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 Petty Spurge Herb sap for skin cancers

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
dan Posted - 01/08/2008 : 00:17:16
Petty Spurge is one of the most promising and so far successful home remedy treatments for skin cancer. People use a drop of sap from the plant directly on skin cancers. If you want to try this remedy, it is probably best to obtain the seeds from known good plants and grow your own plants. A source of seeds is The following is part of the original introduction from drbeckl along with a picture of petty spurge from Irene. Be very careful not to get any sap in the eye. I found this link from 2004 in drbeckl's list worthwhile reading

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Petty spurge (Euphorbia peplus), an erect garden weed in southern California with alternate leaves and milky sap. Originally native to Europe, this prolific seeder has become naturalized throughout North America. The urn-shaped cyathium bears crescent-shaped, 2-horned glands on its rim. There are no petaloid appendages.

Many members of the euphorbia family, including the genus Euphorbia, contain a poisonous milky-latex sap. The toxin is a mixture of diterpene esters, and contact with the skin may cause inflammation and a blistering rash. An Australian company called Peplin Biotech is conducting research on the sap of E. peplus as a simple topical treatment for certain skin cancers, such as basal cell carcinomas and squamous cell carcinomas. These are the most common human cancers, particularly in people who spend a lot of time outdoors in direct sunlight. For years, people in Australia have used the milky sap of E. peplus to cure cancerous spots on their skin. The fresh sap from E. peplus is applied directly to the cancerous spot. After a few days the area develops into an enlarged, swollen sore, followed by a scab that eventually dries and falls off. According to Peplin Biotech, the sap penetrates the skin and destroys the malignant tissue.

Petty spurge, cancer weed, radium weed

Euphorbia peplus

Warning: Plants may cause contact dermatitis. Also it is paramount that euphorbia’s sap be kept away from the eyes, as there are also cases of Euphorbia sap keratouveitis, which is a sight-threatening infection. Keratouveitis is a term used when there is a combination of keratitis and uveitis. Keratitis occurs when the cornea of the eye becomes inflamed. Uveitis is an inflammation inside the eye. The sap can affect the cornea ‘window’ of the eye, which is always covered with a protective layer of tears, but it can be affected more seriously by inflammation because it is easily scarred and can lose its clarity of vision.

Euphorbia peplus has traditionally been used as a treatment for skin conditions. A recent study has shown that this herb has treatment potential for non-melanoma skin cancer. Early results are promising with basal cell carcinoma and squamous cell carcinoma. The white sap is excellent on skin cancers and insensitive external tumors.

Milkweed produces a milky sap which contains chemicals that can control cell growth and death (apoptosis). An extract of petty spurge has been tested against cancer cells taken from eight patients with acute myeloid leukaemia, a particularly aggressive cancer of bone marrow stem cells. In seven of the eight samples it killed between 56% and 95% of the cancer cells at the top end of the scale. These results were even achieved using low concentrations of up to a hundredth of those that would damage healthy cells. The sap extract works by activating an enzyme called protein kinase C which triggers controlled cell suicide.


Project Title: Growing Milkweed, a plant with prospective anti-cancer properties
RIRDC Project No: DAQ-281A
Researcher: Dr Craig Davis
Organisation: Centre for Food Technology
19 Hercules Street, Hamilton 4007 Qld
Phone: (07) 3406 8611
Fax: (07) 3406 8677

* To review the traditional use (and toxicity, where reported) of Euphorbia species in medicine and survey their potential for agricultural cultivation.

Background: Recent research by a small Brisbane-based, Australian-owned company Peplin Biotech Ltd in conjunction with the Queensland Institute of Medical Research has found that extracts from milkweed (Euphorbia peplus) and potentially other Euphorbia species (e.g. E.esula, E.lathyris, E.terracina and E.lagascae) have significant anti-cancer activity in mice and humans. Euphorbia is a large genus of some 2000 species with milky sap, often with poisonous or medicinal uses. It includes beneficial as well as weedy plants, of which some 45 species are found in Australia. Although milkweed and the other promising Euphorbia spp. are new to agriculture, environmental requirements for their cultivation have been established in the course of earlier research by Peplin Biotech and QIMR. The active compounds are unable to be synthesised on a commercial scale and have been patented by Peplin Biotech. An early version of the product has given >90% complete responses on skin cancers in a Phase II clinical trial.

Research: A comprehensive literature review has been prepared with information being sourced from the resources of the Agricultural (DPI) and the Medical (QIMR) database systems as well as from the considerable library on the topic which is held by Peplin Biotech. This review discusses the presence of anti-cancer activity, the previous testing undertaken and the potential toxicity of the product.

Outcomes: Peplin Biotech has discovered a novel class of natural compounds, purified from Euphorbia, which show great potential in the laboratory as a potent treatment for a wide range of human cancers including breast, prostate cancer and skin cancers. An early clinical trial on thick and thin non-melanoma skin cancers has confirmed that the compounds are very effective in producing long-term (possibly permanent) responses in human patients without any evident systemic toxicity when applied topically. E.peplus is one of a number of plants in the Euphorbiaceae family that has attracted attention as a home remedy for skin cancer because of its milky sap. However, a survey by Peplin Biotech of over 200 species of the Euphorbiaceae family has shown that only E.peplus has the desired attributes of anti-cancer efficacy. In addition, E.peplus is not a noxious weed, it grows rapidly, produces harvestable seed and it is potentially suitable for large-scale agricultural production. Methods have been developed by Peplin Biotech for the extraction and purification of compounds from E.peplus in the laboratory, and these are currently being scaled-up for commercial production. It is anticipated that the overall cost of producing the active ingredient in pure form will result in a commercially viable treatment, provided the cost of agricultural production can be kept low. Currently, the plant is sown and harvested by hand and tended in small plots. The limiting factor in capturing commercial value from these discoveries is therefore the availability of plant feedstock for the extraction of active compounds. Developing large-scale agricultural production can solve this problem.

Implications: Anti-cancer compounds from a common but tractable weed are being developed by a Brisbane-based, Australian-owned biotechnology company (Peplin Biotech) with the assistance of the Queensland Department of Primary Industries and the Queensland Institute of Medical Research. The present project may result in a unique opportunity for primary producers to contribute to their own wellbeing through the development of an effective treatment for non-melanoma skin cancer. A new, specialist crop might also emerge. We plan to evaluate methods for complete mechanisation of E.peplus cultivation and sap production. This will include methods of seed production, since the current supply of seed will need to be greatly expanded. The requirements for large-scale agriculture will be ascertained, using the expertise and equipment pooled from the wide variety of specialists in the DPI. The next critical step is to develop methods suitable for broad-acre, mechanised production.


Euphorbia peplus
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Euphorbia peplus

Scientific classification
Kingdom: Plantae
Division: Magnoliophyta
Class: Magnoliopsida
Order: Malpighiales
Family: Euphorbiaceae
Genus: Euphorbia
Species: E. peplus
Binomial name
Euphorbia peplus

Euphorbia peplus (Petty Spurge) is a species of Euphorbia, native to most of Europe, northern Africa, and western Asia, where it typically grows in cultivated arable land, gardens, and other disturbed land.

It should not be confused with the similarly spelled Euphorbia peplis (Purple Spurge).

It is an annual plant growing to between 5–30 cm tall (most plants growing as weeds of cultivation tend towards the smaller end), with smooth hairless stems. The leaves are oval-acute, 1-3 cm long, with a smooth margin. It has green flowers in three-rayed umbels. The glands, typical of the Euphorbiacae, are kidney-shaped with long thin horns.

The milky latex sap is toxic, and used as a therapeutic agent for the removal of warts on the skin[citation needed]. Recent work also suggests that it may also be effective in treating superficial basal cell carcinomas.

Outside of its native range it is very widely naturalised and often invasive, including in Australia, New Zealand, North America, and other countries in temperate and sub-tropical regions.
45   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
fRomance Posted - 04/02/2021 : 01:38:40
You nailed it, congratulations!
anivoc Posted - 03/25/2021 : 15:47:59
Awesome pictorial! Congratulations on whooping that BCC's butt and thanks for photo documenting your journey!
svanip Posted - 03/24/2021 : 19:58:18

Hi Everyone, 11 year update of area
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Originally posted by svanip

[quote]Originally posted by svanip

Hi Everyone,
Just a quick update 5 years on, absolutely no sign of and BCC the area is completely healed and has left no visible scar tissue. For me the petty spurge works brilliantly.

[quote]Originally posted by Grace2Go

Your bcc area looks great svanip! Thanks for posting the regular pictures of your progress.

My 3 little plants are growing very slowly, but as soon as one is big enough I'll be starting the sap treatment on my bcc.

[quote]Originally posted by svanip

Hi just thought I would put into action a live treatment for your information if anyone would like to see the results....

So far - 24th of March 2010 - I went for a Skin Check with my local GP I pointed out a legion I was concerned about "not seen by Dr" - A Shave biopsy taken following day of a 7 x 4 mm legion on Upper Left Lip region....

9 Days Pass
Biopsy / Histology result was of a multifocal superficial BCC..

GP referred to plastic surgeon for surgical removal - surgeon not available to see me 12 weeks.....

After much deliberation and investigation I decided to try Petty Spurge treatment - it pretty much grows in every garden as a pest weed here......

6 April Image shows – Start "2 weeks post shave biopsy" - Then the following morning after initial application of the Milk/Sap.

Euphorbia Peplus - Petty Spurge - Radium Weed - Cancer Weed

SEEDS - try here ( Service was very good )

This substance contains known carcinogens.... Try it at your own risk !!!

You may need to copy and paste this link....." target="_blank">

What does the active ingredient do:

Basically the Sap starts to kill the Cancer Cells (Cell Necrosis) within hours of the application then the active components in the sap induce a secondary inflammatory response at the site of the application within 24-48 Hrs, which in turn generates tumor-specific antibodies to hopefully get rid of the balance of the nasty cells.... Something like that anyway - in very simple terms....

My treatment plan 12 Days twice a day application.....

Pre Treatment Image - 2 Weeks Post BCC Shave Biopsy


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First Day of Treatment !

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Day 2 approx 36 Hrs Post Euphorbia Peplus Sap/Latex Application - it is growing

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Day 2 Afternoon Update - Its drying out and not stinging so much.....

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Day Six - Morning Image - sorry re the lack of weekend images. It was a very painful weekend but not unbearable - the scab had completely covered the inflamed areas and came off on several occasions. I do quite a bit of sport - ie cycling and swimming so with the sweating and being in the water for several hours the area was scab free. The area seems to have stopped growing and feels like it is calming down somewhat ie: less pain and less blistering scabbing etc -I am opting for a review after the 12 Day x twice a day application period which is a little more than most I have read about online using Euphorbia Peplus raw sap only - I will continue to apply until the scabbing has been resolved then rest and recovery. I do not wash the sap off and I have not covered the area -unless showering etc then I re apply and let it dry on the treatment area - The amount of sap I use is quite small - a tiny drop - maybe the size of a pin head or two. This seems to be an ample quantity to soak into the treatment area - the sap is quite watery and not very viscous - it flows very willingly and spreads out over the area rapidly - the activity of the sap appears to radiate out and around the original treatment area without any need to cover it completely be careful this is a very strong substance indeed - as you can see from the images. I noted that several people had stated the the treatment was not painful - well on the face it is quite painful and it burns for several hours, if you can imagine a mild acid or caustic burn - that is what it is similar too - for me anyway.... enjoy

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Day 6 of treatment....

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Day 7 Images - The area appears to be healing and feeling OK the scabbing is very thick and firm now - the treatment area has some skin flaking around the margin - I am still applying the raw sap to the top of the scab after showering etc - it is still burning, so I guess the treatment is still working......

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This afternoons shot of the crusty demon - was a mild burning sensation all day "as usual" no great change today !

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Morning of Day 8 - Feeling similar scab is quite thick still some mild stinging after application of raw sap - not unbearable though.

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Afternoon Day 8 - Its Itchy and annoying !

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Morning Day 9 went for a hard twilight bike ride last night a lot of sweating etc - so in the middle of the scab the dark area is a crater about 3mm deep which obviously washed out with the fluids. this was the location of the original BCC Site - Ewwwwww Gross .....

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Afternoon Day 9 - Not much to report - its very crusty itchy and annoying - the scab is huge and very thick, you cant see it on the image really...

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Morning Day 10 - Went for a 2K swim last night - scab is still mainly intact due to attached beard I think - not much change to the area, it is tender and a little itchy quite a bit of new pink skin is visible - I use a prescription antibacterial cream called Bactroban 2% at night over the entire area - want to minimize any secondary infection after swimming etc.

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Afternoon Day 10 - Feeling OK at the moment not much pain at all today, scab is shrinking "with help" if it wasn't in such a prominent position you would barley know it was there

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Morning Day 13 after some sporting activities and shaving the large scabs came of with a smaller center piece from the original BCC site still remains... have stopped the application of the raw sap and am covering the area with Bactroban 2% to aid in healing the area... lets hope that the BCC is dead and gone !!!

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Afternoon Day 13

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This is a close up of the site morning Day 13 v's Day 1 pre application..
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9.08 KBe-13ab.jpg
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Day 14 Scab came off and left area visible......Second image is a close up shot - not sure if the BCC is gone or still alive.....

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Afternoon Day 14
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Morning Day 15 Healing well.....
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Close Up Day 15

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Day 15 afternoon image

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Day 16 Morning Image (Vitamin E used over night)

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Close up Day 16

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svanip Posted - 03/24/2021 : 19:51:23
Originally posted by svanip

Hi Everyone,
Just a quick update 5 years on, absolutely no sign of and BCC the area is completely healed and has left no visible scar tissue. For me the petty spurge works brilliantly.

Originally posted by Grace2Go

Your bcc area looks great svanip! Thanks for posting the regular pictures of your progress.

My 3 little plants are growing very slowly, but as soon as one is big enough I'll be starting the sap treatment on my bcc.

Originally posted by svanip

Hi just thought I would put into action a live treatment for your information if anyone would like to see the results....

So far - 24th of March 2010 - I went for a Skin Check with my local GP I pointed out a legion I was concerned about "not seen by Dr" - A Shave biopsy taken following day of a 7 x 4 mm legion on Upper Left Lip region....

9 Days Pass
Biopsy / Histology result was of a multifocal superficial BCC..

GP referred to plastic surgeon for surgical removal - surgeon not available to see me 12 weeks.....

After much deliberation and investigation I decided to try Petty Spurge treatment - it pretty much grows in every garden as a pest weed here......

6 April Image shows – Start "2 weeks post shave biopsy" - Then the following morning after initial application of the Milk/Sap.

Euphorbia Peplus - Petty Spurge - Radium Weed - Cancer Weed

SEEDS - try here ( Service was very good )

This substance contains known carcinogens.... Try it at your own risk !!!

You may need to copy and paste this link....." target="_blank">

What does the active ingredient do:

Basically the Sap starts to kill the Cancer Cells (Cell Necrosis) within hours of the application then the active components in the sap induce a secondary inflammatory response at the site of the application within 24-48 Hrs, which in turn generates tumor-specific antibodies to hopefully get rid of the balance of the nasty cells.... Something like that anyway - in very simple terms....

My treatment plan 12 Days twice a day application.....

Pre Treatment Image - 2 Weeks Post BCC Shave Biopsy


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First Day of Treatment !

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Day 2 approx 36 Hrs Post Euphorbia Peplus Sap/Latex Application - it is growing

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Day 2 Afternoon Update - Its drying out and not stinging so much.....

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Day Six - Morning Image - sorry re the lack of weekend images. It was a very painful weekend but not unbearable - the scab had completely covered the inflamed areas and came off on several occasions. I do quite a bit of sport - ie cycling and swimming so with the sweating and being in the water for several hours the area was scab free. The area seems to have stopped growing and feels like it is calming down somewhat ie: less pain and less blistering scabbing etc -I am opting for a review after the 12 Day x twice a day application period which is a little more than most I have read about online using Euphorbia Peplus raw sap only - I will continue to apply until the scabbing has been resolved then rest and recovery. I do not wash the sap off and I have not covered the area -unless showering etc then I re apply and let it dry on the treatment area - The amount of sap I use is quite small - a tiny drop - maybe the size of a pin head or two. This seems to be an ample quantity to soak into the treatment area - the sap is quite watery and not very viscous - it flows very willingly and spreads out over the area rapidly - the activity of the sap appears to radiate out and around the original treatment area without any need to cover it completely be careful this is a very strong substance indeed - as you can see from the images. I noted that several people had stated the the treatment was not painful - well on the face it is quite painful and it burns for several hours, if you can imagine a mild acid or caustic burn - that is what it is similar too - for me anyway.... enjoy

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Day 6 of treatment....

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Day 7 Images - The area appears to be healing and feeling OK the scabbing is very thick and firm now - the treatment area has some skin flaking around the margin - I am still applying the raw sap to the top of the scab after showering etc - it is still burning, so I guess the treatment is still working......

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This afternoons shot of the crusty demon - was a mild burning sensation all day "as usual" no great change today !

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Morning of Day 8 - Feeling similar scab is quite thick still some mild stinging after application of raw sap - not unbearable though.

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Afternoon Day 8 - Its Itchy and annoying !

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Morning Day 9 went for a hard twilight bike ride last night a lot of sweating etc - so in the middle of the scab the dark area is a crater about 3mm deep which obviously washed out with the fluids. this was the location of the original BCC Site - Ewwwwww Gross .....

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Afternoon Day 9 - Not much to report - its very crusty itchy and annoying - the scab is huge and very thick, you cant see it on the image really...

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Morning Day 10 - Went for a 2K swim last night - scab is still mainly intact due to attached beard I think - not much change to the area, it is tender and a little itchy quite a bit of new pink skin is visible - I use a prescription antibacterial cream called Bactroban 2% at night over the entire area - want to minimize any secondary infection after swimming etc.

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Afternoon Day 10 - Feeling OK at the moment not much pain at all today, scab is shrinking "with help" if it wasn't in such a prominent position you would barley know it was there

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Morning Day 13 after some sporting activities and shaving the large scabs came of with a smaller center piece from the original BCC site still remains... have stopped the application of the raw sap and am covering the area with Bactroban 2% to aid in healing the area... lets hope that the BCC is dead and gone !!!

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Afternoon Day 13

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This is a close up of the site morning Day 13 v's Day 1 pre application..
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9.08 KBe-13ab.jpg
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Day 14 Scab came off and left area visible......Second image is a close up shot - not sure if the BCC is gone or still alive.....

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Afternoon Day 14
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Morning Day 15 Healing well.....
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Close Up Day 15

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Day 15 afternoon image

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16.61 KB..

Day 16 Morning Image (Vitamin E used over night)

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Close up Day 16

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Hi me again its now been 11 years on and still no sign af any BCC.

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agare Posted - 07/09/2018 : 05:32:47
Ingenol mebutate is the active ingredient in petty spurge, so I was using this. But I was not using the commercial product Picato which uses an extract from petty spurge and advertises it is ingenol mebutate. I suspect that Picato utilizes a less concentrated form than would be supplied by using the sap itself.
Robiairty Posted - 07/08/2018 : 13:17:29
Agare did you use Ingenol mebutate
BobCA Posted - 04/16/2018 : 20:52:19
Please excuse my digression but is anyone using Polypodium Leucotomos known as PLE to help prevent sun damage? Recent studies shows it can actually help protect the DNA from mutating and becoming cancerous. I was taking nicotinamide but the scientific studies show PLE to be more effective.
waverider Posted - 04/07/2018 : 22:30:48
What a bumper crop of petty spurge here in So. California this year! I guess it is the late arrival of some semblance of cool winter + heavy rains a couple of weeks ago. In the past, I was used to seeing a few sprouts pop up the following season after I grew some plants from Australian seeds. This year, however, I have new PS growing wild literally all over my yard, in all sorts of places. Even my neighbor has petty spurge sprouts popping up between the seams of the astroturf that covers his backyard (gee, I wonder where those tiny airborne seeds originated?) As it happens, I have no skin issues of any sort this year. I haven't had a BCC outbreak since petty spurge knocked out two incidents and long-term vitamin C + DMSO took down another one. Hard to believe it's been 7 years since I started down this road with PS due to the great information on this forum. But the plant has really been a blessing to me. I'll probably end up mashing (some of) these plants up and making a tincture to keep over the winter just in case. You never know.
BobCA Posted - 03/31/2018 : 20:38:38
Follow up on the biopsy, came back positive for BCC as I anticipated. So far PS has been 100% accurate in identifying AK and BCC. Every lesion that reacted with PS that I have had biopsied has been positive for AK or BCC. When it’s AK I just keep an eye on it and keep hitting every 4 months or so with PS but when it’s BCC I don’t mess around and have it excised. This particular lesion reacted strongly to PS so I waited 3 weeks and hit it again. This time the reaction was much less. 2 weeks after this I had the biopsy. This tells me that while PS can be effective for AKs and surface BCCs, it does not go deep enough to get all of a subsurface BCC. Probably why the FFA has it cleared as a treatment for AKs only. There are so many types of BCCs that I would guard against believing PS can completely resolve all of them. Work with your derm to stay on top of any lesions and treatment methods.
BobCA Posted - 03/29/2018 : 10:00:15
Hi All, I wanted to relay an active and ongoing story. About 3 months ago I noticed a spot on my upper chest about 8mm (1/2"). It was reddish and I suspected it was either AK or BCC so I hit it with Petty Spurge, once a day for 3 days. It reacted quite strongly, PS continues to work even after the 3 day application. I use petrolatum to keep the scab from forming and after a week or so it had cleared up nicely. Well, that same spot has returned and now it feels like it may be a little deeper. It doesn't appear to be just on teh surface. I once again hit it with PS and it cleared most of it but not all of it and since I could still feel it beneath the skin I decided to let my derm take a look. He said it looked liked BCC to him but we took a shave biopsy just to be sure. I will know in 10 days and will let you all know. If it BCC we will excise it.
On another note: I have had this scaly spot on my nose forever. Not red just scaly, tried burning it off with Ni, tried 5,5,fluororocil, and of course PS. It always comes back. Punch biopsy showed advanced AK but no BCC or SCC. I am now going to try Imiquimode as the chemical reaction is different from PS. My derm says to keep hitting with different methods to keep it at bay. He doesn't want it to go deeper and develop into BCC.
BobCA Posted - 02/05/2018 : 22:44:28
Here is s really good article on all types of BCCs. You’ll notice that they mention 5,5 Flororoucil and Imiquimode. The first is a cyctotoxic agent and the second is an immune system modifier. I have used both.
Ingenol mebutate is both cyctoxic and an immune modifier. Same clinical result when applied once per day for 3 days. Leave on for 6 hours before washing. No sweating and AVOID eyes.
agare Posted - 02/05/2018 : 22:15:15
I tried petty spurge, using two lots of treatment, each treatment being three successive applications on each day, using a good amount of sap. Each time the scab came off, the nodule was still there, although slightly smaller. I tried to measure this accurately. I was told that being on my upper lip, just under my nose, it was not a good place to be because it could spread down and get into my skull, so I had surgery. I was prepared for surgery and then sent home the first time because the site was inflamed due to my treatment with petty spurge. I was told that there was about a 12% chance of recurrence after surgery, and this has not occurred, and I think it lightly that the change of recurrence after surgery was reduced by my petty spurge treatment.
KMWS Posted - 02/05/2018 : 19:34:19
Agare did you use Ingenol mebutate (Petty Spurge) on your nodular BCC or did you have surgery to get rid of it?
BobCA Posted - 02/05/2018 : 19:30:59
Awesome!!!! Great article. Did you see all the different types of BCC??
Superficial Basal Cell Carcinoma of Skin
Nodular Basal Cell Carcinoma of Skin
Infiltrating Basal Cell Carcinoma of Skin
Micronodular Basal Cell Carcinoma of Skin
Fibroepithelial Basal Cell Carcinoma of Skin
Basal Cell Carcinoma of Skin with Adnexal Differentiation
Basosquamous Carcinoma
Keratotic Basal Cell Carcinoma of Skin

Anyway, topical treatment like 5,5 Flourocil and Imiquimode were recommended and if they work then IB (sold as Picato) might work even better. Different chemical action but doesn’t involve weeks of treatment.
Thanks so much for this,
agare Posted - 02/05/2018 : 19:21:24
Here is the reference to nodular BCC: .
agare Posted - 02/05/2018 : 19:18:26
Dear BobCA, I haven't read anything on using DMSO with petty spurge except on this website. I did find something some time ago on its use with the extract from Devil's Apple, but I am not sure where. Combining it with tea tree oil was my idea after reading an article on tea-tree oil here: and then corresponding with the researchers for details. Here is something on nodular BCC. When my doctor saw that I had this, he immediately recommended surgery where he was happy to try petty spurge with the non-nodular form. I have not had a recurrence of the nodular form, but would like to be prepared for it, which is the reason I am interested in what could supplement petty spurge. It is weird that there is no further research on melaleuca oil given the successes reported, and going in to this I have come to realize how treatments of anything which work but don't generate big profits are not likely to get supported by mainstream medicine and are sometimes disparaged (for instance, fish oil for arthritis). The problem with alternative medicine is that its practicioners appear unable to sort out the good from the useless or bad alterntives. Google is a help in sorting this out, but it takes time.
BobCA Posted - 02/05/2018 : 18:47:58
Thanks for all that great personal info. I am not sure what you mean by “nodular” skin cancer. I’ve not seen any research papers on SCC nor BCC that use that term. Melanoma on the other hand can create a tumor like nodule that can go very deep. We don’t want to be messing around with that one. If you could, please provide a link to the research performed with Ingenol mebutate enhancers like melaleuca or DMSO. I’d love to read up on that. DMSO was pioneered by Russian athletes back in the late 70s/early 80s to accelerate soft tissue damage. The premise was that DMSO could travel through the skin into joints or tendons and actually stimulate the would healing response, IE it is an irritant. Some users added aspirin to DMSO to get localized effects. Still not sure why we need DMSO to get IM beneath the skin. After all we are treating skin cancers. With all that said I really appreciate you taking the time to share your personal experiences. Please shoot me any research that you’ve come across that is not in the mainstream journals. My basis for application and use has come from published articles. Thanks man, keep fighting the good fight.
agare Posted - 02/05/2018 : 17:46:30
Dear BobCA. My doctor took a sample of tissue and sent it off for analysis, that is, a biopsy. The reason I used a melaleuca cream was firstly, simply to cover the petty spurge sap, and possibly, aid in penetration because I knew from the failure with my nodular skin cancer, that if the sap can't penetrate it won't work. However, there has also been research on the use of melaleuca combined with DMSO for skin cancer carried out at the University of Western Australia which showed positive results, so this could certainly do no harm. As I remember, they used 90% DMSO, so if this gets the oil into the bloodstream, they were happy to do that. The research was discontinued because funding dried up. I have also read that using DMSO with the extract of devil's apple or aubergine improved its effect, although it is not encouraged by the main researcher on it, Dr Bill Cham, although I think he has experimented with it.
KMWS Posted - 02/05/2018 : 15:54:49
I tried several homeostatic treatments and/or remedies for my BCC including Ingenol mebutate (Petty Spurge) straight from the plant, unfortunately my BCC just Kept coming back bigger than before. Finally, I was forced to go for moles surgery on my chin which left a large nasty scar that probably would have been a lot smaller if I would have seen a Dermontalogist sooner. Therefore, I recommend seeing a Dermontalogist if any homeostatic treatments don't work and your skin lesion(s) don't get any better!
BobCA Posted - 02/04/2018 : 23:27:27
Hi Agare, How were your previous lesions “diagnosed and confirmed “? Did your doctor do a removal and biopsy? The only reason I press this issue is because a misdiagnosed SCC or even BCc for that matter can have consequences . Personally I see no harm in trying spurge on any suspected skin lesion but when I hear about mixing it with DMSO and melaleuca I get a little suspect that we may be incorrectly trying to get more out of Ingenol mebutate than it’s capable of. DMSO will act as a carrier through the cells lipid layer and carry the Ingenol mebutate into the blood stream. Is that really what we want? Melaleuca (tea tree oil) is a natural anti fungal/anti bacterial and adds no benefit to the chemical action of Ingenol mebutate. Be careful when dealing with cancers, see a doc if you have any concerns.
agare Posted - 02/04/2018 : 18:24:35
I get mine assessed by my family doctor. However, after having several of these diagnosed and confirmed I think I can recognize these when I get them. I would not diagnose these in another person though.
BobCA Posted - 02/04/2018 : 18:17:05
Quick question. How are you guys diagnosing your cancers? Ingenol mebutate (Petty Spurge) has been approved for AKs and I do believe it works well on surface SCC and BCC but without a biopsy how are people determining what kind of cancer they have and how purvasive it is? Isn’t it a bit risky to self diagnose and self treat something that may require a more aggressive treatment?
agare Posted - 02/03/2018 : 23:57:20
I am looking forward to a new post from anivoc on how the treatment combining petty spurge and DMSO. Was the treatment successful?
My last treatment of a large basal cell carcinoma on my chest was entirely successful with only one treatment (3 applications over three days) without DMSO. But it was not nodular.
Jeff Staples Posted - 02/03/2018 : 23:21:08
Hello... The first part of my intended post was omitted so I thought I would repeat it....
I was in Bicheno, Tasmania and stayed at an Airbnb (Dr Binny). She had Petty Spurge on her property and helped me to cure a Basil cell on my arm. I am trying to source some seeds in Ontario and read that some of you may be able to help. I live in Collingwood and used to live in Milton so I am familiar with the Burlington area. Let me know if you're able to provide me with current information on where to source plants or seeds. Thanks...Jeff
Jeff Staples Posted - 02/03/2018 : 22:58:18
She had Petty Spurge and helped me to cure a Basil cell on my arm. I am trying to source some seeds in Ontario and read that some fo you may be able to help. I live in Collingwood and used to live in Milton so I am familiar with the Hamilton/Burlington area. Let me know if you're able to provide me with a source for plants or seeds. Thanks...Jeff
agare Posted - 09/21/2017 : 06:49:42
Originally posted by dan

agare, I am happy to see another success story too! In order to help others that may be following, can you describe the pain you experienced? Did the pain persist beyond a half hour, a day, a week? Can you also provide a brand name for the tea tree oil cream? And just to be certain, can you confirm that DMSO was not part of the remedy? Congrats and thanks!

Sorry for this late reply. I did not use DMSO with my treatment. Interesting that the second or third last post in this forum is from someone who has used DMSO. He hasn't followed up with further information on the effect. The pain from using the tea tree oil cream only lasted a few minutes. I have recently treated another basal cell carcinoma on my chest, and applied the cream again. This time it did not hurt. I think my back is more pain sensitive than my chest for some reason. So far, the new treatment looks to be successful.
srains99 Posted - 09/21/2017 : 06:00:08
Hi all, it has been a while since I have been on the forums and 3 1/2 half years since I used Petty Spurge to successfully treat the skin cancer on my face. I have since moved to Portland Maine and I am looking for anyone in the area who has the plants/seeds. No skin cancer has returned but I would like to grow the plants for those who need it, including any future needs I may have. Of course I can order it from Australia and will if I can not get a source closer to home. Good luck and thank you all.
anivoc Posted - 07/27/2017 : 21:09:43
I spoke with a guy in Australia who claims he is the guy that first discovered via Australian Bushman medicine men that Petty Spurge was a powerful herb against skin cancers.

He shared a couple crazy stories of just chopping it up and using it as a poultice and knocking a huge tumor on a horse. A woman who was on her death bed made a solution from the sap and injected into her main tumor...terrible stuff and a lot of tumor fell out but she lived to tell the tale..

Of course these are anecdotal stories from a guy I met off of ebay buying some Australian herbs...he wasn't selling me petty spurge and even told me the plant I was buying ( Gumby Gumby ) would most likely have no effect on big skin cancers that I am fighting...

He is a big advocate of using petty spurge with DMSO and rubbing the sap in....

I made a poultice the other day of fresh leaves and dmso and painted it on a large nodular BCC...In his story 24 hours later everything had turned grey and the tumors just sloughed off...In my case not so much ...still very much there but definitely effected and a little eaten away. some areas white like there was necrosis ( cell death) ..The area is getting inflamed so I will give this a few more days of applications and let you all know how it's going.... I'm thinking Petty Spurge and DMSO are a good combo...and maybe not just the sap as the whole plant has the active ingredient in it....
waverider Posted - 04/12/2017 : 22:51:32
I agree. I'd be hesitant about DMSO also because I'm uncertain about what sort of chemical reaction it might have with IM at the molecular level, perhaps diminishing its effectiveness in some way we don't know.
I do think DMSO is very helpful with vitamin C -- especially sodium ascorbate -- to help it penetrate. In the past when I didn't have any petty spurge growing, I have used the SA/DMSO combination with much greater success on small outbreaks/recurrences versus just plain ascorbic acid by itself. It takes patience though.
BobCA Posted - 04/11/2017 : 19:38:33
Just a FYI, tea tree oil is a known anti-fungal and anti-bacterial so it never hurts to use it but I am not sure it has any effect on PS nor skin cancers. Just sharing some info and what you do with it is totally up to you.
Personally I would stay away from DMSO because that will pull the IM into the blood stream and we want it to stay locally on the skin.
dan Posted - 04/11/2017 : 19:26:45
agare, I am happy to see another success story too! In order to help others that may be following, can you describe the pain you experienced? Did the pain persist beyond a half hour, a day, a week? Can you also provide a brand name for the tea tree oil cream? And just to be certain, can you confirm that DMSO was not part of the remedy? Congrats and thanks!
waverider Posted - 04/11/2017 : 15:02:55
Super! Another success story. PS has literally always worked for me on BCC. Glad to add Tea Tree Cream to the arsenal, too. Eventually, the most effective combo will be refined through trial-and-error DIY experience. Based on yours, mine and other's reports, I think the three-day treatment is pretty much the current standard of care for PS ... unless or until somebody gives persuasive evidence for going beyond that. More is apparently not better.
agare Posted - 04/11/2017 : 07:31:54
Just to report another success. This time a basal cell carcinoma in the middle of my back. In previous posts I recommended applying the sap three days in a row, then after a month doing the same thing again. Because I couldn't reach my back and had to rely on my wife, I did not follow up after a month. The only thing I did differently was apply tea tree oil cream after the petty spurge sap because I thought it would keep the sap in place and enable it to penetrate better, and the tea tree oil might assist since studies with tea-tree oil and DMSO have been shown to be effective for treatment. The downside of this was that on the third day, adding the cream was very painful. Both BCCs that I have successfully treated were a good 2 inches by 2 inches. My doctor approved of what I was doing (although he did not approve using the sap with a nodular BCC on my face). The doctor said that if an operation were required, the BCCs were so big the treatment would require skin grafts. Anyway, after 8 months my skin is completely clear.
BobCA Posted - 04/10/2017 : 14:44:22
I tried to find some research papers quantifying the potency of IM in PS but didn't have much luck. The advantage of Picato is that we know it is always the optimal clinical strength for the area of application and that it is purified. Picato is stronger for application cation sites on the body and less concentrated for the face. The downside is that it that Picato can cost $700 per treatment and is usually not covered by insurance, yet.
I would say the PS sap is probably more concentrated and I've also found, just by trial and error, that spring time plants appear to be more concentrated. Go slowly when using PS, stick to small areas until you know how you'll react and lint the use to three days. If you need a second application then let the area heal and hit it again until the reaction is only slightly red. Even with Picato some people have reported a strong reaction so everyone is different.
waverider Posted - 04/10/2017 : 14:30:52
I wonder how the listed concentration of Ingenol Mebutate in Picato compares to what one gets from a drop of freshly cut, natural Petty Spurge sap? If the plants are robust and healthy I wonder if its a much more potent dose than what's in Picato RX. Or not? I tend to think the natural stuff straight from the source is more powerful but I could be wrong. Just wondering...
KMWS Posted - 04/09/2017 : 17:33:49
One very important point mentioned in the article suggested by BobCA and linked by anivoc is that PS shouldn't be applied on an area more than 2 inches by 2 inches
and more than one area at a time. Also BobCA told me that PS strength is strongest in the Spring. I had a very severe reaction with just one application of Spring PS
to both of my earlobes to test for any reaction for for the indication of BCC. My earlobes turned very red like a bad sunburn and felt like they were on fire.
The skin peeled like a sunburn but healed in a week. I have been successful in curing small BCC's, but larger Bcc's should be taken care of by a Dermatologist.
anivoc Posted - 04/08/2017 : 19:10:45
Another larger version of the skin cancer poster
anivoc Posted - 04/08/2017 : 18:36:56
Thanks for the heads up Bob

Click Here to go to the article.

It appears firstly the FDA is only approving this for Actenic Keratosis AK's which is a pre cancer ...I have read many reports of success with Basal Carcinoma.

AK's are pretty easy to knock out with some of the topicals we use here including Vinegar , cymillium and orange oil.

BobCA Posted - 03/27/2017 : 00:21:38
I encourage all users of Petty Spurge to Google this article: "FDA Warns About Safety Risks for Ingenol Mebutate". It provides some excellent guidance and warnings.
BobCA Posted - 03/06/2017 : 18:16:39
try this link
BobCA Posted - 03/06/2017 : 16:00:05
I took this pic in my derms office but I can email it to you if you provide an email.
KMWS Posted - 03/06/2017 : 15:11:00
Originally posted by BobCA

Thought this might help. You can see that Petty SPurge can work well on AKs and some surface Basal and Squamous cell carcinomas. If the cancer gets too invasive a pro should probably handle it. AKs so come back and repeated hitting with PS will help keep them from developing into cancers.

Image Insert:

154.15 KB

BOB, could you please post the link to your image because I can't read the captions it is so small and when I enlarge the image it becomes too blurry to read? Thanks!
BobCA Posted - 03/04/2017 : 17:44:40
Thought this might help. You can see that Petty SPurge can work well on AKs and some surface Basal and Squamous cell carcinomas. If the cancer gets too invasive a pro should probably handle it. AKs so come back and repeated hitting with PS will help keep them from developing into cancers.

Image Insert:

154.15 KB
Michaelpontian Posted - 02/26/2017 : 01:56:34
Hi.. Does anyone have experience with dealing with an scc on their lip with radium weed?
I have been reading mine for 7 months and about 70% has gone in first two months but last few months nothing has changed. Any advise?
waverider Posted - 01/20/2017 : 08:56:45
Originally posted by BobCA

In northern CA the rains have caused an explosion of spurge in my yard. I expect the entire west coast is popping.

Down here in SoCal, as well. I was recently tempted to post a message just telling everyone on the west coast: If you've ever wanted to grow petty spurge, this is the year to do it! Plant now. Cool weather, frequent rain and only partial sun, this is what it loves. As opposed to recent sunny drought years where it was very difficult to get it growing and keeping it growing for any length of time was almost impossible.

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Disclaimer: The three most common types of skin cancer are basal cell carcinoma, squamous cell carcinoma, and melanoma. While melanoma is the most dangerous type, keep in mind that any cancer and potentially some cancer treatments can cause injury or death. The various views expressed in these public forums should not be considered as medical advice. See your qualified health-care professional for medical attention, advice, diagnosis, and treatments.