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 Skin cancer treatment strategies
 Apricot seeds vs Hydrogen peroxide

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
IrishBoySF Posted - 07/23/2012 : 23:57:15
I'm a 36 year old caucasian man who was recently diagnosed with many BC on my face, neck and shoulder. I am very healthy, eat organic and not a sun worshipper so I was surprised and scared by this. But after some research I am still baffled with the root and or cause of all this. Currently I am treating the skin cancers with a mixture of DMSO 70% and sodium bicarbonate with great success so far. They are starting to fade and look much better. I might even go so far as to use Black salve or Cymilum for some but have not gotten that far yet.

My question out there is does anybody have any great experience or success with using apricot seeds as a means to cure the cancer from the inside out? What about Hydrogen Peroxide? I could use advice with these and would love to hear success stories from either of these. What would be the correct amount to take of each and do they really work. Any information would be great. Thank you.
1   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
anivoc Posted - 07/24/2012 : 13:15:22
Welcome Irish Boy

Laetrile is made from the seed of the apricot some people say it works some don't.

Interesting the DMSO baking soda do take pictures and hopefully this works for you..sure is a gentle way to do it.

Truly, though I know it is a daunting owe it to yourself to spend a few weeks going through the threads here on this site and learn from all of us here who have done a dozen and one things plus to deal with "non melanoma" skin cancers..

It's tough because a lot of people come here for a short while full of hopium of some new way to deal with these..and then they are gone and in the end the crazy mixture they suggest doesn't work. The POIDH "pictures or it didn't happen" is a great rule of thumb here.

As you go through the threads you start to identify the regular ones who are here because they have skin cancer and are finding ways to deal with them from the ones that are here strictly to promote the product they are selling on the internet. Not to say that the products may or may not work but... We have come a long way here and devised several good protocols that I think are better than the "branded " treatments you will find being promoted.

Dan the owner of this site does this strictly for the good of mankind..he has no financial gain in doing this though I think a paypal tip jar is in order. As usual "THANKS DAN!"

Dan also gives a good precursor to this site on the home page.

A quick list of things I think are good approaches are in order of most effective..just my opinion..

Bloodroot paste (a ton of places you can buy it on the internet)
Petty Spurge ( grows wild around the world and now is being sold phamacuetically "peplin")
Hydrogen Peroxide in stronger solutions
Orange Oil ( Dan recommends "NOW" at GNC
Cymillium either by the company in Florida or DIY recipes here on the site..

There is diet to consider...A lot of people here avoid Meats and Sugars.

Then there is the litany of supplements..A, B, C, D, E and K Vitamins, Turmeric and many more

The latest that I am really impressed with is it definitely will help you knock out AK's..check out Thomas Haugens post whew!

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Disclaimer: The three most common types of skin cancer are basal cell carcinoma, squamous cell carcinoma, and melanoma. While melanoma is the most dangerous type, keep in mind that any cancer and potentially some cancer treatments can cause injury or death. The various views expressed in these public forums should not be considered as medical advice. See your qualified health-care professional for medical attention, advice, diagnosis, and treatments.