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 Unusual Eschar situation - advice needed please

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
rockchuk Posted - 12/28/2013 : 23:40:35
Hello - this is my first post - very glad to have found this forum!

I have used black salve (Best on Earth) on and off for several years on various issues, all with success. However, this last experience has been highly unusual for me.

First off, I did two sites at once this time, something I had done before on smaller problems, but these cancers were bigger.....and the advice is true...please don't do more than one site at one time! The problem was both sites ended up with 'roots' so that I had to re-apply the salve a 2nd time, and there was incredibly intense pain for 2 sites (pain had never really been an issue before). They say doing 2 sites can also diminish your immune response.

So, after applying the salve to both sites the 2nd time (after approx. 10 days), the site on my hand went well, the eschar formed and dropped out in 10 days, leaving a clean, but deep hole (5/16" deep). And this hole is healing up very fast and looks good.

However, the site on my arm is very different and this is where I need help. As already mentioned, this is the 2nd application, and it will be 3 weeks today (dec 29th) since application. The top part of the eschar has simply deteriorated away (it sloughed off today), leaving a white mass of goo, which I am assuming is still the root?

The hole is healing around this approx. 5/16" wide round gooey 'root' that's very firmly attached and shows no signs of forming an escar. Pics below with short explanations......

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This shows the 2 sites approx. 5 days after 2nd application. Lots of pain and swelling going on here.

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This is my hand as of 4 days ago, the eschar came out clean and is healing like a champ.

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This was my arm this AM. The original eschar on top is sluffing off, leaving a 'root'(?) below.

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This is the 'root'(?) after the top came off. This mass is firmly attached to arm.

So here are my questions: Is this a root that needs another dose of black salve?

It is white. Does not this mean it's dead? If so, why hasn't my body dealt with this and expelled it?

If I must give it a 3rd try with the black salve, are there any other considerations I should do in order to help this along?

THANK YOU so much for your help, advice and insights. I appreciate them very much as I feel a bit lost here. God bless,
14   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Mark100 Posted - 06/30/2015 : 23:48:27
I see this an old thread but my understanding is that it is white spots inside the crater that are more likely remaining cancer roots.
And yes scar tissue can be a big problem trying to get the roots out of scar tissue. It may not even be possible in some cases. I wonder thou if surgery would be any better because they may not be able to get thru the scar tissue either depending on the location..

I have used coconut oil and then pawpaw ointment on the crater for healing.
acker Posted - 11/15/2014 : 14:03:59
rockchuk how did you go?
i have had similar although they seem to be recovering...
and also a few successful 'evictions' as well...
rockchuk Posted - 01/11/2014 : 01:53:22
Hi anivoc - just a note to let you know I want to continue our conversation, but we have been going 90 MPH readying to leave this sunday to work out of state for the winter. Will be offline for a week or so and then the connection may or may not be iffy. Thanks so much for ALL your most appreciated advice and ideas. So glad to hear you are making progress on a concoction that's working for you. I just now read the thread you suggested to the new lady from brazil on Iodine and it looks like worth a try. Sometime I would very much like to start a thread regarding the mind/body connection and if our subconscious has a say in our issues with skin cancer. I have a feeling it may. Not always, but perhaps more often than we think. But must sign off for now. Thank you for the Spurge info and map. I am going to make an effort to find it and grow some, at least when we return home in early april.
Thanks so much again, and God bless....take the best of care,
anivoc Posted - 01/05/2014 : 09:01:30
Hey Rock

I didn't use petty spurge on the ones on my face originally because I didn't know about it when I first treated... The ones I have on my head right now are big and I am eating away at them with a concoction I have made up and been modifying that for sure is not ready for prime time right it is currently I would NOT recommend it to anyone..too slow too painful but I have made gains using it. The whole idea was to go at it slower for a softer more gentle approach with good results. I have really zapped the aks well with it but the big daddy is holding on..I have eaten a lot of it away in the center but that 1/4" to @ 3/8" circular ridge is holding out...getting close to surrendering to one of three tougher choices...Bloodroot paste, Petty spurge or surgical excision per my it is what it is and I'm tiring of having to walk around in a hat all the time to hide the bandages..not to mention the daily dosing and maintenance of the dirty little suckers..more painful than I anticipated though usually for only 15 to 20 minutes unlike the heavy weight stuff that hurts bad for a few days and takes a few weeks to be over with.

I have learned a lot about Zinc Chloride, Vitamin C, MMS ( Sodiun Chlorite and Vitamin C), Vinegar and how they all effect skin cancer.

BTW I did discover ( the hard way ) that Zinc Chloride on it's own in concentrated amounts WILL burn healthy skin.. That goes against what we all know to be true with properly prepared Bloodroot paste but does indicate that if someone were to use improperly made Bloodroot paste, that had too much Zinc Chloride it could definitely burn healthy skin... Now eat holes in you that go very deep I don't know, but burn your a 50% solution for sure now I know it will.

In regards to Petty Spurge.

Petty spurge grows all over the U.S. so there should be no need to get seeds elsewhere.

I live in California and it literally grows in my back yard.

Here's a link to a map of where it grows wild in the U.S.

rockchuk Posted - 01/04/2014 : 11:47:49
I tried the advil last time (when I was doing two sites) and it didn't do anything, but will try it again tonight as this time it's not nearly as bad. The Manuka lasts a very long time. A little bit goes a long ways. It tastes like heck, so no worries in putting on your toast - ha! Got mine through vita cost. Really amazed at it's apparent healing properties. I too have had these buggers on my head and face, when I started this a few years back, and certainly feel for you!

I have to try the petty spurge! Is the best place to get the seeds from the Austrailia nursery site? Why wouldn't you use it on your face? Is it not strong enough? Thanks so much again, I sure have appreciated your feedback.
anivoc Posted - 01/04/2014 : 08:56:52
Ah yes Manuka Honey supposed to be super for healing... a little pricey here in states but if it helps why not.

Your hand looks like it is healing well...

I used Ibuprofen / Advil (which is an anti-inflammatory) and it always got me through the ordeal...but the ordeal is not fun..and sleep does not come easy.

Mine have all been on my head or neck ..though I had a small one on my arm last year that I zapped pretty easily with Petty Spurge.
rockchuk Posted - 01/04/2014 : 00:45:49
Hi Anivoc and July - thanks guys for the much appreciated feedback! :-) I love the idea of coconut oil as we use it internally and on our skin all the time now. Good to know that good 'ol Vaseline works too - but I will try the coconut oil sans the beeswax as we don't have any on hand. Once the eschar is out I seem to have had pretty good luck with a combo of fresh aloe vera (from a plant we have), vit E oil and manuka honey. I usually put 1 or 2 drops of vit E oil in the crater, then fill it up with the manuka honey, and bandage.

A quick note in case anyone finds it helpful....while the pain was half of what it was before this 3rd try, it still caused the first 2 nights to be pretty sleepless. I have some Darvocet on hand from an old back surgery and took that when it got too bad at night, but it only worked for 2, 3 hours max. But somehow I got the idea to try a prescription anti-inflammatory I had on hand from the same old surgery, called Meloxicam. It was a Godsend for me! It took down some inflammation but was far more effective at controlling pain than the pain pills. Of course I don't know if that works for everyone, but one might consider an anti-inflammatory if there's a lot of pain.

Here are a few more pics of the progress so far:

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This was the site before 3rd application. You can see the strange fibrous part of the eschar. This was indeed fibrous, and slight tugging on it felt like it went pretty deep.

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This is the site right after 24 hours of the black salve. You can see where the fibrous tissue has been 'cooked'.

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This is the site tonight, approx. 60 hours after the black salve was washed off. I think it's coming along well and it does not hurt nearly as badly as it looks, I think in great part to the Meloxicam.

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This is to show the 2nd site as of tonight and how well it's healing. As mentioned before this is filled with vit E oil and manuka honey and then bandaged.

Will be in touch on this ....thanks again, guys! :-)
julypanda Posted - 01/03/2014 : 17:31:36
Hi Rocky,
I myself just used vaseline to keep it moist and also kept covered most of the time however mine was on my face and quite ugly to look at. Once the eschar has come away I would use something that you are familiar with to help with scarring. I used Calendula cream myself and quite happy with my results.
Good Luck, and please post pictures of your progress
anivoc Posted - 01/02/2014 : 20:39:15
I've heard of all kinds of things to put on them ..The horse vet told me to use neosporin antibacterial ointment..I've heard good and bad but it worked on my first ones just fine...Later applications I used Chickweed healing salve which also worked just fine..

I now use my own little homemade salve which is a mixture of pure beeswax, olive oil and coconut oil... I melt it in a small porcelain cup set in a small pan of boiling water till it all melts down mix it up and pour into a the old tin I got from the Chickeweed salve guy ..his site is here

Carole over in the bloodroot paste thread ( where this really should be ) provided the following for her home made salve recipe:

The coconut oil/beeswax salve I made was 4 oz. of coconut oil and 1/2 oz. of beeswax originally. I thought it somewhat hard afterwards so added a little additional coconut oil and warmed it again and mixed together. Coconut oil is hard below about 76 degrees so it works better if it is kept somewhat warm. After putting on the skin it doesn't run or smear - stays in place and I believe it is superior to Vaseline.
rockchuk Posted - 01/02/2014 : 18:23:12
Quick question.....On the 1st I put black salve on my arm site for the 3rd time. The pain was nothing like round #2 with the two sites, but still needed pain pills to sleep. Left salve on for over 24 hours and now the immune system is kicking in with swelling, etc, etc. My question.....what is the best stuff to put on the site at this point? Vit E? Neem oil? I mention those because I already have them on hand. Advice much appreciated, as always - thank you! (I am keeping it covered with a that enough?)
rockchuk Posted - 01/01/2014 : 11:27:08
Hi anivoc, happy new year to you and July and all here! Thank you very much for your response. That makes me feel a bit better, in it not being an emergency. But with that said, I once read where someone (I believe Ingrid) said that scar tissue can keep the salve from penetrating enough to kill the cancer. That's what concerns me right now because the remainder of the white tissue is surprisingly quite fibrous. I will post a pic on that. So I'm thinking of biting the bullet and doing it a 3rd time, just for safety's sake. Especially since this episode adjoins a previous site done a few years ago, and which had scar tissue. It appears to have popped up next to it.

It will only be one site now, rather than two, so it should be much less pain. Again, I see now whey they say don't do two sites, or more, at once. The initial application may not be too bad, but putting it in an open site is pretty interesting. Interestingly, I did not have any pain for the first 3 hours, but when it kicked in it was like pouring alcohol on a large wound for about 8 hours straight with zero endorphins kicking in. It got better but still caused a few sleepless nights. Highly recommended to have prescription pain killers for the first bit.

A possibly interesting in the pics you see the 2 sites on my hand/arm....the skin in between the two was also very painful, as if it had been seriously burned. The skin could not be touched. Wearing a coat outside was quite tough, and in bed the arm had to be free of any clothes or sheet. Today, while there is little pain in that area, there is approx. 50% numbness....but that's getting better.

Still, I marvel at the body's ability to deal with this sort of thing, I trust God's wisdom in our design far more than medicines talents, at least for this sort of thing. We are truly walking miracles.

Thank you again.
anivoc Posted - 12/31/2013 : 15:22:25
hey Rock

Wish I could be of more help but it's just not easy to say..

Being as you have treated it twice ...if it was me..I'd let it heal up and see how it'll know with 6 months if it is healing well or if there is still some cancer in there...worse case you need to treat it again.

I have treated several some come back after a few years ..smaller but you know they are back...retreat and wait some more years.

Same goes for Mohs...they can get "everything" or so they think and a few years later things start popping up again..

Congrats on the success stories you have a had and THANK YOU for taking pictures...with all the negative stuff out there it is important for people to know there are plenty off success stories too.

All the best to you and Happy New Year!
rockchuk Posted - 12/31/2013 : 11:31:32
Thank you, July, for the response. Much appreciated. I was hoping to get some peoples thoughts who have experience with this, but maybe because of the holidays? I really want to know IF this cancer is dead as it's turned white? Will the body expel it eventually? If I don't have to do a 3rd time that would be nice. But if I have to I certainly will. Come on folks, please....some insights??
julypanda Posted - 12/29/2013 : 13:05:31
Wow Rocky, the one on your arm does appear to be quite different. If it were me, I would be tempted to do a third application of black salve (if you can stand the pain) however I believe the process should be a lot quicker for you. Good Luck, and certainly do a lot of research first. I find the whole process a little daunting with a few uncertainties but it does seem to work....

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Disclaimer: The three most common types of skin cancer are basal cell carcinoma, squamous cell carcinoma, and melanoma. While melanoma is the most dangerous type, keep in mind that any cancer and potentially some cancer treatments can cause injury or death. The various views expressed in these public forums should not be considered as medical advice. See your qualified health-care professional for medical attention, advice, diagnosis, and treatments.