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 self treating vs. alternative practitioners

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Meursault Posted - 03/24/2014 : 10:25:20
New here and wondering whether those who are seeking home remedies and other natural treatments for skin cancer have tried to find good "alternative" healthcare practitioners?

Seems there is a dilemma -- either submit to the cut (excision) and burn (topical chemo) tactics of the modern Dermatology industry, which to me is fundamentally same approach as used by the cancer industry for internal cancers. That is, rather barbaric and narrow and crude and toxic. Or, self treat using natural plant based medicines.

But since skin cancer is a serious affliction and esp with melanoma seemingly a systemic disease, seems the ideal is to find naturopaths, herbalists, chinese medicine docs, and the like who have experience with this, and who treat the person not the disease. One who can evaluate the state of the immune system, vit/mineral deficiencies, toxic load, etc. In addition to prescribing remedies for the cancer itself.

How do we find such practitioners?
7   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
gloe Posted - 04/18/2014 : 05:36:15
"Thanks, good to hear. I should point out that I don't currently have skin cancer. Had a melanoma 4.5yrs ago. Looking for a practitioner to help with prevention and screening going forward. Every time i go to a Dermatologist, its a terrible experience. Last one wanted me to burn my face with topical chemo just as a preventive measure for sun damaged skin. Sorry, but this is quackery in the extreme."
If you're anywhere near Las Vegas, NV, try Dr. Robert Milne.
Meursault Posted - 04/16/2014 : 19:35:24
Originally posted by Mark

Find a good naturopath. I just happened to log onto this site for the first time in several years to see whats being posted these days. I'm a little disappointed more people are not going to an ND. I went to a natural doctor because conventional medicine only wants to give drugs and cut you up, neither of which get to the root cause. If you're in Oregon, look up Dr Arlan Cage. Worked out great for me, got rid of the cancer, has never come back. Its been about 7 years BCC free. Just do a little research and find an ND that specifically has experience in cancer. Preferrably in thier bio it should state something about getting to the root cause. BCC is curable and i'm living proof. I tried a lot of the topical treatments with no consistent luck. Its tricky to figure it out on your own and everyone is different. You just need a good natural doctor. They can narrow down exactly what is YOUR cause, what you're deficient in, etc. Try topical treatments (you can look up all my old posts), but by all means, you really should find an ND you trust.

Thanks, good to hear. I should point out that I don't currently have skin cancer. Had a melanoma 4.5yrs ago. Looking for a practitioner to help with prevention and screening going forward. Every time i go to a Dermatologist, its a terrible experience. Last one wanted me to burn my face with topical chemo just as a preventive measure for sun damaged skin. Sorry, but this is quackery in the extreme.

Have not found or seen NDs who deal in this specifically, but good to know that they're out there. And glad others are going this route.
Mark Posted - 04/16/2014 : 14:14:53
Find a good naturopath. I just happened to log onto this site for the first time in several years to see whats being posted these days. I'm a little disappointed more people are not going to an ND. I went to a natural doctor because conventional medicine only wants to give drugs and cut you up, neither of which get to the root cause. If you're in Oregon, look up Dr Arlan Cage. Worked out great for me, got rid of the cancer, has never come back. Its been about 7 years BCC free. Just do a little research and find an ND that specifically has experience in cancer. Preferrably in thier bio it should state something about getting to the root cause. BCC is curable and i'm living proof. I tried a lot of the topical treatments with no consistent luck. Its tricky to figure it out on your own and everyone is different. You just need a good natural doctor. They can narrow down exactly what is YOUR cause, what you're deficient in, etc. Try topical treatments (you can look up all my old posts), but by all means, you really should find an ND you trust.
srains99 Posted - 04/10/2014 : 15:27:26
I think all we can do is keep looking. Maybe the best bet is to find a doctor who is at least open to treatment ideas. My dermatologist refused to discuss any other options than Mohs surgery. Not only that but it was no big deal to him. Surgery is the money maker and so that is all that most of them recommend. Good luck in your search
Meursault Posted - 04/10/2014 : 09:33:56
I just joined myself and do not really have an answer other than to say that I live in the US and have not been able to find any health care professional that would help outside of standard medical practice. Like you, I am not going to subject myself to surgery unless all other options have been exhausted.

Ok thanks, at least i know i'm not the only one who feels this way. I do have a local Naturopath who could be a resource in a general way. In fact, i learned more about skin cancer from him than al the dermatologists combined. Becuz he understands the body in an integrative way...
srains99 Posted - 04/10/2014 : 09:22:35
Originally posted by Meursault


Just wondering if people know of a way to find healthcare professionals who are not conventional dermatologists, but can help guide skin cancer treatment and prevention? Thanks.

I just joined myself and do not really have an answer other than to say that I live in the US and have not been able to find any health care professional that would help outside of standard medical practice. Like you, I am not going to subject myself to surgery unless all other options have been exhausted.
Meursault Posted - 03/28/2014 : 20:29:34

Just wondering if people know of a way to find healthcare professionals who are not conventional dermatologists, but can help guide skin cancer treatment and prevention? Thanks.

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Disclaimer: The three most common types of skin cancer are basal cell carcinoma, squamous cell carcinoma, and melanoma. While melanoma is the most dangerous type, keep in mind that any cancer and potentially some cancer treatments can cause injury or death. The various views expressed in these public forums should not be considered as medical advice. See your qualified health-care professional for medical attention, advice, diagnosis, and treatments.