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 Topical astaxanthin & seborrheic keratosis

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
dan Posted - 06/29/2012 : 21:47:08
I had a small brown growth on my cheek which I self diagnosed (for what that is worth!) as Seborrheic Keratosis. The spot felt like there was dried wax on my skin that needed to be scratched off, but of course that did not work. I used the orange oil test (apply topically, wait for sting within a few minutes if skin cancer) to convince myself it was benign. The growth was about the size of a fingernail.

On a whim, I applied astaxanthin (Vitamin Shoppe brand) topically in an area about the size of a US quarter and let it soak in for an hour before wiping it off. The astaxanthin came from a punctured gel cap, spreads easily, and is blood red in color. I probably did that a total of three times over a week. Over the next couple of weeks, the growth kept flaking off and now it is gone. No pain but there was definitely a little inflammation before resolving.

It looks to me like astaxanthin is a pretty powerful immune system stimulant. I have been taking it orally for a few years. I think it might be worth a try topically on skin cancers. Unfortunately, I violated my own good advice by not taking before and after pictures.
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anivoc Posted - 06/29/2012 : 23:24:46
Cool Dan,

Based on your's and Thomas Haugin's advice I started taking astaxanthin internally about 4 months ago. Like Thomas, I broke out in several areas on my face and got real flaky. Over the next month or so one area would clean up another would pop up.. Overall my skin is looking a lot healthier. I have one of those brown spots on my temple, probaly about the size of a small pinto bean. I know it's not cancer as I hit it with orange oil and a few other things in the past.

I'll do the topical with the Astaxanthin and TAKE PICTURES after July 7th, ( big family event ) hopefully I will have the same luck you had and have proof of the pudding too! Though not near as nasty as my big BCC in the same area it is annoying and adds to my messed skin up look.

No doubt Astaxanthin is helping me. I feel more energetic etc.

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Disclaimer: The three most common types of skin cancer are basal cell carcinoma, squamous cell carcinoma, and melanoma. While melanoma is the most dangerous type, keep in mind that any cancer and potentially some cancer treatments can cause injury or death. The various views expressed in these public forums should not be considered as medical advice. See your qualified health-care professional for medical attention, advice, diagnosis, and treatments.