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 Skin cancer topical treatments

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drlarryvon Posted - 04/19/2017 : 11:50:30
I need feedback re a patient with a skin condition of unknown origin. I cannot the image files to show the skin condition, the forum is not accommodating me in that respect.
So any help would be appreciated. I can send the images via email, to a member who can help in this re or etc.


Larry Von
5   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
anivoc Posted - 04/19/2017 : 22:34:38
OK That worked...

It seems like the dark ones are moles whick always need to be closely watched for irregular growth or bleeding...which can be a symptom of a melanoma (deadly dangerous) ...the other whitish nodules are odd little growths that could be several things... a dermatologist could probably identify without a biopsy..

One thing that sprouts around eyes is Milia seeds but I am not sure those are what you have there. warts, skin tags and fatty nodules do grow around the eyes sometimes...It is impossible to say for sure without a biopsy but they don't look like basal cell cancers to me...but that is just a lay persons guess..

drlarryvon Posted - 04/19/2017 : 18:10:20

anivoc Posted - 04/19/2017 : 18:10:06
Dr. Larry

What I figured out is that you need to post these in google+ and get the address there. Notice your web address says HTTP"S". That means secure...You can see the pictures when you click on them because you are logged into your account...The rest of us get an error message when we click on them...

Go to Google+ log in and upload the pictures there and make them public...then copy and paste that address ...that should work
drlarryvon Posted - 04/19/2017 : 17:39:38
Any idea exactly what these could be origin wise, etc?
anivoc Posted - 04/19/2017 : 16:48:57
Dr. Larry

Host the pictures you want to share in the cloud...That can be via iCloud or google photos or dozens of other free sites.

Once you have a picture there right click on it and copy the web address of the image that should look something like this .. In of itself you will only have a link...

Up in the forum posting tool bar when you hover over the various icons the yellow one will say insert image.... when you click on it it places the letters IMG in [Brackets] and /IMG in [brackets] you then paste the web address in between the IMG and the /IMG and then you get an image like the one below in your post... you can e-mail me the pic if you can't figure it out..

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Snitz Forums 2000

Disclaimer: The three most common types of skin cancer are basal cell carcinoma, squamous cell carcinoma, and melanoma. While melanoma is the most dangerous type, keep in mind that any cancer and potentially some cancer treatments can cause injury or death. The various views expressed in these public forums should not be considered as medical advice. See your qualified health-care professional for medical attention, advice, diagnosis, and treatments.