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 Pomegranate juice?

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Mexico Posted - 06/19/2007 : 07:37:00
I received this testimonial on another forum and I thought I would share it with this group. It seems that each new day brings another treatment possibility.

"Last year I was diagnosed with squamous cell on the forehead. Not a
good thing, obviously. I had a biopsy, and didn't like Kaiser's choice
of action (very invasive for where and what it was) so I went to go see
a specialist that my brother uses (my bro is a doc) and I decided to
follow his advice. I did a wait and see, since it was on my forehead
and not near my ears, nose or mouth etc...Well, it began to come back
a year later. I decided to check out the validity in treating it with
organic 100% pomegranate juice, which I had recently read about.
Yep, just like a mask, all over my face, and slept with it on. I also
applied it throughout the day directly to the growth itself, and did so
several dozen times/day. Within one week, the new growth was
gone. I have been watching out for it, and it has not returned. It has
only been a few months now, so I continue to do the wait and see
method. I have begun to injest the juice daily. Oh, and I also put on
an organic ester C-vitamin A cream as well. A very high quality one.
I tried that alone without the pom juice and it did not make it go
away, so the pom juice was key.

So, that is my experience. Good luck with that, and don't worry. Try
the pom juice for the next few months and see if you have the same
luck. I also eat a huge variety of veggies, and I upped my intake of
those as well."

So I did a quick Google search. Pomegranate + cancer brings 500,000 responses. The person who wrote the testimonial is definitely not the only one to see a link. There were 34,600 responses specifically for "skin cancer" and pomegranate.

Here is an interesting text about it:

It will be in my cart next time I go to the Natural Food store. Plus I like the taste of it.
2   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Mexico Posted - 06/24/2007 : 11:53:24
Dan - I saw that too in her testimonial. Interesting that she says the vitamin Esther-C cream does not seem to help. The one cream I know and have used in the past is highly absorbed vitamin C through the skin, does not contain the Esther-C variety and is made by Genestra, a lab with impecable repuitation among doctors and therapists. It's called Dermagen C and we (my wife and I) have used it on sunpots in the past with great success. I ust ordered some again and will try it on some AK spots. I will report on the results - good or bad.
dan Posted - 06/23/2007 : 23:57:09
Mexico, thanks and I liked the link too. You have to admire some people's resourcefulness. Pomegranate contains ellagic acid, an anticancer polyphenol also found in raspberries. Pomegranate probably is not going to be the ultimate solution to skin cancer, but every little thing helps.

I recently ran across an article that said vitamin C in topical skin creams should be standard ascorbic acid, not the ester C type to be better absorbed into the skin.

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Disclaimer: The three most common types of skin cancer are basal cell carcinoma, squamous cell carcinoma, and melanoma. While melanoma is the most dangerous type, keep in mind that any cancer and potentially some cancer treatments can cause injury or death. The various views expressed in these public forums should not be considered as medical advice. See your qualified health-care professional for medical attention, advice, diagnosis, and treatments.