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Naina Posted - 06/20/2021 : 22:40:18
Hello! I am so thrilled I found this site. I have been doing quite a bit of reading. There is so much info on here. I just don't know where to begin.

2 weeks ago I had a biopsy of a 9mm growth on the side of my nose. The results are nodual basal cell carcinoma. The entire growth has been cut out. There is a bit of a dent where it was. It has healed nicely. But according to the report it said the edges were not clear. The docs want to do MOHS. I pushed back that surgery until Oct. I want to attempt to clear this naturally. Now my questions.

1) where to begin. I have started using tea tree oil, and diclofenac gel.

2) how can I tell when the cancer is gone if all looks good on the outside?
7   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
fRomance Posted - 09/07/2021 : 06:03:38
Alright, thanks!
radiourban Posted - 09/03/2021 : 01:24:48
I'm using honey too, so far I'm doing alright.
fRomance Posted - 08/31/2021 : 02:44:39
Come to think of it, taking honey as a substitute to sugar won't be a problem, right?
radiourban Posted - 08/11/2021 : 05:02:46
I agree with the last posts, sugar is the evil in our sickness.
fRomance Posted - 08/03/2021 : 22:49:43
Definitely quit sugar, I'd also recommend Mohs surgery to get it over with.
Dougrun Posted - 07/18/2021 : 23:38:14
if it was me
1. quit sugar
2. get some curaderm and start using it. It could be healed up by oct 1. The nose usually heals quick but depdends on age.

I've used curaderm on bcc's on my scalp and pre-squamous spots arounf my temple several times.
Bonders Posted - 07/02/2021 : 07:57:27
Hi Naina... First thing to know is that doctors dont know everything but they are trained better than most of us...

IF it were me just starting out, I would bookmark and review these 2 sites for sure.

Andrew Saul is the megavitaminman and has a free site

I am no doctor but, these days I would be looking real hard at both high-dose vitamin C and iodine for most of what ails me.

From what you wrote so far, it seems you caught it early and can easily get the rest. But, one thing is for sure SUGAR IS OUR ENEMY so doing this and eating ice cream will not be an easy ride...

The idea here is to change habits and then go back into the doc and have them use their machines or whatever to check if cancer is still there ...

Be Well Always,

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Disclaimer: The three most common types of skin cancer are basal cell carcinoma, squamous cell carcinoma, and melanoma. While melanoma is the most dangerous type, keep in mind that any cancer and potentially some cancer treatments can cause injury or death. The various views expressed in these public forums should not be considered as medical advice. See your qualified health-care professional for medical attention, advice, diagnosis, and treatments.