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 Skin cancer topical treatments
 BCC - podoplyllin

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Ric Posted - 06/22/2017 : 08:31:29

2014 trial shows very good results using this cream.Cream is used to treat genital warts.Has before and after pictures.
3   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Ric Posted - 06/24/2017 : 08:38:21
Originally posted by anivoc

Interesting study...If actually accurate pretty impressive results....

I've ordered a few ounces of the powder off of Ebay and will make a tincture and see what it does for me...

The before/after pictures are impressive,plus the trial was done in Iraq so they at least are looking at cheaper alternatives.There seems to be other studies they've done such as on acne vulgaris that from the pictures has produced good results compared to the more toxic commerical US products.

anivoc Posted - 06/23/2017 : 11:13:04
Interesting study...If actually accurate pretty impressive results....
Podophyllin is the dried resin extracted from the roots and rhizomes of Podophyllum peltatum known as
American mandrake, May apple, Ducks’ foot and Indian apple..

I've ordered a few ounces of the powder off of Ebay and will make a tincture and see what it does for me...
Ric Posted - 06/23/2017 : 09:02:15
Seems the cream can only be applied by a Doc. Also CDC no longer suggest use of this cream.Mayo clinic advises not to use over the counter wart removing creams.No mention if unsafe for BCC's.Since the trial was in Iraq in 2014 in a clinic setting it might still be used overseas.

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