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 Feedback on Aldara anyone?

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Corihere Posted - 09/24/2007 : 23:17:43
Hi All,

I recently finished a treatment with Aldara on some spots on my arm, and got the all clear that it had done it's work. Well, weeks later, and without my dermatologists prescribing it, I thought I'd start a treatment on one raised bump on my chest, that is surrounded by tons of sun damage.

Anyway, I have only done three nights of application, and wow, I look like I have measles in that area! My reaction is really fast, almost like I am allergic, with additional red raised bumps and lots of reaction. Being that this is so obvious, and already starting to hurt, I am thinking of looking into a less servere treatment plan.

Has anyone had a similar response to Aldara? And, if I were to decide to treat the area with a something else, what might produce the best results for a larger area like this? Perhaps the eggplant formulas?

I currently am using Sunspot ES on very small areas of roughness on my face...but this chest area started with a raised red bump that I think needs more treatment, and now the original bump appears to be surrounded by duplications of the same! Ugh!

Any feedback or suggestions would be appreciated.

Thanks so much!
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dan Posted - 09/25/2007 : 01:14:06
I went through a similar situation on my chest with orange oil about a year ago. I had a small bump I thought needed fixing. I found the affected area just kept expanding as the orange oil (TKO and Ecover brands) interacted with whatever was there. It seemed like an allergic reaction but I could apply orange oil elsewhere without anything happening. Anyway, I kept going because I had success earlier with orange oil, and it did work again even on a huge area over several weeks. I really don't know what condition I treated, maybe it was skin cancer or precancer, maybe it was a fungus infection, or something else.

Cori, I would not blame Aldara for the reaction, chances are that it is finding something that is amiss. But you may feel more comfortable checking in with a doctor for a diagnosis.

I did not know about the eggplant and vinegar remedy back then but that would be my first choice to try now. One nice thing about orange oil is that a small amount spreads easily on large areas of skin. It is also inexpensive. But orange oil stings and inflames skin cancers as a prelude to its healing them. I don't think the eggplant and vinegar treatment does much of that.

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