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 Sunspot ES results and question

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marymcdowell5 Posted - 07/19/2007 : 17:33:42
About two weeks ago I started using Sunspot Es on an area of my cheek about two inches by two inches. After reading on this forum about combining treatments, I began to use the Sunspot, orange oil and DMSO to speed things up. The orange oil and DMSO produced quite a stinging sensation and a lot of redness, so after about three days I stopped using the orange oil, but continued with the Sunspot and DMSO twice a day. My skin began to feel "dead" and turned brownish and is now in the process of peeling off, leaving new, pinkish skin beneath. Is the brown, deadish skin what is meant by a crust? The peeling right now is very uneven, and I am continuing to apply the Sunspot and DMSO. When does one stop this? I was using this treatment for numerous small age spots on my face.
Mary McDowell
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marymcdowell5 Posted - 07/20/2007 : 08:05:08
I started this process not quite two weeks ago and used only the Sunspot for a day or two. Then I added the orange oil a couple of minutes after the Sunspot without much reaction. When I added the DMSO on top of that, I really felt the difference. A couple of times I held off (for a few minutes) on the DMSO to see if the orange oil and Sunspot alone would cause a reaction, but it seemed to need the DMSO to produce the stinging. I definitely feel the orange oil/DMSO speeded things up considerably but it was quite red--looked like a an isolated patch of sunburn. After three or four days the skin felt numb when I touched it. I stopped using the orange oil (the reaction was so strong that I was a little afraid to continue experimenting on my face) and continued twice a day with the Sunspot/DMSO. Iused the DMSO because I couldn't imagine the Sunspot being able to penetrate that skin alone. The skin gradually turned brown (I am fair-skinned) and began to flake. Right now it doesn't look very good with areas of redness and brown patches so I'm going to give it a rest and see what happens. I am putting emu oil on and a copper peptide from Skinbiology which helps healing. I don't think this was a case of skin cancer (I have had a lot of basal cell cancers on my back and shoulders and I know what that looks like)--I thought it was just sun-damage, but maybe pre-cancerous?
fforest Posted - 07/20/2007 : 02:20:50
Mary yes the orange oil stings because of your skin condition..Try putting orange oil on healthy skin it will not sting...The pain is showing you you have a problem..Orange oil sunspot dmso great combination you have here...The sunspot will crust a lot less if used with dmso..The dying skin cancer is not the crusting the crusting comes from applying many layers of sun spot cream...You need to give the spots your working on a rest for 3 or 4 or 5 days every now and then so you can see how the healing is going and if more work needs to be done...
Mark Posted - 07/19/2007 : 21:08:23
Mary - Thats really interesting. I've began experimenting with DMSO as well for a BCC spot on my nose. So far i've been using DMSO combined with: pancreatin enzymes, ground apicot pits, H202, and vitamins E and D. After 2-3 days the BCC site really has swelled and is very distinct, but all bleeding has stopped. I'm wondering if my immune system is finally recognizing the BCC cells and attacking.

I'm curious how long after using the orange oil/DMSO did you continue with the other sunspot/DMSO treatment before you saw the "dead" skin form? I havn't tried the DMSO with the orange oil yet, but am curious if that really jump started the healing for you and the sunspot cleaned it up, or if you continued the other treatment for weeks after the orange oil before seeing results. Thanks for any input.

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Disclaimer: The three most common types of skin cancer are basal cell carcinoma, squamous cell carcinoma, and melanoma. While melanoma is the most dangerous type, keep in mind that any cancer and potentially some cancer treatments can cause injury or death. The various views expressed in these public forums should not be considered as medical advice. See your qualified health-care professional for medical attention, advice, diagnosis, and treatments.