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 Skin cancer topical treatments
 alkaline vs acidic topical BBC and SCC treatments

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dorisw Posted - 01/11/2016 : 14:29:27
Perhaps a year ago I read on this forum a post or posts (by Dan?) about rotating between different topical treatments, and to rotate between alkaline and acidic mediums. Can someone please help me find this info again? Better still, help me navigate amongst several products we have just purchased : cymilium, and the essential oils of frankincense, sandalwood, sweet orange, rosemary. Vit C powder ( for vit C paste), baking soda (for baking soda paste), carrier oils such as almond, apricot kernel, coconut, argan. Digestive enzymes, probiotics. We got these because he had to discontinue his most recent treatments with cannabis oil because of allergic reactions - sadly, because it seemed to work better than most other approaches. I would like to device a topical treatment plan that rotates between alkaline / acidic.
To give some background info: for abt 7 years my husband has been trying different treatments on his basal and squamous cell carcinoma on his hands. Not helpful were: Black salve, hydroxen peroxide, tea tree oil, cedarwood essential oil, eggplant cream, freezing by dermatologist, cutting /surgically removal ( more grows back than was removed). Abt 4 years ago he had successful skin grafts on both hands, nothing grew back in the same locations, but eventually in different ones. These he treated successfully over a span of 2 years with micro electricity, but then he overlooked some growth, they got bigger and micro electricity did not touch them. Topical applications of iodine kept tumors in check and reduce them somewhat but not remove them. Then came partially helpful local chemotherapy injections, most tumors disappeared, but some were very slow in responding, at which point the dermatologist dismissed him. More recently he was extremely hopeful about cannabis oil. It very quickly ( in about a month) healed 7 out of 9 tumors. But two larger tumors persisted, and then he started to have allergic reactions to the cannabis and had to stop. We will be leaving for a month long vacation in about 2 weeks and want to bring products with us. These things can grow very quickly if nothing is being done.
I try to implement a healthy diet that also normalizes the PH, but he is not always with the program.
I truly appreciate this website for its wonderful wealth of information. I hope to get some answers before we leave. Many thanks in advance!
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gloe Posted - 04/16/2016 : 09:17:42
Originally posted by dorisw

gloe and anivoc, about your statement " I too think about giving up for the knife" I just want to let you know that this may not be the miracle solution you are hoping for. My husband had tumors cut out many times, invariable with more new tumors pupping up in proximity of the old tumors. Cut out one get three new ones back... cutting seems to stimulate new tumor formation for him. The only procedure that worked permanently was skin grafts. A long healing process ( ca 6 weeks), after good skin from the upper thigh was taken and grafted onto the area on the back of the hand were the tumors had been cut out. No tumors ever re grew there. Unfortunately this surgeon retired and no one else want to perform it here, they all want to cut which does not work for him.
Trying cymillium now, as well sandalwood oil, and orange oil. He is also receiving local chemo injections which is combined with freezing the area. We shall see...

Yes, dorisw, one of the reasons I hesitate so much about going the surgical route is that there are so many reports of people getting more tumors, usually right on the incision line. Thanks for your comments. I am hanging in there.
dorisw Posted - 04/09/2016 : 14:48:27
gloe and anivoc, about your statement " I too think about giving up for the knife" I just want to let you know that this may not be the miracle solution you are hoping for. My husband had tumors cut out many times, invariable with more new tumors pupping up in proximity of the old tumors. Cut out one get three new ones back... cutting seems to stimulate new tumor formation for him. The only procedure that worked permanently was skin grafts. A long healing process ( ca 6 weeks), after good skin from the upper thigh was taken and grafted onto the area on the back of the hand were the tumors had been cut out. No tumors ever re grew there. Unfortunately this surgeon retired and no one else want to perform it here, they all want to cut which does not work for him.
Trying cymillium now, as well sandalwood oil, and orange oil. He is also receiving local chemo injections which is combined with freezing the area. We shall see...
gloe Posted - 04/09/2016 : 13:13:54
anivoc, I too think about giving up for the knife. But given where my problem is (large area on the side of my nose). I am not there yet. Thanks for posting your experiments.

dorisw, have you tried thyme oil? I recall seeing a YouTube video of someone who treated a very large area of skin cancer on their hand with thyme essential oil. That may be the next thing I try. I already ordered some.

Dan, thanks always for your helpful posts. I wish I had better news about my own problem. Will keep everyone posted.
anivoc Posted - 03/22/2016 : 16:55:11
Well a few days short of a month later and.....I still have tumors...they are smaller, getting eaten away, but very slowly and each day a single very big ouch treatment...not sure if it is worth it...for sure on the AK's my face is looking a lot better basically getting a daily chemical peel...The largest one on my shoulder is getting eaten away but it is weird...There are spots the remain and then caverns where there once was tumor and now these cracks.. I would suspect if I had the guts to put myself through this multiple times daily they would be shrinking much faster...I just can't stomach the pain more than once...and I do this after my shower so I put it off as long as I can each day...

I'll continue to forge forward but several times I have been ready to just give up and face the knife...we'll see.

anivoc Posted - 02/26/2016 : 13:33:16
Hi Doris,

Sounds like your husband has been through some tough too!

Worse yet most of mine are on my forehead so I have been wearing a hat for the last 3 years covering up the bandages that cover the areas I have been treating...ugh!

I have ran the gauntlet of mixtures and concoctions and I can say for a fact zinc chloride is a powerful tool in the eradication and control of skin cancers...amazing what it will cause the body to do.

You mentioned your husband used Black Salve..The only reason I can imagine Black Salve not working is because it was not the Black Salve that Cansema sells which is on par with what Doctor Mohs used when he started performing "Mohs Surgeries" many years ago...

My nodular basal cell have really gotten out of control experimenting for the softer more gentle way to knock them out..

I have used black salve and it definitely knocks them out as well as any medical approach and as such, sometimes they come back...there is no 100% cure rate of any current approach to skin cancers because on some people, sometimes, they just do come back...That said the pain price paid with authentic Black Salve that has Zinc Chloride in it is a seriously painful price to pay even on small ones... on big ones YEOUCH! I was trying a litany of this and that and that and this of various herbs, vitamins, chemicals, minerals you name it..if it had a glimmer of hope I have tried it..

So much much bleeding... miles of micropore tape over the last 10 years..

frustrating...not to say I haven't had some success at knocking some small ones out but the 3 big daddies have persisted and gotten bigger...too big...a month or so back applying one of these mixtures that burned really bad for about 20 minutes after application I decided that was it...I can't keep torturing myself...If I couldn't get this one above my left eye and the one on my shoulder to retreat..I was going to bite the bullet and get them cut out. well I broke out my liquid mixture of zinc chloride which is about a 50% solution and some clear iodine I had made and and made a mixture...

Without trying to create false hope I think I have the winning solution...It burns pretty bad but it is for about 20 minutes..

None of this is exact but lets say the iodine and zinc chloride are about a 50% solution each...when I say this I mean if you were to take a teaspoon of Potasium Iodite and a teaspoon of water and mix them that is the solution I have..same with the zinc chloride. I mix 1 dropper of zinc, two droppers of Iodine, 4 droppers of DMSO and 4 droppers of water. I use a make up brush to burns and I wait about 5 minutes...I then dab the lesions with a tissue to remove any excess mixture..I coat the lesions with beeswax olive oil salve (5 to 1)@ (5 ounces of olive oil to one ounce of beeswax) and then cover with micropore tape ( I use the tan / flesh tone version.....the lesions are getting eaten away slowly and for sure are shrinking / retreating...the mixture really whacks AK's out fast...

When I realized I was making headway I took pictures of all my lesions. I am going on a trip for two weeks and will apply daily as I travel... when I get back that will be a good time for a reality check before and after picture comparison...I am cautiously optimistic.. if I feel I am at a standstill
I'm done..I'm heading to the butcher shop and getting them sliced out ..

Of course this is my own crazy concoction and anyone that wants to attempt to duplicate it and try it on themselves does so at their own risk and responsibility...always try a very small area first when experimenting....

dan Posted - 01/24/2016 : 22:57:33
Hi Doris, I used orange oil and Cymilium independently, actually years apart, so I don't have any results on cycling those treatments. The cycling idea came up because people would report this or that worked for them and would be understandably excited. However, many times success came after trying other treatments before finding the one that worked for them, and those other treatments may have set up the treatment that worked so well. And when other people tried the treatment that supposedly worked, there are often mixed results, perhaps due in part to not having the same history of prior treatments.

You are right that Cymilium is alkaline and vitamin C paste is normally acidic. Essential oils as far as I know are not categorized as acidic or alkaline. Essential oils usually have active ingredients called terpenes, some of which can work in various ways inhibit the growth of different cancer cells. Orange oil has the active ingredient d-limonene which has been studied for its anticancer properties.
dorisw Posted - 01/24/2016 : 19:35:04
Thank You Dougrun for offering info about your different approaches. I guess it is a matter of trial and error, perseverance, and finding what works for you. The Rick Simpson oil ( cannabis) worked best for my husband, totally cleared up several tumors, but then he became allergic to it. Thanks for mentioning DMSO, we will add it to the program.
dorisw Posted - 01/21/2016 : 18:50:37
Great Dan, I really appreciate your answer, thank you! Thank you for pointing out the exact location of the search feature, somehow I kept looking at the rectangular area above the blue line where it says Show Oldest Posts First (Default) thinking it looked like a search feature, but did not work like one... I finally found and tried the search just now but it only showed this post for acidic alkaline, none other.
Did you apply Cymillium on the same days as orange oil, or did you apply Cymillium for three days on its own, then orange oil for 3 days, and kept rotating? You said that Cymillium is alkaline, and I suppose orange oil and Vit C paste are acidic.
Would you know if frankincense and sandalwood oil are one or the other? Some people seem to apply them at the same time several times a day
Dougrun Posted - 01/21/2016 : 18:23:20
While frankincense seems to have helped a little on mine, i dont think it was enough to kill it outright. I did a session with it and DMSO and that really penetrated but I stopped using it for my main basal site a while ago(mine is on my forehead). It does seem to upset some moles I have and has lessened them. Cymilium didnt seem to have any effect on me. I saturated the area with sodium ascorbate+DMSO 4 days in a row, then let the scabbing work, then I hit it again 2 days and the epidermal layer disintegrated, surprisingly with no pain. Now i'm finishing it up with curaderm (on day 16 as I type this) and it seems to be doing ok.
dan Posted - 01/20/2016 : 21:50:19
Sorry Doris, I looked a couple of times but could not find the thread you remember. There actually is a search feature located in the upper right of every page in the forum but it can still be difficult to find things especially in the larger threads.

You seem to have a good arsenal to work with. I think the idea was to cycle different treatments and rest so that the cancer could not have enough time to develop a tolerance to any of them before being attacked from a different angle. I had good luck topically with Cymilium (very alkaline with ammonia, urea, aloe, and pancreatin enzymes) and orange oil. I think frankincense could possibly be good to cycle with orange oil on a three days on, two days off type routine. Vitamin C paste (acidic) could possibly be good to weekly cycle with alkaline baking soda paste or Cymilium. The cycle approach is a concept not yet proven, but it seems promising.

I think supplementing astaxanthin, vitamin D, vitamin K2, probiotics, tumeric extract, grape seed extract, melatonin at night, magnesium, coenzyme Q10, and digestive enzymes at night really helped me in terms of skin health.

dorisw Posted - 01/20/2016 : 14:47:10
Wow, 9 days have gone by and no message to my post, disappointing. There is no search feature on this site, or else I would have tried to find the info myself. Still hoping for answers.

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Disclaimer: The three most common types of skin cancer are basal cell carcinoma, squamous cell carcinoma, and melanoma. While melanoma is the most dangerous type, keep in mind that any cancer and potentially some cancer treatments can cause injury or death. The various views expressed in these public forums should not be considered as medical advice. See your qualified health-care professional for medical attention, advice, diagnosis, and treatments.