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 Eggplant for skin cancer very exciting

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fforest Posted - 06/29/2007 : 19:54:55
I would like to share my experience with Eggplant as a treatment for skin cancer...This information is very new so I will add more later...This treatment needs more testing before it can say this is a cure or on the A list of treatments...

As people on this forum know I have been raving about sunspot ES cream for a while...While I still like sunspot ES cream I have grown unhappy with its limitations...1 It does not penetrate the skin as good as I would like with out dmso..2 It only works where applied...3 You can only buy it by mail order..4 It crust up on the skin easy...

Doing some research on glycoalkaloids found in sunspot.....I read this here * Eggplant or aubergine (Solanum melongena) has been examined, and has been shown to contain the exact replica of BEC. This means that a fruit, which is eaten as a vegetable throughout the world, contains BEC. Each eggplant contains 7 to 25 mg of BEC per 100 grams of fruit. Eggplant contain more BEC than Curaderm.

I then read this article here...

Which gave me the idea to make a poultice out of the eggplant and apply it to the skin....I think the vinegar may help release the glycoalkaloids I am not sure really all I know is that it worked for me...

I got a eggplant and cut it up and put it in the blender.I then put in a mostly vinegar and some water and blended..Only add as much liquid as needed because you want the mix thick with some texture...
If you blend it to much it turns into liquid...

I have had some very nasty bloody lesions on my head..Swollen very nasty things..Plus a good bit of skin cancer on my face..

I applied the eggplant to my head and face and let it sit for 2-3 hours and massaged the eggplant into my lesions...The lesions let off a good bit of heat...The swelling went way way down and all the bloody cancer spots looked 100% better within hours..I have been doing this every day for about 5 days.....All my skin conditions are looking so much better that I hope to not be posing here any more....

The glycoalkaloids in the eggplant seem to get into the skin much better than with the sunspot cream even though the eggplant poulitce is not as strong(Note sunpsot cream is great stuff and can be used were needed after you use the eggplant}...This seems to make for a nicer healing and a nice clean crusting of the cancer spots...

I want to say I have been treating my cancer spots with orange oil for a few weeks before this so maybe the orange oil had already done some heavy lifting before I applied the eggplant...

I like the action of the orange oil on my skin cancer,it penetrates the skin wonderfully and seem to do some nice work cleaning up the cancer but I found the orange oil lacking in the ability to finish the job..The orange oil has very poor pulling action on the cancer...It does a good job identifying the cancer patches on the skin and starting to heal them but I really felt the orange oil needs some help and maybe that help will come from eggplant...

The eggplant and the orange oil have the huge advantage over other things is you can apply then every where and let them find the skin cancer...Skin cancer loves to hide and if you have a little skin cancer their is a good chance you have a bit more you do not see...

I would love some feedback on this treatment from other people...One really great thing folks is the eggplant hardly hurts at all its cheap and easy to apply....

See Below for full report....
75   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Mandy Posted - 06/25/2015 : 23:12:32

New to this site, but I see there's a good deal of debate about the efficacy of actual eggplant as opposed to Curaderm, I just wanted to quickly share my experience of success. I had a BCC on my forehead, diagnosed and textbook shiny bump with bits of black inside. I treated it with orange oil, a homemade mixture of eggplant and believe it or not balsamic vinegar, which I let set in the fridge for weeks, I had cut up pieces that I put under a band-aid, only at night at first until it became too red and nasty looking to cover with makeup, then I started wearing it full time. I did this for a few months, then as it was dwindling I added Rick Simpson oil on the top. It completely disappeared, completely. Placebo? I don't think so - I just didn't want half my forehead taken off, so I just thought I'd give it a try. I was a Zuma Beach California girl - so unfortunately have many more where that came from. I'm currently treating a place on my leg they want to biopsy - trying to hurry this one along! Good luck to everyone...:))
anivoc Posted - 12/18/2014 : 07:19:11
Originally posted by Perry

This article might apply here:

"Finally, we report that an extract from the skin of the fruit of Solanum melongena (aubergine, eggplant), induce selective killing of melanoma cells"

Thanks Perry...this is interesting as it identifies that it is not the fruit of the eggplant but an extract from the skin that was found to be an active inhibitor against melanoma.

I'll look further into eggplant skin..

I was told years back by one of the Curadern "specialist" that the typical eggplant we buy here in the U.S. is not the same as the eggplant used to make Curaderm.
I am not sure how true that was and Curaderm never explains what part of the eggplant they are using to make their very expensive BEC5 cream.

I love to eat eggplant so I'll buy some, peel it and grind up the skin and apply a paste of it on one of my ongoing BCC's and see what effect it has...hmmmm?
anivoc Posted - 12/18/2014 : 07:07:28
I still hold my stance that the eggplant mixture is NOT effective against Basal Cell Skin cancers.

I know from personal experience that the typical purple eggplant we buy here in the united states mixed in a slurry with vinegar DOES NOT have any effect on nodular Basal cell tumors...I wasted a few months trying with no success.

I also know from personal experience that I was able to knock out a 1/2" sized Actinic Keratosis "AK" by soaking it several times daily with vinegar... A little painful but it worked.

It's been a while so I am not sure Kittykisses is still coming here to answer me but as I read through her post a couple of questions arose.

Kittykisses never identified what type of skin cancer it was or if it was ever biopsied but I suspect it was an AK and it was the vinegar that knocked it out..

If you have AK's a 3 to 5% solution of vinegar will help you knock it out.

IMO the eggplant mixture is a messy waste of time, you'll get the same results from just using vinegar on a soaked gauze / pad.

For AK's you may have possible success, on basals or other skin cancers types I am doubtful vinegar in of itself will eradicate them
Perry Posted - 12/17/2014 : 12:56:07

This article might apply here:

"Finally, we report that an extract from the skin of the fruit of Solanum melongena (aubergine, eggplant), induce selective killing of melanoma cells"
Kittykisses73 Posted - 06/12/2013 : 12:38:21
Originally posted by Peter Hegeman

I have a BCC on my leg and it starts as a small skin "eruption", almost like a small pimple. So I am applying the eggplant and vinegar solution to it. Within a few days the "pimple" turned into a circular looking thing about a 1/4 inch in diameter with a black scabby nasty thing in the center! Is this normal ? The treatment is definitely doing something I just hope this is an indication its working. When do you know when it's done? Thanks to anyone who can provide some feedback.

I have read this entire forum topic and everyone's reaction to the mixture is different. In our case, my husbands was already a open sore type lesion. It had a scab and was wet most of the time (pretreatment). I do believe from what I read on this site, that is pretty normal. It's been about 3 months for him now and his has developed into a scar. Thick around the edges, but pink new skin. There is a small scab at the top which he still treats with the solution a couple times a week, but it looks fantastic. Go back and read the earlier posts here. I do recall seeing lots of indications that the spot does scab, and it will come off naturally on its own, but that is how some equate that it's getting rid of the bad cells.

We are all on a quest to find a natural way to deal with these issues, and its all natural so in my opinion it can't hurt to try. Give it a little time, but if you are in doubt, you can always seek the advice of a doctor. All I know is it has cleared up a spot the size of a nickel that my husband had for 5 years prior to us finding this site and has it has worked miracles for him.

Good luck and keep us informed.
Peter Hegeman Posted - 06/12/2013 : 10:34:37
I have a BCC on my leg and it starts as a small skin "eruption", almost like a small pimple. So I am applying the eggplant and vinegar solution to it. Within a few days the "pimple" turned into a circular looking thing about a 1/4 inch in diameter with a black scabby nasty thing in the center! Is this normal ? The treatment is definitely doing something I just hope this is an indication its working. When do you know when it's done? Thanks to anyone who can provide some feedback.
Kittykisses73 Posted - 06/04/2013 : 06:04:59
Originally posted by Carlie


Do we need to peel the eggplant first befor chopping it up? I didnt because I thought there may be some nutrients in the skin too? Am I right?

No. You leave the skin on it. You can cut it in small cubes or purée it, but the skin should be used as part of the solution.
Carlie Posted - 06/04/2013 : 00:25:52

Do we need to peel the eggplant first befor chopping it up? I didnt because I thought there may be some nutrients in the skin too? Am I right?
Swanrose Posted - 04/29/2013 : 13:10:57
I see that the link I left in the above post has stretched the page horizontally. I would go in and fix it but I don't have an edit or delete button. I've written to the forum moderator, but not hearing back. Can anyone help?

On the forum help page, it looks like no has posted there since last year. Is this just not an active site any longer?
Swanrose Posted - 04/29/2013 : 02:54:51
Kittykisses, I think I'm going to try your idea, and thank you for posting and sharing. Instead of vinegar, which is too strong-smelling for my MCS condition, I will probably try lemon juice.

I'm also interested in trying the bloodroot application. I take it this must be an herb to brow or infuse, then apply?

NOW makes a good cosmetic-grade orange oil, which I found last night in a search, and will probably order.
Kittykisses73 Posted - 04/11/2013 : 10:15:27
I just had to post my story here and thank everyone who has contributed. My husband is from Australia & when he came here five years ago he had a sun cancer spot that seemed to worsen over time. I did some research and found this site. We went out and purchased a brand new mason jar, a medium eggplant (had hoped for organic but settled for regular) and a bottle of organic cider vinegar. He cut the eggplant up in small cubes and we filled the jar (really packed it in there) and covered it with the entire bottle of vinegar and let it sit in the fridge for 3 days. Every time we opened the fridge we shook the jar to mix it up good. He started putting the liquid mixture on the pad of a band aid (the lesion was on his chest) and put it on each day before he left for work. It's been about 9 weeks now and it's all gone. It used to weep & bleed and looked very nasty and deep, and now it's very light pink soft skin. No more scab, no more bleeding. It looks fantastic.

Thank you to all who have posted here and done research as this truly was a blessing to find.

My deepest appreciation to everyone!!!!!
peter4836 Posted - 05/12/2012 : 04:57:49
This information on might be interesting for you.
anivoc Posted - 04/14/2012 : 13:15:27
Originally posted by billboo

just new here, checking out some posts on different ideas and noticed a few ingredients in common (orange peel and vinegar).
Had a brain snap and decided to start this tonight, then try using it topically (it kinda makes sense to me) then even try mixing it with eggplant (3 ingredients often mentioned all together)

Welcome just checked out your DIY Orange oil page...cooool!

A heads up on the eggplant.. IMO don't waste your time..If there is anybody here who disagrees speak up.

Fforest posted this in 2007... I am sure 100's of people ( including myself) gave this a try.. I don't know of anyone who had amazing results.. The type of "eggplant" that is used in Curaderm ( I don't endorse or recommend it personally... tried it and though it kind of worked I was unsuccessful at eradicating my big BCC's) is different than the eggplant we buy in stores.

Orange oil is definitely an irritant to skin cancers and so is vinegar.
I have actually knocked out a pretty big AK "actinic keratosis" with just vinegar.

Dependent on what you are dealing with I'm thinking your DIY orange oil that already has vinegar might be quite a powerful skin cancer solution.

Don't try it everywhere.( If you have not already done so) always try two test areas, One where you know you have a problem and one in an area where you are sure there is no problem. That lets you know if whatever you are using is just caustic to all skin or just diseased skin.
I did this with bloodroot and found that bloodroot indeed had no effect on healthy skin but tore into diseased skin like nobodys business.

Anyway... Welcome and good luck! Keep us posted and always if possible take pictures before, during and after.. "proof of the Pusdding" Or as some say POIDH pictures or it didn't happen ;)
billboo Posted - 04/14/2012 : 05:23:44
just new here, checking out some posts on different ideas and noticed a few ingredients in common (orange peel and vinegar).
Had a brain snap and decided to start this tonight, then try using it topically (it kinda makes sense to me) then even try mixing it with eggplant (3 ingredients often mentioned all together) Posted - 04/09/2012 : 10:03:20
Originally posted by anivoc

Fforest Citri-solv

Started looking into Orange oil just now and looked up Citri-solve and ingredients in the msds

Though it is less than 1/4 of a percent in the ingredient citri-solv does contain Butylated Hydroxyanisole which is a carcinogen. Wonder if there is orange oil out there that is just D-limonene?

I believe you have probably already found this list:

"citrus nobilis (clementine), citrus aurantium bergamia (bergamot), cymbopogon citratus(lemongrass), canarium luzonicum nonvolatiles (elemi), citrus aurantium dulcis (orange), citrus aurantifolia (lime), cananga odorata (ylang ylang), lavandula angustifolia (lavender), mentha spicata (spearmint), mentha piperita (peppermint), cedrol, canarium luzonicum gum nonvolatiles (elemi oil), cinnamomum zeylanicum bark extract(cinnamon leaf oil), citrus aurantifolia (lime) oil, citrus aurantium amara (bitter orange) oil, citrus aurantium bergamia(bergamot) fruit oil, citrus aurantium dulcis (orange) oil, citrus limon (lemon) peel oil, coriandrum sativum (coriander) fruit oil, elettaria cardamomum (cardamon) seed oil, eugenia caryophyllus (clove) leaf oil, myristica fragrans (nutmeg) kernel oil, pelargonium graveolens (geranium) flower oil, zingiber officinale (ginger) root oil. d#8208;Limonene is a component of these
essential oils"

As for a source of the highest quality oils you can find.... I use .... they are expensive, but just from smelling and handling you can feel its quality. NOTHING else other than just the oils from the plant. Compare it to any other essential oil. the aroma alone will beat out competitors, YL also does gas chromatograph spectrums of their oils, all kinds of tests to check quality and levels of phytochemicals. Run by a naturopath, best source of oils i know of on the planet. please tell me if you know of anywhere else that has as-good or better quality oils. i dont think there are....

Grapefruit and orange oil are the highest in d-limonene, aroudn 90 percent. Elemi is also very good for skin issues, antioxidant, and is 40-70% limonene.... real whole-plant sources of d-limonene will definitely work better than using citra-solv....!!!

Note using citrus oils..... even citra-solv-crap.... they are phototoxic.... when applied to the skin, whereever applied should not receive any sunlight for AT LEAST 12 hours....
BasalBoy Posted - 08/27/2011 : 15:49:57
Using eggplant & vinegar is not caustic or painful and may have produced some results. See the photos under BASALBOY.
BasalBoy Posted - 08/27/2011 : 15:46:49
Originally posted by fforest

If anyone tries the eggplant mixture and or orange oil please post your results good or bad...I am having great results with this....The eggplant mix is very easy to make and super cheap..Its easy to apply but can be a bit messy...My cancer spots have started to look better within hours,but to heal 100% is going to take a bit of time...I will write a full report later....

LoricaLady Posted - 08/14/2011 : 10:00:02
About 2 months ago I discovered a little flesh colored bump on my forehead. How long it had been there I have no idea since I wear bangs and generally don't much look at that area, plus it was flesh colored. It was about the size of 1/2 of a good sized pea. It was kind of crusty on top and the surrounding area was kind of crusty too. Since then I have seen on the net that the bump matched the description of a possibly precancerous condition.

I tried iodine & hydrogen peroxide & they had no impact at all.

Not to get religious, but to give credit where credit is due, I prayed about it and a night or so later when I was not even thinking about it I felt YHWH brought me a word of knowledge, "eggplant."

I researched and saw that people were using it in conjunction with other things, like vinegar, to treat skin problems. I just used eggplant.

I kept the Eggplant in a big freezer bag in the refrigerator and would cut off about a 1" by 2" slice of it each night then rub this liberally for a minute or so onto the lesion and surrounding areas. Within a few days the bump got smaller. In a month it was completely gone. Actually I still use it just to be on the safe side.

Here is something that may sound bizarre. Since my sister has been diagnosed with possibly pre cancerous bumps in her colon, I decided to put some eggplant in the blender and add it to a retention enema twice a week. I have done this for several weeks with no ill effects. Maybe it is just a coincidence but I am more regular since then.

I think things like these are wake up calls that we need to be sure we are getting plenty of Vit. D (especially through some sunshine) and be carefully monitoring our ph levels and monitoring our diets to get rid of things like sugar & additives, etc. etc. and maybe do parasites, liver stone & heavy metal cleanses. (Curezone has tons of info on how to do those cleanses & don't trust the lab tests at all re parasites. I had already done those cleanses but, again, I do not have a clue how long that bump was there.)
k9luv Posted - 05/18/2011 : 14:08:54
Originally posted by fforest

If any one knows of a 100% pure source for D-limonene please post..The citri-solv was the purest orange oil I could find at a store near me...

Butylated Hydroxyanisole cant be all bad if they put it in food..It sound like reading this that it has good things and bad things about it...

There's a product called Natural EsophaGuard from that is 98.5% d-limonene.
Neil Posted - 03/04/2010 : 07:24:41
Dan. Thanks very much on your feedback and the heads-up and the link on d-limonene. The article on he link sounds very professional and encouraging on the use of this. I may try it topically on the arms. After all, the MD with extensive knowledge/experience that I noted may not know everything especially in the area of alternative medicine. I'll also look into pancreatin enzymes with the view toward using it as well.

As an aside, the very cost-effective d-limonene caps have been shown to give relief for Gastroesophageal Reflux (GERD), or serious recurring heartburn. My wife has this and takes very costly prescription Nexium. I'll show her this.

Amazing the catch-up MD's have to do. But being joined at the hip with big pharma as they are, I won't hold my breath. One just has to make an end-run around this establishment -- and I have to say that it's forums like yours that help block interference.

Somewhere in researching the d-limonene I ran across the benefits of ingesting citrus peal. Sounds to me like the old "zest" of gourmet cooking.

Thanks again Sir.
dan Posted - 03/02/2010 : 00:56:49
Hi Neil, thanks for the interesting progress report. I like the multiple approaches. Of the five things mentioned (orange oil, hydrogen peroxide, aloe vera gel, Raspex raspberry gel, and eggplant), I think the one with probably the most horsepower is orange oil. But I understand that it's difficult to go against the advice of a doctor you trust. I found the Now orange oil product was not as powerful as organic food grade d-limonene cleaners. It took me around 4 weeks before I saw improvement using the stronger topical d-limonene cleaner.

Another thing I could see adding to the mix is pancreatin enzymes, either from SupraClens contact lens cleaner or open a dietary supplement capsule and mix with the other ingredients.
Neil Posted - 03/01/2010 : 10:46:18
By way of a progress report -- nothing conclusive yet.: Both forearms in question. One had history of BC and was cut out years ago. Other recently biopsied w/ BC by a derma. I have been working on both forearms for 3 wks. Applying multiple curatives over the course of each day as follows:

1A. A week with NOW orange oil which brought up an archipelligo of 1/8" diam. red spots along both arms.
A vastly experienced MD, not the derma., said stop the orange oil & make an apt. to burn or freeze off the one larger spot previously biopsied as BC. He said it was surficial & could be taken out that way. So I stopped the orange oil and on my own started…

1B. Bathing arms in Hydrogen peroxide as I've read elsewhere that Big C doesn't like oxygen. Red spot results appear same as with orange oil. Noticed that with either orange oil or H2O2, shortly after application I get the feeling in the arms of that realm of sensation somewhere between tingling and stinging -- not unpleasant but not pleasant either. I have the hunch that it is an indicator of something good happening.

(The apt. to burn or freeze off by the MD is 3 weeks away.)

2. When the tingling/stinging becomes too bothersome, I rub on aloe-vera gel which soothes it. I also use that gel occasionally over the course of the day and get a good energetic feeling in the skin. The aloe may act as a rubifacient (bring more blood to epidermis), I don't know.

3. I rub on Raspex raspberry skin gell. Good raps on this from another of Dan's forums.

4. Still putting on my 1/4 " slices of eggplant. I score them lightly first with a fork cross-hatched. Held on w/ Ace type bandage.

Intelligent feedback on any of this appreciated.
thanks01 Posted - 02/22/2010 : 11:17:45
You might use the search function on "pancreatin," something Dan has been recommending off and on. I used a paste made of a pancreatin capsule (from Swanson Health) and some common hand lotion and this seemed to be successful in removing something like what you describe. I applied the paste once a day, in the AM. Took some months, but painless and seems to be gone.

As for the lesion, it was on the back of my hand, brownish-purple, slightly raised, about 1/2 inch long. After I had been treating it for some time and it was a lot better, I showed it to "the derm" at a regular checkup and he dismissed it quickly as "a wart" He probably knows more about warts than I do. The only other thing I had seen like this was a smaller one on my wrist the year before, when I was using the eggplant treatment on my face for BCC, and the item on my wrist disappeared completely using eggplant and pancreatin mixed, in hand lotion. That is what encouraged me to proceed with the larger one that came later, and this seems to have worked.

I describe the lesion here a little because, like all on this forum, I want to stress that you should not overlook the possibility of REAL cancer, being specially watchful for the sinister melanoma. Don't just take these skin problems for granted as "age spots," etc. Best of luck.
Thoughts, anyone?
polly Posted - 02/22/2010 : 09:32:40
I have "age spots" on my hands. They are brown and slightly raised. Will any of the mentioned remedies work to remove them?
Neil Posted - 02/08/2010 : 08:58:54
Karitosis on forearms plus a spot biopsied as basil cell. Using eggplant w/ a little vinegar and GARLIC. Shall report later on results. Before adding the vinegar and garlic, used straight eggplant for three days. From that it looked better already.

Using the eggplant by itself was in 1/4 " slices held on w/ tape. (Shave skin first so tape will come off easier.) Now mashing up the plant including the seeds (essence is there) using common kitchen tools. Holding that in w/ big, barge shaped BandAids.

Can't trust many dermatologists. They want to cut, cut, cut. Have to use them though as middlemen to obtain biopsy so you know what you have, and they can burn off the karitosis.

(Many individual MD practitioners now have huge staffs to support and many are adding costly nurse practitioners or medical assistants -- not nurses. It is actually these folks that often see the patients in lieu of the MD and half the time these specialists seem not to know didley squat.)

Something sounds very right to me about the curative results on farm animals from the nightshade Devil Apple. Because of that I may give Curaderm a try later, even though the results on others have been reported as being uneven, (but with enough pluses there to be encouraging).
Luke1 Posted - 01/10/2010 : 13:47:53

Do you know where (in Australia) I could buy any eggplant cremes or orange oil?

christof66 Posted - 01/09/2010 : 23:50:34
Originally posted by sammy

Don, perhaps a "sleep mask" would keep the mixture from running into your eyes. I'm sure you could find them on the Internet. I bought one eons ago from TravelSmith when I was flying between Atlanta & London. It does fit snugly, but doesn't bind and it is made of soft material so it won't leave marks on your face. I just don't know if they are still available. So glad this is working for you.

You could try the Hibermate sleep mask, that might help.
rdp Posted - 10/11/2009 : 10:31:24
just to let everyone know, since my last post, i have been putting orange oil on my lip evryday and it is completly gone, it has a little indention on my lip , but its dissapearing slowly))

this site saved me alot of money,lol the moes surgery is what my doc recomended, and said it would take a year to heal my lip, this only took about 1 month))

thanx again
BlondeAmbition3 Posted - 09/22/2009 : 18:25:04
Originally posted by dan

JimL, welcome to the forum! Orange oil is not subtle as you found out. It is probably best to start with a small area and see what happens. The white spots are a different reaction from any I had, mine turned red. Are they gone yet? In my experience using orange oil is a lot like using Efudex, it can take weeks to work and it has unpleasant side effects. But you know it is busy doing something.

I would not worry too much about the acidity impact of vitamin C on the EV sauce. A recent study on a Curaderm like product Zycure used salicylic acid (aspirin) with good results.

** the Orange Oil causes 'white spots' to light up on my scalp also! **
dan Posted - 09/12/2009 : 11:26:54
I think orange oil would work on a bcc but expect it to take up to about 4 weeks before you see conclusive progress. When starting any topical treatment, take a reference picture so you can compare progress objectively in a few weeks. That made a difference for me as I was ready to give up but the pictures became a big encouragement to keep going.
Shafah Posted - 09/10/2009 : 15:33:53
That's great to hear that orange oil worked on your scc on your lip!
A question to everyone in here, would this also work on a bcc on the chest?

I would greatly appreciate any feedback on this.
dan Posted - 08/18/2009 : 22:37:25
In my experience topical orange oil has been amazing. It does not seem to lose its effectiveness even on previously treated lesions. I have had some lesions come back after a few months, probably because I did not follow through well, but a second treatment has always worked so far if the first did not complete the job. I would guess the first treatment is 90% effective, a second treatment if needed so far is 100% effective.
rdp Posted - 08/18/2009 : 05:48:09
the dr recomendes moes treatment, set for the 27th, 1600 to 2500 dollars, i dont have the money , i hope this works for me, just wondering if it might come back, my lip is so much better)

the brand of orange oil is( now )
dan Posted - 08/17/2009 : 21:56:02
rdp, glad to hear the good news! What brand of orange oil are you using? Also, for my curiosity if you don't mind, what treatment options did your doctor suggest?

I would plan on applying for a few weeks even after it seems healed just to be sure. One good thing about orange oil is that it penetrates deeply and squamous cells are near the surface, so it may be a perfect treatment for you. I hope the progress continues.
rdp Posted - 08/17/2009 : 13:41:54
dan Posted - 08/17/2009 : 00:19:35
rdp, it sounds like you are off to a terrific start. It is nice to know the pain was minimal with orange oil on a lip with SCC. Please keep us updated. As for the eggplant, when I made some, I used both peel and insides. (But I might have it wrong.)
rdp Posted - 08/15/2009 : 18:49:45
i meant 1 day on my lip,lol, thats it ,one day and its looking great)
rdp Posted - 08/15/2009 : 18:46:14
it does not burn my lip, just a little, when i do the eggplant, do i grind up the skin also, or just the insides?
rdp Posted - 08/15/2009 : 18:42:08
i have been using orange oil only with a q tip for 21 day now on my lower lip, its looking great!
dan Posted - 08/15/2009 : 01:04:03
Welcome rdp! These treatments seem to work well for some and not for others. All you can do is give it a try if you are comfortable taking the risks. Although I'm a big fan of topical orange oil, it seems like treating a lip would be extra painful. Expect 20 minutes of intense pain for each orange oil treatment, after which the pain subsides rather completely. The eggplant vinegar remedy should be easy to try. Topical pancreatin enzymes with aloe vera and baking soda instead of ammonia is something else to consider.
rdp Posted - 08/13/2009 : 18:58:27
what a great site, just registerd , i have been diagnosed with the
Squamous Cell Carcinoma of the Lip , this is a great site, i would like to know or ask if the egplant ,orange oil treatmant would work on the lip, thank you in advance)seems like it would be difficult , but ill try anything

Heirsolo Posted - 05/29/2009 : 01:34:06
Originally posted by anivoc

I got the information from another site stating the same story. I have removed the statement which was not the basis for why I KNOW Curaderm is not what he claims it is. There was no purposeful intent to slander, and it was not the crux of why I don't have faith in Dr. Cham or Curaderm. I was under the impression it was the same Doc. It appears this is not the case and for that I do apologize.

I stand by everything else I said. If this isn't about money why is it so expensive? It can't cost more than a few dollars a bottle to make. I spent hundreds of dollars on the so called "cure" and yes it did do something, so do a lot of other things mentioned here on this site but it did not eradicate any of my BCC's as is the case with other people on this site. I used it for months with no final success. If you know where the clinical trials were ran lets hear about it and see the results. Anything other than inconclusive I challenge as I am living proof the stuff does not work as claimed.

Here is some information regarding pricing of Curaderm BEC5. It costs over US$200 million to US$1 billion to develop a treatment before it can be commercialized and it can take over 15 years to establish the treatment.

Research with BEC and Curaderm BEC5 have been going on for three decades.

The alternative treatments for skin cancer are much more expensive than Curaderm

I addition, the purified active ingredients in Curaderm are very expensive. I refer to an independent site that sells the active ingredients You will note that 1mg of solasonine and solamargine cost US$56. One tube of Curaderm BEC5 contains 1mg of these glycoalkaloids (BEC). So the cost of the active ingredient in 1 tube of Curaderm BEC5 alone is in the order of US$56.

Regarding the results of the clinical trial, please visit and look at subsection Research Publications ->->-> Publications/Medical Research. The article of Punjabi et al describes the Multicenter Clinical Trial that was conducted at 10 independent hospitals in the United Kingdom. In their study they have named the product Zycure which is actually Curaderm BEC5. Dr Cham did supply the medication cream BEC5 to the hospitals who used this product in their clinical trials. The article of Punjabi et al, published in the International Journal of Dermatology in 2008 states that a follow-up period of treated patients after 1 year, 78% had no recurrence and this was with patients treated for 8 weeks only. Identical data was obtained by Dr Cham in the 1980s. In addition, he showed that if patients were treated for 13 weeks then virtually a 100% success rate was obtained.

Edited for abusive content by Dan

RidgebackDogs Posted - 05/19/2009 : 22:09:02
Hi Mindy,

Check out this thread on petty spurge (the one Dan is talking about that is in clinical trials is Peplin - u can google that)

Hey fforrest what happened w/the eggplant treatments you were doing in this post that Mindy copied?
mindy Posted - 05/19/2009 : 20:21:27
i have been treating squamous cell cancers for 6 years with a dr i have had approx.70 cut out i have also treated them myself with c-herb not so pleasant... they just keep coming i still have 60 or so to go. a few of the places have been basal cell .i have tried efudex i wont use that again where do i go from here please help
mindy Posted - 05/19/2009 : 20:03:27
Originally posted by fforest

I would like to share my experience with Eggplant as a treatment for skin cancer...This information is very new so I will add more later...This treatment needs more testing before it can say this is a cure or on the A list of treatments...

As people on this forum know I have been raving about sunspot ES cream for a while...While I still like sunspot ES cream I have grown unhappy with its limitations...1 It does not penetrate the skin as good as I would like with out dmso..2 It only works where applied...3 You can only buy it by mail order..4 It crust up on the skin easy...

Doing some research on glycoalkaloids found in sunspot.....I read this here * Eggplant or aubergine (Solanum melongena) has been examined, and has been shown to contain the exact replica of BEC. This means that a fruit, which is eaten as a vegetable throughout the world, contains BEC. Each eggplant contains 7 to 25 mg of BEC per 100 grams of fruit. Eggplant contain more BEC than Curaderm.

I then read this article here...

Which gave me the idea to make a poultice out of the eggplant and apply it to the skin....I think the vinegar may help release the glycoalkaloids I am not sure really all I know is that it worked for me...

I got a eggplant and cut it up and put it in the blender.I then put in a mostly vinegar and some water and blended..Only add as much liquid as needed because you want the mix thick with some texture...
If you blend it to much it turns into liquid...

I have had some very nasty bloody lesions on my head..Swollen very nasty things..Plus a good bit of skin cancer on my face..

I applied the eggplant to my head and face and let it sit for 2-3 hours and massaged the eggplant into my lesions...The lesions let off a good bit of heat...The swelling went way way down and all the bloody cancer spots looked 100% better within hours..I have been doing this every day for about 5 days.....All my skin conditions are looking so much better that I hope to not be posing here any more....

The glycoalkaloids in the eggplant seem to get into the skin much better than with the sunspot cream even though the eggplant poulitce is not as strong(Note sunpsot cream is great stuff and can be used were needed after you use the eggplant}...This seems to make for a nicer healing and a nice clean crusting of the cancer spots...

I want to say I have been treating my cancer spots with orange oil for a few weeks before this so maybe the orange oil had already done some heavy lifting before I applied the eggplant...

I like the action of the orange oil on my skin cancer,it penetrates the skin wonderfully and seem to do some nice work cleaning up the cancer but I found the orange oil lacking in the ability to finish the job..The orange oil has very poor pulling action on the cancer...It does a good job identifying the cancer patches on the skin and starting to heal them but I really felt the orange oil needs some help and maybe that help will come from eggplant...

The eggplant and the orange oil have the huge advantage over other things is you can apply then every where and let them find the skin cancer...Skin cancer loves to hide and if you have a little skin cancer their is a good chance you have a bit more you do not see...

I would love some feedback on this treatment from other people...One really great thing folks is the eggplant hardly hurts at all its cheap and easy to apply....

See Below for full report....

harley Posted - 03/16/2009 : 13:04:47
I am using the NOW brand organic orange oil..I believe another member had mentioned it. This morning my fiancee' asked to look at the spot on my scalp and thought she saw something different and got nervous..she did..she said it looks a lot better and smaller. I guess I'll continue with the oil for a another week maybe - going to the dermatoligist this friday for a second opinion and to just monitor. I was applying the oil 3 times a day so I think I will continue and start using it on one other AK. I stopped the EV application for now and maybe go back after another week but as long as the oil is working, I'll continue.
dan Posted - 03/14/2009 : 01:00:58
Harley, thanks for the post! What brand/type of orange oil did you use?

Also, it has taken me more than a month to heal some of my lesions with orange oil. I might of given up except I had taken pictures along the way that clearly showed healing progress, something that would not have been obvious without the photos to compare. Over a long term (years), the treated areas have stayed healed for me. Successful long term healing may be the result of many factors such as diet and supplements. It looks like you are on the right track in that regard. I'm glad you found something that worked for you.
anivoc Posted - 03/12/2009 : 10:38:02


RE: Vinegar and eggplant. After months of trying the EV mix I concluded that the EV mix in itself doesn't work. A lot of people assume that the active ingredient in Sunspot ES and Curaderm is in common eggplant that we can buy at the store. Not the case, a completely different animal though in the eggplant family.

IMO the EV mixture is an exercise in futility.

RE: Vinegar and orange oil

I am sure vinegar is helpful. Though I have many AK's that I have not yet knocked out using just vinegar, I do have one that was on the back of my neck that I did eradicate with just vinegar. Not sure why that one went away and I can't get the others to. I have used orange oil before but not in tandem with the vinegar. I wipe vinegar on my face every day after I shower in the morning. It lites me up like a Christmas tree for about 30 minutes.

I will give your experiment a try and let you know how it did. Who knows maybe you have stumbled on the new protocol for knocking out AK's...

That's what this forum is all about. Just regular people helping people try and find a reasonable and affordable way to help our bodies overcome these various shin lesions we all face here.

harley Posted - 03/12/2009 : 09:47:41
I have been treating a few spots of AK with just vinegar and then with a vinegar/eggplant mix along with vinegar internally. I tried this for about 6 weeks and noticed a little improvement. So, I read the post on orange oil and tried some on a spot on my arm and just used the oil there while continuing with the eggplant mix on the other spots as a controlled test. Three days later, I wnet to rub more oil into the spot and the scab came right off. That was about a week ago and now you can not see where it was. I have a more prominent AK on my scalp and have been applyin gfor about a week and starting to see shrinking of scab..will continue for a little longer and go back to eggpplant mix and see how that works. I have been on a very strict diet as well, lots of organics, juicing, etc
anivoc Posted - 03/10/2009 : 01:18:15
I got the information from another site stating the same story. I have removed the statement which was not the basis for why I KNOW Curaderm is not what he claims it is. There was no purposeful intent to slander, and it was not the crux of why I don't have faith in Dr. Cham or Curaderm. I was under the impression it was the same Doc. It appears this is not the case and for that I do apologize.

I stand by everything else I said. If this isn't about money why is it so expensive? It can't cost more than a few dollars a bottle to make. I spent hundreds of dollars on the so called "cure" and yes it did do something, so do a lot of other things mentioned here on this site but it did not eradicate any of my BCC's as is the case with other people on this site. I used it for months with no final success. If you know where the clinical trials were ran lets hear about it and see the results. Anything other than inconclusive I challenge as I am living proof the stuff does not work as claimed.
Hiersolo Posted - 03/08/2009 : 20:21:03
I refer to your comment that Dr Cham uses very fuzzy and vague proof and his claims about success rates are not possibly true. I suggest you visit the institutional website and read the entire contents, including the list of publications. I am certain that you will agree that the three decades of research which have led to Curaderm BEC5 now being available to the public are beyond reproach.

You state that Dr Bill Cham has lost his license to practice medicine in New York in 1995 for sexually harassing two radiation technicians and that this is an indicator of his honesty and virtue. Accordingly you don't have a lot of trust or faith in this guy or his motives..... "IMO he seems to be more of a scam than Cham". For your information Dr Bill Elliot Cham Ph.D. the inventor of Curaderm has never practiced in the USA. You are referring to a completely different person, a Dr William C. Cham MD, who has indeed lost his license to practice medicine in New York in 1995. Dr William C Cham is not related to Dr Bill Elliot Cham.

Your irresponsible action has put yourself in a libellous position .You have misinformed the public and I would suggest you do a complete retraction of your comments and send on an apology to Dr Bill Cham.

thanks01 Posted - 11/15/2008 : 21:04:21
Someone else can correct me, but I thought there was some change about Curaderm and the FDA - no longer allowed, etc. in the U.S. So this could be part of the problem. And then, ordering overseas may have some problems of its own. If the charge has gone against your Credit Card, I think you can apply to the Credit Card people to get the charge reversed. Again, not sure. Best of luck.
oggie Posted - 11/14/2008 : 14:00:59
Hi. Mostly due to this forum, I purchased Curaderm online. Loooong story short, they stole my money. I have never received the product, I emailed several times, tried to engage their "live chat" (totally dead as far as I can tell), and called the U.S.-based phone number. I received one email reply to all of this saying oops it had never been shipped but it wasn't our fault. Will ship from the London warehouse (??) and send tracking number...
Which, of course they never did. Sorry for the rant, but I want it to be known they are indeed a scam. If you ever received product, good for you, but you aren't likely to again. $100 down the drain.
anivoc Posted - 10/26/2008 : 23:40:35
Hi Mark,

Yes I did thank you so much..I will be speaking to him soon!
anivoc Posted - 10/26/2008 : 23:39:25
In regards to the doctors comments "never be the same" I would recommend a second or third opinion from a well respected plastic surgeon. They work miracles.

This is not to say that you can't overcome on your own possibly.. There are many approaches and some discussed here do have a certain amount of success.

Because of the location, I would not recommend bloodroot paste.

I would also recommend speaking to the folks at I am very interested in their system and I hope that what the inventor Gene Hedin is saying there is true.
chairos Posted - 10/26/2008 : 14:19:42
I hope i am posting in correct place...i was daiagnosed w bcc a month Jobs words my fears were realized..for years i worried off and on about a spot between my lip and would flare up, even bleed at times, and then just sort of settled and was indented..and pink, but under skin...a friend of mine had a much smaller pearly spot which required 14 scarring....but i did not have insurance,and just buried the seems almost symbolic...well after the dr. said he was sure it was bcc. and it required surgery and plastic is a bad place to have it...he said my face would never be the same...and when i asked of alternative treatments..he said there were none successful that he knew of. I was aquainted with your web site, as i had been worrying and researching for some time...i went to it immediately.... first i rubbed the area aggressivly with baking soda,and left it on as a paste...then i made the eggplant vinegar mix...i applied the paste,and left it on over night....the area started opening up,and a good amount of blood seemed to pour out.. two weeks later other areas near my lip started opening up.and swelling....then the swelling and opening up moved to the other side of my mouth...i have taken some pictures.. now i have curaderm as well and have used it... presently. there are scabs just above my lips going up towards my nose... i am very grateful for this forum,as it is informative and encouraging...i want to show the dr.the progress with these natural ways.. thank you so much for whoever posted"what to exspect from the healing process" like that person said somehow all is in Gods hands..and he leads us ... i have found kindred souls and much support on this site.... also i would like to mention a herb a friend in Brazil told me that it helped him out greatly w skin cancer..i found it to be very soothing and believe it is helping too..the name for it in Brazil is" assa peixe" you may google it...make a tea..let it steep a few minutes,and apply liquid w cotton and let it soak in..
Mark Posted - 10/19/2008 : 03:38:42
Tom -

Did you ever get my email with the info? I've sent it to 2 different addresses about 3-4 times with no response from you so far. Just in case, here is the web site you were asking for:

for others, im not in connection with this company or web site, i just really believe in going to see a natural medicine doctor. This happens to be one example. I got great results.

anivoc Posted - 10/16/2008 : 22:02:01
Hi Marsha,

I used it as instructed by the company when I bought it (6 bottles) @ 2 years ago. At that time they were saying twice a day. I went to their site after your post and see they are saying at least twice and up to 10 times a day now... Ugh!

Maybe if you apply more often each day it works. I can attest twice a day did not work for me.

Please post the before and after pics...


dan Posted - 10/14/2008 : 01:56:36
marsha, I'm glad you are here and doing well. In case you want to try posting pictures, there are instructions at
marsha Posted - 10/13/2008 : 21:13:59
WEll I don't know how you used the cream.I have gotten rid of basil cell all over my face. I have the pictures but I don't know how to put them up here. I have a new spot on the side of my nose right below where I had moes surgery, the skin has peeled off and I can see all the little cancer spots. For curaderm to work you have to at least do it 4 to 7 times a day.The scc on my nostril finally healed. It dose have a scar, but I think I would have lost my whole nostril with moes surgery. I have used dmso with it maybe 6 times. I take a bunch of different vitamins,calaguala,and am trying to keep my ph up. I haven't felt this good in a year. I also walk 2 to 6 miles a day,get up at 4 or 5. I'm broke and my nose is half gone but I feel great.
anivoc Posted - 10/13/2008 : 09:49:00
There is no doubt that curaderm does have an effect of some skin cancers but it is far from what Dr. Cham and his company make claims of and I know this by using the stuff for over 6 months with mediocre success.

He uses very fuzzy and vague proof and his claims about success rate ( based upon myself and other people on the net that had less than stellar results) are not possibly true.

Don't you find it odd that he fails to mention where the "clinical study " is going on at.

Basically at this point I just don't have a lot of trust or faith in this guy or his motives..
AliceCarmel Posted - 10/12/2008 : 14:27:18
A question from reading the Eggplant skin cancer cure book which is available used from Amazon---Dr. Bill Cham says that whole eggplant/eating eggplant is not a cancer cure because there are natural substances in the flesh or skin of the eggplant which counteract the anti-cancer glycosides which are in the seeds. There is a clinical trial going on for treatment of internal cancers with internal administration of the BEC5, but he doesn't say where. Also, some Wikipedia articles say that the glycosides in plants from the deadly nightshade family such as eggplant and potatoes are sometimes cardiotoxic and immunosuppressive.
So he doesn't advise eating a lot of eggplant.
dan Posted - 09/23/2008 : 21:59:06
JimL, welcome to the forum! Orange oil is not subtle as you found out. It is probably best to start with a small area and see what happens. The white spots are a different reaction from any I had, mine turned red. Are they gone yet? In my experience using orange oil is a lot like using Efudex, it can take weeks to work and it has unpleasant side effects. But you know it is busy doing something.

I would not worry too much about the acidity impact of vitamin C on the EV sauce. A recent study on a Curaderm like product Zycure used salicylic acid (aspirin) with good results.
JimL Posted - 09/21/2008 : 16:42:30
Hi All.. I'm New to the forum but have been reading all that I can absorb on this subject of shin cancer.

My History. I'm 63 and have spent most of my time outdoors. 4 years ago I did a Efudex treatment on my face. Now finding about 1/2 a left over tube I decided to clear up several remaining spots on my face that have been bothering me. I am into that treatment about 11 days and it's going OK.

I found this forum when I was looking for side effects to the Efudex that might effect my kidney. I lost one to tubal cancer a year ago and can't afford to lose the remaining one. I have battled bladder cancer for more than ten years.

I went to Vitamin Cottage and found All I needed for the EV treatment and all except the Retin-A for the "DMSO/Vitamin C/Retin-A" sauce.

4oz. liquid DMSO 99.9% pure $10.15 (locked up in a cabinet and had to ask for that),
pure vitamin C powder (ascorbic acid) $4.50 - 1/2 lb.@ $10lb bulk ,
4 oz. NOW Orange oil $5.39 (pure and cold pressed),
Raw unprocessed 5% Apple Cider Vinager,
Aloe gell for when I need some relief.
So far $31.72 without the Retin-A

This morning I applied some Orange oil to both of my fore arms and WHOMEVER made the statement about "Lighting Up Like a Christmas tree" is right on!! I have about 50 Bright white spots on my two arms.

My EV sauce is cooking in the refrigerator for another several days and I am anxious to see what that will do for my arms. When I can get some Retin-A I plan to try each treatment on separate arms.

I wonder what adding some Vit. C to the EV sauce would do seeing that it is also water soluble and also an acid?
Allie Posted - 08/17/2008 : 00:12:07
To Thanks01,

I don't mind at all receiving your very well-intentioned advice.

Yes, saying "case closed" may not be realistic. I guess I'll have to wait and see.

Anyway, it's a new chapter, and I'm all for that!

As for my diet, I had an undiagnosed ameba for many years, and it left me extremely food sensitive. I think my enzyme supply just ran out from trying to deal with the ameba for so long; and possibly, my immune system was compromised. Basically, all cooked food makes me sick. Partly because of that, and additionally out of personal belief, I've been vegan for over 21 years, nearly 100% raw during all that time.

I do try to eat as great a variety as possible: lots of fresh fruits, vegetables, nuts, and seeds, plus raw wheat germ, flax seed, and a regular B12 supplement.

I truly can't remember the last time I ate anything with processed sugar - or even honey or date sugar, etc. I understand there is some debate over whether fruit is good for people to eat, but I'm definitely in the camp of people who believe fruit is a most excellent and healthful category of food. Whatever the case, I have to eat something, and my diet is limited enough as it is!

My father had many skin precancers and possibly some skin cancers. And he loved working outside. I think he passed both traits on to me. My husband and I have a small fruit and palm farm, and we work outside almost everyday. Only he's part injun, and I'm not! I've always been a believer in Vitamin D from the sun, and I kind of thought my diet would protect me from the bad effects of it. OOPS!

Now I wear a hat all the time, and usually a long sleeve shirt.

Only the spot on my nose has been intensifying and retreating. The other spots have been consistently in retreat since beginning the eggplant treatment, thank goodness! I think the nose spot was responding to either an infection or applications of tea tree oil or both. Maybe I should have been more open to trying a little vinegar just on my nose to stave off infection, instead of relying on the tea tree oil.

I don't know.

I'm glad to hear you're doing well yourself with the eggplant mix. I believe there may be many natural remedies, many answers out there that are unfortunately being overlooked by "modern" medicine. Maybe by communicating together we can find some answers of our own. I hope so.

Onward through the fog. And best in your quest too!

thanks01 Posted - 08/16/2008 : 09:10:02
My husband gets mad at me for giving medical advice, but your post here invites it.
First of all, I'm glad that you have improvement and reassurance.
Secondly, before you write "case closed," from the description you give of your problems, coming and going, intensifying and retreating, I would suggest that you at least look at your DIET. Read the materials on this website about diet and skin cancer. I suspect that you are SUGAR-SENSITIVE and/or have a Candida yeast problem which, at least for me, seems clearly to account for "spots" coming and going. I did have two biopsied BCC's that have been surgically removed, but I also seem to have some questionable "spots" that need attention for the future. I think I'm doing well with the mixture of pancreatin and eggplant (and hand lotion) that I have mentioned earlier, but to me it's obvious that my underlying diet is also affecting what happens.
Opinion from 1 person! Best in your quest.
Allie Posted - 08/15/2008 : 17:50:01
Well, circumstances have changed drastically for me.

Since my last post on this thread, I experimented with adding green papaya to the eggplant mix. But my skin soon became extremely inflamed. I dropped the papaya, thinking the original eggplant and raspberry seed mix would bring me back on track. I also received caps of Ellagic Defense with piperine extract (bioperine), and caps of Green Tea Extract. I added both - plus Turmeric extract - to the mix, and also started taking them orally.

It soon became apparent though that the inflammation on my nose had become infected! I panicked, and came to the conclusion - right or wrong - that covered applications of anything continuously wet against the open lesion on my nose may have been the cause of the infection, since I live in a tropical climate.

I decided to give it up, see a doctor and arrange for Mohs surgery. Meanwhile, I had about 3 days worth of amoxicillin left over from an infected tooth the year before, so I started taking that. I stopped applying the eggplant, but continued oral doses of Ellagic Defense, Green Tea Extract, and Turmeric extract.

Amazingly, by the time I'd finished taking the amoxicillin, my nose cleared up to the point where it looked like a simple precancer. That's how it had looked shortly before I visited the dermatologist who told me it was cancer. I'd gone to see him originally because of recent inflamation of the spot. I now began to wonder if the spot had just been a precancer all along that had become infected and then MISDIAGNOSED by the dermatologist as cancer. I thought maybe the infection had never quite healed during these last two months, and it was the infection - not skin cancer - that was causing the problem.

The dermatologist had never biopsied the spot. He said it was cancer and it required surgery, and that was that. Same with the larger spot on my chest.

The "cancer" on my chest had been steadily improving for some time. After some research of cancer pictures on the internet, the one that looks most like mine is called a "superficial basal cell carcinoma". According to info on the medical websites, superficial BCCs are sometimes mistaken for "nummular dermatitis", a much less serious condition. I now believe my dermatologist went the other way around and mistook a nummular dermatitis on my chest for a superficial BCC.

I scheduled a biopsy with an oral and facial reconstruction surgeon. After the biopsy, I planned on having Mohs done in another state, since the minimum fee where I live is $3,000, and I'm uninsured. Despite being aware of my dermatologist's cancer diagnosis, the oral surgeon looked at my nose and told me he thought the lesion was only a precancer. He said he'd do a biopsy if that's what I really wanted, but he said he didn't think it was necessary. He offered to take the lesion off with the laser instead. Removing it with a laser rather than freezing it would allow him to see how much needed to be removed. He said that's what he would do if it were him.

So I said OK, and that's what happened (yesterday). The oral surgeon said the precancer did not appear to go very deep.

Well, today I have a rather sizeable opening on my nose that may or may not leave a scar, but for the time being, I'm just extremely relieved that this episode in my life might now be almost over! I'm just praying that the opening heals without another infection.

As for the spot on my chest, I never even bothered to show it to the oral surgeon. It just seems so obvious that the spot has never been cancer. Or, if it was, then the eggplant got it way under control in about a week. I'm treating it as nummular dermatitis. It's right where the scoop necklines of my work Tshirts rub on my skin, and I gave up those shirts a couple of months ago. I'm now putting plenty of Kukui Nut oil and Kamani Nut oil on it and on the other similar spot on my chest that has already disappeared. I plan to have my mercury fillings removed as soon as possible, since mercury fillings have been linked to nummular dermatitis.

Of course it's possible that the eggplant applications reversed a cancer to a precancer; and the addition of papaya brought discarded toxins to the surface that had the appearance of an infection. Or, it's even possible that the oral doses of Ellagic defense, Green Tea, and Turmeric extract killed the cancer in less than a week.

But I feel my best guess is that both spots were misdiagnosed. My dermatologist apparently does not have a great reputation, and I'll never visit him again.

Whatever the case, as a preventive measure, I plan on continuing to apply the Green Tea topically plus taking oral doses of the Ellagic Defense (with bioperine), the Green Tea Extract, and the Turmeric Extract for some time to come - maybe the rest of my life.

The eggplant did help in other ways. Two out of four other precancers appear to be healed, definitely as a result of applying the eggplant. The "precancer wanting to be cancer" on my chest was probably another spot of nummular dermatitis (also right at my Tshirts' scoop neckline). It has now disappeared completely after applying the eggplant. The other "precancer wanting to be cancer" near the bridge of my nose has healed considerably and is no longer open at all.

End of my story (I hope).

Although I may not have ever had skin cancer, I've had a glimpse into the skin cancer experience. My thoughts and prayers are with you all, and I wish everyone a speedy and complete recovery!

Allie Posted - 08/04/2008 : 14:13:16
That does sound encouraging, Michael33!

May your progress continue! And hope you keep us posted.
michael33 Posted - 08/03/2008 : 22:39:03
Hi all,

Thanks to everyone for posting about this! I stumbled across this forum last week and thought I'd give the eggplant treatment a try. I have a small basal cell carcinoma growth on my right shoulder blade... Very similar to other ones that I've had removed in the past. Before having this one cut out, I figured I would try mixing up my own batch of eggplant/apple cider vinegar. (Can't hurt, as far as I'm concerned!)

Anyway, the results so far have been encouraging. I blended the raw eggplant (skin, seeds and all) with some apple cider vinegar using my stick blender. Made it pretty chunky in texture, which has helped keep it on the growth area. After leaving it in the refrigerator for a few days, I used it to completely soak a cotton ball. Then applied it, put a large bandage on top and let it do its magic.

The first couple of days it merely irritated the sore areas. The whole BCC turned pretty red (not the pale white to light pink from before). Having the mixture on it all day wasn't too bad. It would burn a bit from time to time, but I can handle that.

Well, this afternoon I took a shower after a quick trip to the gym. I figured I'd take the bandage and cotton ball off (no obvious color change - still very red) and let the water hit it for awhile. I tried massaging the sore area a few times under the water and, to my surprise, skin from the growth started peeling right off! I managed to flake off a good portion from the right half of growth. I would've kept pulling off more skin since it seemed quite loose. However, it started bleeding a bit, so I stopped for now. I'm hoping this is what I read about - where the skin cancer can actually fall off. I am going to be patient and keep using the stuff. Only day 4 so far.

Sorry if that was a bit long-winded and a little gross, but I do thank everyone for their insight here. It has been very helpful.
Allie Posted - 08/01/2008 : 15:45:41

Good to hear the redness is gone!

An update:

A couple of days ago, the worrisome cancer on my nose suddenly seemed to shrink by about half! There's new skin in much of the previously open area.

I was very happy and excited about this great progress, UNTIL..... a new thing under my eye suddenly flared up and appeared very manacing! For several days, it had been just a small indentation with a slight bump above it. Now, along with the new swelling and reddness, the little bump has opened up. Previously, I thought maybe it was something caused by pulling off the adhesive tapes. But just in case it was something more serious, I'd already started applying the eggplant a couple of days before the flare-up.

I have no idea what this new thing is. A dermatologist has never seen it.

LUCKILY, the same day that it flared up, I read the post by Beloved33 under the thread, " last!" Beloved33 has been using a mix that - along with other things - included Green Tea. I liked the idea of the Green Tea, so I brewed some up and applied it all over my face.

I found the Green Tea to be very soothing. Within a few hours, it knocked the swelling and inflammation way down on that new spot, and smoothed out the little irritation bumps on my chest from former applications of tea tree oil. From now on, I'll be applying Green Tea instead of tea tree oil whenever I can't apply the eggplant.

I've been reading about the EGCG in Green Tea and how it's been shown to fight cancer by having a measureable effect on the AH receptor molecule.

So now my new regimen is this: Frequent Green Tea applications during the day. Eggplant and raspberry seed poultices (no vinegar) during the night (new poulitice application and bandages changed in the middle of the night). I've dropped the oregano extract and noni from the eggplant mix.

I'm still waiting for my Ellagic Defense which I plan on adding to the eggplant mix, plus taking orally. Also waiting for EGCG (Green Tea extract) to add to the eggplant mix.

I finally took a picture of the thing on my nose. On the day it shrank so much, I figured I better take a picture now, before it's gone forever. The new thing under my eye is also in the picture, in it's most flared-up stage. I'll try to take a picture every week to record the progress. At some point, I'll post the pictures here.

The basal cancer on my chest is very small now. I should probably take a picture of that one too before it goes away. The spot on my chest that my dermagologist called a "precancer wanting to be cancer" is no longer visable at all, but I'm still treating the area with eggplant, and will continue for a while just to make sure it's completely gone.

The "precancer wanting to be cancer" on the side of my nose has gone back to the very small eyeglasses mark it seemed to start out as. It may still peel some more.

Age spots have faded significantly.

All precancers are in total fading mode, no rough or peeling surface except for 2 very tiny areas.

Diet is still raw vegan, including lots of nuts and seeds (especially sunflower seed and unhulled [brown] sesame seed for the calcium), fresh fruits and veggies, some raw wheat germ and flax seed. Frequent fasting.

And a full-brimmed HAT at all times!

My spirits are very high with these results. Very confident that the cancer is in full retreat. Especially happy now about the Green Tea, because it's something I can apply for life with total convenience, as a cancer preventive.

Barbara Posted - 07/31/2008 : 19:50:20
Yes, the red is gone now, that orange oil sure does burn! I am just using the vinegar eggplant now and every couple days putting the orange oil on for an hour or so-the burning is bad. The eggplant does not bother me.
Allie Posted - 07/28/2008 : 15:30:54
Hi desertgal,

Very glad to hear that the Curaderm is working for you!

Right now I'm sticking with the eggplant because it does seem to be working (though slowly, after the first, more dramatic results). I would be using the Curaderm right now, except that I'm such a purist when it comes to ingredients, and I worry over the urea in the Curaderm. But I will DEFINITELY use the Curaderm before I resort to surgery, if my more serious spots take a turn for the worse!

And desertgal, I'm encouraged by your success as well as Marsha's success. My hope is that the BEC5 in the eggplant will ultimately be as effective as the BEC5 in the Curaderm. Since both are BEC5, hearing about successes with the Curaderm helps me to stay hopeful.

Marsha, about the DMSO, of course this is all new to me, but as I understand it, the ability of DMSO to act as a conductor for whatever is applied to the lesion means that the DMSO is enhancing bioavailability. Since the bioperine (the extract from piperine) also enhances bioavailability, I'm assuming it does the same thing as the DMSO. But I haven't seen any information about which substance - bioperine or DMSO - would be more effective. My choice is the bioperine, but that's because I'm so extremely picky about natural products. I have this belief that anything chemical could be food for cancer, so I try to avoid it all. That's probably an extreme view, so I really wouldn't expect others to share it. But I'm just very cautious, so I'm happy to see that there's a natural alternative to the DMSO, which, for me, is preferable.

Barbara, I had the same fear when I tried the orange oil! :) The redness did go away, thank goodness, and maybe yours has gone away by now. I hope so. I had 2 AKs in that area when I applied the orange oil. They disappeared temporarily while my skin was red and swollen, but when the redness and swelling were gone, the AKs were back again. Now I'm treating them with the eggplant and they seem to be slowly getting better. Both are just pink spots now with no scabbing, so that's a big improvement.

My fast only lasted 3 days, but still, it seemed to have a good effect. Decided (again) to leave off the tea tree oil for good, or at least for a while, on my worse spots, since I got a bit of a rash last time I used it.

Meanwhile,'s a beautiful day!
Barbara Posted - 07/26/2008 : 06:59:15
Will the red clean patch of skin I have now from the orange oil grow my normal skin back?!? I am sticking to the eggplant :)
thanks01 Posted - 07/25/2008 : 21:10:09
I added a batch of my pureed eggplant and vinegar to ordinary hand lotion and am applying it to some suspect spots. Someone else mentioned possible "binding" effects when the eggplant alkaloid mixes with oils, so I am not sure of the efficacy of this. But it is pleasant and convenient. Just thought I'd throw in the suggestion for others to try if they if they want to, and give comments.
marsha Posted - 07/25/2008 : 10:16:04
Desertgal,I am so happy to here about someone else using curaderm. A real person!! I also am on my 8th bottle. And like you have had great success, except for these squamos cells on my nose. They are taking for ever. So now I am trying other diet things also. I ordered the kal-la-wall-la,or calaguala, that I think dan mentioned, and am now taking that.
Allie, I was just using dmso as a conductor for the curaderm, I didn’t like the idea of it being a solvent. Do you think this other stuff would work as a conductor for curaderm?

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Disclaimer: The three most common types of skin cancer are basal cell carcinoma, squamous cell carcinoma, and melanoma. While melanoma is the most dangerous type, keep in mind that any cancer and potentially some cancer treatments can cause injury or death. The various views expressed in these public forums should not be considered as medical advice. See your qualified health-care professional for medical attention, advice, diagnosis, and treatments.