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 Skin cancer topical treatments
 Black Walnut: Fast Cure No Side Effects!

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krissy Posted - 02/18/2008 : 13:20:54
I started useing Black Walnut tinture and the small pearly bump on my nose is almost gone. Also the skin around it that would not heal is also finally scabbed over-like in 24 hours.

People it worked like over night for me. Actually the first hour I could see a change for the better. Also no side effects-drys the skin out fast, and kills (i think) the cancer.

I am just amazed on how fast it worked. One day I have this warty bump on my nose, the next day it is shrunk down to nothing. Ironic thing is I know about Black Walnut from the Hulda Clark book, but I never thought about putting it on my skin until I read it on this forum.

Anyway Black Walnut worked wonders for me!
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aaronlc Posted - 04/22/2008 : 17:58:23
To: Krissi (and anyone who has used black walnut tincture): I have a BCC next to my ear canal, which overlaps the ridge that extends from the rim of my ear to the middle of the flat area next to the canal: 5/8" wide. Another at 1/2" wide next to my nostril. I am not sure yet what tape or the like will hold, prevent leakage, and keep the tincture moist. So, it would help if you can reply to the following questions (here or by e-mail): (1) Did the tincture include only alcohol and water or only glycerin and water? (2) Was the pad (gauze) thick or what usually comes attached to bandaids? (3) Was the tape wide enough to extend past the lesion(open skin) to the side by 1/4" or 1/2"? What brand or types did you use: Micropore?; waterproof? (4) If drying out took place, when did it take place: between hourly uses, or uses every 2,3,4,5 hours? (5) If you softened the pad before removing it, what did you use to soften it: more tincture?; water?, or what? (6) What did you use to clean off the lesion area, if anything, before applying fresh tincture, when you were using just the black walnut tincture? (7) When you were using only black walnut tincture,how often did you use it on Day 2,3,4,5, and why?
dan Posted - 03/05/2008 : 00:16:31
Wonderful krissy! Thanks for sharing your black walnut hull skin cancer remedy. The wart like lesion you described does sound like it could have been a BCC.

Hulda Clark advocated using black walnut hull tincture internally to cleanse the body of parasites that she said were the root cause of cancers. She says kill the parasites and you kill the cancer. The parasite theory by itself doesn't really make sense to me. To reconcile it with modern theory, I have speculated that stem cells in the body may try to entomb a parasite similar to the way a TB bacterium gets encapsulated. The stem cells reacting to the foreign object can then get their DNA damaged by UV or other carcinogens and turn into cancer cells. But at least Hulda Clark has some independent ideas and perspectives, many of which seem viable despite conflicting with commonly accepted thinking. Here is a link to her free online book The Cure for all Diseases

and lots of dissenting views at

The bottom line is that topical black walnut hull worked for you and maybe will work for others.

I do have a bit of experience with black walnut to share. I recently bought a bottle at a local pharmacy that carries vitamins for about $10. I applied it to a questionable spot on my back that has been somewhat inflamed for many months. It did seem to help clear the spot up over about a week. There was no pain but it did turn the area dark brown until it was washed off. I can't say my experience was all that meaningful because I'm not sure what the spot was. But I'm hopeful that others might find topical black walnut useful.

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krissy Posted - 03/01/2008 : 23:45:31
Update on tiny white bump.

Happy to say it is gone. What a horrible month :( that was.

I use sovereign silver spray on my nose ALL day.

At night I use balck walnut tincture.

Viola-it is gone!
krissy Posted - 02/25/2008 : 01:43:53
Hello everyone!!

Ok I have lost track one what day it is now-like two weeks (?)
Anyway, the black walnut has treated what looked like BCC on my nose, which I have read starts as a wart-in which that is what mine looked like.

Now it is flat, and barely visible. Mind you it once stuck out the side of my nose like an arrow.

Now that the wound has healed (from when I scraped my nose, to the acid from the vitamin c irritateing it) I am getting creative and have mixed black walnut, orange oil, nad juiced egg plant.

I pack it on my nose every night, and I am telling you that wart thing is history. I feel like saying to the wart MAKE MY DAY-cause I have black walnut tincture and I will blow you away-LOL!

Well I am doing better- I hope all of you are doing good too. Its just the CODEX thing is got me very concerned. People just dont realize what will happen once the FDA regulates all supplements as drugs. Life as we now it will be changed forever. I hope anyone reading this will go to and sign the petition to keep the FDA away from our supplements, and keep our health food stores, sites open. Other wise by 2009 health food stores, affordable supplements will no longer be around.
krissy Posted - 02/19/2008 : 01:04:52
Hi Dan!

The name of the black walnut tincture is BLACK WALNUT FRESH GREEN HULLS-from GAIA HERBS

As of now the pearly-white bump is just about gone! I am thrilled, I am beyond words, (long exhale) and so happy to tell everyone that this worked for me and I hope and wish it to work for everyone else.

How do I know that it was the black walnut and not the other treatments I was useing-because with in one hour after putting on the Black Walnut the cyst or what ever started shrinking-it was AMAZING! It seems it was actually right on contact that the cyst reacted to the tincture.

Then the next morning it had dryed up and scabbed over. I am telling you I had this scary white wart thing on my nose for days-and now it is nothing more than a tiny scab. At one point it even had tiny blood vessels connecting to it-YIKES! But no more, it is almost all healed up.

However I am still going to use the blood root just to make sure. When the scab falls off, even if there is no sign of the warty thing-I will dab on the bllod root and see what happens.

I also have started taking vitamin D, and alot of oregeno oil internally. The ironic thing to all of this, is that I have lost 15 pounds in ten days-I SWEAR-because I have changed my diet so much.

I eat only raw vegtables, some fish, and steamed brown rice. I am still tring to stop the soda habit though-I am addicted to DR. Pepper.

Ok very long post here, better go. I will up date soon!

dan Posted - 02/18/2008 : 21:46:17
krissy, thanks for the post, this sounds fantastic so far! I hope the healing continues. Can you give us a brand name and any other details on the label?
krissy Posted - 02/18/2008 : 13:26:38
When I apply the black walnut I saturate it on my bump then apply it to the cotton part of the band aid too. First day I re applied more Black Walnut every hour and kept taking it internally too.

as of right now I am reapplying three times a day. I bought the stuff at a health food store called Sprouts.


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Disclaimer: The three most common types of skin cancer are basal cell carcinoma, squamous cell carcinoma, and melanoma. While melanoma is the most dangerous type, keep in mind that any cancer and potentially some cancer treatments can cause injury or death. The various views expressed in these public forums should not be considered as medical advice. See your qualified health-care professional for medical attention, advice, diagnosis, and treatments.