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 Skin cancer treatment strategies
 actinic kerotoses

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dannyboy980 Posted - 04/25/2019 : 08:05:19
I have seen many doctors on this matter I have it on my hand mostly have tried light therapy coco oil baking soda caster oil wraping up my hand with bandage to keep medicine in . black salve I don't no what to do next actinic kerotoses
6   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
radiourban Posted - 08/09/2021 : 05:32:29
Spot on.
fRomance Posted - 05/24/2021 : 05:51:48
Yes, ofcourse.
radiourban Posted - 05/20/2021 : 01:02:04
We are all curious, aren't we?
fRomance Posted - 05/17/2021 : 05:49:27
So how is it, danny? Cheers!
dannyboy980 Posted - 04/28/2019 : 16:55:15
Thanks I will try and let you know#128522;
dan Posted - 04/27/2019 : 11:59:24
Hi dannyboy980,

I would try orange essential oil topically if it were me. In my experience, orange oil can clear up various skin cancer related issues over a period of several weeks. To apply, I just generally put a few drops on my finger and then rub it into the skin issue area. Expect a burning sensation starting about a minute after applying on a skin cancer that may be severe so start cautiously on small areas first. The burning sensation may last up to 30 minutes if applied on a cancer or pre-cancer. I felt the burning sensation was a great indicator of the severity of the skin problem and will lessen as the treatment proceeds. I applied once or twice a day and took occasional breaks to settle things down if necessary.

Be sure to take pictures before treatment to compare with during treatment. I found at two weeks I was ready to quit but a picture convinced me I was making real progress and it worked out great. See the pictures in this page under I have since switched to orange essential oils. You can find orange oil for less than $10 at any place that sells aromatherapy oils like Vitamin Shoppe. has info about applying essential oils directly to skin, cat toxicity awareness, and sunlight sensitivity considerations.

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Disclaimer: The three most common types of skin cancer are basal cell carcinoma, squamous cell carcinoma, and melanoma. While melanoma is the most dangerous type, keep in mind that any cancer and potentially some cancer treatments can cause injury or death. The various views expressed in these public forums should not be considered as medical advice. See your qualified health-care professional for medical attention, advice, diagnosis, and treatments.