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Carlson Posted - 06/10/2007 : 21:59:40

I bought some Sun Spot ES about 2 months ago before I found out that I needed mohs surgery for my basal cell on my lip. But then I went ahead and had the surgery as the cancer was quite deep and irregular.
But now I want to use the Sun Spot ES again.
I did use it on my nose at one time for suspicous looking lesions.
They did crust up and question is:
When the Sun Spot crusts up, do you just keep adding the new applications of Sun Spot ES over the existing crust formation, OR
do you clean off the crust each time and apply new Sun Spot?
I had a hard time with this as the Sun Spot area got very crusty and dry each time and spread out and reddened (which I think means there is abnormal tissue).
I just need to know whether to wipe off the crust each time or apply over the crusting area... you are supposed to apply, I think twice a day..
THANKS IN ADVANCE for an answer...
9   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
fforest Posted - 06/17/2007 : 23:44:40
I have tried DMSO and sunspot with inconclusive results..I am using sunspot and orange oil with good results will write more about orange oil later after more use...
dan Posted - 06/17/2007 : 23:35:22
Has anyone tried mixing Sunspot with DMSO or orange oil to get it to penetrate deeper? Just a thought.
fforest Posted - 06/17/2007 : 23:16:01
As I have said before sunspot is wonderful but I do not think it is strong enough for deep BBCs...Some times you have to mix treatment to get at the problem..Doctors are ok for some things but they can not babysit you on every little skin problem...If people only depend on doctors they might as well go pitch a tent and go live in the dermatologist office....
Carlson Posted - 06/17/2007 : 21:21:31
my reason for asking these questions about sun spot is:
I bought the sun spot es before I had the mohs surgery.
I tried the sun spot on my BCC pearly raised up spot on my lip before I actually had the mohs surgery.. i was not even scheduled yet for mohs, i think i got it when i was waiting for the path report.. orginally they told me it was just solar keratosis and benign - this was many years before, when i first noticed the lesion which was like a pimple, like 5 years maybe, so the growth was just slowly turning in to cancer... should have had it taken off way back when, but the doc kept saying it was benign and not to worry! I am still mad at that doctor..
Anyway, i put the sunpot on the that lip spot for a while and each time it would crust up like very soon, in about a day.. i guess i did it wrong, i kept applying it every day and night right over the same spot. It reacted and then finally i pulled the crusty part off and a whole chunk came out, left a small crater, and it bled.. i thought it was gone but i guess it was not, as fairly soon it came back, and even bigger, now spreading from just my lip line, down in to the actual lip (upper lip). I kind of got freaked out then and stopped doing it.
then the path report came back as BCC and the mohs surgery was scheduled for six weeks later... i had the mohs surgery which was horrible and painful (mohs lip surgery is painful, believe me - they shoot you up with lidocaine but when that wears off, ouch...swelling, stiffness and I still have a numb about three weeks now..
so i just think that the sun spot may not work well with deep cancers, only with just cancers that have not been growing as long as mine was.
even though the actual growth was raised up like a pearle, about the size of 2 erasers total (very irregular though) they cut out a heck of a lot more skin, deep and wide which had to have flap surgery and reconstruction... my lip looks really icky now, kind of asymmetrical, but am hoping it will heal up and look okay...time will tell.
I think you have to be careful with deep cancers or very persistent ones, so that is why this board is so great. we are all guinea pigs and can learn from our collective mistakes...
I am just so thankful that i found this place...
You are all so helpful and kind, and a wealth of information..
Carlson Posted - 06/16/2007 : 15:51:01
okay, I think I get it now...
fforest Posted - 06/12/2007 : 23:32:32
I am not a expert but I have used sunspot many times....Anivoc has some good ideas regarding how to use sunspot...Carlson you need to undestand treating skin cancer is not a exact science you just need to find what works for you and try different things..Anivoc is correct its good to not let the sunspot dry out but some times I have got crusting any ways...So I was just trying to tell you the best way to deal with this if this happens to you...

Carlson Posted - 06/12/2007 : 23:10:30
After you first put it on and then peel the first crust off after 2 days, then do you reapply it? And how many times do you keep reapplying it before you let it scab?
I am a bit confused about this...
but thx for your info..
anivoc Posted - 06/12/2007 : 22:59:53
Carlson read the post I wrote today in the "Sunspot is the best" thread.

I wouldn't even know about Sunspot ES if it wasn't for Fforest. Nevertheless I now think letting it crust over and kind of "heal" is a mistake and probably creates a layer of scar tissue over the cancer. That in turn will make the topical agent, whatever you use less effective and make the bcc go deeper. Curaderm instructions clearly say you must not let it dry out.. Sunspot uses the same active ingredient.. Devils apple /eggplant.. read my post and see if it doesn't make sense to you. I know wearing a bandaid on lip is not to attractive but having a majorly scarred lip or no lip at all is a lot worse.

I'm no doctor and this is by far no exact science. My opinion on keeping these covered is based on my own experience, observations and deductions so far.

Good luck whatever path you choose.

fforest Posted - 06/10/2007 : 22:57:31
You can apply the sunspot after it crust for a day or 2 but then stop and wait and let the area rest a few days..
When the crust loosens up a bit it will still be fairly tightly bound to the skin..You can then peel this whole layer of crust off.
You may need to use a bit of force some times but do not pull it off to soon or use to much force..
You can do this over and over...
When you feel that you have got all the BCC or you want to give the whole process a rest,after the the last time you take the crust off you skin will form its own natural scabs DO NOT PULL YOUR NATRAL SCABS OFF but let them come off on their own...The more the BCC comes off the less it crust.At the end of the treatment there should be only a very small bit of crusting...

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Disclaimer: The three most common types of skin cancer are basal cell carcinoma, squamous cell carcinoma, and melanoma. While melanoma is the most dangerous type, keep in mind that any cancer and potentially some cancer treatments can cause injury or death. The various views expressed in these public forums should not be considered as medical advice. See your qualified health-care professional for medical attention, advice, diagnosis, and treatments.