanoma is the most dangerous type, keep in mind that any cancer and potentially some cancer treatments can cause injury or death. The various views expressed in these public forums should not be considered as medical advice. See your qualified health-care professional for medical attention, advice, diagnosis, and treatments.