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 Carac Cream for AK's and BCC's

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Jimbo61 Posted - 09/07/2007 : 16:10:55
Hi everyone,
I am currently on day 8 of Carac Cream for my Aktinic Karatosis on my face. I haven't had to severe a reaction as of yet. It just looks like I have bad acne. I have had BCC since ten and I am now 45. I have tried all the remedies listed on the blogs. I have been to numerous Dermatologist and truly beleave if you find the right one they will give you the best course of action in dealing with skin cancer. I have started a site that is showing my progress with Carac Cream and some of my experiences. I hope that it will prove to be helpful to some of you, and will encourage everyone to use sun block and stay out of the sun........
5   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Dicie Posted - 01/22/2013 : 19:21:19
Tonight will be my first to use carac on my face & my chest. Since September of 2012 I have had 6 MOHS surgeries..face, back, thigh.I am scheduled for more..just taking a breather. I am hoping this carac cream will help control any future procedures. I am 55 and as others had stated, I also grew up playing outside, no sunscreen and also had owned a farm in my earlier years. This is not as easy as I thought. I am glad to find this webiste. Its easier talking to someone who knows.
BigD Posted - 11/16/2011 : 18:15:20
Hello, you need to read the petty spurge thread. I have had carac treatment and have used petty spurge over my whole face as well. The Spurge treatment was quicker, more effective and left better results.
1939 Posted - 11/16/2011 : 16:05:39
Hello - This is my first post. I am a 72 year old male who has been told by my dermatologist this I must undergo the Carac 4 week treatment for the 4th time. I just want to sit down and cry my eyes out. I just don't know if I have the strength to face it again. As a child I was red headed and freckle faced and I worked on my father's farm all year and had many many severe sun burns. I have been having treatments for cancers and pre cancers since I was 27 years old. I have had four MOHS surgeries on the top of my head and on my left temple along with a lot of BCCs and one squamous cell carcinoma and one a typical fibro anthoma.
At 72 I wonder if I should just let things go, but the doc says I really cannot do that. Maybe they should put me into a coma for the 4 week treatment.
Jimbo61 Posted - 09/09/2007 : 17:41:55
Thanks for the welcome,
You are correct about Fluoroacil. The difference with Carac Cream is that it has 0.5% Fluorouracil so it is suppose to be a little more milder on the skin reaction. I have asked a few different Dermatologists about Laser and they have all pretty much said the same thing "Cryosurgery works the same or better". Who knows???? I am on my 6th Dermatologist and he seems to be the best so far. The Cryo for me leaves white blotches so I am going for the Chemo and hope for the best. Good luck on your quest for a good Dermatologist it makes all the difference in the world.
anivoc Posted - 09/07/2007 : 20:51:12

Checked out your site. Yep looks like you have had some fun too!

Carac is a trade name for Fluorouracil. Efudex and Fluoroplex are other trade names for Fluorouracil. 5-fluorouracil and 5-FU are other names for Fluorouracil. In some cases, health care professionals may use the trade names Carac, Efudex and Fluoroplex or other names 5-fluorouracil and 5-FU when referring to the generic drug name Fluorouracil.

Oddly enough Fluorouracil is /was a chemotherapy drug and when administered to cancer patients it was noticed that all their AK's and BCC became inflamed and went away when treated internally..thus the idea to apply topically for skin cancers.

You mentioned you have tried "all" the different approaches..have you tried bloodroot paste? Just curious as you are scared up pretty good. Being a California kid growing up in the 60's and 70's I can relate to the quest for the "healthy tan" and the ensuing hundreds of sunburns, peels and the years later resulting skin damage. It sucks. I am very interested in laser treatment but have yet found the right Derm here in Cali.. I will keep you all posted when I find one that will work with me.


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Disclaimer: The three most common types of skin cancer are basal cell carcinoma, squamous cell carcinoma, and melanoma. While melanoma is the most dangerous type, keep in mind that any cancer and potentially some cancer treatments can cause injury or death. The various views expressed in these public forums should not be considered as medical advice. See your qualified health-care professional for medical attention, advice, diagnosis, and treatments.